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When and why do people engage on the activities on the picture above?

What is common among them?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word free time?
What are the 3 parts of a day? According to Clayne R. Jensen a day can be divided into 3 parts.
Existence time is the time spent for biological needs like having a meal, sleeping and other personal care.
Subsistence time - refers to hours spent for economic purposes such as going to work, chores and for
students’ hours spent in school and school work.
Free time all the time remaining time after.
Recreation is derived from the Latin word recreare which means to be refreshed. Recreational activities
depend on one's interests, pursuits and needs which may be reflective of one's beliefs and level of
Outdoors in a broad sense is a space outside an enclosed area.
Why do people engage in recreational activities?
- Personal satisfaction and enjoyment - To be in touch with nature
- For personal pursuits such as photography - Part of outdoor or environmental education
Different Outdoor activities
Mountaineering Parasailing Swimming
Hiking Paragliding Snorkeling
Camping Skydiving Kayaking
Backpacking Surfing
What are the benefits of outdoor recreation?
 Physical Health- The benefits of staying active includes reduces obesity, reduce risks of diseases,
enhanced immune system and increased life expectancy.
 Psycho-Emotional benefits- It helps people to rest, relax, de-stress or unwind, and feel revitalized. It
also improves our self-esteem, confidence and creativity.
 Social Benefits- It is a way for families to become closer. It allows one to meet and interact with
others. It will help to form lasting friendship and develop a community.
 Economic benefits- People who have relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work.
It has been rewarding for the local folks as ecotourism in the country created jobs and other economic
activities which have, one way or another, contributed to economic growth.
 Spiritual benefits- It can stir up spiritual values. It brings certain calmness within a person. It
strengthens individuals as it heals, rejuvenates and soothes the body and soul.
Does one need to be athletic to participate in outdoor recreation? Outdoor recreation involves a lot of
physical activities but it does not require one to have athletic level of skills to be able to participate.
However, one needs to be physically fit to be able to carry out the activity.

The Leave No Trace Seven Principles

1.Plan ahead and prepare 2.Travel and camp on durable surfaces
3.Dispose of waste properly 4.Leave what you find
5. Minimize campfire impact 6. Respect wildlife
7. Be considerate of other visitors

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