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In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful. The praise be to Allah, the
Lord of the worlds, and the sequel is for those who keep their duty unto Him, further, here will
be no hostility except against wrongdoers. Blessing and solution be upon the most honorable
prophet and messenger, His family all His disciples, and those who follow them in goodness till
the Day of Judgment.

The writer offers her expression of gratitude to Allah, due to His favor and charity, so,
the writer has finished writing this PRACTICES FOR LISTENING UNDERSTANDING 1
book. This book is compiled to students’ basic learning of English Department of STAIN
Salatiga, in order to being expert on listening, reading and writing skill in the same time.

The writer realizes that there are still many shortcomings in this book. Therefore, the
writer enthusiastically welcomes the objective criticism and constructive suggestion for the
improvement of this book. Finally, the writer hopes that this paper will be useful not only for the
writer herself but also for the students.

Salatiga, June 2014

Table of Contents

Preface I
Table of Content Ii
Unit 1 FOOD
Heavenly Pies Restaurant
Dinner Time
Pizza Delivery
Snacks and Candy
College Life
A Student Credit Card
College Majors
College Textbooks
Tour of Tokyo, Japan
Travel Arrangements
Vacation Plans
Immigration and Customs
Medical Advice
A Healthy Lifestyle
Dental Care
Cancer Treatment
Clothing Style
Exercise Program
Snack Time
Leisure Activities
Family Relationships
Family Activities
A Hiking Family
Phone Message
Business Communication
Airport Announcement
Housing Complaint
Hotel Reservations
Budget Hotel Rooms
Hotel Reservations
Hotel Check-In
Unit 9 ON AIR
Radio Advertising
TV Guide
Space Radio Theater
Utah Travel Ad
Meeting Singles
Dating and Marriage
Dating Woes
The Ideal Woman
A Fun Day
A Story to Remember
Saturday’s Chores
Friday Night Mishaps
Hamburger Restaurant
Baking Cookies
Breakfast Recipes
Shopping for the Day
Shopping Center
Grocery Shopping
Flower Shop
Holiday Traditions
Japanese Public Bath
Funerals: Expressing Condolences
Summer Camp
Unit 15 NATURE
Arches National Park
Saving the Earth
The Four Season
Exotic Animal Kingdom
Unit 16 MOVIES
DVD Movie Rentals
Movies and DVD Rentals
Movie Review
Unit 17 FOR RENT!
Apartments for Rent
Car Rental
Renting Apartments
Rental Shop (Version A)
Christmas is Coming!
Eye Glasses for You
Party Invitation
The Christmas Gift
Train Tickets
Travel on Sky Airlines
Taxi Ride
Taxi Ride (difficult)
Spending Money
Street Market
Computer Sales
Lawsuit Settlement
Picnic Preparation
Sightseeing in Town
Getting around Tokyo
New York Travel
Traffic Ticket
Train Travel
Car Repairs
World of Computer
Internet Access
Computers and the Internet
Unit 24 HOBBY
Camping under the Stars
Easy Pet Care
I Love Trees
A Day at School
Reading Time
Back to School Supplies
School Report
Unit 26 JOB
Job Hunting - Quiz 1
Job Hunting
Professional Babysitting
World Cup Soccer
It’s a Home Run!
Dream Team X
Video Game Systems
Emergency Call
Personal Security
Home Security
Security Systems
First Day of Class
Education: Online Degrees
English Language Center
A University Degree
Driver’s License
Towing Service
Car Accident
Driving Road Test
Curriculum Vitae


Heavenly Pies Restaurant

1. What does the man order?
A. T-bone steak
B. chicken fried steak
C. broiled chicken

2. What does he eat with his meal?

A. fries
B. bread
C. rice

3. What does he have to drink?

A. small juice
B. medium juice
C. large juice

4. What kind of dressing does he ask for?

A. French
B. Italian
C. ranch

5. Why is the restaurant not serving pies today?

A. The baker was hurt at work and can't prepare them.
B. The oven is broken and hasn't been repaired.
C. The restaurant has decided to only sell ice cream.

 Describe the man’s order menu on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Dinner Time

1. What does the conversation imply about the mother?

A. She is busy at work.
B. She had to run some errands.
C. She is resting in bed.

2. What is the first problem the girl notices about her father's cooking?
A. He is not following the recipe.
B. He is missing the right pan to cook the pizza.
C. He is using the directions for a different food.

3. How does the girl know her father doesn't like the pizza he prepared?
A. He tells her honestly what he thinks about it.
B. She can tell by his non-verbal expressions.
C. He throws it away after making it.

4. What problem did the girl NOT mention about the pizza?
A. It was too salty.
B. It was burned.
C. It was too chewy.

5. What do they end up doing for lunch?

A. They decide to go out to eat.
B. They eat something different at home.
C. They eat at friend's house.

 Describe the reason why the man should do cooking for dinner on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Pizza Delivery

1. Which topping is NOT mentioned as one available from this pizza shop?
A. bacon
B. mushrooms
C. Italian chicken

2. What pizza does the man finally order?

A. pepperoni and green peppers on one half and Italian sausage and black olives on the other
B. pepperoni and Italian sausage on one half and green peppers and bacon on the other
C. pepperoni and mushrooms on one half and green peppers and Italian sausage on the other

3. What else does the man order with his pizza?

A. a salad and orange juice
B. bread sticks and a beverage
C. a drink and chicken sticks

4. What was the total of his order?

A. $15.19
B. $15.90
C. $15.99

5. What is the man's telephone number and address?

A. 3040 South 60 East at 340-1870
B. 1314 South 16 East at 340-1870
C. 1340 South 16 East at 340-1870

 Describe what the waiter was offered to the customer on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Snacks and Candy

1. Which statement does NOT describe the man's problem?

A. He can't get his snack from the machine.
B. The machine didn't give him change.
C. He accidently purchased the wrong item.

2. Why can't the cashier at the snack bar help the man?
A. The vending machine is not part of his business.
B. The customer pushed the wrong number.
C. He doesn't have a key to open the machine.

3. What does the man recommend they do?

A. call the phone number on the machine
B. move the machine to get the candy to drop
C. forget about the problem and go home

4. Why does the man's friend reject his suggestion?

A. He thinks they'll break the candy if it falls.
B. He knows they'll lose more money that way.
C. He fears someone might call the police.

5. What does the man's friend infer in the last sentence of the conversation?
A. He was able to buy some candy without a problem.
B. They might have more luck with the machine tomorrow.
C. He'll buy his friend something at a different place.

 Describe the problem of conversation on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


College Life
1. What does the man want to do after he graduates?
A. He wants to become a teacher.
B. He hopes to go on to graduate school.
C. He'd like to work at a hotel.

2. What is the woman majoring in?

A. history
B. French
C. computer science

3. How does the woman pay for college?

A. She has a part-time job.
B. She received a scholarship.
C. Her parents are paying for it.

4. Where does the man work part-time?

A. at a bakery
B. in a library
C. at a restaurant

5. What thing did the man NOT say about his job?
A. His co-workers are friendly.
B. He works long hours.
C. The pay is okay.

 Describe what are the man and the woman activities on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
A Student Credit Card

1. According to the conversation, which item did the woman NOT purchase with her credit card?
A. a digital camera
B. a TV
C. a stereo

2. What is one reason to explain why the woman obtained a student credit card?
A. She wants to buy things at a discount using the card.
B. She hopes to establish a good credit rating.
C. She doesn't want to borrow from her parents.

3. According to the man, what is one reason for NOT having a credit card?
A. People generally have a difficult time getting out of debt.
B. Students often apply for more credit cards than they need.
C. The interest rates on student cards are very high.

4. What does the woman imply about how she plans on resolving her credit card problems?
A. She hopes that someone will give her the money.
B. She plans on getting rid of her student credit cards.
C. She is going to return the items she purchased on the card.

5. What is the man going to do for the woman to help her manage her money?
A. help her find a better paying job to cover her expenses
B. teach her how to prepare a financial management plan
C. show her how she can apply for low-interest student credit cards

 Describe what is the man suggested to the woman on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
College Majors

1. Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A. in a college dormitory
B. in a university classroom
C. at the school's library

2. What year is the woman in college?

A. second year
B. third year
C. fourth year

3. Which statement is NOT true about her paying for college?

A. She is currently repaying student loans.
B. She has worked to earn college tuition.
C. She received a scholarship.

4. What is her future job situation?

A. She will work in her father's business after she graduates.
B. She wants to go on to graduate school the following month.
C. She hopes to have interviews with different companies soon.

5. What surprising information do we find out at the end of the conversation?

A. The woman is dating the man's business teacher.
B. Paul Jones, a college teacher, is the woman's father.
C. The man and woman are actually long-lost relatives.

 Describe how did the woman do to fulfill the college tuition on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation around 100-150 words by written! (characters,
relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
College Textbooks

1. The man is selling his science book, Today's World for ___________.
A. $13
B. $30
C. $33

2. Why is the woman surprised by the price of the science book?

A. She thinks that the book is in pretty bad condition.
B. She feels that she can find the book cheaper on the Internet.
C. She says that the textbook is an old copy.

3. Which book does the woman NOT buy?

A. an English writing textbook
B. a math textbook
C. a novel

4. The man's textbook on marriage is called, Finding the Perfect _____________.

A. Friend
B. Partner
C. Someone

5. Why does the man want to study cooking?

A. He wants to learn to cook because he lives on his own.
B. He wants to major in hotel management in the future.
C. He has a friend who's taking the same class.

 Describe the man’s and the woman’s interest on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Tour of Kyoto, Japan

1. What time is the bus leaving?

A. 9:00
B. 9:15
C. 9:50

2. When was the Golden Pavilion built?

A. in 1397
B. in 1379
C. in 1339

3. What is Ryoanji Temple famous for?

A. its trees
B. its stone walls
C. its rock garden

4. What does the guide NOT say about Gion?

A. There are different shops to see.
B. Tourists should visit the theaters.
C. Gion is representative of traditional Kyoto.

5. How much time will visitors have to tour the castle?

A. 45 minutes
B. 60 minutes
C. 90 minutes

 Describe the tour guide’s saying for preparation on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the announcement (what are the things done)on 100-150 words by
Travel Arrangements
1. What is the man's destination?
A. Salt Lake City, USA
B. New York City, USA
C. Helsinki, Finland
D. Stockholm, Sweden

2. When is the man's departure date?

A. the twenty-first
B. the twenty-second
C. the twenty-third
D. the twenty-fourth

3. What is the flight number for the second half of his journey?
A. 555
B. 90
C. 1070
D. 830

4. How long is the man's layover between flights?

A. less than an hour
B. less than two hours
C. less than three hours
D. more than three hours

5. What request did the man make regarding his flight?

A. He asked for a specially-prepared dinner.
B. He wanted an aisle seat.
C. He requested a bassinet for his baby.
D. He asked for a seat near the front of the plane.
 Describe the man’s track over his journey on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

Vacation Plans

1. Where is the man going on vacation?

A. Italy
B. France
C. Germany

2. Where did he meet Claudia?

A. at a music store
B. at the post office
C. on the Internet

3. What advice does Markus give Pete about meeting Claudia's parents?
A. be on time
B. take a small gift
C. smile and be friendly

4. What is one thing Markus does NOT say about greeting Claudia?
A. shake her hand
B. give her a friendly hug
C. take her some flowers

5. Markus' final suggestion for Pete is that he should:

A. brush up on his German.
B. buy souvenirs for Claudia's family.
C. visit Berlin during his visit.

 Describe Markus’s advice which was given to Pete on 50-100 words orally!
 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,
relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

Immigration and Customs

1. What is the purpose of the woman's visit?
A. business
B. pleasure
C. business and pleasure

2. Where will the woman stay during her trip?

A. at a friend's home
B. at a hotel
C. at a university dormitory

3. About how long will the woman be in the country?

A. one or two days
B. three or four days
C. more than four days

4. What things are in the woman's luggage?

A. clothing, computer, and books
B. CD player, clothing, and books
C. books, gifts and computer

5. What other piece of information do we learn about the woman?

A. Her parents are on the same trip.
B. She enjoys traveling to different countries.
C. She was born in that country.

 Describe the woman’s intention in her trip on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Medical Advice

1. What is the man's name?

A. Russell
B. Randall
C. Ronald

2. From the conversation, how did the man probably find out about Dr. Carter?
A. He saw the office on his way home from work.
B. A friend referred him to Dr. Carter's office.
C. He found Dr. Carter's number in the phone book.

3. What time does he schedule an appointment to see Dr. Carter?

A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
C. Thursday

4. Why does the man want to see the doctor?

A. He hurt his knee when a tall ladder fell on him.
B. He injured his ankle when he fell from a ladder.
C. He sprain his hand when he fell off the roof of his house.

5. What does the receptionist suggest at the end of the conversation?

A. The man should put some ice on his injury.
B. The man needs to come into the office right away.
C. The man ought to take it easy for a few days.

 Describe the man’s problem on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
A Healthy Lifestyle

1. What does the man want to do?

A. play basketball with friends from work
B. try out for the company baseball team
C. get in shape and compete in a cycling race

2. What is the woman's main concern?

A. She is worried her husband will spend too much time away from home.
B. She is afraid her husband will become a fitness freak.
C. She is concerned about her husband's health.

3. What is the woman's first suggestion to her husband?

A. He should see a doctor.
B. Her husband should start with a light workout.
C. Her husband needs to visit a fitness trainer.

4. What does the woman advise about the man's diet?

A. He should consume less salt.
B. He should eat less fatty foods.
C. He should add more protein products to his diet.

5. Why does the man's wife recommend cycling?

A. It is good for improving muscle tone.
B. It helps strengthen the heart.
C. It helps develop mental toughness.

 Describe the woman’s advice to the man on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Dental Care

 Have you ever gone to a dentist? Tell to the class about the time, the reason, and the things
happen on there!
 Write down on your paper the words on recording!
 Do the exercises for number 1-3!
 Compose a written text based on the words you caught firstly on 100-150 words!

1. You should _________________ at least once a day to remove food between your teeth.

A. get fillings put in

B. fill a cavity

C. use dental floss

2. My sister now __________________ to straighten her teeth. She'll look great once she gets
them off.

A. uses tooth whitening

B. wears braces

C. has a dental exam

3. I'd like to __________________ for next Monday at 3:00 p.m. if the dentist is in at that time.

A. sit in the waiting room

B. set up a dental appointment

C. have a family dental plan

Cancer Treatment

1. Which word best describes the man's initial reaction right after he found out that he had been
diagnosed with cancer?
A. shock
B. anger
C. self-pity

2. What did the man do after he first learned of his illness?

A. He underwent immediate surgery.
B. He retired from his job.
C. He researched cancer treatments.

3. After several months with the disease, what was the man's main source of consolation?
A. his family and friends
B. his belief in God
C. his doctors' encouragement

4. Who was mainly responsible for checking on and adjusting the man's medications in the
A. relatives
B. his wife
C. a hospice

5. According to the story, what can we learn from such difficult and emotional experiences?
A. All people will face death, and thus, we must prepare for it spiritually.
B. Our characters can be strengthened by such adversity.
C. Families provide the best support system during such a crisis.

 Describe the stages of the man’s getting on terrible on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!


Clothing Styles

1. What does the man plan to wear during the summer months?
A. a cool hat
B. casual shoes
C. light pants

2. What is one thing the man is NOT going to pack for the winter season?
A. a coat
B. some sweaters
C. a jacket

3. What is the weather like in the spring?

A. It's windy.
B. It's rainy.
C. It's cool.

4. What is an example of an occasion where the man might need formal clothes?
A. a party
B. a business meeting
C. a wedding

5. What did the man wear to his high school graduation?

A. jeans and tennis shoes
B. a casual shirt and tie
C. a suit and dress shoes

 Describe what the man wore on some situations on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Exercise Program

1. What does the man usually do on Mondays and Wednesdays?

A. He runs.
B. He plays tennis.
C. He does aerobics.

2. What does the man do before the activity in Question 1?

A. He swims.
B. He does push-ups.
C. He stretches.

3. Why does the man lift weights?

A. to strengthen his muscles
B. to improve his endurance
C. to increase his flexibility

4. Why does the man go hiking on Saturdays?

A. It helps him get rid of his worries from the week.
B. Hiking allows him to burn off weight from overeating.
C. Walking with his dog provides opportunities to enjoy nature.

5. What does the man do on Sundays?

A. He relaxes and watches TV.
B. He goes for a walk.
C. He goes swimming.

 Describe the man’s activities during a week on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Snack Time
1. What time of day does this conversation take place?
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening

2. Why doesn't the father give his son something to eat?

A. There isn't any food to eat.
B. The boy just ate something.
C. They are going to eat soon.

3. What snack does the boy want at the beginning of the conversation?
A. potato chips
B. candy
C. donuts

4. Which one food does the father NOT offer to his son for a snack?
A. tomatoes
B. broccoli
C. carrots

5. What does the father ask the boy to do while he is preparing the snack?
A. watch TV
B. play with toys
C. look at books

 Describe such kind of snacks which were father offered to his son on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Leisure Activities

1. What is Stuart planning to do with his friends?

A. go for a drive and have a picnic
B. watch a football game
C. see a movie and have dinner

2. Why does Amy say she can't go with them?

A. She has to study for an exam.
B. She doesn't have any spending money.
C. She already has plans to attend a party.

3. What are they planning to do at the end of the evening?

A. watch a video
B. have a party
C. play some games

4. How is Amy getting to the activity?

A. She's driving her car.
B. Stuart is giving her a ride.
C. She's taking the bus.

5. What time does Amy want to be home?

A. at 10:30 p.m.
B. at 11:30 p.m.
C. at midnight

 Describe Amy’s activities on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Family Relationships
1. Where is Pancho from?
A. Paraguay
B. Peru
C. Portugal

2. How many brothers and sisters does Pancho have?

A. 11
B. 12
C. 13

3. What is his father's job?

A. taxi driver
B. dentist
C. police officer

4. What does his mother do?

A. She owns a beauty salon.
B. She runs a small family store.
C. She works at a bread shop.

5. Which thing does Pancho NOT say?

A. His brothers and sisters help his mom.
B. His mom sells food like eggs and sugar.
C. His mother enjoys her job very much.

 Describe Pancho’s family on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Family Activities

1. In addition to paper books, what did the little girl make with paper at school?
A. an animal
B. a person
C. a building

2. What thing did she NOT talk about when making the object in Question 1?
A. paper
B. glue
C. Scissors

3. What did the girl do after school?

A. She rode her bicycle.
B. She watched television.
C. She went to the store.

4. Who did she meet and play with at the junior high school?
A. her teacher
B. her cousins
C. her father

5. Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A. at a house
B. at school
C. at a park

 Describe the girl’s activities on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
A Hiking Family

1. Where did Randall probably grow up?

A. in Indiana
B. in Venezuela
C. in Utah

2. What was his undergraduate major?

A. English
B. Spanish
C. Japanese

3. How many children does he have?

A. two
B. three
C. four

4. What does Randall do on his hikes with his children?

A. He points out the wildlife and plants along the way.
B. He enjoys telling them stories about his life.
C. He teaches them how to survive in emergency situations.

5. What point does Randall make about raising children?

A. Enroll kids into schools early to help them learn better.
B. Be consistent in the way you administer discipline in the home.
C. Talk with your kids about problems so they learn how to solve them.

 Describe Randall’s family on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!

1. Where does this conversation take place?

A. at the girl's dormitory
B. at their home
C. in the car

2. What might have happened to the family car?

A. The woman drove it into some deep water.
B. Some people stole the vehicle by the lake.
C. The man's daughter hit a tree on a picnic.

3. The father's computer is currently ____________.

A. in a repair shop after the woman dumped water on it
B. being stored safely in the vehicle by the lake
C. in serious trouble unless it is in a waterproof container

4. The man's daughter might have been dating a man who was ___________.
A. majoring in criminal justice at the university
B. or will be involved in some illegal activity
C. working as an officer in a police gang unit

5. From the conversation, the father's best course of action in the next 20 minutes is to
A. sit on his front porch and watch the sunset
B. plant some new sunflowers in his yard
C. jump in his car and leave home or call the police

 Describe father’s activities on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Phone Message
1. What is the name of the caller?
A. Nick
B. Nate
C. Neil

2. According the girl, her father:

A. is not home.
B. is on another line.
C. can't come to the telephone.

3. What is the man's telephone number?

A. 598-7482
B. 587-4728
C. 589-7248

4. The man tells the girl:

A. that he will call again sometime after 7:00 PM.
B. to ask her father to call him later.
C. that he will drop by around 8:30 PM.

5. What does the girl refuse to tell the caller?

A. her age
B. her name
C. her address

 Mention the caller’s questions to the girl on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Business Communications
1. Why can't Elaine Strong answer the phone?
A. She's in a meeting.
B. She's out of the office.
C. She's talking with another customer.

2. What does caller want the secretary to send??

A. information on after-sales service
B. a picture of the newest computers
C. a list of software products

3. What time should the secretary send the material?

A. 2:30 PM
B. 3:30 PM
C. 5:00 PM

4. What is the caller's name?

A. Cordell
B. Kordel
C. Kordell

5. What is the caller's telephone number?

A. 560-1287.
B. 560-1828
C. 560-2187

 Mention the caller’s identities on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Airport Announcement

1. Who is probably making the announcement?

A. a pilot
B. a flight attendant
C. a ticket agent
D. a ground crew member

2. What is the ultimate destination of the flight?

A. Atlanta
B. Miami
C. Caracas
D. Lima

3. What change has been announced?

A. the flight number
B. the gate number
C. the arrival time
D. the boarding time

4. What are the current weather conditions outside?

A. It's raining.
B. It's cloudy.
C. It's hailing.
D. It's windy.

5. What time will the plane depart?

A. 9:50 AM
B. 12:15 PM
C. 4:05 PM
D. 8:45 PM

 Describe briefly of the announcement on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the announcement (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by

Housing Complaints

1. Mr. Burton asks the manager to tell the man in apartment 4B to:
A. turn off the music after 10:00 PM
B. turn down the volume to his stereo
C. use headphones when listening to music

2. Why is the manager hesitant about carrying out this request?

A. He says the matter is the owner's responsibility, not his.
B. He is not on talking terms with his son who lives there.
C. He is afraid of what the man might say or do.

3. What is Mr. Burton's second complaint?

A. There is an awful smell coming from the farm next door.
B. The property owners next door are illegally disposing of waste.
C. The neighbors are burning leaves which are drifting his way.

4. How does the manager respond to this second request?

A. He cannot do anything because the people are within their rights as landowners.
B. He has discussed this with the landowners, but his request has fallen on deaf ears.
C. He has livestock as well, so he can sympathize with the neighbor's situation.

5. What is the source of Mr. Burton's third complaint?

A. The military is flying high-altitude jets overhead causing supersonic booms.
B. A coal company has resumed its mining operations using explosive devices.
C. The armed forces are carrying out artillery training exercises nearby.

 Mention Mr. Burton’s complaints on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Hotel Reservations
1. The man makes a reservation finally for which day?
A. March 20th
B. March 21st
C. March 22nd

2. What kind of room does the man prefer?

A. a non-smoking room
B. a smoking room
C. either one is okay

3. Why doesn't he want to reserve the suite?

A. It doesn't have a nice view.
B. It doesn't come with a sauna bath.
C. It's too expensive.

4. Including tax, how much is the man's room?

A. 80 dollars
B. 88 dollars
C. 96 dollars

5. How do you spell the man's name?

A. Maxner
B. Maexner
C. Mexner

 Describe the man’s intention to his reservation on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Budget Hotel Rooms

1. Where is the man's room in the hotel?

A. the first floor
B. the second floor
C. the third floor

2. What time is breakfast served in the morning?

A. 6:00-10:30 a.m.
B. 6:30-10:30 a.m.
C. 6:30-10:00 a.m.

3. Where can the man get a free wireless Internet connection?

A. in his hotel room
B. in the restaurant and lobby
C. outside of the hotel

4. What is the cost for a refrigerator in the man's room?

A. $7.50
B. $10.00
C. It's free. Of course!

5. What does the man decide to do at the end of the conversation?

A. He accepts the unfortunate circumstances and stays at the hotel.
B. He is really upset and decides to stay at the hotel across the street.
C. He reschedules his hotel reservation for a different day.

 Describe the man’s facilities of hotel rooms on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Hotel Reservations

 Have you ever made a hotel reservation? Tell to the class the time, the reason, and the things
needed to do that!
 Write down on your paper the words on recording!
 Do the exercises for number 1-3!
 Compose a written text based on the words you caught firstly on 100-150 words!

1. If you're traveling on a budget and you want to meet other young people like yourself, you
ought to consider staying at a _______________.

A. youth hostel
B. hotel
C. resort
2. One of the nice things about that hotel is that each room has a ____________ so you can
prepare you own meals.

A. rollaway bed
B. sitting area
C. kitchenette
3. Can you _______________ and see if they can bring us some more towels?

A. call the front desk

B. book a hotel
C. order room service

Hotel Check-In

1. What is the first problem with the man's reservation?

A. The hotel confused him with another guest.
B. Rooms are overbooked for that evening.
C. There are no more rooms available for five people.
D. The price for the room is more than he expected.
2. For what day did Mr. Nelson make a hotel reservation?
A. the eighteenth
B. the nineteenth
C. the twentieth
D. the twenty-first

3. What is taking place in the city that makes getting another room almost impossible?
A. a marathon
B. an outdoor music festival
C. a conference
D. building renovation

4. How much is the initial discount on the honeymoon suite after Mr. Nelson complains about
the hotel service?
A. $10
B. $15
C. $20
D. $25

5. How does Mr. Nelson respond when the hotel clerk offers to provide him with a free room on
his next visit?
A. He thinks it will take a long time for him to receive the free coupon for the room.
B. He feels he should first receive an apology from the manager for what has happened.
C. He suggests that the hotel should give guests an additional 15% discount in cases like his.
D. He implies that he might not visit again because of the problems he has had.

 Describe the man’s problems of hotel reservation on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Radio Advertising

1. What service is being advertised?

A. home repair
B. food catering
C. carpet cleaning

2. Who is speaking in the commercial?

A. the salesperson
B. the carpet
C. the home owner

3. What is the regular cost of the service?

A. $22.95
B. $25.95
C. $29.95

4. What will new customers receive free of charge if they call now?
A. spot cleaner
B. silverware
C. wall hangings

5. What is the store's phone number?

A. 673-5010
B. 633-5100
C. 637-5001

 Describe the advertisement offering on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the commercial (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by
TV Guide

1. When is the reality showing on TV? What channel is showing the program?
A. at 7:00 on channel 5
B. at 7:30 on channel 7
C. at 8:00 on channel 11

2. Why does the man not want to watch the reality show?
A. He watched the same program last week.
B. He isn't interested in show's theme.
C. He wants to go swimming instead.

3. How does the man feel about watching Star Wars on TV?
A. He wouldn't mind seeing it again.
B. He'd like to watch it if he had more time.
C. He'd prefer to watch something else.

4. Which statement best describes the man's feelings about watching the home improvement
A. He doesn't want to watch because his wife will expect him to fix things around the house.
B. He thinks that he will be able to get a better job by learning from the show.
C. He thinks it is easier to get someone else to repair their problems around the house.

5. What does the couple decide to watch?

A. a TV drama
B. a sports event
C. a talk show

 Describe the man’s argument of TV programs on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Space Radio Theater

1. Where does the action first open in this radio theater?

A. on a lunar space colony
B. on board a starship
C. at a space training center

2. What happens to Commander Crdovi?

A. He is transported off the ship.
B. He encounters aliens in the transporter room.
C. He runs off the bridge.

3. Which officers run to the transporter room?

A. Crdovi and Adams
B. Adams and Suzuki
C. Suzuki and Duroset

4. What does Mortia tell the rest of the crew in cargo bay 3?
A. how the aliens have boarded the ship
B. why the transporter system is no longer working
C. that crew members are being removed from the ship

5. How does Mr. Greenfield know that alien vessels are approaching their ship?
A. They appear on their scanners.
B. They establish long-range visual contact.
C. They make radio contact with the aliens.

 Describe the main point the story about on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (the characters, the relationship among the characters, and
what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Utah Travel Ad

1. What image does the announcer create for the listener in his opening comments about Utah in
the radio commercial?
A. the beauty and grandeur of the state
B. the historic significance of this area
C. the safety and comfort of the region

2. From what you hear in the ad, what is one activity that is NOT mentioned about the
backpacking trip?
A. hiking
B. whitewater rafting
C. studying ancient history

3. What is one thing that the tour does NOT include?

A. transportation in Utah
B. equipment for the hiking adventure
C. entrance fees

4. Which picture best portrays the geography of Little Wild Horse Canyon?
A. Picture 1
B. Picture 2
C. Picture 3

<<< Picture 1 | Picture 3 >>>

Picture 2
5. If you wanted to participate in the next tour on August 30th, by what date would you have to
make the reservation?
A. August 1st
B. August 17th
C. August 23rd

 Describe the offering of ad on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the radio commercial (what are the things done) on 100-150 words
by written!


Meeting Singles
1. Where did Doug and Diane first meet?
A. at school
B. at a restaurant
C. at a party

2. How did he know where she lived?

A. He asked a friend for directions.
B. He followed her home.
C. He looked her up in the phone book.

3. Where does Doug invite her to go with him on Thursday?

A. to a restaurant
B. to a theater
C. to a dance

4. What is Diane's response to his invitation on Thursday?

A. She can't go out because she has to study.
B. She is sorry, but she has another date.
C. She has to work that day, so she can't go.

5. How does Diane feel about Doug's idea for Friday?

A. She thinks if would be a great idea if she had the time.
B. She feels that it would be uninteresting outing.
C. She has done the activity before, so she'd rather not go.

 According to your own, what are Doug’s intentions to the girl? Describe it on 50-100 words

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Dating and Marriage

 Have you ever done to a dating? Tell to the class the time and the situation on that time!
 Write down on your paper the words on recording!
 Do the exercises for number 1-3!
 Compose a written text based on the words you caught firstly on 100-150 words!

1. Karl and his girlfriend finally __________ after going steady for eight months. The wedding is
next month.
A. got engaged
B. got married
C. got divorced
2. Cindy really ___________ Tim, but I don't think the feelings are mutual.
A. breaks up with
B. has a crush on
C. goes steady with
3. My parents are really compatible with each other because they ____________, and thus, they
see eye-to-eye on most things.
A. have things in common
B. go Dutch
C. stand each other up

Dating Woes

1. What is the relationship between Greg and Cindy?

A. They are coworkers.
B. They used to go out together.
C. They are family.

2. Where did the man first run into trouble?

A. outside of Cindy's house
B. inside a club named Palace
C. at the city zoo
3. What happened while the man was trying to get away from Butch?
A. The car almost crashed off the road.
B. The man attempted to steal the car.
C. The man jumped on top of the car.

4. Where is the man at the time of this phone call?

A. at home
B. in a restroom
C. in his car

5. What does the man say he should have done that evening instead?
A. He should have done his homework.
B. He ought to have relaxed and read a book.
C. He should have washed his clothes.

 Describe the man’s problem on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (characters, relationship among the characters, what are
the things done) on 100-150 words by written!

The Ideal Woman

1. What was Rocky doing at the beginning of the conversation?

A. eating and drinking
B. dancing to the music
C. standing around at the party
D. talking with his girlfriend, Babe

2. Rocky likes women who:

A. serve him hand and foot.
B. stimulate his intellect.
C. pursue their own careers.
D. enjoy reading novels.
3. In addition to eating, Rocky feels his household chores include:
A. fixing the appliances like the TV and throwing out the trash.
B. washing the car and collecting the trash.
C. watching television and taking out the garbage.
D. fixing things around the house.

4. Rocky acknowledges that his views on women:

A. were shaped by his own family life.
B. are quite progressive for the times.
C. reflect the views of earlier generations.
D. are in line with the prevailing views.

5. From the conversation, what is the most likely scenario of events for the rest of the evening for
A. He returns home alone and spends the night with his dog.
B. He remains at the party to try to make new friends.
C. He decides to visit his friend, Rusty, and they have TV dinners.
D. He meets a woman who shares his mutual interest in archeology.

 Describe Rocky’ preference of woman on his mind on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


A Fun Day
1. Where does the young girl want to go with her father?
A. to the park
B. to the movies
C. to the swimming pool

2. Who are they going with?

A. the girl's mother
B. the girl's best friend
C. the girl's older brother

3. Based on the conversation, what time will they most likely leave?
A. 9:30 AM
B. 12:45 PM
C. 2:00 PM

4. What does the girl want to do later?

A. She wants to walk to the ice cream store.
B. She wants to swim at the park.
C. She wants to go down to the beach.

5. What does the father suggest they do at the end of the day?
A. go to a restaurant
B. watch a fireworks display
C. play a board game

 Describe main topic based on the conversation on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
A Story to Remember

1. Where was the man coming from when he first saw the UFO?
A. He was returning home from a party.
B. He just got off work when he saw the UFO.
C. He was driving home from a restaurant.

2. What time did the man report the incident to the police?
A. about 12:00 AM
B. about 3:00 AM
C. about 5:00 AM

3. What jumped out in front of the man's car?

A. a giant deer
B. a strange man
C. a hairy alien

4. What happened next to the man?

A. He walked to a flying saucer.
B. He followed the animal to a plane.
C. He was carried to a spaceship.

5. What does the police officer suggest at the end of the story?
A. They should call the fire department.
B. The man should seek counseling.
C. The man should contact the newspaper.

 Describe the man’s reaction when UFO was came on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Saturday's Chores

1. What does the boy want to do at the beginning of the conversation?

A. go play outside
B. watch TV
C. play video games

2. What is one thing the boy is NOT assigned to do around the house?
A. clean the garage
B. vacuum the floors
C. wash the walls

3. What does the boy have to do in his bedroom?

A. put away his books
B. make his bed
C. pick up his dirty clothes

4. What is the father going to do while the boy is doing his household chores?
A. wash the car
B. paint the house
C. work in the yard

5. Where will the father and son go after the housework is done?
A. to a movie
B. out to eat
C. to a ball game

 Describe the boy’s and father’s activities on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Friday Night Mishaps

1. Where is Henry going this evening to pick up his wife?

A. the train station
B. the bus station
C. the airport

2. What was Henry doing Friday night when his problems started?
A. He was watching a game on TV with some pals.
B. He was playing basketball with a few of his friends.
C. He was having a barbeque with a couple of buddies.

3. The vase broke when one of Henry's friends:

A. hit it with a ball.
B. accidentally dropped it.
C. bumped into it with his arm.

4. How did the manuscript of the book become totally ruined?

A. It burned up in a fire.
B. Hot water damaged the entire copy.
C. Someone mistakenly threw it into the trash.

5. From the tone of the conversation, what sort of reaction does Henry expect from his wife
about his misfortunes?
A. disappointment
B. anger
C. contentment

 Describe Henry’s problem and what is (are) the cause on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)



1. May I take ______________ please?

A. Three people.
B. That'll be all.
C. No. We're not ready yet.

2. Would you _____________ for something to ____________?

A. A glass of water is fine.
B. I'll have a piece of apple pie.
C. French dressing, please.

3. How would you _________________?

A. T-bone steak, please.
B. Medium, please.
C. I'd like rice with my steak.

4. Would you like ____________ or ___________ with your ____________?

A. I'll have the salad, please.
B. I'd like the rice.
C. Bread, please.

5. Would ___________________________?
A. Yes. I'd like more water.
B. I didn't order this.
C. Yes. The food is great.

6. _____________________________________________________?
A. A party is fun.
B. No, thank you.
C. Three.
7. _____________________________________________________?
A. A small salad, please.
B. What kinds do you have?
C. I like dressing a lot.

8. _____________________________________________________?
A. The meal is ready.
B. I'll have another.
C. So far, so good.

9. _____________________________________________________?
A. I think I'll rest.
B. This looks good.
C. No. I think I'm done.

10. _____________________________________________________?
A. No. Only cash or credit cards.
B. Yes. Credit cards are okay.
C. I can write a check.

 What kind of information do you get from the questions? Describe it orally!

 Write down your own experience when you went to a western restaurant!

Hamburger Restaurant
1. Why does the customer not buy the recommended sandwich at the beginning of the
A. It is too expensive.
B. He is not interested in ordering a burger.
C. He fears the food will make him sick.
2. What does the combo meal NOT come with?
A. an order of fries
B. a dessert
C. a sandwich

3. How does the specialty drink get its name?

A. It contains a wide range of ingredients.
B. It is prepared in the kitchen sink.
C. It comes in a very large cup.

4. Why was the man surprised by the price of his meal?

A. He thought the drink should have been included.
B. He felt the meal was way overpriced.
C. He was charged for two sandwiches instead of one.

5. What does the customer decide to do at the end of the conversation?

A. He orders something from the restaurant menu.
B. He decides to look for another place to eat.
C. He plans to come in a week when the prices are lower.

 Describe the menus on that restaurant on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

Baking Cookies

1. Where did the chef learn to cook?

A. at a cooking school
B. at a family member's home
C. in a friend's kitchen
2. What is special about the chef's cookies?
A. He makes them by following a healthy recipe.
B. He prepares them by using inexpensive ingredients.
C. He sells them at many local stores.

3. Which ingredient does the chef NOT use to make his cookies?
A. baking powder
B. flour
C. sugar

4. At what temperature should you bake the cookies?

A. at 305 degrees
B. at 315 degrees
C. at 350 degrees

5. What is the topic of the next cooking program?

A. fun cookies for teenagers
B. inexpensive meals
C. tips for cleaning your kitchen

 Describe the chef’s cooking on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!

Breakfast Recipes

1. Why does the daughter complain about having a banana for breakfast?
A. The banana is still green.
B. Their pet ate part of it.
C. The daughter hates bananas.
2. Why does the daughter not want to eat cereal for breakfast.
A. She has to prepare the milk.
B. There's no cereal left.
C. She ate the same thing yesterday.

3. What other food did the father try to prepare for his family before, but it didn't turn out well?
A. rice and eggs
B. steak and bacon
C. pancakes

4. Why is the father preparing breakfast for his daughter?

A. Because she helped him in the kitchen.
B. Because it's the girl's birthday.
C. Because she can't cook well.

5. What is the big surprise at the end of the conversation?

A. The girl's friend drops by and brings breakfast.
B. The father decides to make his daughter fish.
C. The girl might be getting married.

 Describe the reason why did the daughter complained to her father’s meal on 50-100 words

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Shopping for the Day

1. What is the girl shopping for?
A. a present for her mother
B. a present for a friend
C. a present for her father

2. How much is the black wallet?

A. $49.95
B. $40.95
C. $44.95

3. Why doesn't the girl like the brown wallet?

A. There isn't a place to put pictures.
B. It's too big and heavy.
C. She doesn't like the color.

4. About how much does the girl have to spend?

A. $5.00
B. $10.00
C. $13.00

5. What does the girl decide to buy?

A. a black wallet
B. a brown belt
C. a tie

 Describe what is the girl want to buy on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Shopping Center

1. I think you can buy some ___________ at that store.

A. hardware store
B. bakery
C. pharmacy

2. He's going to drop by and buy __________________.

A. flower shop
B. auto shop
C. candy store

3. She's _____________________________ for the week.

A. car wash
B. coffee shop
C. Laundromat

4. Hey. Tell me where you _________________________.

A. shoe shop
B. computer store
C. hairdresser

5. We should pick up some ___________, _____________, and ___________ for the new
A. office supply store
B. library
C. bike shop

6. ______________________________. Where did you buy it?

A. clothing store
B. eyeglasses store
C. carpet store
7. ________________________________________.
A. electronics store
B. fruit stand
C. restaurant

8. ________________________________________.
A. pizza parlor
B. bread store
C. supermarket

9. ________________________________________.
A. sporting goods store
B. furniture store
C. health food store

10. ________________________________________.
A. jewelry store
B. movie theater
C. cookie store

 What kind of information do you get from the questions? Describe it orally!

 Have you ever gone to do window shopping? Write down your own experience about it or
such kind of shopping!

Grocery Shopping

1. Why did the man buy dog food at the supermarket?

A. Their dog was hit by a truck and needed special food to recover.
B. The man adopts a dog from a stranger, and they don't have food for it.
C. The product was on sale at the supermarket for that day only.
2. Why does he buy tomato juice?
A. He plans on making a unique spaghetti sauce.
B. He's trying to modify the way he eats.
C. He wants to make a vegetable drink.

3. How much was the milk?

A. $2.05
B. $2.15
C. $2.50

4. Which item did the man NOT buy?

A. a package of cookies
B. some cans of tuna
C. a carton of orange juice

5. Why does the woman get upset at the end of the conversation?
A. The man is preparing the steaks for the dog.
B. The man only bought one steak for himself.
C. The grill can't be used to cook the steaks.

 Describe the woman’s grocery shopping lists on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

Flower Shop

1. Why does the man want to buy flowers for his wife?
A. He wants to surprise his wife for her birthday.
B. His wife has just received a nice job promotion.
C. The man didn't remember the day they got married.
2. The florist summarizes her thoughts on men by saying that they are:
A. neglectful and cheap
B. serious and thrifty
C. conservative and cautious

3. Near the beginning of the conversation, what is one thing that the woman suggests the man do
for his wife?
A. take his wife to an elegant restaurant
B. purchase a couple of beautiful balloons
C. buy twelve gorgeous roses

4. Why does the man panic when seeing his wife outside the store?
A. She will realize he spaced their important day.
B. Her finding him in the flower shop will spoil the surprise.
C. His wife will think he is buying the flowers for someone else.

5. What is the most plausible ending to the conversation?

A. The man's wife graciously accepts the dozen roses the man buys for her.
B. The man begs his wife to forgive him when he comes out of the shop.
C. The florist delivers the flowers for the man because he is embarrassed.

 Describe the man’s problem on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Holiday Traditions

1. Where does this news program take place?

A. at a shopping center
B. at a local school
C. in a city market place

2. How does the young girl, Elizabeth, celebrate this holiday with her family?
A. They go out to eat at a restaurant.
B. They visit close relatives.
C. They go to see a movie.

3. What does Johnny and his family eat on this day?

A. turkey
B. ham
C. chicken

4. What sentence best describes Steven's feelings about Christmas?

A. It's a time when people exchange gifts with friends, family, and teachers.
B. It's a holiday when friends give gifts during an elaborate dinner.
C. It's a day when people think of others without waiting for a gift in return.

5. The final young woman says that the best thing about Christmas is:
A. receiving presents from classmates.
B. having a vacation from school.
C. sleeping late every day.

 Describe what kind of activities held on Christmas on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Japanese Public Bath

1. What is the first thing you do when visiting a Japanese public bath?
A. pay the entrance fee
B. take off your shoes
C. put your clothes in a locker

2. What surprised Phil when he went to the bath?

A. The entrance fee was expensive.
B. People sit down when they bathe.
C. The attendant could see him undressing.

3. What do you wear when bathing?

A. a swimming suit
B. shorts
C. nothing

4. Traditionally, the bath was a place where people could:

A. socialize with their neighbors.
B. make informal business deals.
C. find marriage partners for their children.

5. What do people sometimes do after their bath?

A. watch videos
B. drink something, like tea
C. play Japanese chess with friends

 Describe Phil’s feeling on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Funerals: Expressing Condolences

1. What can we assume about the death of Tim's father?

A. He fell ill and passed away unexpectedly.
B. His father died in a traffic accident.
C. Tim's dad had a lingering illness.

2. How is his mother taking the passing of her husband?

A. She feels very depressed.
B. She remains optimistic about the future.
C. She senses no purpose to her own life.

3. How is his mother going to support herself now that her husband is gone?
A. She will be able to live off her government pension.
B. She is coming out of retirement to work.
C. Proceeds from life insurance will sustain her.

4. When is the public viewing for Tim's father?

A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening

5. What does Tim ask Heather to do at the funeral?

A. offer a prayer
B. sing a song
C. give a speech

 Describe the mother’s reaction on passing the occurance on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Summer Camp

1. What does Brad have to do before he eats breakfast?

A. clean his sleeping quarters
B. go down to the stream to get some water
C. feed the rooster and the other animals

2. What happened to Brad when he went fishing?

A. A tree branch fell on him.
B. He lost his fishing pole.
C. He slipped and lost one of his shoes.

3. What did he eat for dinner?

A. steak
B. hot dogs
C. beans

4. What was Brad doing when he got lost in the forest?

A. He was running away from a bear.
B. He was searching for wood.
C. He was wondering around looking for the cabin.

5. How did Brad like summer camp?

A. He had a great time.
B. It was okay.
C. He didn't have fun.

 Describe Brad’s activity on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!


Arches National Park

1. What makes Arches National Park in Utah a unique sightseeing destination?

A. the wildlife
B. the desert climate
C. the geology

2. What is one reason given for hiking with a partner in the park?
A. It make the experience more enjoyable.
B. A partner can help you in case of emergency.
C. The entrance fee is less for two people or more.

3. According to the recording, you should wear ______________ while visiting the park in the
A. light shoes
B. a hat
C. sturdy clothing

4. What is one item that might be part of the fifth point?

A. bandages
B. a flashlight
C. a lighter

5. Which item was NOT mentioned as a means of getting around in the park?
A. a GPS unit
B. a guidebook
C. a map

 Describe the reason why Arches National Park was chosen for hiking on 50-100 words
 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!

Saving the Earth

1. What is the name of the girl being interviewed?

A. Alice
B. Ellen
C. Alex

2. She says we should save water when ______________.

A. washing cars
B. cleaning clothes
C. taking a bath

3. The girl's second suggestion is about _____________.

A. separating different types of garbage
B. disposing of trash properly
C. having a family clean-up party

4. By recycling paper, we can ___________________.

A. protect the forests
B. cut down on waste
C. save money

5. What does the girl do once a month?

A. She visits a recycling center.
B. She cleans a neighborhood park.
C. She collects newspapers.

 Describe the girl’s activities on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
The Four Seasons

1. This presentation was most likely part of which type of recording?

A. a TV weather program on seasonal changes
B. an informal discussion between friends
C. an academic speech at school

2. Based on what you heard, how would you characterize the winter season?
A. January receives about 30 inches in snow.
B. Winter temperatures hover below freezing for the 3-month period.
C. Outdoor activities tend to be popular during this season.

3. Which statement is NOT true about the spring?

A. Spring usually begins at the end of March.
B. Plentiful wind currents make some outdoors activities possible.
C. Nighttime temperatures dip below 50 degrees.

4. What is the summer season like in this area?

A. mild and breezy
B. hot and dry
C. warm and humid

5. What is one activity people like to do in the fall?

A. go and see the fall colors
B. clean their houses
C. have a fall picnic

 Describe the seasons was explained on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Exotic Animal Kingdom

1. Where was the boy's bearded dragon born?

A. in Australia
B. in the US
C. We don't know.

2. What word best describes the temperament of a bearded dragon?

A. gentle
B. hyperactive
C. aggressive

3. Based on the interview, which sentence best describes the diet of a bearded dragon?
A. Bearded dragons are mainly carnivores.
B. Their diet is limited to greens and vegetables.
C. You can add vitamin or mineral supplements to their diet.

4. According to the information provided, what can be said about how bearded dragons obtain
water in the wild?
A. They drink the dew that condenses on plants.
B. They carry and store rain water in their mouths.
C. They extract water from the things they ingest.

5. From the choices below, what can be inferred about the best lighting scenario for a bearded
dragon in captivity?
A. a completely glassed-enclosed aquarium with occasional sunlight
B. an inside enclosure with a UV light and basking lamp
C. a heating rock and a basking lamp in an aquarium

 Describe the dragon’s characteristic on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!


DVD Movie Rentals

1. Action:
A. like
B. dislike

2. Comedies:
A. like
B. dislike

3. Horror:
A. like
B. dislike

4. Love:
A. like
B. dislike

5. Foreign:
A. like
B. Dislike

 What kind of movie do you like? Describe it on 50-100 words orally!

 Compose a written text based on the questions on 100-150 words!
Movies and DVD Rentals

 Have you ever watched the horror movie? Tell to the class the time, the reason why you
chose it, and the things happen inside the teather!
 Write down on your paper the words on recording!
 Do the exercises for number 1-3!
 Compose a written text based on the words you caught firstly on 100-150 words!

1. Sometimes, I have a hard time catching all the _________ when I watch a foreign film
because the actors speak so quickly.

A. review

B. drama

C. lines

2. My wife really loves _____________ movies because they keep her on the edge of her seat
because you never know what will happen next.

A. romance

B. suspense

C. western

3. I really didn't like that movie because the _________ was very weak. The writer could have
come up with a much better story.

A. plot

B. movie review

C. animation

1. Have you _________ this movie ____________?

A. No. I've only seen some of the trailers.
B. Yes. I like it a lot.
C. I really enjoy action movies.

2. _________ do you want to __________________?

A. I want to buy the movie.
B. It's a love story.
C. How about 7:00 O'Clock?

3. _______________ movie ___________?

A. I like to play in movies.
B. Downtown at the mall.
C. The movie is for children.

4. Have you _________________ about the movie?

A. The book about the movie is good.
B. Yes. They want to see the movie.
C. Not yet, but I heard the movie is good.

5. Do you want any _________________?

A. Yes. A drink would be great right now.
B. Don't bother. The line at the concessions is too long.
C. No, I'm not thirsty right now, but maybe later.

6. Don't forget _______________________________.

A. Oh, thanks for reminding me.
B. Thanks. I better check my car lights.
C. Yes. I didn't forget to bring my glasses.
7. ________________________________________.
A. Yes. It was a great show.
B. No. I don't like horror movies.
C. It was okay, but it wasn't fantastic.

8. ________________________________________.
A. Okay. I see you tonight.
B. You can buy tickets over there.
C. I think it's around $7.00.

9. ________________________________________.
A. Yes, please clean off the seat.
B. Well, actually, I'd rather sit more in the middle.
C. No, I want to go see the movie tonight.

10. ________________________________________.
A. It runs about two hours.
B. It ends at 3:00 p.m.
C. It starts at noon.

 What kind of information do you get from the questions? Describe it orally!

 Write down your own experience of favorite movie!

Movie Review

1. What is one word to describe the father's opinion about the movie's storyline?
A. absurd
B. fantastic
C. exciting
2. Whose performance do father and daughter agree upon in the movie?
A. the captain
B. the communications officer
C. the doctor

3. What part of the movie does the father strongly disagree about with his daughter?
A. the photography
B. the soundtrack
C. the acting

4. What kind of movie is this?

A. comedy
B. science fiction
C. western

5. Where does this conversation take place?

A. at a neighbor's house
B. at a movie theater
C. at the speakers' home

 Describe the reason of father’s prefer on the movie on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Apartments for Rent

1. What is the main topic of the conversation?

A. problems with living in an apartment
B. a search for a new apartment
C. the cost of rent near universities

2. Why doesn't Ann like her current apartment?

A. It's too expensive.
B. The neighborhood is noisy.
C. It's located some distance from school.

3. How much money does Ann want to pay for rent?

A. no more than $200
B. around $200
C. a little more than $200

4. What kind of place is she looking for?

A. somewhere that is within a short driving distance of campus
B. an apartment with furniture already in it
C. a place where she can live alone

5. How is Roger going to help her?

A. He is planning on calling a friend who owns an apartment building.
B. He will check the newspapers to see if he can find an apartment for rent.
C. He is going to visit an apartment building near his place.

 Describe Ann’s preference on choosing the apartment on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Car Rental

1. Why did the man settle on renting the full-size car?

A. It was roomy enough for him.
B. It was more economical than the minivan.
C. It had more features than the other vehicles.

2. What was one of his major concerns about renting the car?
A. He couldn't add an additional driver to the rental plan.
B. He was only limited to a certain number of miles per day.
C. The vehicle would probably consume a lot of gas.

3. How would you describe his rental car?

A. It was a little larger than he expected.
B. The car doesn't look very attractive.
C. The engine has problems and runs poorly.

4. In which situation would the car protection plan NOT help the customer?
A. The car is stolen from a store parking lot with all of your valuables.
B. The driver loses control of the car and crashes it into power pole.
C. The car's exterior and windows are damaged in a hail storm.

5. What can we infer from the closing statement about roadside assistance?
A. You should call the police in case your car has mechanical difficulties.
B. Getting assistance might require some time and patience.
C. The company will compensate you for delays in your travel.

 Describe the car’s appearance on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Renting Apartments

 Where do you live? Tell to the class your next settlement in the future! (your dream
 Write down on your paper the words on recording!
 Do the exercises for number 1-3!
 Compose a written text based on the words you caught firstly on 100-150 words!

1. I decided to live in this apartment complex because there is a ___________ where I can wash
my clothes.

A. garage

B. stairway

C. laundry room

2. All of the apartments have at least one __________ installed to warn people of fires.

A. smoke detector

B. facilities

C. mailbox

3. You need to talk to the ___________ if you need something repaired.

A. landlord

B. tenant

C. roommate

Rental Shop (Version A)

1. Where does this conversation most likely take place?

A. at a movie theater
B. at a library
C. at a bookstore
D. at a video rental shop
2. How much do newly released movies cost to rent?
A. $2.00
B. $3.50
C. $5.00
D. $7.50

3. How many movies did the man rent based on the information given?
A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six

4. When do the videos need to be returned?

A. on Tuesday
B. on Wednesday
C. on Thursday
D. on Friday

5. What would be the late fee for an older movie three days overdue?
A. $3.00
B. $4.00
C. $5.00

 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Cristmasts is Coming!

1. What does the little boy NOT ask for Christmas?

A. a toy train
B. a play car
C. hand-held radio receiver-transmitters

2. What does the girl want Christmas?

A. dolls
B. Barbie playhouse
C. marbles

3. What are some of the foods the children want to prepare for Santa's reindeer?
A. cookies, apples, and carrots
B. hot chocolate, oranges, and corn
C. apples, oranges, and cookies

4. What time do they plan to go to bed?

A. 7:00 p.m.
B. 8:00 p.m.
C. 9:00 p.m.

5. How is Santa going to enter the house?

A. through the back door
B. down the chimney
C. through a basement window

 Describe the boy and the girl hope when Christmas on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Eye Glasses for You
1. What is the name of the store?
A. American Village
B. American Image
C. American Vision

2. What time does the store open on Wednesday?

A. 8:00 AM
B. 8:30 AM
C. 9:00 AM

3. What day is the store closed?

A. Friday
B. Saturday
C. Sunday

4. How much would you pay for this store's main product on Saturday if it cost $100 during the
rest of week?
A. $90
B. $80
C. $70

 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story on 100-150 words by written! (what are the things done)

Party Invitations

1. Gregorio is well known for his ability to work with ____________.

A. famous athletes
B. animals
C. world dancers
2. What is one thing that is NOT true about him?
A. He's tall.
B. He's wearing green slacks.
C. He has on a blue jacket.

3. What does Georgina do for a living?

A. She's a popular sports figure.
B. She's famous for her cooking skills.
C. She makes a living selling tennis shoes.

4. Georgina is a ____________ woman wearing a yellow dress.

A. large
B. heavy
C. small

5. What is the other invited guest, Brad Pitt, doing in the conversation?
A. He's sitting in the room.
B. He's standing by a table.
C. He's eating some refreshments.

 Describe the Gregorio’s appearance on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

The Christmas Gift

1. What event did Ray Anderson witness at the beginning of the story?
A. a home fire
B. an explosion
C. an automobile accident
2. How did Ray save the baby?
A. He pulled the baby out of the window.
B. He put out the flames with a fire extinguisher.
C. He called the police and fire department.

3. What happened to Ray?

A. He had extensive head injuries.
B. He was burned over much of his body.
C. He suffered from smoke inhalation.

4. Who is Aaron?
A. He is Ray Anderson's son.
B. He is Karen's older brother.
C. He was adopted by Sandra Jenkins.

5. What was Ray Anderson doing that fateful Christmas Eve?

A. serving at homeless shelter in the community
B. cutting down Christmas trees for families
C. taking goods to needy people

 Describe the information based on the story on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story on 100-150 words by written! (characters, relationship
among the characters, what are the things done)


Train Tickets
1. Where does the man want to go?
A. to the science museum
B. to the art museum
C. to the natural history museum

2. How much is the train ride?

A. a dollar fifteen
B. a dollar forty
C. a dollar fifty

3. Where should the man get on the train?

A. platform number 3
B. platform number 4
C. platform number 5

4. How often do the trains come?

A. about every five minutes
B. about every six minutes
C. about every seven minutes

5. Where should the man get off the train?

A. at the State Street Station
B. at the Star Palace Station
C. at the Seventh Street Station

 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Travel on Sky Airlines
1. What is the number of this flight?
A. 80
B. 18
C. 81

2. How long is the flight??

A. 2 hours, 40 minutes
B. 2 hours, 14 minutes
C. 2 hours, 4 minutes

3. What is the local time in Seattle?

A. 11:45 PM
B. 12:15 PM
C. 10:12 AM

4. What is the current weather in Seattle?

A. partly cloudy
B. rainy
C. sunny

5. At what gate will the plane arrive?

A. 13
B. 3
C. 30

 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!
Taxi Ride

1. Where is the man going?

A. to a museum
B. to a movie theater
C. to a musical
D. to a park

2. How long will it take to get to his destination?

A. under five minutes
B. under ten minutes
C. under fifteen minutes
D. under twenty minutes

3. What time does the place in Question 1 close?

A. at 4:30 PM
B. at 5:00 PM
C. at 6:00 PM
D. at 6:30 PM

4. Where is the man going later downtown?

A. to a party
B. to a restaurant
C. to a play
D. to a business meeting

5. How much will the fare be for the taxi ride, not including a tip?
A. between five and ten dollars
B. between ten and fifteen dollars
C. between fifteen and twenty dollars
D. more than twenty dollars

 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!

Taxi Ride (Difficult)

1. What is the current time in the conversation?

A. 3:40 PM
B. 4:15 PM
C. 4:30 PM
D. 4:45 PM

2. How does the driver figure out that the passenger is a first-time visitor to the city?
A. The passenger catches a taxi for a short one-mile trip.
B. The passenger does not understand the rules for tipping drivers.
C. The driver finds the passenger lost on the street before picking him up.
D. The driver notices the passenger gazing upward at the tall buildings.

3. What sort of restaurant is the man looking for?

A. one that is relatively inexpensive
B. one that is not very crowded
C. one that offers large servings
D. one that is situated close to his hotel

4. What is one item the driver did NOT mention about the restaurant?
A. the price
B. the service
C. the interior design
D. the serving size

5. The driver suggests that the passenger go ______ to the restaurant.

A. by taxi
B. by bus
C. by subway
D. on foot
 Describe the driver characteristic on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Spending Money

1. How much does the father owe his son in allowance?

A. three dollars
B. thirteen dollars
C. thirty dollars

2. Why hasn't the father given his son allowance?

A. because he didn't remember to do it
B. because he doesn't have any money now
C. because his son already has money

3. When does the father usually give his son money?

A. on Friday
B. on Saturday
C. on Sunday

4. Where does the man get money to pay his son?

A. in his bedroom
B. at the bank
C. from the bookstand

5. Choose one thing the boy does NOT mention about how he will spend his money.
A. He will buy some toys.
B. He will save some of it.
C. He will give part to the needy.

 Describe the father’s reason gave his son allowance on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Street Market

1. Why did the man not buy the ring for sale?
A. He doesn't think it is very special.
B. Someone else bought it before him.
C. He has no need for a ring.
D. The ring is too small.

2. What is the problem with the CD player?

A. The buttons are scratched.
B. The CD casing is chipped.
C. The handle is damaged.
D. The display is loose.

3. The man is not interested in the leather jacket because:

A. it is stained.
B. he already has one.
C. its too expensive.
D. the seams are coming undone.

4. What is the customer's initial counter offer for the records?

A. $25
B. $28
C. $30
D. $35

5. From the conversation, what does the customer probably purchase from the merchant in the
A. only records
B. only a vase
C. some records and a vase
D. nothing
 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

Computer Sales

1. What is the man's main problem with his computer?

A. It crashes a lot.
B. His computer has a virus.
C. It has a lot of junk software.

2. What is the issue with the computer warranty?

A. The warranty has expired since he bought the computer.
B. The warranty isn't valid because didn't register the computer.
C. The warranty doesn't cover software issues and problems.

3. What can we infer from the first company's response to the caller?
A. They sent the man the wrong computer in the first place.
B. The company doesn't provide warranties for their products.
C. They are understaffed to handle customer complaints.

4. Which of the following is a main selling point for the second company being advertised?
A. Their products are the newest on the market.
B. The computers are cheaper than those sold by competitors.
C. The company manufactures secure and trustworthy machines.

5. What is the name of the second company?

A. Turbo Command
B. Turvo Computers
C. Turban Camando
 Describe about both of first and second company on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!

Lawsuit Settlement

1. What is the name of the law firm?

A. Law Financial
B. Lawsuit Financing
C. Lawyers Finances

2. Which types of claims is NOT mentioned in the radio ad?

A. legal malpractice
B. personal injury
C. auto accidents

3. The purpose of the cash advance is to help clients cover:

A. legal fees
B. house payments
C. hospital expenses

4. What other statement is true about the law firm?

A. It provides 24-hour-a-day consultations.
B. Clients do not pay anything unless they win.
C. The company will not deny any claim.

5. If you don't win your case, the company will:

A. let you keep the cash advance.
B. refer you to another law firm
C. appeal your case within 24 hours

 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!


Picnic Preparations
1. When is the picnic?
A. on Thursday
B. on Friday
C. on Saturday
D. on Sunday

2. Where is the picnic being held?

A. at a park
B. at the beach
C. at Dave's house
D. by a river

3. How many packages of hot dogs do they decide to buy?

A. six
B. seven
C. eight
D. nine

4. Why has Kathy been so busy lately?

A. She has been working a lot recently.
B. She has been taking care of her sick mother.
C. She has been taking two night classes.
D. She has been looking for a new job.

5. What does Dave suggest Scott make for the picnic dessert?
A. cherry pie
B. chocolate cake
C. oatmeal cookies
D. fudge brownies
 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

Sightseeing in Town
1. Where are they planning to go in the morning?
A. to a park
B. to an art museum
C. to a shopping center

2. What kind of restaurant do they want to visit for lunch?

A. Italian
B. Indonesian
C. Indian

3. Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?
A. The zoo will be closed the rest of the week.
B. The zoo is free to visitors that day only.
C. There are unusual animals on display.

4. Why does the woman want to go shopping instead?

A. She wants to buy mementos of their visit.
B. She saw some great prices at a shopping center.
C. She wants to buy a gift for her friend.

5. How do they plan to get to the seashore at the end of the conversation?
A. by taxi
B. by bus
C. by subway

 Describe some places which are mentioned on the record on 50-100 words orally!
 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,
relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

Getting Around Tokyo

1. Where does the man want to go?
A. Tokyo Subway Station
B. Tokyo Art Museum
C. Tokyo Tower

2. How much is the train fare?

A. 130 yen
B. 140 yen
C. 150 yen

3. Where should the man get on the train?

A. platform number 3
B. platform number 4
C. platform number 5

4. How often do the trains come?

A. about every five minutes
B. about every six minutes
C. about every seven minutes

5. Where should the man get off the train?

A. at Kamiyacho Station
B. at Kamigaya Station
C. at Kamiyama Station

 Describe the man’s effort to reach his destination on 50-100 words orally!
 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,
relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

New York Travel

1. What time does the plane depart?

A. 6:00 AM
B. 7:30 AM
C. 9:00 AM

2. How will the group get to the hotel from the airport?
A. They will take taxis.
B. They will ride the subway.
C. They will be going by bus.

3. About what time does the hotel restaurant open?

A. 6:00 AM
B. 7:00 AM
C. 8:00 AM

4. What is the group planning to do around Times Square for about an hour?
A. They're going to have lunch.
B. They will have time to do some shopping.
C. They will be having a tour of the area.

5. What are they going to do after dinner?

A. The group is going to watch a musical.
B. They will catch an exciting movie.
C. They will be attending a broadway play.

 Describe briefly the travel schedule on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!


Traffic Ticket

1. What law did the driver break in the school zone?

A. He didn't yield to children crossing the road.
B. He parked illegally near the school.
C. He exceeded the speed limit.

2. What happened at the intersection?

A. The driver didn't use his turn signals.
B. The driver didn't come to a complete stop.
C. The driver failed to yield to other drivers.

3. What does the police officer tell the man about his driver's license?
A. The license is no longer valid.
B. The driver is using someone else's license.
C. The license is only good for 6 more months.

4. What can be implied from the driver's conversation about the officer's name?
A. The driver plans to report the officer to his superiors.
B. The driver tells the officer that they have met before.
C. The driver hints that the officer could let him off.

5. What happens at the end of the conversation?

A. The driver gets a ticket.
B. The officer arrests the driver.
C. The driver is taken to court.

 Describe what are the false of the driver on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Train Travel

 Have you ever gone one place by train? Tell to the class the time, the destination, and the
things happen on there!
 Write down on your paper the words on recording!
 Do the exercises for number 1-3!
 Compose a written text based on the words you caught firstly on 100-150 words!

1. During rush hour, there are so many people on the train that all of the seats are taken, so it's
______________ if you want to ride.

A. empty

B. fare

C. standing room only

2. The conductor just made ______________ that the train would be delayed for about 15
minutes due to an accident.

A. an announcement

B. a reservation

C. a train pass

3. These seats are reserved for senior citizens and the physically impaired, so you might have to
___________ your seat if needed.

A. take

B. give up

C. remove


 Have you ever gone travel alone? Tell to the class the time, the destination, the reason, and
what the things happen on there! Did you enjoy it?
 Write down on your paper the words on recording!
 Do the exercises for number 1-3!
 Compose a written text based on the words you caught firstly on 100-150 words!

1. In most cases, passengers have to show a ____________ before they can get on a plane.

A. travel brochure

B. guidebook

C. boarding pass

2. If you're looking for affordable accommodations especially designed for younger travelers,
then a ___________ might be right for you. .

A. hotel

B. youth hostel

C. inn

3. When traveling to some places in the world, you might have to get _____________ that will
provide protection from certain diseases.

A. vaccinations

B. baggage

C. luggage

Car Repairs

1. What one possible problem was NOT mentioned about the man's car?
A. a stopped-up fuel line
B. a grimy carburetor
C. a bad accelerator
2. Why can't the car's problem be diagnosed very easily?
A. The mechanic is not available to assess the problem.
B. The car is an older model that the mechanic hasn't seen before.
C. The mechanic doesn't have the proper tools to check the problem.

3. Today, how much would labor be per hour for the car owner in this conversation?
A. $50
B. $75
C. $125

4. Why will it be so expensive for the man to get his car fixed?
A. His car will require extensive repairs that will take a lot of time.
B. Special custom-made parts must be ordered from out of town.
C. He must pay higher fees because he isn't a resident of that area.

5. What day is it in the conversation?

A. Friday
B. Saturday
C. Sunday

 Describe the car’s problems on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


World of Computers

1. What is the main topic of this conversation?

A. computer sales negotiations
B. a preliminary interview
C. an Internet seminar meeting

2. From the discussion, what did Mr. Taylor probably do for his previous company?
A. He managed the sales department.
B. He gave seminars on the Internet.
C. He worked as a custodian.

3. Mr. Taylor thinks that Java is:

A. a Web page authoring program.
B. a kind of beverage.
C. a computer game software.

4. What does the man mean when he says, "We'll be in touch" at the end of the conversation?
A. He will call Mr. Taylor in the next few days.
B. He talk over their discussion with others.
C. He will not contact him for further consideration.

5. Choose the best word(s) to describe Mr. Taylor:

A. on the ball
B. high achiever
C. Uninformed

 Describe all of Mr. Taylor’s jobs on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

1. May I ask ________________ calling?

A. Ms. Smith, please.
B. I'll call tomorrow.
C. This is Bob Hall.

2. I'm sorry, but she's out to ___________ right now.

A. Okay. I'll call her right now.
B. I'll call her after lunch.
C. Okay. Lunch time is fine.

3. Could I have your ____________________?

A. Yes. It's 532-9843.
B. My name's Greg Rodgers.
C. My zip code is 09783.

4. ___________________________________ message?
A. No. I'll call later.
B. Yes. Go ahead.
C. Yes. Please give him the message.

5. Could ________________________________________ please?

A. I work for Sony.
B. It`s spelled T . . I . . M.
C. That's correct.

6. _____________________________________________________?
A. Here's the message.
B. No. I'll call later.
C. Thank you.
7. _____________________________________________________?
A. Okay. Then, I'll meet him now.
B. Do you know when it'll be over?
C. Sorry. I can't meet him now.

8. _____________________________________________________?
A. I'll call him Thursday morning.
B. Alright. Please tell him Jeff called.
C. Have him call me on Wednesday at 3:00.

9. _____________________________________________________?
A. Next Wednesday would be fine.
B. Sorry. I'm busy on Monday at 11:00.
C. Sure. No problem.

10. _____________________________________________________?
A. Yes. I'll call her later.
B. No. Just tell her I called.
C. Yes. Tomorrow is fine.

 What kind of information do you get from the questions? Describe it orally!

 Write down your own experience when you firstly used a telephone on 100-150 words!

Internet Access

1. How many hours of Internet access a month does this company provide?
A. less than 150 hours
B. between 151 and 300 hours
C. more than 300 hours
2. What are the calling hours for technical support?
A. from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight
B. from 12:00 midnight to 12:00 midnight
C. from 12:00 midnight to 7:00 p.m.

3. How much webspace does the company provide?

A. 13
B. 30
C. 39

4. How much does basic Internet access cost?

A. $19.95
B. $25.95
C. $29.95

5. What additional benefit was NOT mentioned in the commercial?

A. free email
B. content filters
C. no start-up fees

 Describe the product’s facilities based on the ad on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!

Computers and the Internet

 You have equipped computer and internet, haven’t you? Depend on your own self, what are
the beneficial of it? Is it has a negative impact only?
 Write down on your paper the words on recording!
 Do the exercises for number 1-3!
 Compose a written text based on the words you caught firstly on 100-150 words!
1. ___________ allows people to compose, send, and receive messages quickly and conveniently
at any time rather than going to the post office and mailing a letter.

A. A chat room

B. Email

C. An Internet connection

2. Before you _____________, you need to check the system requirements to make sure it is
compatible with your system.

A. check your email

B. install software

C. surf the Internet

3. More and more companies are ___________ about their products and services as a way to
promote more business online.

A. building a Website

B. scanning for viruses

C. downloading files



1. I like to ____________ in the _________ with my ________.

A. hiking
B. running
C. driving

2. My dad _______________ twice a week.

A. weight lifting
B. swimming
C. basketball

3. He ____________________________________ to get exercise.

A. bicycling
B. soccer
C. volleyball

4. She usually uses ___________________________________.

A. pottery
B. knitting
C. painting

5. They went to the lake ______________________________.

A. sailing
B. bird watching
C. fishing

6. How about getting out the board _____________________?

A. snowboarding
B. skating
C. chess
7. ____________________________________________.
A. baseball
B. racketball
C. golf

8. ____________________________________________.
A. gardening
B. art
C. cooking

9. ____________________________________________.
A. writing
B. music
C. reading

10. ____________________________________________.
A. drawing
B. photography
C. computer games

 What kind of information do you get from the questions? Describe it orally!

 Write down your own hobby(s) on 100-150 words!

Camping Under the Stars

1. What are they planning on doing in the morning?

A. fishing
B. mountain biking
C. hiking
2. According to the weather report, when would it start raining?
A. in the afternoon
B. at night
C. in the morning

3. What did Paul forget to bring?

A. rain coats
B. umbrellas
C. rain boots

4. Where did Sara leave the playing cards?

A. next to picnic table
B. on picnic table
C. under picnic table

5. What do they finally decide to do?

A. stay at a hotel
B. return home
C. sleep at the campground

 Describe Amy’s activities on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

Easy Pet Care

1. What is one of Shawn's concern about the dog?

A. It can be somewhat aggressive.
B. It eats too much food at one time.
C. The dog might mess on his carpet.
2. What is Shawn supposed to do between 3:00-4:00 p.m. for the dog?
A. Take the dog for some exercise with a Frisbee.
B. Feed him an afternoon doggie treat for a snack.
C. Let the dog watch a program on television.

3. Which point is NOT true about the cat?

A. The cat becomes a little moody at times.
B. The cat enjoys listening to classical music.
C. The cat will run away if it gets outside the house.

4. What can we infer from the conversation on the snake's reaction to Shawn?
A. The snake appears to warm up to him.
B. The snake doesn't care for Shawn at all.
C. The snake is extremely shy of Shawn.

5. What is Shawn's final response to Norman?

A. Norman should seek someone who is well-trained with animals.
B. Norman should take his animals to the zoo for special care.
C. Norman agrees to watch them for a lot of extra money.

 Describe how was the first man loving his pet on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

I Love Trees

1. What does the girl do when painting pictures of trees?

A. She uses many different colors of paint.
B. She goes to the mountains to be surrounded by trees.
C. She climbs her grandfather's tree to concentrate on her work.
2. What aspect of trees is the girl referring to when she says that "it's" a glass of cool water on a
hot day"?
A. the color
B. the feel
C. the smell

3. What is one thing the girl does NOT mention about climbing her grandfather's tree?
A. She likes to think and relax in the tree.
B. She enjoys eating the apples.
C. She likes to play games in the branches.

4. According to the girl, how do trees make life possible?

A. They produce oxygen so we can breathe.
B. They provide food and shelter for countless animal species.
C. They serve as an important energy source.

5. How does the beauty of trees make the girl feel according to her closing statement?
A. Trees make her feel a greater interest in protecting the environment.
B. The beauty of trees makes her want to study plants in the future.
C. The girl believes that trees help her become a better person.

 Describe the reason why the girl love trees very much on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the story (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!


A Day at School

1. How does Joshua go to school in Japan?

A. He takes a school bus every morning
B. He rides the subway at 8:00 AM.
C. He walks with a group of students.

2. Which item did Joshua NOT mention when talking about the things he takes to school?
A. backpack
B. gym clothes
C. school hat

3. What is one of the first things Joshua does when he arrives at school?
A. He practices his reading and writing.
B. He stands and bows to the teacher.
C. He puts on his gym clothes for class.

4. Where does Joshua eat lunch at school?

A. in his classroom
B. in the lunchroom
C. in the gymnasium

5. What time does Joshua probably get home from school most days?
A. between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM
B. between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM
C. between 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM

 Mention Joshua’s activities on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Reading Time

1. What is the father reading at the beginning of the conversation?

A. a novel
B. a magazine
C. a newspaper

2. What kind of book does the girl want to read?

A. a book about animals
B. a book on dolls
C. a book about candy and cookies

3. What does the girl's teacher say about reading?

A. The girl can check out books from the library.
B. The girl should read books everyday.
C. The girl ought to read at least ten books a night.

4. What is one thing the girl wants to eat while they are reading?
A. cookies
B. ice cream
C. bananas

5. About what time of day is it in the conversation?

A. the late morning
B. the early afternoon
C. in the evening

 What is the girl prefer and defer to read before on the bed time? Describe it on 50-100 words

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Back to School Supplies

1. Which item did the girl NOT mention about her needed supplies for school?
A. pencils
B. computer
C. calculator

2. Why doesn't the father want to buy his daughter some of these supplies?
A. The items are far beyond his financial means.
B. He feels his daughter really doesn't need them.
C. The family already owns some of these supplies.

3. For which specific class does the girl mention that she needs these supplies?
A. geometry
B. chemistry
C. physics

4. What specific argument does the girl give her father to pursuade him to buy these things?
A. They are on sale until the end of the week.
B. Her teachers require them as part of the curriculum.
C. She volunteers to use some of her own money.

5. Why does the father eventually give in to his daughter?

A. He discovers he had more money than he thought.
B. He concludes that she will provide for him when he is older.
C. The girl promises to help her mother in exchange for the supplies.

 Describe the girl’s need on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
School Report

1. Based on the girl's statements, how would you describe her English teacher?
A. irritable
B. fascinating
C. considerate

2. How does she feel about her Spanish class?

A. She finds that the exams are quite confusing.
B. She says that the assignments require too much time.
C. She feels the teacher doesn't spend enough time explaining verbs.

3. How is she doing in her algebra class?

A. She is getting excellent grades.
B. She is doing average work.
C. She is failing the class.

4. Why does the girl like her history class?

A. The teacher gives easy questions on tests.
B. The teacher rewards students who can handle his questions.
C. The teacher gives candy to all of the students.

5. What does the girl have to do after she returns from the movie?
A. She has to finish her algebra homework.
B. She must read her history book.
C. She needs to practice her instrument.

 Describe the reason why the father did not give her daughter permission to go to the movie
on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Job Hunting - Quiz 1

1. The editor's job is _________________________________.

A. True
B. False

2. Candidates ______________________at least _________ experience.

A. True
B. False

3. Those interested in teaching English ___________________.

A. True
B. False

4. You might have to __________________________________.

A. True
B. False

5. ___________________________at Language Academy.

A. True
B. False
6. ______________________________________________.
A. True
B. False

7. ______________________________________________.
A. True
B. False

8. ______________________________________________.
A. True
B. False

9. ______________________________________________.
A. True
B. False

10. ____________________________________________.
A. True
B. False

 What kind of information do you get from the questions? Describe it orally!

 Write down your future job you want on 100-150 words!

Job Hunting

1. In which field is the man looking for a job?

A. education
B. medicine
C. technology

2. Which statement best describes the pay for the job?

A. Employees can receive periodic pay increases based on their work.
B. The salary for the position is above the industry average.
C. Workers are paid on a commission basis depending their sales.

3. What are some of the benefits that the company provides?

A. insurance, paid vacation, and a company vehicle
B. paid vacation, opportunities for promotion, and insurance
C. opportunities for advancement, insurance, and a free bus pass

4. What does the future hold for the industry that he is considering?
A. growing, yet uncertain
B. expanding and secure
C. contracting, yet stable

5. From the conversation, what do we know about the man's educational background?
A. He dropped out of high school.
B. He has some post-secondary education.
C. He has a college degree.

 Describe the man’s dream job on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Professional Babysitting

1. What impresses the man about the girl at the beginning of the conversation?
A. The girl arrives promptly on time.
B. The girl carries her own business cards.
C. The girl comes prepared to cook for the kids.

2. How often has Kelly babysat for Mr. Adams in the past?
A. never
B. one or two times
C. on a regular basis

3. According to the girl's financial consultant, why should she charge more for babysitting?
A. She does some housework while the parents are out.
B. She purchases groceries for evening meals.
C. She provides special educational entertainment.

4. What specialized training has the girl received to become a babysitter?

A. educational
B. emotional
C. medical

5. What additional expenses does her rate increases need to cover?

A. investments
B. hobbies
C. recreational

 Describe what is the girl’s want from Mr. Adam on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)

1. What product or service is the telemarketer promoting?

A. a stay at a new condominium
B. a membership to a sports club
C. a hotel in Hawaii

2. Which special feature is NOT part of this offer?

A. access to free meals and beverages
B. use of fitness rooms
C. unrestricted use to a swimming pool

3. Why does the man turn down the offer?

A. He doesn't have extra money to spend.
B. He never buys things over the phone.
C. He doesn't need the service being provided.

4. What statement is true about the "do not call" list according to the conversation?
A. It will take four to six weeks to remove the man's name from the company's phone list.
B. The man might be called by another company representative in the coming weeks.
C. The man can request that his name be added again to the company's database.

5. What is the man's name?

A. Mr. Phillips
B. Mr. Jones
C. Mr. Williams

 Describe all of the services offered by the woman on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


World Cup Soccer

1. According to the man, his team lost the first match due to __________.
A. bad weather conditions
B. injuries
C. poor officiating

2. What reason was NOT mentioned about why his team lost their second game?
A. The referees made some terrible calls against some players.
B. They were disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct.
C. One of their players shot the ball into the wrong goal.

3. The man's team was winning the final match until ___________.
A. the other team made an amazing comeback
B. some of their players were ejected from the game
C. their fans booed the team and left the stadium

4. Which team does the man want to win the World Cup now?
A. He doesn't care who wins at this point.
B. He wants the host nation to win.
C. He hopes the matches are cancelled.

5. Now that his team is out of the tournament, how is he spending his time?
A. He's been following a golf tournament on TV.
B. He's become interested in an online chess tournament.
C. He's been playing in a local tennis tournament.

 Describe the man’s favorite team on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
It's a Home Run!

1. How many players are on base when Mark Sosa comes to bat?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3

2. What is Mark's batting record for this game?

A. a single and one strike out
B. a triple and two walks
C. a walk and two strikes

3. How many games has it been since he hit his last home run?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5

4. His batting average for the _______ has been 279.

A. week
B. month
C. year

5.What was the probable final score of the game based on the information given?
A. 7-5
B. 9-8
C. 12-10

 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of commentary record (what are the things done) on 100-150 words
by written!
Dream Team X

1. How is the US Dream Team doing in the game?

A. They are leading in the game.
B. The score is really close.
C. The Dream Team is way behind.

2. The Dream Team is made up of:

A. professional athletes
B. college players
C. both professional and college members

3. What happened to the Dream Team's leading scorer?

A. He was injured in a fight and had to leave the game.
B. He fouled out when he threw an elbow going for a rebound.
C. He got in a brawl with a fan and was thrown out of the game.

4. What part of the body did the Japanese center injure in the game?
A. knee
B. head
C. ankle

5. What reason did the coaches give to explain the Dream Team's performance?
A. They drank a special health beverage made from Japanese herbs.
B. They feasted on uncooked fish the night before the game.
C. They had a massage from head to foot to relax their muscles

 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of commentary record (what are the things done) on 100-150 words
by written!
Video Game Systems
1. Why does the father discourage his son from buying a Game Boy?
A. Using it is a simply a waste of time.
B. His son needs to play with friends instead.
C. The game system costs too much.

2. How much can the boy save a month in allowance to buy a Game Boy?
A. $1.25
B. $5.00
C. $7.50

3. What does the boy need to do to earn allowance?

A. He has to get good grades in school.
B. The boy needs to get his chores done.
C. He doesn't have to do anything.

4. What suggestion does the father give his son for making more money around the
A. delivering newspapers door-to-door
B. selling lemonade to people passing by
C. collecting empty cans from the trash

5. What can we infer from the ending of the conversation?

A. The father is going to help buy the Game Boy for his son.
B. The boy feels some disappointment and surprise.
C. The boy no longer wants a Game Boy.

 Describe how is the way the boy can get a game boy on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Emergency Call

1. The man who is calling is:

A. a taxi driver
B. a bus driver
C. a truck driver

2. What is the problem with the woman with him?

A. She is having a heart attack.
B. She was hurt in an accident.
C. She is having a baby.

3. Where is the man now?

A. on the freeway
B. downtown in traffic
C. in the airport parking lot

4. What's the man's name?

A. Bill
B. Bob
C. Brad

5. The operator tells the man to:

A. help the woman breath easier.
B. keep the woman calm and warm.
C. put something soft under the woman's head.

 Describe the man’s problem on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Personal Security

1. What was the man doing when he was robbed?

A. fishing by the stream
B. bird watching in the park
C. coming home from work

2. What was the thief wearing?

A. a black striped dress
B. a light red sweater
C. tennis shoes

3. How tall was the thief?

A. about 170 cm
B. about 180 cm
C. about 190 cm

4. What did the thief take from the man?

A. his shoe
B. his leather briefcase
C. his hat

5. Who is the "bearded woman"?

A. a man who dresses up like a woman
B. a woman who robs men in the park
C. a man who lives in the park

 Describe the robber’s appearance on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Home Security

1. Based on the recording, where might the homeowner have been when the theft occurred?
A. at school
B. at the supermarket
C. in the shower

2. What evidence do we have that a burglar entered the house?

A. a broken window in the bedroom
B. an unlocked door to the house
C. a mark of a person's shoe

3. According to the announcer, you should never leave a house key:

A. with a neighbor you don't know well.
B. in places a burglar might suspect.
C. inside your unlocked car.

4. Which of the following safeguards was NOT mentioned in protecting your home?
A. putting in good lights around the house
B. setting up a neighborhood watch group
C. installing security cameras in your house

5. If you encounter an intruder in your house, what should you do according to the commercial?
A. You should avoid the intruder if possible.
B. You should call the police after you find the burglar.
C. You should hide under your bed until the intruder leaves.

 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the commercial (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by
Security Systems

1. Where does this conversation take place?

A. at a restaurant
B. at a hotel
C. at a bank

2. The man tries to rob the business by _________________.

A. using a fake weapon
B. pretending to be a police officer
C. trying to pass a stolen check

3. What is the first problem the robber encounters?

A. The employee tells him that the business is closing early.
B. The worker says that she doesn't have much money to give him.
C. The woman explains that she can't open the cash register.

4. What happens to the robber's car out front of the business?

A. It was hauled away.
B. It was hit by another vehicle.
C. It was stolen.

5. Based on the content of the story, what do you think happens next?
A. The robber uses his gun to escape.
B. The woman complies with the robber's demands.
C. The man is arrested and taken away.

 Describe the information based on the record on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


First Day of Class

1. What is the name of the course?

A. Intercultural Commerce
B. Interaction in Communication
C. Intercultural Communication
D. International Cooperation

2. What time does the class meet?

A. 3:05 PM to 4:15 PM
B. 3:15 PM to 4:50 PM
C. 3:50 PM to 4:50 PM
D. 3:15 PM to 4:15 PM

3. On average, how often will the class meet in the research lab during the last part of the course?
A. once a month
B. twice a month
C. three times a month
D. four times a month

4. If today is Tuesday, when should the textbook be available in the bookstore?

A. today after class
B. on Wednesday
C. on Thursday
D. on Friday

5. Which item was NOT mentioned as part of determining a student's final grade in the class?
A. participation
B. quizzes
C. a research project
D. attendance
 Describe the lecturer’s requirement for the next meeting on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the talk (what are the things done) on 100-150 words by written!

Education: Online Degrees

 What do you know about online degrees program? Tell to the class what are needed to apply
it !
 Write down on your paper the words on recording!
 Do the exercises for number 1-3!
 Compose a written text based on the words you caught firstly on 100-150 words!

1. Because she had an interest in languages and culture, she decided to ________ Spanish.

A. attend

B. major in

C. transfer

2. My brother decided to _______ a distance learning program because there were no local
schools in his area that offered a program in his field of study.

A. enroll in

B. skip class

C. go

3. After I get my undergraduate degree, I'm thinking about going on and getting a

A. masters degree

B. bachelors degree

C. major
English Language Center

1. Which was NOT mentioned as part of the purpose of the English Language Center?
A. to help international students prepare to enter institutions of higher learning
B. to teach students how to use English in their daily lives and at work
C. to provide work opportunities for graduating students in the community

2. What is one course taught at the English Language Center?

A. business English
B. US Culture

3. If the Fall semester begins on August 29th, by what date should one apply to the program?
A. May 29th
B. June 29th
C. July 29th

4. What is the tuition for a full-time student?

A. $2030
B. $2300
C. $2013

5. Which one was NOT mentioned as part of the application packet a student must send to the
A. sponsorship form
B. high school transcripts
C. application fee

 Mention the material’s needed on prepare before get the program on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
A University Degree

1. What will happen if the woman doesn't pay her tuition by the due date?
A. She'll have to pay a significant late fee.
B. She'll be required to register again for school.
C. She'll need to wait a semester to take classes.

2. What is the woman planning to take with her to school from home?
A. some food
B. warm clothing
C. her game system

3. Based on her major, where will she most likely work?

A. at a bank
B. for a school
C. in a national park

4. The father suggests a specific major based on the possibility of _______________.

A. earning a decent living
B. traveling to different countries
C. moving up in the company

5. The man is surprised by the fact that his daughter ________________________.

A. already has a part-time job at school
B. has earned a scholarship for the first year
C. is involved in a serious relationship

 Describe the father’s suggestions on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)


Driver's License

1. Why is the girl excited at the beginning of the conversation?

A. She has just started driver's education classes at school.
B. She is taking her driver's license road test today.
C. She has her license and wants to drive now.

2. Which statement is an example of why the father created rule number 1?

A. Young drivers sometimes drink and drive.
B. Teenagers often drive at high speeds.
C. Some kids drive before obtaining a license.

3. Why does the father ask the daughter not to drive at night?
A. The roads tend to become icy and slippery.
B. It is more difficult to see obstacles in the road.
C. The girl might fall asleep at the wheel.

4. Why does the daughter dismiss, or not take seriously, rule number 4?
A. The father doesn't obey the rule either.
B. The rule is an old traffic law that has changed.
C. The girl tells the dad the rule doesn't apply to her.

5. How does the conversation end?

A. The father and daughter get in a big fight.
B. The girl persuades the father to let her drive the car.
C. The mom decides to drive the daughter to school.

 Describe the rules to drive on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Towing Service

1. In the conversation, parking is not permitted between __________.

A. 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
B. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
C. 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

2. The man says he didn't see the no-parking sign because ________.
A. it was nighttime when he parked
B. his view was obstructed
C. it wasn't there earlier in the day

3. The man supposedly parked his car to _________________.

A. pay a utility bill for his home
B. donate some items for the needy
C. buy some home cleaning supplies

4. What is the fine for parking illegally in the conversation?

A. $105
B. $115
C. $150

5. The man tries to influence the police officer into not giving him a ticket by _______________.
A. offering her free admission to a local event
B. buying her a steak dinner at a fancy restaurant
C. praising the officer on her attractive appearance

 Describe the lesson inside on the conversation on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Car Accident

1. Where did the car accident take place?

A. in front of the house
B. in the parking lot at the store
C. at the post office

2. Which factor did NOT contribute to the accident?

A. excessive speed
B. a faulty car mechanism
C. some obstructions in the car

3. Why is the girl really upset?

A. She wrecked her friend's car.
B. She doesn't have money to repair the car.
C. She won't have a car to drive over the weekend.

4. What is her dad's original solution to her predicament?

A. He offers to help pay for the repairs.
B. Her dad volunteers to drive her where she needs to go.
C. He suggests she invite friends over to eat.

5. How is the situation finally resolved?

A. The girl decides to go camping the following week instead.
B. The girl invites friends over instead for a pizza party.
C. The father reluctantly loans his car.

 Describe the cause of accident on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)
Driving Road Test

1. Where has the man been practicing for his road test this past week?
A. at a driving school
B. on streets around town
C. at home

2. In what part of town do they begin the road test?

A. in a commercial area
B. in a residential district
C. in a school zone

3. What was the situation with the vehicle in front of them?

A. Mr. Smith is following too closely.
B. The driver of the other car is tailgating them.
C. The car ahead of them is driving below the speed limit.

4. What did Mr. Smith almost hit in the road?

A. another vehicle
B. a person
C. a street sign

5. What does the driving officer suggest Mr. Smith do at the end of the conversation?
A. He should come back on Friday to take the test.
B. He had better take more driving lessons before trying the test again.
C. He ought to take the test with another driving officer.

 Describe the trainer’s say along the road test on 50-100 words orally!

 Describe the situation of the conversation on 100-150 words by written! (characters,

relationship among the characters, what are the things done)!
About Author

Sari Famularsih, S.Pd.I, M.A.

She was born in Boyolali at September, 11th 1981. She finished her graduate program at State
Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga-Central Java-Indonesia, in English and Teaching
Education Department at the year of 2004. At the year of 2005 she has gotten scholarship for
master program in Linguistics Science in India. It’s located in Central Institute of English and
Foreign Languages (CIEFL) Hyderabad India, in Linguistics Science. It has been held by
bilateral cooperation Indonesia-India in education and cultural field at 2005-2007.

The writer had started teaching as English lecturer in State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN)
of Salatiga since 2007 until now. If you have any suggestion and question you can get a hold of
her private email at .

Akmajian, Adrian et. al. 2004. An Introduction to Language and Communication, Fifth Edition.
New Delhi: Prentice Hall.

Damodar, G. et. al. 2006. A Course in Listening and Speaking I. New Delhi: Foundation Books
Pvt. Ltd.

Farhathullah, TM. 2002. Communication Skills for Technical Students. Chennai: Orient
Longman Private Ltd.

Goodale. Malcolm. 2006. Professional Presentations. New Delhi: Foundation Books Pvt. Ltd.

Sasikumar, V. et. al. 2006. A Course in Listening and Speaking I. New Delhi: Foundation Books
Pvt. Ltd.

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