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Light plays an important role in spirituality across many different religions and
practices. It is often associated with enlightenment, purity, and the divine, and can be
used to create a sense of awe and reverence in religious spaces. Light can also be used
to symbolize spiritual concepts such as transcendence and the presence of the divine.

Studying the role of light in religious places is to understand how light can be used to
create a spiritual and calming environment and comparing different religious place.

1. Understanding the different types of light used in spiritual practices and their
significance in different religions.
2. Examining the role of light in creating a peaceful and meditative atmosphere in
spiritual places.
3. Understanding the history on the role of njn natural light in religious place.

1. Conducting literature case study in kerala.
2. Observing and documenting the different types daylighting system.
3. Conducting surveys to investigate the effects of natural light in worshipers.

The scope of the study on light in spiritual places can include exploring the different
types of lightings. It can also involve examining the role of light in creating a peaceful
and meditative atmosphere, as well as its symbolic and cultural significance in
different spiritual traditions.

1. Environmental concerns
2. religious or cultural restrictions

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