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Chapter Wise Weightage-Percentage of Questions askad in 5 Years of JEE Maln Exam from # Perticular Chapter ‘Question Count. Number of Questions trom each topic asked in past 5 Years of JEE Main Exam ‘Toplewise Wolghtage Percentage Weightage of toplc as compared to other topics ofthe same chaptar ‘asic Mathematics som Inequalities 44.00% Lgarithn 10 56.00% m 7.00% ‘QUADRATIC EQUATION. 330% 099 3 300% 5 500% 14 74.00% ‘Artynetie Progression(AP) a2 24.00% ‘Summation of AP series 4 5.00% sequence ano sens | 574% 1m ‘Geometric Progression 38 22.00% ‘Summation of GP series a7 70.00% "AN-GN-HM, Miscellaneous Sequences 66 38.00% 4 70.00% 26 25.00% 3 500% Complex Numbers 250% 408 rn 42.00% z 200% 4 13.00% Fundamental Principe of Counting, Combination, Arrangement mB 67.00% Formation of Groups and Diswibutlon 3 300% PERMUTATIONS AND, 1 reular Permutation RIONSAN 3.60% oe ‘Circular Permutat 4 1.00% oe Total Number of Combination and permutation 25 25.00% Disibuton ofA andere Oss . 5.00% nigement 1 100% 5 705 39.00% “mon “ i = a 31.00% ‘General Introduction and Definitions 14 72.00% “Adaltion and Multiplication Theorem on Probabilly.geometricalprobabilty 36 31.00% F 1 oneitional probably, dependent and aay a w Independent events 23 19.00% ‘Total Probabilty theorem, Gaye's Theorem 2 8.00% Bernas tral, Binomial Probably Distribution 36 31.00% MATRICES and “1 2.00%, zs 740% 224 38 7.00% “ 18.00% a4 37.00% Based on Trigonometrie Formulae 26 34.00% [Conditional identities, Some Standard lentiion Trigonometric Ratios and |, . sao oe 02% 031 in 2 600% aximum and Minima Values of “Trigonomotie Function. 3 10.00% t r 15 37.00% TRIGONOMETRIC sa8% oat EQUATIONS, 2 500% 24 39.00% amie

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