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4 Zodiac Signs Whose

Relationships Improve During
Venus Retrograde Starting July 17
A moment of pause saves a lifetime of regret.
By Kate Rose — Written on Jul 16, 2023

Photo: Erikereis From Getty Images Via Canva Pro

A moment of pause saves a lifetime of regret.

As the wheel of time turns, the week of July
17 – 23 improves relationships for four
zodiac signs, thanks to Venus retrograde,
brings an opportunity for greater awareness
and a new perspective as Venus begins its
retrograde journey in the passionate fire sign
of Leo. Venus only takes this journey into the
underworld every two years, marking it as a
powerful portal to your romantic lessons and
cycles. This is your chance, to be honest
about what you genuinely need and whether
your relationship can offer it. During this
time, it will bring either the realization that
you're exactly where you're supposed to be
or that your time together is over.


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As relationships improve, so does clarity,

which is what Venus in Leo is all about. It may
bring some shocking turns of the tides or
even more emotional outbursts than
usual. However, the purpose is to have you
decide once and for all what you align with.

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The week of July 17 – 23, 2023, also brings

the New Moon in Cancer, a gentle reminder
you must care for yourself, no matter what
else may be occurring in your romantic life.
This is the key to love because until you care
for yourself in all the ways you desire, you will
never know if you choose someone out of
loneliness or love.


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Together the stars help you align with your

most authentic self as you become more
aware of past lessons and how they affect the
romantic decisions you're making now. Above
all, this represents a period of pausing before
reaction. It represents honoring Venus in its
journey through the underworld and knowing
that in terms of love, it's always best to take
your time before deciding because a hasty
choice just may cost you the love you were
seeking all along.

RELATED: How The Sun Entering Leo On

July 17 Will Bring New Energy To Each
Zodiac Sign's Weekly Horoscope

Relationships improve for four

zodiac signs this week:

1. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

You must change your thoughts about love

and intimacy to improve your romantic
relationship. Relationships are more than
passion or social standing. They are a way to
grow and better understand yourself. This
week, as the Cancer New Moon lights up your
romantic sector, Venus retrograde in Leo
activates your intimacy and transformation
zone giving you everything you need to make
the changes you seek.


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Cancer is your opposing zodiac sign, and

because of that, it always brings up themes of
love and relationship. A Full Moon means
something is coming to fruition that likely
was occurring around the Full Moon in
Cancer at the beginning of January. Reflect
on this time and the themes of vulnerability,
transparency and self-care. Depending on the
path you've taken since then, you may now be
able to seize a new beginning in love truly.
However, if you didn't, then the karmic winds
of fate may help push you toward a place of
more significant growth.

This aligns with Venus beginning its

retrograde in Leo, activating intimacy, long-
term relationships and transformation
themes. Use what you've learned and will
continue to go through this phase to view
love differently. Let your mind and heart
expand and take in the possibility that by
changing your perspective, you may be able
to change your relationship for the better.

RELATED: 4 Zodiac Signs Most Affected

By Full Moons

2. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)


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Something big has been brewing within your

domestic life, and while you've struggled with
it for a while, you're also finally gaining
momentum and are ready to make a decision
— and a giant step toward the life of your
dreams. In this case, it may not be about a
current relationship improving but your
romantic life as you pursue a different path,
which sometimes is the only thing that can

Venus retrograde activates your sector of

family, joy and commitment, while the Cancer
New Moon will be bringing up reflections and
lessons in your home and healing zone. To
make the most of this energy, you must first
realize that just because something ended
doesn't mean you failed. Instead, it's a time to
celebrate because it means you're ready for
the next chapter of your life.

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Leo rule's themes are children, family, joy and

commitment. This is not about frivolous
dating or meaningless encounters but truly
seeking someone to share an indescribable
bond with. You already have someone in mind
you feel this way about, but the timing hasn't
yet been on your side. The wonderful thing is
that it is changing and allowing more space
for the universe to do its work. You don't have
to have it all figured out, but you deserve a
new beginning, especially if it means you can
find the genuine happiness you seek.


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While a new beginning is on offer to you this

week, some strings still need to be tied up,
and this is what Venus retrograde in Leo will
be bringing to your doorstep. Venus is the
planet of love, and in Leo, it's primarily
concerned with following its heart and having
the courage to roar its truth wherever and to
whomever necessary. As this energy
combines with the Cancer New Moon, it will
be lighting up your healing and home arenas,
meaning that you will have to review not just
your growth but also if there are matters at
home that need to be settled before fully
seizing your new beginning. You may want to
rush ahead into what feels fantastic but take
time to finish up and close out your old
chapter first — your future self with thank

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3. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Everything about you right now craves a

healthier, more committed romantic
relationship. You might be known for being a
romantic. Still, something has shifted within
your energy recently, and you've
accomplished a significant phase of up-
leveling which is now rippling out into your
romantic life. You no longer desire to fall in
love but instead, grow.


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You don't need rollercoasters to feel the

passion. Instead, your biggest turn-on is the
solidity of a presence always there for you, no
matter what the storm is outside. Take this
and run with it this week, as the Cancer New
Moon will be activating themes of joy and
commitment just as Venus retrograde in Leo
is helping you change your life in all the ways
necessary to allow space for a healthy, more
stable love to grow.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Have The Best

Horoscopes On July 17, Thanks To The
New Moon

The Cancer New Moon falls into the happiest

part of your chart, where you can enjoy time
with children and family and find joy around
every corner. It also happens to be where
your committed relationship falls. Because of
that, you are being offered a new beginning in
love, one where you no longer will have to
compromise your values or beliefs to achieve
it. This is your time to rise; you must
remember everything happens in divine
timing and trust the universe, even if this
romantic new beginning is unexpected.

At the same time, Venus begins its retrograde

journey in Leo, casting a more excellent
reflection on how you spend your days, your
daily routines and even how healthy your
mindset is. This part of your life is seen as
your health sector, but it goes far deeper than
how you care for your physical body and host
control over your mental, emotional and
spiritual health. The healthier you feel, the
more you know you deserve. When these two
meet, it's the recipe for a cosmic love affair.


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4. Cancer

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You need to give yourself a break during the

week of July 17 – 23, 2023, and start
returning to your inner worth. Not every
relationship is meant to last long-term, but
that doesn't mean you're not meant for great
love. You often must learn specific lessons to
finally be in the place to accept or even know
how to create it. While you may still be going
through some romantic turmoil, there is a
chance this week to start giving yourself the
love you are seeking and to recognize
everything is always happening for your
highest good, even if it may not seem like it.

The Cancer New Moon falls directly into your

zodiac sign giving you a chance to reflect on
how you love and care for yourself. This also
goes into whether you are living your truth or
only trying to please people through life.
While it's natural to want to make those you
care about happy, it should never have to be
done through who you choose to love or
partner with.

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You are responsible for your own decisions,

and if people can't understand or respect why
you are making the ones you are, then all
that's saying is those aren't your people. Trust
that you deserve to be supported and loved
no matter what phase you're going through
or how brightly you're shining — this will keep
your energy high so you can attract what is
meant for you.

Take the moment of opportunity during the

week of July 17 – 23, 2023, to shine bright
and believe in love again. Also, settle yourself
in for the long haul as Venus begins its
retrograde journey in Leo, giving you a
chance to truly build up your self-worth and
confidence so that you never again accept
less than what you receive. Use this energy to
date yourself and to fall in love with yourself
so deeply that you'll know the real thing
when it finally finds you.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist,

relationship and life coach, and motivational
speaker. For more of her work, visit her
website. The Malibu Suites Balikpapan by Sissae

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