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Name: Ian Miguel M.

Razon Course Code: USELF 133

Course, Year & Section: BSIT-1A Date finished: 09/14/23

Pre-Discussion Activity 1: Get to know ME!

Answer the following questions as coherently, and honestly as possible. Please answer
with a minimum of 5 sentences each question.
1. Who am I?
I’m Ian Miguel Razon, who lived in San Agustin Betis Guagua, Pampanga. I’m a
helpful person when it comes to my friend but also to anyone who needs help. I
do what I can do to help other people. My goal is to finish my studies to make my
parents proud and to give back to them. I believe that education is the key to
success and what matters the most is to always be kind.

2. What am I scared of?

I’m scared of losing my family since they are the one that gave me strength and
hope to continue my dreams . I'm scared of failing my mother. I’m scared of not
being successful in life. I’m scared of not being a good son. I’m scared of not
being able to provide for them someday.

3. What matters most in my life?

For me the most valuable people in my life are my parents and my girlfriend.
They are the ones who inspire me to be a better person. Also it matters to me my
career, someday i will become a successful person. It matters to me to
reciprocate the sacrifices of my parents. It matters to me the happiness of my
loved ones.

4. Have I made someone smile today?

Yes, my father borrowed my motorcycle and that made him happy today. I helped
my friend fix his motorcycle. He appreciated me for helping him. I helped my
mom to go to the market to buy some ingredients for our food. Lastly, I went to
my girlfriend's house to give her an adobo.
5. What do I need to change about myself?

I need to change from being stubborn and lazy. Sometimes I don't obey my
mom’s order, so I want to change that. I need to change my attitude. It won't be
easy to change but I will try my best. Each day is a chance to change and
change is for the better. to become a better person, a better friend, a better son.
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