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Vocabulary and Grammar Test Unit 3 Test A

Name: ___________________________________________

1 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Some people bin / amass clothes until they have no more space to keep them.
2 Airport staff checked their personal belongings / products before they boarded the plane.
3 My family junk / hoard possessions and so our house is never tidy.
4 After the earthquake there were piles / objects of broken glass in every street.
5 It takes a lot longer to find things in a room full of stacks / clutter.
6 She didn’t want to see her ex-boyfriend again, so she accumulated / got rid of all his photos.
7 He carefully wrapped his junk / stuff so that it wouldn’t get damaged.
8 The shop was selling its products / possessions at reduced prices.

Mark: ___ / 8

2 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs below.

reach help spread opt spill pick clear drop wear run
1 The teacher asked Helen to ___________ out her favourite photograph.
2 There is no space to work when they ___________ out their papers all over the desk.
3 At school students can’t ___________ out of compulsory subjects like maths.
4 The government distributed leaflets to ___________ out to people who didn’t have computers.
5 We need to ___________ out the fridge to make room for our shopping.
6 Matt didn’t like university and decided to ___________ out after his first year.
7 The country might soon ___________ out of medicine because of the war.
8 Volunteers came to ___________ out after the terrible storm damaged people’s houses.
9 Those cheap shoes are going to ___________ out much quicker than your expensive ones.
10 Every morning people ___________ out of the train on to the station platform.

Mark: ___ / 10

3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 colourful / Jackson Pollock revolutionized art with his / large / paintings.
2 controversial / photographer. / I can’t remember the name of that / Chinese
3 sculptures. / wooden / The most popular exhibits are the / round
4 oil cans. / rusty / metal / He made the instruments from
5 new / My sister is wearing her / dress. / red

Mark: ___ / 10

4 Complete the sentences with the words below and circle the correct form of the verb.
self never heart broad well wide hand breath
1 It was a _____________-ranging / -ranged book about the author’s trip around the world.
2 He was such a _____________-knowing / -known actor that he was recognized everywhere.
3 The leaders refused to meet and the conflict seemed _____________-ending / -ended.
4 Not taking responsibility for your own mistakes is _____________-defeating / -defeated.
5 The view from the top of the mountain was _____________taking / taken.
6 Jenny went to the local market to buy local _____________making / made souvenirs.
7 Experiencing other cultures helps you to be more _____________-minding / -minded.
8 The end of the film made me cry. It was _____________breaking / broken.

Mark: ___ / 8

5 Circle the correct article to complete the sentences.
1 Peter Higgs is a / the / – British scientist who has won the Nobel Prize.
2 Once a / the / – year contemporary artists compete to win the Turner Prize.
3 The poem says that a / the / – love is more important than anything else.
4 A / The / – sculpture in your garden is very striking.
5 A / The / – poor are more likely to suffer from hunger and disease.
6 Some people still doubt that the Americans landed on a / the / – moon.
7 That is a / the / – woman I told you about this morning.
8 She’s taken a / the / – beautiful photograph of our baby daughter.
9 I haven’t eaten a / the / – meat since I was sixteen years old.

Mark: ___ / 9

6 Complete the text with the determiners below.

too many almost all some few most almost none
Recent research shows that far 1_________________ museums (91%) are failing to attract
teenagers. Only a 2_________________ young people (8%) visit museums on a regular basis and
3_________________ teenagers (over half) have not been to a museum for many years.
4_________________ of them (2%) said they would use a museum for research, preferring to use
the internet instead. 5_________________ museums (less than half) are trying to attract young
people, however it seems that 6_________________ of them are for the older generation.

Mark: ___ / 6

7 Complete the sentences with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I’ll never forget ________________ (get) lost in a cave when I was a child.
2 On her way to the hotel, Lucy stopped ________________ (visit) an old church.
3 The website recommends ________________ (see) the museum of natural history.
4 Matt can’t afford ________________ (buy) a car yet.
5 The TV programme inspired people ________________ (try) a new sport.
6 I enjoyed ________________ (meet) your brother yesterday.
7 You need ________________ (persevere) and not give up immediately.
8 I must remember ________________ (go) to the Berlin Wall before I leave Germany.
9 He went on ________________ (talk) and didn’t see that almost everyone had fallen asleep.

Mark: ___ / 9
TOTAL MARKS: ___ / 60

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