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Greg writing

I have read your story on the forum, and I feel sorry for you and
about what happened.

Honestly I don’t really know what I would have done, if I were you.
Luckily I’ve never been in this situation yet, but one of my friend has.
He was being bullied by his classmates, because his family couldn’t
afford expensive clothes. This is not the same situation as yours, but
it’s similar. There’s a big contrast between joke and humiliation, and
everybody should know the difference. When someone is just joking
around, everyone laugh together. Despite of when a person, or a
group of people humiliate one person, it causes a lifelong trauma, to
the person who’s being bullied. I think your friend Dylan, should have
stood by you, and tell them the truth. Maybe you should have done
the same, to defend your well-deserved mark, and stood up for
yourself and your hard work. All you can do now is ignore the people
who thinks that you cheated. You have to focus on people, who
believes you, your friends, and your teacher. They’re the ones who
knows the truth, and all the other classmates of yours are just jealous
because of your grade.

You have to learn to stand up for yourself on your own, and I hope
these things will come to your mind the next time you find yourself in
such a situation, but hopefully you won’t.

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