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Activity: Self-Concept Questionnaire

The following is a questionnaire on self-concept. It is not a test where you

have right or wrong answers. It is simply an instrument which leads you to reflect
on some indicators of a healthy self-concept. If answered honestly and truthfully,
this questionnaire can provide you a picture of your self-concept in the dimensions
of self-image, self-confidence, and self-esteem.

There are 36 items in this questionnaire. Go through each item carefully and
ask yourself if the item holds true for you. If it does hold true for you answer
“YES” and shade on the circle provided. If it does not hold true for you, answer
“NO” and shade on the circle provided. Since there are only two answers for each
item---either a YES or NO---make sure that when you say “YES,” it is a
categorical Yes! If you are not sure of an item and you feel you cannot
categorically say “Yes,” then you are advised to answer “No.”

Do not spend too much time on an item. Answer as spontaneously as you can.
Yes No
O O 1. I like to receive praise and compliments. They don’t make me feel foolish and
O O 2. I generally put my best foot forward.
O O 3. I pay attention to my appearance and I try to look attractive.
O O 4. I believe I am a good child or sibling (or parent).
O O 5. I feel I am quite intelligent.
O O 6. I am preoccupied about my health.
O O 7. I don’t get hurt or feel humiliated if I am slighted.
O O 8. I feel I have my share of assets in other areas.
O O 9. I take good care of my body.
O O 10. I do the best I can to get the attention and admiration I think I deserve.
O O 11. I can accept constructive criticism graciously.
O O 12. I do not get upset about blemishes on my skin.
O O 13. When someone appreciates me, I don’t try to deny the good things they’re saying
about me.
O O 14. I feel I have good taste.
O O 15. When I do ( or did) get out on dates, I expect (or expected) to be thought of as
attractive and desirous.
O O 16. I can give compliments easily and generously.
O O 17. I don’t get nervous when I have to address a group.
O O 18. I like the sound of my name and I am proud of it.
O O 19. I think as much of myself as my closest friends think of me.
O O 20. I have fantasies of being great and famous.
O O 21. I feel good about how I look. I like my face and body.
O O 22. When meeting people, I usually think of how worthy I am for them instead of how
others will be worthy of me.
O O 23. When I do something well, I give myself credit for it rather than think I was
O O 24. I do not pick friends on the basis of their status.
O O 25. I don’t get furious or depressed if I am not waited on or given attention promptly.
O O 26. When I am in a group or class, I feel as if I can hold my own with my peers.
O O 27. I go into a room without comparing my physical attractiveness with others there.
O O 28. I know I am basically a good, kind person and I seldom feel guilty and unworthy.
O O 29. I feel I do a good job at my work.
O O 30. I am aware of my sexuality and I expect a response to it.
O O 31. I expect to be accepted by most people I meet.
O O 32. If I am good at something, I feel comfortable acknowledging it.
O O 33. I like people on the basis of their personality, rather than their credentials.
O O 34. I generally feel my friends like and value me.
O O 35. I don’t feel uncomfortable when I am placed appropriately in a position of
O O 36. I am not apologetic about my social status and physical qualities.

How to score:
To get your score, count the number of “yes” answers for each dimension. For your si score,
which refers to your self-image score count the number of “yes” responses on the following
items: 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33, and 36. Place the score in the space provided.
For your sc score, which refers to your self-confidence score, count the number of “yes”
responses on the following items: 2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32 and 35. Place the score in the
space provided.
For your se score, which refers to your self-esteem score, count the number of “yes” responses
on the following items: 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31, and 34. Place the score in the space
To get your SCS or Self-Concept Score, add the scores of si, sc, and se the sum of which you
will divide by 3.

si score _____ sc score ______ se _______

Total Score:
SI = ____ + SC =_____+ SE = ______= _______--- 3 = Self-Concept

Score Interpretation:

SI = ____ SC = _____ SE = _____ = Self – Concept = ______

Based on the activity about Self-Concept Questionnaire, which area in the different
dimensions of your self-concept you are strong or weak at. What is your present level of self-
concept level?

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