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5 STEPS to produce

an amazing idea!made by: @olyatells

1. Gather raw materials

This step is one of the most boring ones. However, it really
determines the quality of your idea at the end of the process.

You need to gather information both about immediate

task/problem and materials from your "bag of knowledge".

("Bag of knowledge" is general information about the world,

people etc.)

2. Go over the information you've gathered and look for a

relationship between the elements
This process is done entirely inside your head.

You should think about the things you already know,

look at them differently, try to combine them somehow.

The purpose of this step is to find a relationship between

the elements that will become a base of the future idea.

3. Let everything go and do

something else
Have you ever had it that you where thinking about
something, got super tired, decided to take a break and then
randomly got the idea? Yes? Me too. Many times!

This works like that because you let your subconscious

process the information and connections between the facts.
So, please, take this step seriously!

4. Here it is! Your idea came to you!

Eureka! You got it!

Now, write the idea down with all the details. Don't keep it in your head because you might
accidentally forget it. And we don't want that.

5. Improve your idea and think it

Every great idea needs to be shaped into something
applicable. Raw ideas usually are vague and impractical. You
need to fix that.

Spend some time on this step, don't be impatient. It will save

you a lot of trouble and time in the future development of
your idea.

Source: Young, J. (2003). A technique for producing ideas. McGraw Hill Professional.

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