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Multicultural Literacy
is the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that any
communication with a culture different from our own is
clear productive, and respectful such that their
differences are celebrated and neither culture is
demeaned or treated as inferior.
Multicultural Literacy

1. American Literature

2. European Context
American Literature
In America, multicultural literacy has very strong leanings
toward knowing or identifying the poly-ethnic origins of
knowledge with the express goal of fostering equality,
diversity, and social justice.This is in direct response to the
"Euro-centric" and "white-dominant" traditions of education
that in the eyes of American cultural minorities (particularly
the blacks) is a form of racial injustice
European Context
In Europe, multicultural literacy comes more in the form of
intercultural communication competence (ICC), which is defined
by Dusi, Messetti, and Steinbach (2014) as a composite of skills,
abilities, attitudes. personality patterns, etc. necessary for clear
and productive communication with cultures other than our own.
Similarly, Fantini (2006) defines it as "a complex of abilities
needed to perform effectively and appropriately when
interacting with others who are linguistically and culturally
different from oneself
Philippine Context
American Literature European Context

This is very foreign to the Philippine The broader and more

context, which, despite having our magnanimous European definition
own deeply ingrained traditions of of multicultural literacy is more
discrimination, does not have the fitting for the Philippine context,
same issues of discrimination as in even if the exact definition of what
the United States, nor the same ICC consists of is still being hotly
amount of hostility. debated.
skills and knowledge required for one to be
multi-culturally literate:
1.Be selfless - An attitude of selflessness-one that is less concerned with
how I feel and more concerned with how I am making others feel
2.Know that good and useful things can (and do) come from those
different from us - Hand-in-hand with a dismissive attitude toward
another culture is the idea that nothing good can come from them.
3.Be willing to compromise - Any significant interaction with someone
from a different culture is governed by the principle of "He/She wants
something, and I want something
4.Accept that there are limits - At some point however, one or both
cultures will be unwilling/unable to adjust their wants for the sake of the
other any further.

Promotes empathy and unity

Promotes cross-cultural friendship
Helps students look critically at the

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