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Unit 8 Short Test 2A

1 Report the questions in the dialogue.
Reporter Hello, my name’s Mark Carter. Can I ask you a few questions?
Sally Yes, of course. What do you want to know?
Reporter Well, we’re making a programme for Channel Nine, and we’re interviewing people about their
smartphones. Have you got a few minutes to talk to us?
Sally Sure. Will I be on TV?
Reporter Yes, you will. Now, first of all, when did you get your latest smartphone?
Sally About a month ago − it was for my birthday.

The reporter asked Sally _______________________________________________ .
Sally asked him _______________________________________________ .
The reporter asked _______________________________________________ .
So Sally asked him _______________________________________________ .
Then the reporter asked _______________________________________________ .

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Report the questions.

1 Have you used all the apps on your phone yet?
Nick asked Anna _______________________________________________ .
2 Where are we going on the school trip on Monday?
We asked the teacher _______________________________________________ .
3 Is Claire having a good time in America?
I asked Tom _______________________________________________ .
4 What did you get Helen for her birthday?
Martha asked me _______________________________________________ .
5 Have you ever been skiing?
Rick asked us _______________________________________________ .

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 8 Short Test 2A

3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 David refused ___ us to tidy the house.
A helping B to help
2 Did the teacher mention ___ us a test after the weekend?
A giving B to give
3 Most of the team blamed Peter ___ losing the match, but I think he played well.
A of B for
4 Catherine persuaded me ___ a new phone.
A buying B to buy
5 The thief denied ___ to steal Toby’s bag.
A trying B to try

Mark: ___ / 5

4 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is one extra word or phrase.
biography blog post culture leisure time pen name textbook

1 The author’s real name is Rob Dobbs, but he uses the ________________ Matt Glass when he writes stories.
2 I’m reading a ________________ about the life of Marie Curie. She was an amazing woman, and it’s very interesting.
3 What do you usually do in your ________________ ? I draw pictures and listen to music.
4 Daniella is an internet travel writer. She writes a ________________ every week from a different place
around the world.
5 Our new maths ________________ is very heavy. It’s four hundred pages long!

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 2 Unit 8 Short Test 2A

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