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Always #LikeAGirl

The "Always #LikeAGirl" advertisement, released in 2015, is a powerful and impactful campaign
that aimed to challenge and change societal perceptions and stereotypes surrounding the
phrase "like a girl." A part of Procter & Gamble, American brand Always sells feminine hygiene
products. Through this campaign, they sought to empower girls and women by redefining what
it means to do something "like a girl."

Firstly, the central message of this ad is to challenge the negative connotations associated with
the phrase "like a girl." It starts by asking women, men and young boys to demonstrate what it
means to do various activities "like a girl" such as running or throwing a ball. The initial re-
sponses show exaggerated, stereotypical, and derogatory movements, highlighting the prevail-
ing negative perceptions.

Then, we are introduced to a group of young girls who are asked the same questions. Their re-
sponses are markedly different. They demonstrate strength, confidence, and determination in
their actions. This stark contrast highlights the idea that doing something "like a girl" should not
be an insult but a source of pride and strength.

The commercial touches upon the impact of puberty on girls' self-esteem. It suggests that as
girls grow older, they become more aware of the stereotypes and start internalizing them,
leading to a decline in their self-confidence. The message calls attention to the importance of
building and maintaining self-esteem during puberty.

There is a clever use of a combination of visuals, body language, and music to convey its mes-
sage. The contrast between the initial, exaggerated movements and the confident, natural
movements of the young girls is a powerful visual tool. The use of an orchestral soundtrack
adds emotional depth to the narrative.

Furthermore, by showcasing young girls who proudly demonstrate their abilities, the ad pro-
vides positive role models for both girls and boys. It encourages girls to embrace their strengths
and talents, and it challenges boys and men to reconsider their own attitudes and biases.

#LikeAGirl campaign became a viral hashtag on social media, encouraging people to share their
own stories and challenge stereotypes. This widespread engagement helped create a broader
cultural conversation around gender equality and empowerment.
This campaign is part of a larger trend of brands taking on social issues. By aligning itself with a
message of empowerment and challenging stereotypes, Always sought to position itself as a
socially responsible brand. The Brand effectively uses emotional storytelling. It taps into univer-
sal themes of self-worth, identity, and social expectations. Viewers are likely to feel empathy
and resonate with the message, making it more memorable.

Overall, while the "Always #LikeAGirl" campaign was a significant step forward in challenging
gender stereotypes, there are still opportunities for improvement. While the issue of gender
stereotypes has been addressed, it primarily focuses on the experiences of cisgender girls. In
my opinion it could be improved by acknowledging and representing a broader spectrum of
gender identities and expressions. Also, people are being encouraged to challenge stereotypes
by creating awareness that it exists, but it fails provide specific guidance on how to do so. Add-
ing an educational component with tips and resources for addressing gender bias in everyday
life could empower viewers to take action.

In conclusion, the "Always #LikeAGirl" advertisement is a successful and impactful campaign

that challenged stereotypes, empowered young girls, and encouraged a broader conversation
about gender equality and self-esteem. It effectively used storytelling, contrast, and emotional
appeal to deliver its message, and it became a prominent example of how brands can take on
social issues as part of their corporate social responsibility efforts.

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