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NT iran stom oun esa that your becoming, achieving or acquiring is all in eccordence wih your thoughts. tudes aftxed notion or a reetemined feeling about someting utch Ae orindret relates toon indhiduns le tudes are evant seent or judgments concerning obec, people. o evensalther avr or anfavorste Atul can be @ power! tol for postive seton which rales an needle Aierence in youre. W shapes and mous the personaly Ideterines whether youte..N THE WAY or IN THE WAY. Atiude reflects how we feel eboat something, When I say ke my ob." am expressing my alitudesbout work Our attitude determines how we lok at setback. Allour thoughts ae of vo types; the postive and the negetive. Toa postive thinker, ate can be 2 Sipping tone to success and toa negative thinker, itean be a stumbling block Mest of our atdes are formed during ou formative yeas, People wih rose atinude have cerian personality tals like caring, confidence, patience ard hull. They anticipate postive outcomes with high expectations, The factors that determine our aitude are * Environment : Environment influences the attitude ofthe person and growth. Altheve enitonmons create culture It consis of the flowing Home: Positive or negative influence School Work : Supportive or over critical supervisor Media : Television, News Paper, Magazines, Radio, Movies and Cell phones » snips Peer pressure iQOOZ7s =m charis ph Cultural background Religious background ‘Traditions and beliefs Social environment Political environment + Experience makes + Experience rehavior of the person changes. experience the b «Education : Present day education develops? Tare onvelop good Quallie ane RIB ra ‘Jevelgping the power of discrimination between develory out dacriminaion, a human being is worse Y ea ld today needs Is nalther 8 new ofr ew ees wrest nor a new religion; the remedy Hes in 9 tm Education must be oriented towards attainmen attitude for leading good lives. Attitude formation = man perfect. According to the level 0 the intellect and skills but does right and wrong, good and ‘should be utilized for J38.i2. than an animal. Wh aéfee tion, new system, new ind with positive attitude {of character and positive «cognitive (how we think or reason through an attitude) ding an attitude) + emotional (how we feel re + behavioral (how we act on an attitude) ‘tttudes are learned. Individuals acquire attitudes from several sources The major influences on attitudes are = «Direct experience : Atitudes can develop ffom a personally rewarding © Pinishing experience with an object Direct experience with an objector Persor fs a powerful influence on attitudes. + Social learning : In social learning, the family, p fan individual's attitudes in an indirect manner. + The Family : A person may learn attitudes through If parents have a positive attitude towards an object anc att xr groups and culture shape imitation of parents the child admires his pevents, hei kal to adopt a similar attitude, even without being told about the object, and even without having direct experience. «Peer Groups : Peer pressure moulds attitudes through group acceptance of individuals who express popular attitudes and through sanctions i Te iQOO0Z7s am charis ph wo. e +” Modeling: Substantial social lenog ng, n which invade aque atten by mal The lene mun be etnbed to larn from the mode, The lamer mus focus ateton onthe reucond cain het wa observed rm the model Behavioral eproduction ‘Mnvocct ie the larner must pracce the behavior. io scutes create an unpleasant environment in fe. They pas n thelr MSEC Stade o-oher Ihe aude negative, the Me ested and ia ‘the success is also limited. The enjoyment in life is also less. Human nature ‘generally resists change. But the situation demands change is so comfortable ccs bull’ postive afte, Negative atitudes are cusiomary ways ‘er that eventually cause a misperceptiog of station or 123) tation an prompt negative tthude) ae acta ; varnh tthe positives of facing challenges fA | Conrbute in meaningful way 1 pccept when things arent perfect | emember, and channel, unconditional love positive ATTITUDE EGATivE ATTITUDE vsawauats who ave a poive atitude | People witha negative attitude ignore the ra wn ste aod rather than | good ad pay atetion tothe bad in people route aides ave rewarded: means | Negative attitudes are punished inorder to te chun encouraged to do the | acourge the same action in fture same thing a fre < “ if we think positive thoughts we wil surely experience such emotions as joy, love, arattude, peace, and hope. if we think negative thoughts we will definitely have negative feelings such as anger, disappointment, iritation, envy, etc avsivede aa vse Gaaing 2 “postive atitude™ means a person] A person with "negatives attitude” tends to thing happens for the best in| believe their best days are in the past. There is nothing to "look forward to” and considers it a waste of time and energy ptimistic approach of a person to | It is a pessimistic mindset of a person who is not capable of handling critical issues believes eve the end achieve good results itean achieve long-term goals easily and in | It can achieve some intial goals but not the Its a process of looking for problems. ‘Wis @ process of solving problems. ‘A person with a negative attitude pays person with a positive attitude pays attention to other people's shortcomings. ‘attention to the virtues of others. ‘These persons always see opportunities. _| These persons see only limitations. } Need for change of Attitude : Attitude can be changed if we differentiate negative attitude from a positive aititude, A positive attitude can bring positive change in life. It is difficult to change attitudes but with some effort, it can be done, The individual from a culturally deprived environment who holds an array of hostile attitudes may change often he is given opportunities for education. + Social Factors. + Direct Instruction. + Family + Prejudices 7 + Personal Experience, i + Media. + Educational and Religious Institutions. 5 + Physical Factors. _ Ways of 1, New information will he Negative attitudes are mainly Revolor 4/9 eee ADAPTABILITY evar hing "Coaapaiiy fs an increasingly important skill in organizational success and performance. Adaptability has been defined as a “unctional change (cognitive, behavioral, and / or affective) in response to actual or correctly anticipated alterations in environmental contingencies’, Adaptability is being able to adjust to any situation at any given time, Adaptability is a combination of two oF more cultural values, including innovation and action orientation, that allow Us fo adjust fo environmental conditions better than others, thereby, leading £0 superior performance The ability to become more adaptable depends on two classes of individual characteristics, those that can or cannot be trained. These characteristics can be divided into attributes such as cognitive ability and personality that are very hard or impossible to influence, and attributes that are easier to influence such ‘as experience, wisdom, knowledge and motivation. Adaptability refers to: +The capacity to respond to the needs. +The ability to make optimum choices, + Recognizing that primarily people are the ones who must adapt not organizations + Simplifying the orgonizational structure of the company. Concept of Adaptability Inthe past several decades, many advanced manufacturing technologies have been developed and employed to improve product competitiveness. Increasing slobal competition demands better functionality, higher quality, lower cost, pra iter © tite a iy valet © nw atv mnt snncnnenacrmen en OT aay share aoe yout dda Theol oar ; meron a oeoite pean nae oe ay, change Many an imprved cnt Chante re tat nae em of ft mann ov mrove tal CO” 2 cam a eof he ges cont 1 change he : Rest lay athe change miatve moves fora 3 Advantages * OY (oye cet eran ede Bl ‘ 2. Can be wef spat of mliple-metbod aporooch 5 stimulate discussion about goals, curiculum, pedagogy, et Have content validity ‘Can change readily in response to requirement. 3 4 5 6. Canbe opemended, highly creative in format 2. 5 9 Can provide good quality product. | Provide directly relevant, useful information : Put the emphasis on active learning, : 10. Solve the problem of quality of student effort) : 11, Have face validity and motivation 12. Provide maximally useful information with minimum slippage 13, Encourage discussion, colaboration among members. 14. Give students with practical intelligence, skills, a chance to shine: | 15, Promote self-assessment, internalization of standards are motivation $y students 16, Bounce back more quickly from adversity. 17. Better able to handle career transitions 18. Happier and more satisfied with life 19, Bea better leader 20, Mote valuable to your employer. Sear etanne int» Ads avant (1. No opportunity for students to demonstrate important afetiv rats Di Example: persistence, meticulous, creativity, open-mindedness, face than deep learning 2, Rum risk of focusing more on s 3. Provide no norms for reference 4. May contain ambiguous, poorly constructed items. 45, Reliability and validity may be questioned 6. Will create misunderstanding of assessment if seen as a threat 7. Require coordination, 8. Can be time-consuming 9, Require careful training 10. Can be difficult to coordinate multiple dimensions of learning & assessment.) Need for positive response to change ‘+ Responsive and agile. ‘+ Blur the lines between education and employment. + Inspire students in their future career choices + Align education with the economie need. + Encourage a national mindset that values, supports and nurtures adaptability + Re skill the ageing workforce. + Co-operation : Constructive, goal-directed interaction with others. + Working in groups and Interaction in groups. or + Peer training : Informal and formal coaching, advising, and training of peers. + Evaluation : Appraisal, assessment, and cerlfiation of the quality of = product or service. ‘+ Evaluation and generation of logical arguments, including both inductive and deductive approaches. “+ Problem solving : Identification of problems, hypothesis testing on causes, + Decision making. ———— GOAL SETTING 2 (Goal - A gost is a projected state of afais that a person ora system plans or intends to achieve - a personal or organizational desired end point in some sort of assumed development. The drive to destiny. Everybody has dreams and most people have goals. f you want your goals and. dreams to become reality, you must move towards them consistently and purposefully. By nature, we always begin with distance between where we are and where we want to be. Our job is to narrow that distance until it no longer exists, To accomplish that, we need to draw our goals and dreams closer to us, while simultaneously moving towards them. Living without a goal slike travelling Without destination. Many people feel as if they're adrift in the world. They work hard, but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile, The reason is that they haven’ spent enough time thinking about what they want from life, and haven't set themselves formal goals, Significance of Goal setting - The purpose of goals is to give you something that you want to enhance your life in some way, so the most important thing you need to know about goals is that you ought to have some. Setting goals ‘ves you long-term vision and short-term motivation. Itfocuses your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to organize your time and your resaurces so that ‘you can make the very most of your life. You will also raise your self confidence, ‘as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you've set. If you focus yourself towards your goal, you can achieve anything in your life. The techniques like auto suggestions and commands, self-hypnosis, visualization help you to focus on your goal c. .,__ 2 as Lite Shi ‘The wish is what it to actually doing them. start out as a wish. ‘or emotions pes eel the dream that a person or a 59S nal desired Fear Laziness. Comfort zone. 7. want it now. Goal setting process ‘+ First you create your "big picture” of what you want to da (or over, say, the next 10 years), and identify the large-scal you want to achieve. i@OOZ7s irate accompli coded long Trey oe oar is Depending upon th Feet or gala renched we cll ta sort ter goa ral te I. Sometimes short term goals own to the things that hhext month, next we a wy, the next five years, then next year and today ing towards them. The following Guidelines will hel hod of ting Is an Important mm Goal « fein your life n what's irrelevant or a distraction. + Motivating you 4 on successful achievement of goals + Building your sell-confidence, ba feuatities of Effective Goals : SMART Before you begin your goal setting process its important to know what qualities \your goals should embody + SPECIFIC : The Goal should be SPECIFIC enough so that we know exactly for what we are striving, + MEASURABLE : A goal must be MEASURABLE. It should have concrete facts. You should be able to answer very specifically, when and how you will know you attained your goal + ATTAINABLE : ACTION-ORIENTED AND ATTAINABLE declaring positive activity that will produce results, + REALISTIC : A goal must be REALISTIC AND RELEVENT Challenging yourself is an important part of goal setting. You want to aim high: however, you also need to be realistic and it must be of use to you and others. sane exelor 27) aa + tte TANGIBLE : TANGIBLE AND TIME BOUND, concrete and should be achieved in partic OK. Achieving success is a very fulfilling mome Peer aatlensh jock bo scnomplch poale they hed eet ie Tench Uk me oneved kann fo 1 aver mest Sele goelé CARS Pane ik aabig abil ace cumvontant. Whether Ife cesses iy has the desire to achieve one oF ust about every eee ta Whats hat heepe peopl from gaining the inner apFinew, aaa rent that is a natural by-product ofthis personal achievement 5 1 stop people in their pursuit of any goal The common barters that inhibit oF and objectives that they may have. Lack of direction > Negative feedback: + Fear of failure + Don't know how to set goals. Lack of motivation The strategies helpful toovercome the borriers 1. Identify possible strategies or objectives to reach each goal 2. Select the best strategies 3. Outline specifi plans to accomplish each strategy. Exercise - 1: ‘Think about the following and answer them in brief 1. What is your goal in life? EEE Ete ata name 2. How do you achieve it? iQOOZ7s =m Sea MOTIVATION (are ae it ee yan ssn that metas and ins See ceencovel noes a cltoelpalg ge Ss veces hep untae had cin col a tied and har raver goon of ee Se mr betclalhag ction: Notvoion toc saat ial Silom rar antatnes ato gun eacs oacoaees ihe ea Sid seni, soel gown. ot ce oe, ee Need for Motivation Maton the rn of » power ata oligo aa datarasl sia sca een od elec eae ee 8 ee iQO0Z7s = Sen Darron uc because allows ws 19 ange Bees tordce al cies, be creative, set goals, gro interests ‘mah at “Appiing motivations *ieNe8 Seep tet, nd boos 588 went ‘ . helps us to motivate, The benefits ‘of motivation are visible Rae meee ‘are constantly responding to ‘changes in Our environment, we need motivate” te jtalrexource that allows us to adapt wowmtpe face of constantly behavior, develop competent ‘oetatngcreumctances Motivation Aenea Peoductvely, and maintain wellbei ‘ono ream of opportunities and threat aoa ee calhnisa by od Senet alta by He eet MO Me can a ae mutated by the contingencies related 1 ob = 2a it renin on ourselves fo fea of share of fIRe, we ae eaten and i ogi, Ts for of regulation, whl more effective a ea aivation,remaine ambivelet nnd wnstable because I saan pened by inne anf, tension, and negative emotions) V © jon Ve Motivation: , “Motistion: Motivation refers toa process of stimulating someone to actin = elite way to achieve a goal Motivation isa psychological concept, whichis dleserbed es a stimulus o force that impels people to take an action. It Something that persuades people to behave and act ina particular way. It tivo defined as the process of giving @ reason to someone to do or achieve Something. Motivation compels us to set our goals, on the basis of the thins we fee! we should be doing It involves diverse forces such as psycholosice biologie, social, etc. that intensifies one's emotions lke needs, desires. hopes stimulating them to take an action which wil result in the achievers of ashortseem goal Inspiration; Inspiration is defined as an act of influencing people mental ‘emotionally odo something creative, The term ‘inspiration’ simply refers t RYoler acy Ceo athsencing or arousing proce lemertal and emt { doing it comes from within. I mentally encouraged to do somet! something different, the dest Fropiration, you truly want something for which y ire ir you ae continually interested and committed to having if, and you make time for lt and make it your priori Difference between Motivation and Inspiration fete ch: 1. Motivation refers to a process of stimulating someone to actin a definite ‘rests. way to achieve a goal. Inspiration is defined as an act of influencing people fonal s mentally and emotionally to do something creative. pre vis 2. Motivation is something that impels or persuades you to take an ‘nges whereas inspiration is what pulls you towards somethin the fo oe a Be. 48, There is sense of resistance and competitiveness in motivation while | Inspitation hes @ sence of excitement and effortessness 44, Motivation is short lived, 2. suppose you attend a seminar of a great teed t personaly, after which you feel exited to do something, but efter a specific Ato 0 Period of @ couple of weeks or days then the urge wil start dectining. On ie the other hand, inepiration is enduring in nature that resides in us and Teen makes us committed until we attain the goal. secause 5. Motivation comes from an extemal source which can be your reward ecognition, appreciation et. The souree of inspiration Is internal, a deep Gesite which emerges inside us reto2 6. Motivation is deliberate or planned instinct to take a step, Conversely, ee wh fn the case of inspiration, that impulse is spontaneous. actic 4. Motivation is due to several reasons like self-imposed or societal ‘lar tapectations, obligations and peer pressure that push us to do something: or ac Unlike ingpitation which Involves a natural and organic call from deep of the within us sychol ae Importance of Motivation in goal setting achiev “The term ‘motive’ refers to goal directed behaviour and energizing conditions within the organism that drive behaviour. Thinking about the goal motivates & person to organize his or her action, Top-evel athletes, successful business people and achievers inal fields set goals, Seting goals gives you long-term “an — iQOOZ7s Cee

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