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Toxicity :Toxicity refers to the ability of a chemical to cause

harmful effects to the body. All things are poison and nothing is
without poison. It is the dose only that makes a thing not a
poison.” There are a number of factors that influence the toxic
effects of chemicals on the body. These include, but are not
limited to: The quantity and concentration of the chemical. The
length of time and the frequency of the exposure. The route of
the exposure. If mixtures of chemicals are involved. Toxic
Effects Toxic effects are generally classified as acute toxicity or
chronic toxicity. Acute toxicity is generally thought of as a
single, short-term exposure where effects appear immediately
and are often reversible. An example of acute toxicity relates to
the over consumption of alcohol and “hangovers”. Chronic
toxicity is generally thought of as frequent exposures where
effects may be delayed (even for years) and are generally
irreversible. Chronic toxicity can also result in acute exposures,
with long term chronic effects. An example of chronic toxicity
relates to cigarette smoking and lung cancer.
Source: Trusted medical websites.

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