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Mobile App/Website Design Process – Idea

Step 1: Idea – 40pts and Step discussion 10pts

Mobile app or website projects mostly start with an idea that a developer/client/business
has conceived and believe will address issues or problems that users or potential clients
are facing. The discussion about this idea may be documented or not but, in all cases, the
main objective is to come up with product that will resolve or improve a situation. For
example, a company that already has a website may also decide to develop an app to
increase the flow of potential customer to it and provide a seamless cross device
experience for its customers and staff.
In this class, you have a final project to complete which is a cumulation of a series of
processes which are:
 Formulation of a mobile app or website idea
 Research/analytics
 Wireframe/sketch
 Prototype
Step 1: Idea
Using the website and mobile app development process, students will start the first step by
submitting an idea for a mobile app or website. You are asked to submit a response that
answers the following questions:
o Start by stating the name of your potential app/website and what problem /
issue is the mobile app/website going to resolve?
o What platform/platforms do you build for and explain the reasons for
choosing it/them?
o Who are its target users?
o What results do you want your app/website to achieve?
Instruction: Introduce your idea and ensure that you answer each of the 4 above listed
questions. Submit your paper as an attachment. Ensure that you structure your response
by answering each of these questions in new paragraph, run spell check before submitting
As a reminder, this is a 40 point assignment. You are expected to provide detailed information when
answering the above questions. A response with bare minimum information will be marked DOWN.

After submitting your idea, take time to read proposed ideas of your classmates and
respond to at least ONE of them. You are strongly encouraged to ask your classmate
questions about their ideas, make suggestions or constructively critique it. A mere
response like “I like it; this is a great idea” will be marked down (10pts)

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