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Food Chemistry 287 (2019) 338–345

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Analytical Methods

Statistical comparative study between the conventional DPPH% T

spectrophotometric and dropping DPPH% analytical method without
spectrophotometer: Evaluation for the advancement of antioxidant activity

Sridhar Kandia, Albert Linton Charlesa,b,
Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 1 Shuefu Road, Neipu, Pingtung 912 01,
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga Campus C Universitas Airlangga, Mulyorejo, Surabaya 601 15, East Java, Indonesia


Keywords: Recently, new approaches for measuring antioxidant activity have been developed to eliminate or reduce the use
Conventional DPPH% method of a spectrophotometer. All analytical methods must provide consistent and reliable results, which should be
Dropping DPPH% method compared with statistical models. Therefore, we compared the conventional and dropping DPPH% methods with
Antioxidant activity three widely used standards. We employed and compared with three statistical methods. Good R-squared
Statistical studies
(R2 = ≥0.96) confirmed the similarity in comparison of using dropping DPPH% method compared with the
Bland-Altman method
conventional DPPH% method and reported lower deviations (ARD = −0.32 to 0.13; RMSD = 0.10 to 1.15).
Bland-Altman method (95% CI) demonstrated a good agreement between the two methods using standards and
grape extracts (skin and seed). These findings suggested that the dropping DPPH% method proved cheaper
(without spectrophotometer) and correlated well with the conventional DPPH% method. Therefore, this method
could be affordably conducted in research laboratories in developing and less developed countries.

1. Introduction Lupea, 2007; Tirzitis & Bartosz, 2010). However, the literature of the
last decade concerning the definition of antioxidant depends on the
Research on free radicals has a long tradition and of great im- environment (in vitro or in vivo) of its action (Tirzitis & Bartosz, 2010).
portance in the field of science, especially in clinical medicine and Hence, the evaluation of the antioxidant activity has been widely
nutritional science (El-Kosasy, Hussien, & Abdel-Rahman, 2013). Free adopted with different analytical methods, such as DPPH% (2,2 di-
radicals are generated by the oxidation reaction and incomplete re- phenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS•+ (2,2'-azino-bis-3ethylbenzothiazo-
duction of an oxygen molecule, which leads to structural and functional line-6-sulfonic acid), FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power), ORAC
damage of biomolecules or cell organelles (Akar, Kucuk, & Dogan, (oxygen radical absorption capacity), cupric reducing antioxidant ca-
2017). Plant-based foods, especially fruits and vegetables have been pacity (CUPRAC) assays, total reducing capacity (Chen, Bertin, &
extensively used to scavenge these free radical generation by anti- Froldi, 2013), and inhibition of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation
oxidant molecules present in fruits and vegetables. Grape skin and seeds (Szabo et al., 2007). Among all these methods, the DPPH% method is
are by-products of grape processing industry and potential sources of one of the popular assays used for its ease, low cost, and efficiency.
phenolic compounds. These by-products of grape (skin and seed) could The DPPH (Fig. 1) assay, developed by Blois in 1958 (Kedare &
scavenge the free radicals by antioxidant mechanism. Thus, researchers Singh, 2011), investigates the stable free radical (α, α-diphenyl-β-pi-
investigated in the field of free radicals and antioxidants stated that crylhydrazyl (DPPH – C18H12N5O6, molecular mass of 394.33 g.mol−1))
“antioxidant is a term widely used but rarely defined” (Tirzitis & However, due to a colorimetric mechanism, DPPH% assay requires the
Bartosz, 2010). The term antioxidants are defined as substances (even use of a UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Research on DPPH% method has
at low concentration) that significantly delay or reduce oxidation of gradually broadened and has led to the development of new approaches
that substrate including free radicals (Szabo, Idiţoiu, Chambre, & for measuring the antioxidant activity. For instance, Milardović,

Corresponding author at: Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, 1 Shuefu
Road, Neipu, Pingtung 912 01, Taiwan.
E-mail address: (A.L. Charles).
Received 22 October 2018; Received in revised form 17 February 2019; Accepted 24 February 2019
Available online 02 March 2019
0308-8146/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Kandi and A.L. Charles Food Chemistry 287 (2019) 338–345

Fig. 1. The basic structures for diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (free radical) and diphenylpicrylhydrazine (non-free radical).

Iveković, and Grabarić (2006) developed a novel amperometric method DPPH% method without spectrophotometer, using standard synthetic
for antioxidant activity using DPPH%. More recently, new approaches antioxidants (ascorbic acid, BHT, and propyl gallate). It is our interest
for measuring antioxidant activity have been based on different to know whether this dropping DPPH% method produces accurate re-
sources, such as graphite sensor (El-Kosasy et al., 2013), TLC plates sults compared with that of conventional DPPH% method using statis-
(Akar et al., 2017), lamination method (Sirivibulkovit, Nouanthavong, tical studies.
& Sameenoi, 2018), and HPLC method (Qiu et al., 2012). These Therefore, the study objectives were to compare the conventional
methods were developed to simplify the DPPH% assay. Nevertheless, the DPPH% method and dropping DPPH% method (proposed by Akar et al.,
DPPH% spectrophotometric method has had many applications in var- 2017), thus eliminating the need of a spectrophotometer. Moreover, in
ious academic and research fields, but requires high cost, which is the order to assess the comparison of the methods, we employed the sta-
major disadvantage of using the spectrophotometer. Many laboratories tistical models (correlation analysis, linear regression model, and
in developing and less developed countries have failed to or unable to Bland–Altman method). The contributions of this comparative study
use the spectrophotometer due to lack of funding sources or supporting might have wide applicability in developing and less developed coun-
agencies, which is a common problem in many laboratories of devel- tries, where a spectrophotometer is unaffordable.
oping and less developed countries. To overcome this problem, recent
methods have been focused by proposing reduced cost antioxidant bio
assays, which could replace use of spectrophotometers (Akar et al., 2. Materials and methods
2017). To date, few studies report on investigating antioxidant activity
using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) plates in bioautography and 2.1. Reagents and instruments
spot assays, which are alternatives to spectrophotometric and spectro-
scopic methods (Hosu, Cimpoiu, Sandru, & Seserman, 2010). 2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH%), butylated hydroxytoluene
Image transformation technologies, using freely available software (BHT), methanol, ethanol, TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) plates –
sources, has been used in recent years to determine antioxidant activity. 5 × 10 cm (RP-18 modified silica gel coated with fluorescent indicator
For example, Akar et al. (2017) developed a new dropping DPPH% F254s), and propyl gallate were obtained from Merck Chemicals
scavenging activity method without the need of the spectrophotometer. (Darmstadt, Germany). Ascorbic acid was purchased from Thermo
It is clear that antioxidant activity could be easily determined by Fisher Scientific (Massachusetts, United States). Fresh stock solutions
without spectrophotometer; moreover, this technique eliminates the were prepared before each analysis: stock solutions of DPPH were
use of a costly spectrophotometer and a high amount of chemical use prepared in methanol; other solvents and reagents were of the highest
(solvents and reagents). This method also compared with natural (plant analytical/food grade; and used without any further purification; and
extracts) and synthetic (BHT, gallic acid, and caffeic acid) antioxidants, chromatographic grade water was obtained by Milli-Q water (Merck
but failed to compare with widely used synthetic antioxidant standards Millipore Water System, Germany) purification unit.
(ascorbic acid, BHT, and propyl gallate) as these are commonly used Spectrophotometric measurements were taken at 517 nm using a DU
antioxidants for comparing the antioxidant activity (Sharma & Bhat, 730 UV/Vis spectrophotometer (Beckman-Coulter, United States).
2009). Moreover, another study by Olech, Komsta, Nowak, Cieśla, and Images were taken using Canon Digital Camera (600 D) – 5 × 10 cm
Waksmundzka-Hajnos (2012) reported a new analytical method for the (EOS, DS126311, Canon Inc. Japan) at a shuttle speed of 1/1000 (lens:
investigation of antiradical activity of plant extracts by TLC with image 18–55 mm, brightness: ± 0 without flash). Data was processed on
processing software. There is no previous research that reports on the computer using Windows 10 Education 64-bit, (ASUSTek computer
comparison between conventional DPPH% method and colorimetric INC.) with a 2.80 GHz processor configuration (4096 MB RAM).
Detailed information on the general properties of the chemical reagents

Table 1
Detailed information on the general properties of the chemicals used in this study.
Chemical Molecular formula Molecular weight (g.mol−1) Purity (%w)b ChemSpider ID CASRNc

DPPHa C18H12N5O6 394.33 ≥90 2016757 1898-66-4

Butylated hydroxytoluene C15H24O 220.35 ≥95 13835296 128-37-0
Propyl gallate C10H12O5 212.19 ≥98 4778 121-79-9
Ascorbic acid C6H8O6 176.12 99 10189562 50-81-7
Methanol CH4O 32.04 ≥99 864 67-56-1
Ethanol C2H5OH 46.07 ≥90 682 64-17-5
Water H2O 18.01 none 937 7732-18-5

2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl.
The purity of chemicals were stated by the suppliers.
Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CASRN).

S. Kandi and A.L. Charles Food Chemistry 287 (2019) 338–345

used in this study are presented in Table 1. conventional DPPH% spectrophotometric method, xnd represents the
antioxidant activity values of dropping DPPH% radical scavenging ac-
2.2. Conventional DPPH% spectrophotometric method tivity method, and N is the number of experimental points in the ex-
The electron donation abilities of standard compounds
(100–1000 µM) were determined based on the measurement of free 2.5. Methods of measurements: Statistical studies
radical scavenging capacity of antioxidant compounds using DPPH%
according to Sridhar and Charles (2018) with some modifications. Statistical studies between conventional DPPH% spectrophotometric
Standard solution (0.10 mL) containing different concentrations and dropping DPPH% analytical methods were evaluated using three
(100–1000 µM) was added to 3 mL methanolic solution of DPPH methods of measurements: (i) correlation analysis (Armstrong, Eperjesi,
(100 µM). Tubes were allowed to stand at 27 °C for 20 min after vig- & Gilmartin, 2005; Bland & Altman, 2003), (ii) linear regression model
orous shaking. A control without sample was prepared as described (Lai & Shiao, 2005), and (iii) Bland–Altman method (Lai & Shiao, 2005;
above; absorbances were measured at 517 nm against methanol as McAlinden, Khadka, & Pesudovs, 2011). We used data from 1000 µM
blank. concentration of ascorbic acid, BHT, and propyl gallate (n = 10) to
calculate correlation analysis and Bland–Altman method.
2.3. Dropping DPPH% method
2.5.1. Correlation analysis
This assay was carried out according to Akar et al. (2017). Standard Correlation analysis is a statistical method used to analyze the re-
solution (0.10 mL) containing different concentrations (100–1000 µM), lationship between two variables using ‘product moment correlation
methanolic solution of DPPH, and incubation was performed as de- coefficient’ – PMCC (referred as “r”) first introduced by Karl Pearson in
scribed in DPPH% spectrophotometric method. After incubation, 15 µL 1902 (Armstrong et al., 2005). Pearson’s correlation coefficient be-
of the incubation mixture was dropped onto the adsorbent surface of tween any two variables (x and y) is represented as rxy and calculated as
the TLC plate according to Akar et al. (2017) with some modification shown in equation (3) according to IBM® SPSS® Statistics version 22.0
and left at room temperature for 5 min (TLC plates were activated by (2013) (2013) (2013) following the procedure of Analyze – Correlate –
heating at 105 °C for 1 h). At the end of incubation, TLC plates were Bivariate (Pearson’s correlation coefficient).
dried in a hood for 30 min. Dried TLC plates were documented using a
compact digital camera (approximately 10–20 s). Moreover, we fol- ⎡ C xy ⎤
rxy = ⎢
lowed Olech et al. (2012) procedure for image processing requirements C xx C yy ⎥ (3)
⎣ ⎦
for TLC plates. The images were captured and saved as JPEG (Joint
Photographic Experts Group) files for the best quality (smallest com- where, Cxy = covariance of x and y, Cxx = variance of ×, and
pression) and accessed them for further image processing using non- Cyy = variance of y.
commercial ImageJ software. Color images were turned into 8-bit type
images by applying following steps: Image – Type – 8-bit. Denoised 2.5.2. Linear regression model
images were obtained by built-in algorithm used in ImageJ software A linear regression model is statistical method used to explain linear
without plugins (Process – Filter – Median – Radius: 5 pixels). Subse- association between two or more continuous variables using a straight
quently baseline drift (caused by inhomogeneous illumination) was line. The linear association between conventional and dropping DPPH%
removed by the high-pass 2D filters implemented in ImageJ software method calculated (Passing & Bablok, 1983; Sridhar & Charles, 2019) as
(Process/FFT/Bandpass Filter/Filter large structures down to: 40 pixels; shown in equation (4) following the procedure of Microsoft Excel® –
filter small structures up to: 0 pixels; tolerance of direction: 5%). After Insert – Charts (Scatter – to compare at least two sets of values).
denoising and removing the baseline drift, elliptical brush selection tool Yi = β0 + β1 Xi (4)
was employed to select the desired track on the color images. The color
values (arbitrary units – AU) on TLC plates (images) were determined as in which, Xi and Yi = variables, β1 = slope of the line, and
area (Analyze – Set measurements: Area) by non-commercial free pro- β0 = intercept.
gramming ImageJ software (
developed at the National Institute of Health, the United States of 2.5.3. Bland–Altman method
America (Cieśla, Kowalska, Oleszek, & Stochmal, 2013). The color va- Bland – Altman method or the limits of agreement method origin-
lues (area) obtained from ImageJ were plotted against the concentra- ally developed by Altman and Bland in 1983 and widely used in the
tions. clinical comparison of two analytical methods (McAlinden et al., 2011).
According to Bland–Altman method, the differences between two ana-
2.4. Statistical fit of conventional and dropping DPPH% method lytical methods (y-axis) plotted against the average of the two analy-
tical method (x-axis) values (Ludbrook, 2002). We constructed graphs
Statistical fit of the methods was calculated based on the average using Microsoft Excel® version 2016 following the procedure of Excel –
relative deviations (ARD) (Baluja, Alnayab, & Hirapara, 2017; Chen Insert – Charts (Scatter – to compare at least two sets of values).
et al., 2017; Kandi & Charles, 2018; Sunsandee, Hronec, Štolcová,
Leepipatpiboon, & Pancharoen, 2013), and root-mean-square devia- 2.6. Evaluation of two analytical methods in grape extracts
tions (RMSD) (Kandi & Charles, 2018; Shakeel, Haq, & Siddiqui, 2015)
by the following Eqs. (1) and (2). These methods are frequently used The best statistical method was used for the evaluation of agreement
methods to measure the differences between the methods or values. between two analytical methods using Kyoho grape skin and seed ex-
tracts (n = 10). The grape samples of Vitis labruscana (Kyoho) were
⎡1 X cs − Xnd ⎤ collected from the local market in Pingtung county of Taiwan (February
ARD = ⎢
∑ X cs ⎥
⎣ N ⎦ (1) 2019) and washed with deionized water (dH2O). Sample preparation
for Kyoho skin and seed samples were performed according to the
⎡1 Xnd − X cs ⎞ ⎤ method previously described by Sridhar and Charles (2019). The
RMSD = ⎢N ∑⎛ ⎜

X cs

⎥ method of solvent extraction using an ultrasonic bath (Delta Ultrasonic
⎣ N ⎝ ⎠⎦ (2)
Cleaner, Taiwan) was employed for the preparation of grape skin and
in Eqs. (1) and (2), xcs represents the antioxidant activity values of seed extracts (Sridhar & Charles, 2019) with a combination of green

S. Kandi and A.L. Charles Food Chemistry 287 (2019) 338–345

solvents (75% ethanol: water, 4:1 v/v). The combination of green sol-
vents was used to establish an eco-friendly extraction method for the
efficacy of antioxidant activity using two analytical methods. The an-
tioxidant activities of Kyoho skin and seed extracts were determined
according to the aforementioned protocol described for conventional
and dropping DPPH% methods.

2.7. Statistical analysis

The results are presented as the mean values ± SD of three mea-

surements. Correlation analysis was performed using IBM® SPSS®
Statistics version 22.0 and values of p < 0.05 was assumed as statis-
tical differences between the experimental points. Graphs were plotted
by Microsoft Excel® version 2016 (

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Conventional DPPH% and dropping DPPH% method

In this study, the antioxidant activity of each standard (ascorbic

acid, BHT, and propyl gallate) was determined by applying the con-
ventional DPPH% method and a dropping DPPH% method. The visual
appearance of the reaction mixture obtained from each method showed
clear color changes (Supplementary Fig. S1). The intensity of the yel-
lowish color of the reaction mixture in both methods increased with
increase in the concentrations of standard compounds (100–1000 µM),
which reflected the dose-dependent antioxidant activity of standard
compounds. Moreover, a similar color change from purple to yellowish
based on concentration in both methods further confirmed the simi-
larity of the reaction mixture (color change) in the dropping DPPH%
Fig. 2. Calculation of antioxidant activity of standard compounds. (A)
method to the color change (reaction mixture) in the conventional Concentration – absorbance measured by the conventional DPPH% method and
DPPH% method (Supplementary Fig. S1). The color change in conven- (B) Concentration – area measured by dropping DPPH% method. Error bars
tional DPPH% method was estimated by measuring absorbance with a represent the standard deviation of the mean.
spectrophotometer at 517 nm and recorded as 0.87 ± 0.03 for the
control sample, whereas TLC plates were processed with ImageJ for the
confirmed the relationship between concentration and absorbance or
determination of areas of the spot (reaction mixture on TLC plate). The
area. Moreover, the best fit of the regression line was explained by good
antioxidant activity of spots increases with a decrease in spot area
R-squared values in both methods. For example, all the standard com-
(Hosu et al., 2010) based on the concentration used (100–1000 µM).
pounds reported good R-squared values (R2 = ≥0.96) for both
The area measured for the control spot was in the range of
methods. Good R-squared values have also been explored in a prior
74384 ± 152.42. A decrease in areas was observed with increase in
study by Hosu et al. (2010), who investigated the antioxidant activity of
concentration (100 – 1000 µM), which ranged from 62,268 to 22,120
juices using conventional and the dropping DPPH% methods. Our re-
(ascorbic acid), 37,699 to 14,592 (BHT), and 62,343 to 25,505 (propyl
ported R-squared values agreed with a recent analytical study by Olech
gallate). The decreased area with an increased concentration in this
et al. (2012) on antiradical activity of plant extracts using TLC –image
study corroborated the earlier findings by Hosu et al. (2010), who
processing technology and reported R-squared values of 0.95 (gallic
conducted studies on the antioxidant activity of juices by thin-layer
acid), 0.96 (rose extracts), and 0.98 (protocatechuic acid). Therefore, R-
chromatography and image processing technology.
squared values above 0.95 are acceptable to confirm the similarity of
A calibration curve was constructed for the conventional DPPH%
any two analytical methods in a comparative study. However, minor
method by plotting the absorbance of the difference between control
variations in R-squared values might be the consequences of errors in
and each standard (ascorbic acid, BHT, and propyl gallate) against each
an instrument (spectrophotometer) for the conventional DPPH% method
standard concentration (100–1000 µM) as shown in Fig. 2A. On the
and dropping volume of the sample (amount of sample used for an
other hand, a calibration curve was also constructed for the dropping
experiment) in the case of the dropping DPPH% method (Akar et al.,
DPPH% method by plotting area against each standard concentration
2017). Moreover, there are other reasons for dropping DPPH% method
(Fig. 2B). The plotted areas were obtained by the difference between
including the requirements of the compact digital camera and photo
mean area of control sample and the mean area of each standard. The
resolution (Olech et al., 2012). Based on the available literature, we
linear calibration curve for ascorbic acid (y = 0.00005x + 0.80,
proposed that R-squared values above 0.95 is acceptable to produce
R2 = 0.99), BHT (y = 0.0004x + 0.39, R2 = 0.99), and propyl gallate
similar result for any analytical method. Hence, from the above study as
(y = 0.00005x + 0.79, R2 = 0.98) were constructed using the conven-
well as our study confirms the similarity in data using the dropping
tional DPPH% method (Fig. 2A). In addition, linear calibration curves for
DPPH% method with that of the conventional DPPH% method.
ascorbic acid (y = 0.48.91x + 7400.60, R2 = 0.97), BHT
(y = 24.20x + 36.13, R2 = 0.96), and propyl gallate
(y = 39.81x + 10154, R2 = 0.97) are presented using the dropping 3.2. Statistical fit of conventional and dropping DPPH% method
DPPH% method (Fig. 2B), constructed similarly to calibration curves for
conventional DPPH% (concentration versus absorbance) and dropping We calculated the ARD and RMSD values in order to estimate the
DPPH% (concentration versus area) methods, respectively reported in deviations between the conventional and dropping DPPH% methods
Hosu et al. (2010). (Supplementary Table S1). The ARD values ranged from −0.32 to 0.13
Conclusively, both methods demonstrated linear responses that for standard compounds between the conventional and dropping DPPH%

S. Kandi and A.L. Charles Food Chemistry 287 (2019) 338–345

methods. The highest value of ARD was observed in butylated hydro- the agreement between the two methods was determined irrelevant.
xytoluene (0.13), whereas the lowest value recorded as −0.32 for as- The results from our study provided evidence for the inappropriate use
corbic acid. The RMSD values between the conventional and dropping of a correlation method for the study of agreement between different
DPPH% methods were recorded in the range of 0.10–1.15. The highest methods of measurement.
RMSD value was observed in ascorbic acid (1.15), followed by propyl
gallate (0.11) and butylated hydroxytoluene (0.10). Lower values of 3.3.2. Linear regression model
ARD and RMSD indicated lower deviations between the two methods. The linear regression model is the basic and commonly applied
Moreover, lower values of ARD and RMSD found clear support from predictive analysis to determine the relationship between the conven-
previous findings (Kandi & Charles, 2018), for the comparison between tional DPPH% and dropping DPPH% methods. We applied a regression
experimental and calculated solubilities. Based on the results obtained model to the relationship and to determine the strength of both
from deviations, we concluded that the results of a dropping DPPH% methods as shown in Fig. 3. Based on the regression approach, the two
method agreed with the conventional DPPH% method, and therefore methods yielded straight lines for ascorbic acid (y = 1.01x + 3.91,
was a good fit with the dropping DPPH% method. R2 = 0.96), BHT (y = 0.89x + 5.33, R2 = 0.95), and propyl gallate
(y = 1.022x + 85.77, R2 = 0.92) as illustrated in Fig. 3A. The straight
3.3. Methods of measurements: Statistical studies line and R-squared (R2 = ≥0.92) values demonstrated a good agree-
ment between the two analytical methods. Although these two methods
3.3.1. Correlation analysis were related, they failed to exhibit perfect agreement between the
Correlation analysis of the two analytical methods (conventional conventional and dropping DPPH% methods using straight line and R-
and dropping DPPH%) using correlation coefficient indicates the squared (R2 = ≥0.92) values. A possible explanation for this dis-
agreement between two methods (Magari, 2002). We assumed that agreement was attributed to the method that we used. However, similar
there was no relation between difference and magnitude of the two results have previously been described by Bland and Altman (2003) in
analytical methods (conventional and dropping DPPH% method). The their study on the application of right statistics for measurement stu-
linear dependence between the two methods was evaluated and sum- dies. They argued that the straight line in linear regression failed to
marized in Table 2. Conventional DPPH% method (X) exhibited sig- explain the perfect agreement between any two analytical methods
nificantly higher linear correlations with difference (X – Y), r = 0.83, (conventional and dropping DPPH% method). Thus, it is difficult to
p < 0.01 and mean (X + Y/2), r = 0.71, p < 0.05, whereas the explain the agreement between these two analytical methods using
dropping DPPH% method (Y) showed negatively strong correlation linear regression model. Therefore, to demonstrate the agreement be-
(−0.74) with difference at the significant level of 0.05 (2-tailed). The tween the two analytical methods, we constructed the equality line
correlation between individual data points of the conventional DPPH% (determined by slope and intercept) as shown in Fig. 3B. The purpose of
method (X) and dropping DPPH% method (Y) negatively correlated equality line was to indicate a lack of agreement between the conven-
(r = −0.24), which was not significant (p < 0.05). The results de- tional and dropping DPPH% method. In Fig. 3B, all the data points were
monstrated a good correlation between the two methods. A series of scattered close to the line of equality and indicated a minor bias be-
recent studies have indicated good correlation coefficients between tween the two methods. For instance, data points for ascorbic acid and
these two analytical methods. For example, an analytical study con- BHT lie close to the line of equality, whereas a minor deviation from the
ducted by Huang Foen Chung et al. (2004) reported a correlation line of equality was observed for propyl gallate (Fig. 3B). We propose
coefficient of 0.84, which revealed the agreement between the two that this might be due to the structure of the standard compound propyl
methods. Nevertheless, many researchers argued that the definition and gallate that we used in the study. However, several clinical and statis-
function of a correlation coefficient are to measure the strength of as- tical scientists/researchers suggested that the application of the re-
sociation between two variables, and therefore inappropriate to inter- gression line and line of equality was an inappropriate method to prove
pret it as a measurement of the agreement between two methods (Bland the agreement between the two methods (Bland & Altman, 2003).
& Altman, 2003; Hollis, 1996; Magari, 2002). Moreover, the application Hollis (1996) reported errors with the regression and line of equality
of correlation has also been well acknowledged and Hollis (1996) has approach and recommended the elimination of errors in variables to
commented on the irrelevant use of correlation coefficient for the limit produce symmetric results in a linear regression model. In regression
of agreement studies; moreover, Hollis (1996) stated that the range of analysis, experimental data points should cluster around the regression
experimental data and a number of experimental points inflates the line or line of equality for good agreement between the two analytical
correlation coefficient. Similar conclusions were also stated by Magari methods (Bland & Altman, 2003). A study by Magari (2002) in-
(2002) on correlation analysis in his study on comparing statistics for vestigated the bias and variations in regression parameters. Several
laboratory methods. Several authors have documented the bias in the assumptions for regression analysis was pointed out in a study by Hollis
correlation method and reported consistent values of the correlation (1996) on the analysis of method comparison concluded that regression
coefficient (Bland & Altman, 2003; Magari, 2002). Nonetheless, we analysis assumes to measure the dependent variable with an error. On
observed the use of a correlation method in many scientific journals for this basis, we concluded that the linear regression model was an in-
agreement studies (between the two analytical methods), which has led appropriate model for the measurement of agreement between the two
to the wrong interpretation of statistical method applications in re- methods (conventional and dropping DPPH% method). Therefore, re-
porting scientific research. Based on arguments presented in the lit- searchers investigated the different methods to compare the agreement
erature and our study, the use of the correlation coefficient to compare between the two methods. In 1983, Altman and Bland provided a valid

Table 2
Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) for the level of agreement between the conventional and dropping DPPH% method with their difference and mean.
Conventional DPPH% method (X) Dropping DPPH% method (Y) Difference (X-Y) Mean (X + Y/2)

Conventional DPPH% method (X) 1 −0.24 0.83** 0.71*

Dropping DPPH% method (Y) 1 −0.74* 0.51
Difference (X-Y) 1 0.20
Mean (X + Y/2) 1

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

S. Kandi and A.L. Charles Food Chemistry 287 (2019) 338–345

Fig. 3. Linear regression analysis of the conventional DPPH% and dropping DPPH% method. (A) conventional DPPH% and dropping DPPH% method with regression line
and (B) conventional DPPH% and dropping DPPH% method with equality line.

and alternate method of analysis (Hollis, 1996). This cornerstone ap- These classical approaches, such as correlation and linear regression
proach had a considerable impact on the comparative studies of two were not recommended for agreement studies as these describe the
analytical methods. Therefore, we used this method in order to explain association of two variables instead of agreement, which are misleading
the perfect agreement between the conventional DPPH% and dropping in the use of statistical models (Altman & Bland, 1983). Hence, we
DPPH% method. conclusively recommend the Bland–Altman method for any agreement
studies. This is an important finding in the understanding of the com-
parison of statistical methods to measure the agreement between con-
3.3.3. Bland–Altman method ventional DPPH% and dropping DPPH% method. Therefore, this method
Altman and Bland proposed this method to compare the agreement was employed for the evaluation of agreement between conventional
between two methods. We employed this method with a minimum and dropping DPPH% methods using Kyoho grape skin and seed extracts.
sample size (n = 10) to compare agreement between the conventional
DPPH% and dropping DPPH% method (Mathews, 2010). According to the
fundamentals in statistics, there is no relationship between difference 3.4. Evaluation of two analytical methods in grape extracts
and average of data from the conventional DPPH% and dropping DPPH%
methods. Therefore, we summarized the limit of agreement between Kyoho skin and seed extracts were treated with DPPH% working
these methods using difference and average (Bland–Altman method) as solution using conventional and dropping DPPH% methods and the vi-
illustrated in Fig. 4. Based on the Bland–Altman method, we calculated sual color appearance of reaction mixtures are shown in Supplementary
the mean difference (conventional DPPH%– dropping DPPH% method) Fig. S2. The color change for Kyoho skin and seed extracts was recorded
and means of the two methods (((conventional DPPH% + dropping as 0.078 ± 0.02 and 0.086 ± 0.007 using the conventional DPPH%
DPPH% method)/2)). As a result, we expected the differences between method. The areas of the spot for Kyoho skin and seeds were observed
the two methods to lie between the limit of agreements (mean ± 1.96 as 60691.60 and 59887.77, which were in the range of measured areas
standard deviation). For the data shown in Fig. 4A, the mean of dif- of control sample (111052 to –138930) using dropping DPPH% method.
ferences for ascorbic acid was −44.24 with a standard deviation of The color change (pink to yellow) in both methods demonstrated that
8.15, and the limit of agreement (95% confidence interval) was re- the Kyoho skin and seed extracts had the capacity to inhibit the gen-
ported as −44.24 ± 15.97. The mean of differences for BHT and eration of free radicals (Supplementary Fig. S2). The agreement be-
propyl gallate was observed as 26.19 and −27.96 with a standard de- tween the analytical methods was further confirmed by using the ap-
viation of 5.85 and 8.35, respectively. The limit of agreements was propriate statistical Bland–Altman method. The Bland–Altman scatter
observed as 26.19 ± 11.46 and −27.96 ± 16.36 for BHT and propyl plot using Kyoho grape skin and seed extracts were constructed for the
gallate, respectively. These results suggested that the data points for evaluation of agreement between conventional and dropping DPPH%
ascorbic acid and BHT were within the limits as presented in Fig. 4(A methods (Fig. 4D and E). Fig. 4(D and E) showed the possible agree-
and B) except for propyl gallate (Fig. 4C). However, we were not able to ment between the conventional DPPH% and dropping DPPH% methods. It
decide the acceptable limit of agreement. Interestingly, Hollis (1996) was obvious to expect that the differences between the two methods
reported no statistical conclusion for an acceptable limit of agreement ranged within the limits of agreement (mean ± 1.96 standard devia-
and suggested that it can be decided by clinical judgment. Generally, tion). The mean differences for Kyoho skin extracts were recorded as
the acceptable limit of agreement between two methods should be se- 288.72, whereas Kyoho seed extracts documented a difference of
lected based on the study plan and before the collection or calculation 195.03. These results were within the limits of agreement and sug-
of experimental results (a priori). Moreover, researchers need to define gested the similarity in the analysis of both analytical methods. These
the limit of agreement in the methods to be compared with it (Babaei results further indicated that the data points for Kyoho skin and seed
Jandaghi et al., 2015). Therefore, the Bland-Altman method explained extracts were within the limits (95% confidence interval) as illustrated
the better limit of agreement between the two methods. However, se- in Fig. 4(D and E). Similar observations were noticed for ascorbic acid
lection of a right method for the agreement between two methods is of and BHT Bland–Altman scatter plots (Fig. 4A and B) except for propyl
great importance in an analytical comparative study. Prior study have gallate (Fig. 4C). These results agreed with those obtained by Akar et al.
noted the Bland-Altman analysis as the best statistical method for re- (2017), who reported similar trends using standards and plant extracts
porting agreement between two methods (Babaei Jandaghi et al., in the conventional and dropping DPPH% analytical method. Similarities
2015). Therefore, Altman and Bland clearly demonstrated the agree- within the limits of agreement between the two analytical methods
ment between two analytical methods (conventional DPPH% and drop- using standards and Kyoho grape extracts (skin and seed) projected a
ping DPPH%) compared with correlation and linear regression model. wider applicability of the dropping method over the conventional

S. Kandi and A.L. Charles Food Chemistry 287 (2019) 338–345

Fig. 4. Bland–Altman method measured by the conventional DPPH% and dropping DPPH% method with the mean difference (solid line) and limits of agreement
(dashed line). (A) Ascorbic acid, (B) Butylated hydroxytoluene, (C) Propyl gallate, (D) Kyoho seed extracts, and (E) Kyoho skin extracts. SD represent the standard
deviation of the mean.

DPPH% method. Conclusively, these findings suggested that the drop- method. A suitable TLC plate, camera, and image processing software
ping DPPH% method reported similar results as the conventional DPPH% (for example, non-commercial ImageJ) sufficiently estimated the ca-
method and therefore could be an alternate method for the determi- pacity of standard antioxidants. This method is cheaper (without
nation of DPPH% scavenging activity. These results confirmed that the spectrophotometer), uses user-friendly non-commercial image proces-
dropping DPPH% method could be of practical use in an analytical la- sing software (free access), and is easy to operate under any environ-
boratory where a spectrophotometer is unaffordable. mental conditions.

4. Conclusions Acknowledgements

The aim of the present study was to compare the conventional The authors gratefully acknowledge the TaiwanICDF for scholarship
DPPH% method and dropping DPPH% method, thus eliminating the de- to Mr. Kandi Sridhar and Mr. Ribesh Dhungana for his technical sup-
pendence on spectrophotometry. Lower ARD (−0.32 to 0.13) and port.
RMSD (0.10–1.15) values for statistical fit further confirmed the
agreement between the two methods with the widely used antioxidant Conflict of interest
standards (ascorbic acid, BHT, and propyl gallate) in a dose-dependent
manner. However, correlation and linear regression analysis failed to The authors declare no conflict of interest.
explain the agreement between the two methods; moreover, our results
provided the evidence for the inappropriate use of correlation and Appendix A. Supplementary data
linear regression methods for agreement studies. The Bland-Altman
method successfully confirmed the agreement between the two analy- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
tical methods (conventional DPPH% and dropping DPPH%) with the limit
of agreement (95% confidence interval) using standards and grape
extracts (skin and seed). References
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