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Lê Hồng Linh (Chủ biên)


Xuất bản lần thứ nhất


First Edition



Trong thực tiễn hiện nay, có không ít các sinh viên Việt Nam đang
học hoặc mới tốt nghiệp, hoặc ngay cả một số doanh nghiệp Việt Nam,
còn gặp nhiều khó khăn trong việc xây dựng các văn bản thương mại như
hợp đồng, thư tín thương mại quốc tế. Cuốn sách này nhằm giúp bạn đọc
tìm hiểu và vận dụng được ngôn ngữ thư tín thương mại quốc tế vào thực
tiễn kinh doanh trong các tình huống và điều kiện khác nhau. Việc viết
thư thương mại theo đúng văn phong, phù hợp với từng đối tượng giao
tiếp, văn hóa của từng doanh nghiệp, quốc gia trong thương mại quốc tế,
là chìa khóa để xây dựng và cải thiện mối quan hệ với các đối tác kinh
doanh. Điều này sẽ giúp cho doanh nghiệp kinh doanh ngày càng hiệu
quả hơn.
Cấu trúc cuốn sách này được biên tập theo các nội dung như sau:
Chapter 2. ENQUIRIES
Chapter 5. OFFERS
Chapter 6. ORDERS
Chapter 7. PAYMENT
Mỗi chương bao gồm phần lý thuyết và phần bài tập. Trong phần lý
thuyết bao gồm các mẫu thư mới nhất theo văn phong hiện đại, hiện đang
được sử dụng phổ cập tại các doanh nghiệp, được trình bày hệ thống và
khoa học. Ngoài ra, phần lý thuyết còn liệt kê các mẫu câu, thuật ngữ
thương mại theo từng loại thư và theo chủ đề cụ thể, chú thích từ vựng
cho từng mẫu thư. Phần bài tập bao gồm nhiều dạng bài tập khá đa dạng,
bài tập tình huống mang tính thực tiễn cao và ứng dụng rất tốt vào từng
tình huống giao tiếp kinh doanh cụ thể. Đặc biệt, phần cuối là các mẫu đề
thi là ngữ liệu tham khảo rất hữu ích cho bạn đọc.
Cuốn sách này được biên soạn bởi tập thể các giảng viên Bộ môn
tiếng Anh, trường Đại học Ngoại Thương, Cơ Sở II - thành phố Hồ Chí
Minh nhằm cung cấp cho người đọc các kiến thức về thư tín thương mại
quốc tế nói riêng và sử dụng tiếng Anh trong giao tiếp thương mại quốc
tế nói chung.
Cuốn sách này có thể được coi là tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích dành
cho các doanh nghiệp xuất nhập khẩu, sinh viên các trường đại học có
chuyên ngành đào tạo về kinh tế đối ngoại và kinh doanh quốc tế.
Thay mặt những người biên soạn, chúng tôi xin gửi lời cảm ơn chân
thành tới Ban Giám đốc Cơ sở II tại Tp Hồ Chí Minh, trường Đại học
Ngoại Thương đã tạo điều kiện cho chúng tôi hoàn thành cuốn sách này.
Tập thể chúng tôi mong nhận được những góp ý xây dựng nhằm
hoàn thiện cuốn sách này.



1. GVC. ThS. Lê Hồng Linh (Chủ biên)

2. ThS. Trịnh Ngọc Thanh
3. ThS. Phan Chí Hiếu
4. ThS. Bùi Thị Kim Phúc
5. ThS. Nguyễn Vũ Thanh Tuyền

CHAPTER 1: LAYOUT AND STRUCTURE ................................. 6

CHAPTER 2: ENQUIRIES ............................................................. 36

CHAPTER 3: REPLIES TO ENQUIRIES .................................... 63

CHAPTER 4: QUOTATIONS ........................................................ 94

CHAPTER 5: OFFERS .................................................................. 116

CHAPTER 6: ORDERS ................................................................. 143

CHAPTER 7: PAYMENT ............................................................. 174

CHAPTER 8: COMPLAINTS AND CLAIMS ............................ 212

CHAPTER 9: TRANSPORTATION ............................................ 246

CHAPTER 10: JOB APPLICATION ........................................... 276

APPENDIX: SAMPLE TESTS ..................................................... 318

Student’s name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Class: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lecturer: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In this chapter, you can learn:
1. Sender’s address
2. Date
3. Insider’s address
4. Attention line
5. Salutation
6. Body of the letter
7. Complimentary close
8. Signature
1. Letter head
2. References
3. Per pro
4. Enclosures
1. Private and confìdential
2. Subject title
3. Copies to be circulated
1. Length
a. Too long
b. Too short
c. The right length
2. Order and Sequence
a. Unclear sequence
b. Clear sequence
3. Planning

6 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

a. First paragraph
b. Middle paragraph
c. Final paragraph
4. Style and language
a. Simplicity
b. Courtesy
5. Clarity
a. Abbreviations and initials
b. Number
c. Prepositions
6. Accuracy
a. Spelling
b. Title, names, and addresses
c. References
d. Prices, measurements, etc.
e. Enclosures and attactments
1. Choose correct answers
2. Correct mistakes
3. Put the verb in brackets into correct form
4. Complete gaps
5. Matching
6. Write names and addresses
7. Sort out the jumbled words
8. Rewrite sentences, using a polite form
9. Shorten a lengthy letter ð

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 7

Bredgade 5l
Sender’s DK1260
address Copenhagen K
Date 6 May 2015
Compuvision Ltd
Warwick House
Insider’s Warwick Street
address Forest Hill
London SE23 1JF
Attention line For the attention of the Sales Manager
Salutation Dear Sir or Madam
Body of the Please would you send me details of your DVD video
letter systems? I am particularly interested in the Omega range.
Yours faithfully
ry close

George Kaasen

1. Sender’s address
In correspondence that does not have a LETTERHEAD, the sender’s
address is placed in the top right-hand corner of the page. It is also
acceptable, but less common, to place it in the top left-hand comer.
Punctuation is rarely used in addresses these days.
The BLOCKED STYLE is the most widely used, i.e. each line starts
directly below the one above.
2. Date

8 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

The date is written directly below the sender’s address, separated from it by
a space. In the case of correspondence with a letterhead, it is usually written
on the right-hand side of the page.
The month in the date should not be written in figures as this can be
confusing; for example 11.3.03 means 11 March 2003 in British English,
where the sequence is day-month-year, but 3 November 2003 in American
English, where the sequence is month-day-year.
It is acceptable to write the date with or without the abbreviations -th and -
nd, for example, 24th October or 24 October, and to transpose the date and
the month, for example, October 24 or 24 October. Note that the style
chosen should be consistent throughout the correspondence.
3. Insider’s address
The INSIDE ADDRESS is the receiver’s address and is written below the
sender’s address and on the left-hand side of the page.
If you know the name of the person you are writing to, write it as the first
line of the address. Include either the person’s initials or his or her first
given name, e.g. Mr. J.E. Smith or Mr. John Smith, NOTMr. Smith.
In this case, COURTESY TITLES should be used appropriately, as follows.
You can either use or drop these full stop after these titles, but the style
should be consistent.
Mr. For man
Mrs. For married woman
Miss For unmarried woman
Ms. For both married and unmarried woman
Dr. For doctor
Prof. For professor
Capt. For captain
Maj. For major
If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, but know
their job title, you can use that, e.g. The Sales Manager, The Finance
Director, in the inside address.
Alternatively, you can address your letter to a particular department of the
company, e.g. The Sales Department, The Accounts Department.

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 9

Finally, if you know nothing about the company and do not know which
person or department your letter should go to, you can simply address the
letter to the company itself, e.g. Compuvision Ltd, Messrs. Collier, Clark &
After the name of the person and/or company receiving the letter, the
recommended order and style of addresses is as follows:
Name of house or building Industrial House
Number of building and name of Street, road, avenue, 34-41 Craig Road
Name of town or City and postcode Bolton
BL4 8tf
Name of country UK

4. Attention line
An alternative to including the recipient’s name or job title in the address is
to use an ATTENTION LINE as in the sample letter.
5. Salutation
Dear Sir opens a letter written to a man whose name you do not know.
Dear Sirs is used to address a company. (In American English a letter to a
company usually opens with Gentlemen.)
Dear Madam is used to address a woman, whether single or married, whose
name you do not know.
Dear Sir or Madam (or Dear Sir/ Madam) is used to address a person when
you do not know their name or sex as in the sample letter.
When you know the name of the person you are writing to, but do not know
them well, the salutation takes the form of Dear followed by a courtesy title
and the person’s surname. Initials or first names are not used with courtesy
titles, e.g. Dear Mr. Smith, NOTDear Mr. J. Smith or Dear Mr. John Smith.
Business associates who you know well can be addressed using just their
first name, e.g. Dear John.
A comma (,) after the salutation is optional, i.e. Dear Mr. Smith, or Dear
Mr. Smith. In American English a colon (:) is usually used after the
salutation, e.g. Dear Mr. Smith:, Gentlemen:

10 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

British American
Formal Dear Sir (unknown man) Dear Sir:
(unknown Dear Madam (unknown woman) Gentlemen:
person) Dear Sir or Madam or Dear Sir/
Madam (unknown sex)
Dear Sirs (to a department or a
Less Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Miss/ Ms + Surname Dear Mr. Brown:
formal Dear + First name Dear Mrs./ Miss/
(known E.g.: Ms/ Smith:
Dear Mr. Brown
Dear Mrs./ Miss/ Ms Smith

6. Body of the letter

The content of the body will vary depending on the type of the letter.
However, the blocked style is the one most often used for the body of the
letter, with a line space between paragraphs.

7. Complimentary close
If the letter begins Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear Madam, or Dear Sir or
Madam, the COMPLIMENTAEY CLOSE should be Yours faithfully.
If the letter begins with a personal name, e.g. Dear Mr. James, Dear Mrs.
Robinson, or Dear Ms. Jasmin, it should be Yours sincerely.
A letter to someone you know well may close with the more informal Best
Note that Americans tend to close even formal letters with Yours truly or
Truly yours, which is unusual in the UK in commercial correspondence.
Avoid closing with old-fashioned phrases, e.g. We remain yours faithfully,
Respectfully yours.
A comma (,) after the complimentary close is optional, i.e. Yours faithfully,
or Yours faithfully.

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 11

The complimentary close is usually placed on the left, aligned under the rest
of the letter.
Salutation British American
Dear Sir
Dear Madam Yours faithfully
Dear Sir or madam Yours faithfully (formal) (Very) truly yours
Dear Sir/ Madam Yours (very) truly
Dear Sirs
Dear Mr. Brown, Yours sincerely (informal)
Sincerely yours
Dear Mrs./ Miss/ Ms. Best wishes (for someone
Cordially yours
Smith you know very well)

8. Signature
SIGNATURE includes first your handwritten signature, and next is what is
called as SIGNATURE BLOCK comprising of the typed name and the job
title of the sender.
For the typed name, “Ms/ Miss/ Ms” must always be added in brackets after
a woman’s name, “Mr.” may be added only for the first time. E.g.: Nguyen
Thao Van (Ms.); John Lennon (Mr.)

Yours faithfully Yours sincerely


Chairman Sales Manager

12 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

Warwick House
Warwick Street
Forest Hill London
Telephone +44 (0)20 85661861
Facsimile +44 (0)20 85661385
References Your ref. 6 May 2015
Our ref. DS/ MR
11 May 2015
Bredgade 5l
Copenhagen K
Dear Mr. Kaasen,
Thank you for your enquiry.
I enclose our catalogue and price-list for DVD video
equipment. You will find full details of the Omega range
on pages 31-35.
Please contact us if you have any further questions or
would like to place an order.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Signature &
Per pro
P.P. Donald Sampson
Sales Manager
Enclosures Enc. 1 catalogue
1 price list

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 13

1. Letter head
Including name, address, telephone number of the sender, and may contain a
description of the business, trade-mark, telegraphic/cable address, telex, etc.
Note: if the letter is sent to the other country, the name of sender’s country
must be added. E.g.:
8 Driscoll House 19 Southampton Street London WC2E 7QG United Kingdom
Telephone: 071-836-990
The Vietnam National Machinery Export and Import Corporation
Head office: 8 Trang Thi Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Cable address: MACHINOHANOI
Tel & Fax: 84-4-852265
2. References
REFERENCES are often quoted to indicate what the letter refers to (Your
ref.) and the correspondence to refer to when replying (Our ref.).
References may either appear in figures, e.g. 661/17, where 661 may refer
to the number of the letter and 17 to the number of the department, or in
letters, e.g.DS/MR, as in the letter on page 13, where DS stands for Donald
Sampson, the writer, and MR for his assistant, Mary Raynor. Note that the
Your Ref. in the letter on page 13 is a date, as Ms Kaasen did not give any
reference in her original letter.
3. Per pro
The abbreviation P.P. sometimes appears in signature blocks. It means PER
PRO, i.e. for and on behalf of, and is used by administrators or personal
assistants when signing letters on behalf of their managers.
4. Enclosures
If there are any documents enclosed with a letter, although these may be
mentioned in the body of the letter, it is also common to write Enc. or Encl.
below the signature block. If there are a number of documents, these can be
listed. e.g.:
Bill of lading (3 copies)
Insurance certificate (1 copy)
Certificate of origin (1 copy)

14 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

The final letter shows some further features of a business letter.
1. Private and confìdential
This phrase may be written at the head of a letter and, more important, on
the envelope, in cases where the letter is intended to be read only by the
addressee. There are many variations of this phrase, e.g. Confidential,
strictly conýidential, but little diữerence in meaning.
Warwick House
Warwick Street
Forest Hill London
Telephone +44 (0)20 85661861
Facsimile +44 (0)20 85661385
Your ref. 6 May 2015
Our ref. DS/MR
11 May 2015
Bredgade 5l
Copenhagen K
Private &
Private and confidential
Dear Mr. Kaasen
Subject title Non-payment of invoice 322/17
It appears from our records that, despite several
reminders, the above invoice remains unpaid. Unless
the account is cleared within 14 days from the date of
this letter, we shall take legal action.
Yours sincerely

Donald Sampson
Sales Manager
Copies C.C. Messrs Poole and Jackson Ltd, Solicitors

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 15

2. Subject title
A SUBJECT TITLE at the beginning of a letter, directly after the salutation,
provides a further reference, saves introducing the subject in the first
paragraph, immediately draws attention to the topic of the letter, and allows
the writer to refer to it throughout.
It is NOT necessary to begin the subject title with Re. (with regard to), e.g.
Re.: Application for the post ofweb designer.
3. Copies to be circulated
When a copy of a letter is to be sent to a third party (perhaps someone in the
same organization), it is usual to indicate this by typing “cc” (carbon copy)
followed by two spaces and the name of the recipient of the copy. The usual
position for this is at the foot of the letter after the designation or after any
enclosure indicated. E.g.: cc Miss Thao Van, Chief Accountant
If the writer does not wish the recipient of the letter to know that a third
person is receiving a copy of the letter, then “bcc” (blind copy circulated)
must be typed. This should be shown only on copies of the letter and not on
the original (top) copy. E.g.: Bcc Mr. Keith Lawson, Managing Director


1. Length
All correspondence should be long enough to explain exactly what the
sender needs to say and the receiver needs to know. You must decide how
much information you put in the letter. Your style and the kind of language
you use can also affect the length.
The following letters are written by different people in reply to the same
enquiry from a Mr Arrand about their company’s products.
a. Too long
There are a number of things wrong with this letter. Though it tries to
advertise the products, and the company itself, it is too wordy. There is no
need to explain that stores are buying in stock for Christmas - Mr Arrand is
aware of this. Rather than drawing attention to certain items he might be
interested in, the letter only explains what he can already see, that there is a
wide selection of watches in the catalogue covering the full range of market
prices. In addition, the writer goes on unnecessarily to explain which

16 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

countries the company sells to, to give its history, and to quote its rather
unimpressive motto.
Dear Mr Arrand
Thank you very much for your enquiry of 5 November which we received
today. We often receive enquiries from large stores and always welcome
them, particularly at this time of the year when we know that you will be
buying in stock for Christmas.
We have enclosed our winter catalogue and are sure you will be extremely
impressed by our wide range of watches. You will see that they include
ranges for men, women, and children, with prices that should suit all your
customers, from watches costing only a few pounds to those in the luxury
bracket priced at several hundred pounds. But whatever price bracket you
are interested in, we guarantee all our products for two years.
Enclosed you will also find our price list giving full details of prices to
London (inclusive of cost, insurance, and freight) and explaining our
discounts, which we think you will find very generous and which we hope
you will take full advantage of.
We are always available to offer you further information about our products
and can promise you personal attention whenever you require it. This
service is given to all our customers throughout the world, and as you
probably know, we deal with countries from the Far East to Europe and
Latin America. This fact alone bears out our reputation, which has been
established for more than a hundred years and has made our motto 'Time for
everyone' - familiar worldwide.
Once again, may we thank you for your enquiry and say that we look
forward to hearing from you in the near future?
Yours sincerely
b. Too short
There are a number of problems with this letter:
1. It should have begun Dear Mr Arrand and ended Yours sincerely as the writer
knew Mr Arrand's name from his letter of enquiry.
2. Neither the date nor the reference number of the enquiry is quoted.
3. Ideally, a catalogue should be enclosed with a reply to an enquiry about a
company's products or indication of a website if the company has one.

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 17

4. When a catalogue is sent, attention should be drawn to items which might
be of particular interest to the enquirer. New products should also be pointed
5. A price list should be included if prices are not given in the catalogue. Any
discounts should be quoted and, if possible, delivery dates.
Dear Sir
Thank you for your enquiry. We have a wide selection of watches which we
are sure you will like. We will be sending a catalogue soon.
Yours faithfully
c. The right length
Here is a more suitable letter. It is neither too short nor too long. It provides all
the relevant information Mr Arrand might need, and draws his attention to
some specific products which may be of interest to him.
Dear Mr Arrand
Thank you for your enquiry of 5 November.
We enclose our winter catalogue, and a price list giving details of GIF
London prices, discounts, and delivery dates.
Though you will see we offer a wide selection of watches, may we draw
your attention to pp. 23-28, and pp. 31-36, where there are styles we think
might suit the market you describe? On page 25 you will find our latest
designs in pendant watches, which are already selling well.
All our products are fully guaranteed, and backed by our worldwide
If you need any further information, please contact us. We look forward to
hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
2. Order and Sequence
As well as containing the right amount of information, your letter should
also make all the necessary points in a logical sequence, with each idea or
piece of information linking up with the previous one in a pattern that can
be followed. Do not make a statement, switch to other subjects, then refer
back to the point you made a few sentences or paragraphs before, as in the

18 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

a. Unclear sequence
This letter is difficult to understand because there is no clear sequence or
logical order.
Dear Sir / Madam
We are interested in your security systems. We would like to know more
about the prices and discounts you offer.
A business associate of ours, DMS (Wholesalers) Ltd, mentioned your name
to us and showed us a catalogue. They were impressed with the security
system you installed for them, so we are writing to you about it. Do you
give guarantees with the installations?
In your catalogue we saw the Secure 15 which looks as though it might suit
our purposes. DMS had the Secure 18 installed, but as we mentioned, they
are wholesalers, while we are a chain of stores. We would like something
that can prevent robbery and shoplifting, so the Secure 15 might suit us.
How long would it take to install a system that would serve all
departments? Could you send an inspector or adviser to see us soon?
If you can offer competitive prices and guarantees we would put your
system in all our outlets, but initially we would only install the system in
our main branch.
We would like to make a decision on this soon, so we would appreciate an
early reply.
Yours faithfully

b. Clear sequence
Here is a better version of the same letter, in which the ideas and
information are in a logical order.
Dear Mr Jarry
We are a chain of retail stores and are looking for an efficient security
system. You were recommended to us by our associates, DMS
(Wholesalers) Ltd, for whom you recently installed the Secure 18 alarm
We need a system which would give us comprehensive protection against
robbery and shoplifting throughout all departments, and the Secure 15
featured in your current catalogue would appear to suit us. However, it
Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 19
would be helpful if one of your representatives could visit us so that we can
discuss details of the available systems.
Initially we would test the system we select in our main branch, and, if it
proves satisfactory, install it throughout our other branches. Our choice
would, of course, be influenced by a competitive quotation and full
guarantees for maintenance and service.
Please reply as soon as possible as we would like to make a decision within
the next few months.
Yours sincerely

3. Planning
The way to make sure you include the right amount of information, and in the
right order, is by planning. Ask yourself what the purpose of the letter is, and
what response you would like to receive. Note down everything you want to
include before you start writing, then read your notes to check that you have
included all the necessary information, that it is relevant, and that you have
put it in the right order.
1st para. Acknowledge enquiry
2nd para. Enclose catalogue, price list
3 para. Draw attention to watches suitable for Arrand, and latest
4th para. Mention guarantees and reputation
5th para. Encourage further contact

a. First paragraph
The opening sentence or paragraph is important as it sets the tone of the letter
and creates a first impression. Generally speaking, you would thank your
correspondent for their letter (if replying to an enquiry), if necessary introduce
yourself and your company, state the subject of the letter, and set out its
purpose. Here are two examples of opening paragraphs.
- Thank you for your enquiry dated 8 July in which you asked us about our range
of cosmetics. As you probably know from our advertising, we appeal to a wide
age group from the teenage market through to more mature women, and our
products are retailed in leading stores throughout the world.
- Thank you for your letter of 19 August, which I received today. We can certainly
20 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure
supply you with the industrial floor coverings you asked about. Enclosed you will
find a catalogue illustrating our wide range of products currently used in
factories and offices throughout the world.
b. Middle paragraph
The main part of your letter will concern the points that need to be made,
answers you wish to give, or questions you want to ask. As this depends on the
type of letter that you are writing, these topics will be dealt with in later units.
In the middle paragraphs, planning is most important to make sure your
points are made clearly, fully, and in a logical sequence.
c. Final paragraph
At the end of your letter, if it is a reply and you have not done so at the
beginning, you should thank your correspondent for writing. If appropriate,
encourage further enquiries or correspondence, mentioning that you look
forward to hearing from him or her soon. You may want to restate, briefly, one
or two of the most important points you made in the main part of your letter.
Here are some examples of final paragraphs.
- Once again thank you for writing to us. Please contact us if you would like any
further information. To summarize: all prices are quoted CIFYokohama, delivery
would be six weeks from receipt of order, and payment should be made by bank
draft. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I hope I have covered all the
questions you asked, but please contact me if there are any other details you
require. If you would like to place an order, may I suggest that you do so before
the end of this month so that it can be met in good time for the start of the
summer season? I hope to hear from you in the near future.
- We are confident that you have made the right choice as this line is a leading
seller. If there is any advice or further information you need, we would be happy
to supply it, and look forward to hearing from you.

4. Style and language

a. Simplicity
Commercial correspondence often suffers from an old-fashioned, pompous
style of English which complicates the message and gives readers the feeling
that they are reading something written in an unfamiliar language. In this letter,
all the writer is trying to do is explain why he delayed paying his account but,
because of the style, it is too long and is difficult to understand.
Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 21
Here is a simpler version of the letter. Mr Aldine will be satisfied with it
because it tells him - simply and clearly - what he wants to know. First, his
customer uses his name. Second, he has apologized. Third, Mr Aldine knows his
was not the only account that was not paid when due, and knows why. Finally,
he has his cheque.
Dear Mr Aldine
I am replying to your letter of 15 July asking us to clear our June balance.
I apologize for not settling the account sooner, but due to the unfortunate
death of Mr Noel, our Accountant, there have been delays in settling all of
our outstanding balances.
Please find enclosed our cheque for £2,120, and accept our apologies for any
Yours sincerely
b. Courtesy
Your style should not, however, be so simple that it becomes rude. Here is an
example of a letter that is too short and simple.
Dear Mr Rohn
I've already written to you concerning your debt of £1,994. This should have
been cleared three months ago. You seem unwilling to co-operate in paying us.
We'll sue you if you do not clear your debt within the next ten days.
Yours, etc.
In the version of the same letter, notice the stylistic devices that are used to
make it more polite: complex sentences, joined by conjunctions, rather than
short sentences (e.g. ... the balance of £1,194, which has been outstanding...
rather than.. .your debt of £1,994. This should have been cleared...); the use of
full rather than abbreviated forms (e.g. I shall have to consider... rather than
We'll sue …) and the use of passive forms and indirect language that avoids
sounding aggressive (e.g.... for the account to be settled… rather than... if you
do not clear your debt...).
Dear Mr Rohn
I refer to our previous letter sent on 10 October in which you were asked to
clear the balance of £1,994 on your account, which has been outstanding
since July. As there has been no reply, I shall have to consider handing
over the matter to our solicitors.

22 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

However, I am reluctant to do this and am offering a further ten days for
the account to be settled.
Yours sincerely

5. Clarity
Your correspondent must be able to understand what you have written.
Confusion in correspondence often arises through a lack of thought and
care, and there are a number of ways in which this can happen.
a. Abbreviations and initials
Abbreviations can be useful because they are quick to write and easy to
read. But both correspondents need to know what the abbreviations stand
The abbreviations CIFand FOB, for example, are INCOTERMS which
mean, respectively, Cost, Insurance, and Freight and Free On Board. But can
you be sure that your correspondent knows that p&p means postage and
Some international organizations, e.g. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Organization), are known in all countries by the same set of initials, but
many are not, e.g. EU (European Union) and UN (United Nations).
National organizations, e.g. in the UK, CBI (Confederation of British
Industry) and TUC (Trades Union Congress), are unlikely to be familiar to
correspondents in other countries.
b. Number
We saw on page 8 that the use of figures instead of words for dates can
create problems.
Numerical expressions can also cause confusion. For example, the decimal
point in British and American usage is a full stop, but a comma is used in
most continental European countries, so that a British or American person
would write 4.255 where a French person would write 4,255 (which to a
British or American person would mean our thousand two hundred and
If there is the possibility of confusion, write the expression in both figures and

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 23

words, e.g. £10,575.90 (ten thousand five hundred and seventy-five pounds,
ninety pence).
c. Prepositions
Special care should be taken when using prepositions. There is a big difference
between The price has been increased to £450.00, The price has been increased by
£450.00, and The price has been increased from £450.00.

6. Accuracy
a. Spelling
Careless mistakes in a letter can give readers a bad impression. Spelling,
punctuation, and grammar should all be checked carefully. Many people
have come to rely on the spellchecker in their computers to ensure that there
are no spelling mistakes. But a word spelt incorrectly may form a
completely different word, e.g. Please give it some though (the writer means
thought); I saw it their (the writer means there). A spell checker would miss
these mistakes. There is no substitute for carefully reading, or proofreading
a letter that you have written.
b. Title, names, and addresses
Use the correct title in the address and salutation. Spell your
correspondent's name correctly (nothing creates a worse impression than a
misspelled name), and write their address accurately.
If you do not know your correspondent, do not assume that they are one sex
or the other, i.e. use Dear Sir/ Madam rather than Dear Sir or Dear Madam.
If you know a correspondent's name but not their sex, use Mr./ Ms., e.g. Dear
Mr./ Ms. Barron.

c. References
When replying to a letter, fax, or email, quote all references accurately so that
it is immediately clear to your reader what you are writing about.
d. Prices, measurements, etc.
Special care should be taken when quoting prices or giving specifications
such as measurements or weights. Quoting these incorrectly can cause
serious misunderstandings.

24 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

e. Enclosures and attactments
Always check that you have actually enclosed the documents you have
mentioned in your letter, or attached them to your email.Check, too, that
you have enclosed or attached the right documents. If, for example, the
document you are enclosing is invoice PL/231, make sure you do not enclose
invoice PL/ 213.
When ordering, make sure you quote the order number correctly, especially
in international trade where mistakes can be very expensive in both time
and money.


1. Choose the correct answers

1. When you write to someone and you don’t know if the person is male or
female, it’s best to write:
A. Dear Sir B. Dear Sir/ Madam C. Dear friend

2. In a Bristish business letter, the best way to write date is

A. 6th January 07 B. 01/06/07 C. 6th January 2007

3. When you start a letter with “Dear Mr. White,”, you should finish the
letter with:
A. Yours faithfully, B. Yours sincerely, C. Yours,

4. Which of these is NOT correct in a British business letter, but IS correct

in an American business letter?
A. Dear Mr White B. Dear Mr. White: C. Dear Mr White,

5. Whe should you write the name of the person you are writing to (e.g.
Dear Mr White,)?
A. Only if you have met the person. B. Always if you know the name.

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 25

6. When should you use someone’s first name in a business letter to
someone from an English speaking country (e.g. Dear Martin,)? (Choose all
the correct answers.)
A. Always if you know B. When invited to do C. When the person in
their first name. so. younger than you.
D. Only with friends E. With colleagues, business associates and
people at the same level as you in the same or
another company

7. When you are not sure how to start a letter, the best idea is start with:
A. How are you? I B. Hello. My name’s … . I am C. I am writing to
hope you are in PA to … and I am writing to …(+ reason for
good health. …(+ reason for writing the writing the letter)

8. Where shoul you put your complete name (not your signature)?
A. Above your address B. Below your signature

9. Where should you put your job title?

A. Above your B. Below your name C. Above your address and
address below your name

26 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

2. Read the letter written in English and correct five mistakes in its
layouts and content
194 Stockton Road
15th Jan 20…
Chief Buyer
Racanos Stores
346 Wolverhampton Road
BM16 4HI
Dear Mrs Ryder:
7th International Clothing Fair
Our company is going to participate in the 7th International Clothing Fair to be
held in Birmingham from 15th-20th February. I am writing to you to invite you
to visit our stand on the opening day and also to have lunch with us.
If you decide to come, we would be delighted to take the opportunity to
show you our new clothing range and to give you preferential treatment for
any orders you decide to place with us while you are there.
If you think you would like to visit us at the fair, please let us know and we
will send complimentary entrance tickets for you and your colleagues.
I very much hope to see you there.
Yours faithfully,

Marketing Director

3. Put the verb in brackets into correct form

Starting a letter
• Thank you for your letter of 28th January, in which you (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . (enquire) about our insurance rates.
• I am writing to apply for the post of economist as (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(advertise) in the Financial Times of 16th November.

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 27

• With reference to our telephone call this morning, I am writing to
confirm the schedule of meetings we (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (arrange) for
you during your visit.
• We are a manufacturer of equipment for fish farms (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(base) in Helensburgh, Scotland, and would like some information on
your range of machines for moulding plastics.

Bad news
• We regret to inform you that the goods (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (delay)
owing to the air-traffic controllers' strike.
• I am sorry to inform you that we are unable to offer you the position of
economist which you (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (apply) for.
• I am afraid that we are unable to grant you the 10 percent discount you
(7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (request).

• Please (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (find) enclosed/ attached a copy of the
following documents:
• I (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (enclose) our latest catalogue.

Good news
• We are writing (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (inform) you that your order no.
234 for 15 laptop computers has been dispatched.
• We are pleased to announce that our prices (11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (cut) by
10 percent
• I am writing to invite you to our conference which (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(hold) at the Grand Hotel on 21st April, Brighton.

• Could you please let us know whether these items (13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(be) still available?
• I would be grateful if you (14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (send) me your latest
catalogue and price list.
• I would appreciate it if you (15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (recommend) a good
hotel for my stay.

28 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

• I am writing (16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (complain) about the delay in our
order of 1st May.
• I regret (17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (say) that the delivery did not arrive in
perfect condition.
• We are not satisfied with the way your company (18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(act) in this matter.
• Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this (19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(cause) you.
• I am very sorry aboutthe delay in (20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (deliver) your
order. This was caused by a shortage of components from our suppliers.
• We regret that this mistake was the result of the person who normally
(21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (handle) your transactions (22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(be) on holiday.

4. Complete each of the gaps (1-13) with a word from the box
advance advise arrangements convenient discount disregard
forward further hesitate hope quote reference suits

• We can (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you a unit price of €7.29 for orders of 50
units or more.
• We can offer you a (2) .................. of three per cent for orders
over €1,000.
Payment reminders
• With (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to our invoice no. 247 for €557, we would
like to (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you that we still have not received your
remittance for this amount.
• If your payment has already been made, please (5) ..................
this letter.
• We will be in Munich next week and (6) ............. that we can meet.

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 29

• I will be free on Monday. Please let me know if this (7) ................
• Please let me know if this would be (8) ...................

• I will call you next week to confirm our (9) ...................

• If you have any (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . questions, please do not (11)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to contact us.

• Thank you in (12) .................. for your help.

• I look (13) .................. to hearing from you.

5. Matching. Match words from box A with phrases from box B with
the same meaning. Then use the words in box A to complete the
sentences below.
1. Prospectus a. a complete list of items, for example of things that
people can look at or buy
2. Brochure b. a statement of how much money a particular piece of
work will cost
3. Booklet c. a copy of sth, usually smaller than the original object,
something such as a system that can be copied by other
4. Catalogue d. a small magazine or book containing pictures and
information about sth or advertising sth
5. Quotation e. a formal offer to supply goods or do work at a stated
6. Tender f. a public event at which things are sold to the person who
offers the most money for them
7. Model g. a small thin book with a paper cover that contains
information about a particular subject
8. Auction h. single example of sth, especially an animal or a plant
9. Specimen l. a class or group of people or things that share particular
qualities or features and are part of a larger group
10. Type m. a book or printed document that gives information about
a school, college, etc. in order to advertise it

30 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure

6. Write out the following names and addresses in the correct order.
Use the blocked style.
Search Studios Ltd/ Leeds/ 154 SOM/ Mr L Scott/150 Royal Avenue
Mr L. Scott
Search Studios Ltd
150 Royal Avenue
1. Warwick House / Soundsonic Ltd / London / 57- 59 Warwick Street /


2. Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 254 / Managing Director /1-20133 / Milano /

Sig. D. Fregoni / Fregoni S.p.A. /


3. Bente Spedition GmbH / Herr Heinz Bente / D-6ooo Frankfurt i /

Feldbergstr. 30 / Chairman


4. Sportique et Cie / 201 rue Sambin / The Sales Manager / F-2iooo Dijon


5. Intercom / 41006 Sevilla / 351 Avda Luis de Morales / Chief Accountant /

Mrs S. Moreno


6. Ms Maria Nikolakaki / 85100 Rhodes / Greece / Nikitara 541

Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 31



7. Excel Heights 501 / Edogawaku 139 / 7-3-8 Nakakasai / Japan / Tokyo /

Mrs Junko Shiratori


8. 301 Leighton Road / VHP Vehicles Ltd / London NWS 2QE / The
Transport Director / Kentish Town


7. Sort out the jumbled words below to make six sentences typical of
business correspondence. Add capital letters and punctuation as
1. grateful / soon / a / as / we / for / would / possible / reply / as / be


2. for / find / please / cheque / £49.50 / a / enclosed



3. further / please / if / us / information / you / any / contact / need



4. April / your / you / letter / thank / 5 / of / for



5. you / we / forward / to / from / look / hearing


32 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure


6. pleasure / price list / enclosing / have / a / catalogue / our / I /spring / and

/ in


8. Rewrite the following request for payment in a more polite form.

Dear Sir
You have owed us £567.00 since February, which means you haven't paid
us for three months.
We have written to you twice and you haven’t bothered to answer us, yet
you've been a customer for years. Anyway, we re not going to put up with
this, so if you don't tell us why you haven't paid, or send the money you owe
us in ten days, we'll sue you. After all, we've got bills to pay too, and besides
we explained our rules for giving credit, i.e. payment on due dates, some
time ago.
Yours, etc.
R. Lancaster (Mr)












Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 33

9. Below is the reply to the letter in Exercise 8. It was opened by Mr
Lancaster's secretary, who saw straight away that the letter is wordy
and contains a lot of irrelevant information. Pretend you are the
secretary and write Mr Lancaster an email summarizing the letter's
contents. Try to make your summary no longer than seventy-five
Dear Mr Lancaster
I am writing to you in reply to your letter dated 9 May, which we received
on 10 May, in which you reminded us of our outstanding balance, which
now amounts to the sum total of £567.00.
I should like to offer my humblest apologies for our failure either to settle
the account, or to reply to your two previous communications. However, I
feel that I must explain the cause. We have been the unfortunate victims of a
tragedy. Two months ago, our premises were almost completely destroyed
by fire. Although I am happy to report that we sustained no casualties, all
our records, stock, orders ready for despatch and so on, were consumed by
the flames.
Now, at last, our fortunes are beginning to rise again, and our insurance
company will shortly be releasing funds to facilitate our recovery. Let me
assure you that you will be remunerated in full as soon as possible. In the
interim, I would be grateful if you would accept a small sum towards the
settlement of our account, with my personal promise that the remaining
amount will be forwarded to you as soon as it becomes available.
Please find enclosed a cheque for the sum of £55.00, and once again, I beg
you to accept my deepest apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Yours sincerely
T.D. Games (Mr)







34 Chapter 1- Layout and Structure














Chapter 1- Layout and Structure 35

In this chapter, you can learn:
1. Enquiry in response to an advertisement
2. Enquiry from a retailer to a foreign manufacturer
3. Enquiry for goods on approval
4. Enquiry for representative to call
5. Enquiry for sample
I. Gap filling
1. Enquiry for special terms
2. Enquiry to new supplier
3. Enquiry for a representative to come
4. Enquiry for Wood from Vietnam
5. Enquiry for price list and catalogue
II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - English
III. Letter writing
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3
Letter 4
Letter 5 ð

36 Chapter 2- Enquiries
1. Mentioning how you can obtain your potential supplier’s name.
2. Introducing to your supplier what sort of firm you are.
3. Indicating state of markets.
4. Asking for information (catalogues, pricelists, prospectus, samples,
patterns …)
5. Suggesting terms, methods of payment, discounts.
6. Hoping for an early offer/ quotation/ reply.

Hints for writing enquiries

A. Opening
1. Tell your supplier what sort of organization you are
• We are a co-operative wholesale society based in Zurich.
• Our company is a subsidiary of Universal Business Machines and we
specialize in ...
• We are one of the main producers of industrial chemicals in Germany,
and we are interested in ...
• How did you hear about the company you are contacting? It might be
useful to point out that you know their associates, or that they were
recommended to you by a consulate or trade association.
• We were given your name by the Hoteliers' Association in Paris.
• You were recommended to us by Mr John King, of Laws Om & Davies,
Merchant Barkers.
• We were advised by Spett. Marco Gennovisa of Milan that you are
interested in supplying ...
• We were impressed by the selection of gardening tools displayed on your
stand at this year's Hamburg Gardening Exhibition.
• Our associates in the packaging industry speak highly of your Zeta
packing machines, and we would like to have more information about
them. Could you send us ...
2. Asking for catalogues, price lists, etc.
• Could you please send your current catalogue and pricelist for exhibition
stands? We are particularly interested in stands suitable for displaying

Chapter 2- Enquiries 37
• Please send us any information you can supply, marking the letter 'For
the Attention of Professor Kazuhiro; Tokyo General Hospital,Kinuta-
Setagayaku, Tokyo, Japan.
• I am planning to come and study in London next autumn and would be
grateful if you could send me a prospectus and details of your fees. I am
particularly interested in courses in computing.
• Please would you send me an up-to-date price list for your building
3. Asking for details
• I am replying to your advertisement in the June edition of Tailor and
Cutter. I would like to know more about the steam presses which you are
offering at cost price.
• I will be attending the auction to be held at Turner House on 16
February, and am particularly interested in the job lot listed as Item No.
• Could you please give me more information about course BL 362, which
appears in the language-learning section of your summer prospectus?
• I would appreciate more details about the 'University Communications
System' which you are currently advertising on your website.
4. Asking for samples, patterns, and demonstrations
• When replying, could you please enclose a pattern card?
• We would also appreciate it if you could send some samples of the
material so that we can examine the texture and quality.
• Before selling toys we prefer to test them for safety. Could you therefore
send us at least two examples of the 'Sprite' range?
• I would like to discuss the problem of maintenance before deciding which
model to install in my factory. Therefore I would be grateful if you could
arrange for one of your representatives to call on me within the next two
• Where can I see a demonstration of this system?
5. Suggesting terms, methods of payment, and discounts
• We usually deal on a 30% trade discount basis with an additional
quantity discount for orders over 1,000 units.
• As a rule, our suppliers allow us to settle by monthly statement and we
can offer you the references if necessary.

38 Chapter 2- Enquiries
• We would also like to point out that we usually settle our accounts on a
D/A basis with payment by 30-day bill of exchange.
• Could you let us know if you allow cash discounts?
• As we intend to place a substantial order, we would like to know what
quantity discounts you allow.
6. Asking for goods on approval, or on sale or return
• The leaflet advertising your latest hobby magazines interested us, and we
would like to stock a selection of them. However, we would only consider
placing an order if it was on the usual basis of sale or return. If this is
acceptable, we will send you a firm order.
• In the catalogue we received from you last week, we saw that you are
introducing a new line in synthetic furs. While we appreciate that
increasing pressure from wildlife protection societies is reducing the
demand for real furs, we are not sure how our customers would react to
synthetic alternatives. However, we would like to try a selection of
designs. Would it be possible foryou to supply us with a range on an
approval basis to see if we can encourage a demand? Three months
would probably be enough to establish a market if there is one.
7. Closing
• We hope to hear from you in the near future.
• We would be grateful for an early reply.
• Finally, we would like to point out that delivery before Christmas is
essential, and hope that you can offer us that guarantee. If you can agree
to the concessions we have asked for, we will place a substantial order.
• Prompt delivery would be necessary as we have a rapid turnover. We
would therefore need your assurance that you could meet all delivery
• If the product is satisfactory, we will place further orders with you in the
• If the prices quoted are competitive and the quality up to standard, we
will order on a regular basis.
• Provided you can offer favourable quotations and guarantee delivery
within four weeks from receipt of order, we will place regular orders
with you.

Chapter 2- Enquiries 39
1. Enquiry in response to an advertisement
Sample 1.
Dear Sir/ Madam
We are a large music store in the center of Poitiers and would like to know
more about the re-writable and recordable CDs you advertised in this
month’s edition of “Hi Fi News”.
Could you tell us if the CDs are leading brand names, or made by small
independent companies, and whether they would be suitable for domestic
recording? It would also be helpful if you could send us some samples. If
they are of the standard we require, we will place a substantial order. We
would also like to know if you offer any trade discounts.
We look forward to receiving your early reply.
Yours faithfully
P.Gerard (M.)
1. re-writable có thể chép lại được
2. recordable có thể ghi chép
3. edition ấn bản
4. leading hàng đầu
5. domestic nội địa
6. samples hàng mẫu
7. standard tiêu chuẩn
8. substantial số lượng lớn
9. trade discount chiết khấu thương mại
10. look forward to mong đợi
11. place (an order) đặt hàng

40 Chapter 2- Enquiries
2. Enquiry from a retailer to a foreign manufacturer
Sample 2.
Dear Sir/ Madam
We are a chain of retailers based in Birmingham and are looking for a
manufacturer who can supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the
men’s leisurewear market. We were impressed by the selection of sweaters
that were displayed on your stand at the “Menswear Exhibition” that was
held in Hamburg last month.
As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount
in addition to a 20% trade discount off net list prices. Our terms of payment
are normally 30-day bill of exchange, documents against acceptance (D/A).
If these conditions interest you, and you can meet orders of over 500 garments
at one time, please send us your current catalogue and price list.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully
Peter Crane (Mr.)
Chief Buyer
F. Lynch & Co. Ltd
1. chain chuỗi
2. retailer nhà bán lẻ
3. sweater áo len/ áo khoác
4. leisurewear thuờng phục
5. a selection bộ sưu tập
6. stand gian hàng
7. menswear thời trang nam
8. exhibition hội chợ, buổi triễn lãm
9. quantity discount chiết khấu số lượng
10. 30-day Bill of Exchange hối phiếu trả chậm 30 ngày
11. documents against
Chấp nhận thanh toán đổi lấy chứng từ
acceptance (D/A)
12. garment quần áo, hàng may mặc
13. catalogue ca-tô-lô

Chapter 2- Enquiries 41
14. rice list bảng giá cho tất cả các mặt hàng
15. list price giá trong bảng giá
16. Net ròng, thuần (mức giá chưa tính thuế)
17. based in có trụ sở tại

3. Enquiry for goods on approval

Sample 3.
Dear Sir/ Madam
Several of my customers have recently expressed an interest in your
waterproof garments, and have enquired about their quality.
If quality and price are satisfactory, there are prospects of good sales here.
However before placing a firm order I should be glad if you would send me
on 14 days’ approval a selection of men’s and children’s waterproof
raincoats and leggings. Any of the items unsold at the end of this period and
which I decide not to keep as stock would be returned at my expense.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully

1. on approval viêc ký gửi
good on approval hàng ký gửi
2. enquire (about) hỏi về
3. waterproof chống thấm
4. prospect triển vọng
5. firm order đơn đặt hàng cố định
6. legging quần bó
7. stock hàng hóa trong kho
8. keep as stock lưu kho
9. at sb’s expense do ai chịu chi phí

42 Chapter 2- Enquiries
4. Enquiry for representative to call
Sample 4.
Dear Sir/ Madam
I read with interest your advertisement for plastic kitchenware in the
current issue of the House Furnishing Review.
I hope you can arrange for your representative to call when next in this
district. It would be helpful if he could bring with him a good selection of
items from your product range.
This is a rapidly developing district and if prices are right, your goods
should find a ready sale.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully

1. plastic bằng nhựa
2. kitchenware dụng cụ nhà bếp
3. issue số báo
4. representative người đại diện
5. item mặt hàng
6. find a ready sale bán đắt, bán chạy

5. Enquiry for sample

Sample 5.
Dear Sirs
We have received a number of enquiries for floor coverings suitable for use
on the rough floors which seem to be a feature of much of the new building
taking place in this region.
It would be helpful if you could send us samples showing your range of
suitable coverings. A pattern-card of the designs in which they are supplied
would also be very useful.
Selling prospects for hard-wearing floor coverings are good and we look
forward to receiving your samples and pattern cards.
Yours faithfully

Chapter 2- Enquiries 43
1. floor covering thảm lót sàn
2. rough ghồ ghề
3. feature đặc tính/ đặc điểm
4. take place diễn ra
5. pattern-card bìa mẫu
6. hard-wearing bền


I. Gap filling
1. Enquiry for special terms
Dear Sir/ Madam
Please send us your current (1) . . . price-list
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and (2) . . . . catalogue
for bicycles. We are interested in models for both men and women, and also
for children.
leading/ long-standing/established/ renowned
We are the (3) . . . . leading
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bicycle dealers in this city where cycling
is popular, and have (4) . . . . . retailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in five neighboring towns. If the
quality of your products is satisfactory and the prices are (5) reasonable/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
we expect to place regular orders for fairly large numbers. competitive

In the (6) . reply/offer/quotation

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . please indicate whether you will allow us a
special (7) . . . . . . .discount
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . This would enable us to maintain the low
selling prices which have been an important reason for the (8) . . . success/thriving ............
of our business. In return we would be prepared to place orders for a
guaranteed (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . .minimum
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . number of bicycles,
the figure to be (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . agreed.
If you wish to discuss this please contact me on 6921671.
Yours faithfully

44 Chapter 2- Enquiries
2. Enquiry to new supplier
Dear Sir/ Madam
Dekkers of Sheffield (1) . tell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . us that you are manufacturers of
polyester cotton bed sheets and pillow cases.
We are (2) . . .specializing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in textiles and believe there is a (3) . .potential ..........
. . . . . . . . market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind.
Please let me have (4) . . .details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of your various ranges including
sizes, colours and prices, together with (5) . . samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the different
qualities of material used.
Please state your (6) . . . . .terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of payment and discounts (7) allow .......
. . . . . . . . . . . . . on purchases of (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of not less than 500 of
specific items. Prices (9) . . . . . . .quoted . . . . . . . . . . . . . should include delivery to our
address shown above.
Your (10) . .early . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . reply would be appreciated.

Yours faithfully

3. Enquiry for a representative to come

Dear Mr Jarry
We are a Chain of retail stores and are looking for an efficient security
system. You were (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to us by our (2) . . . .associate
DMS (Wholesalers) Ltd, for whom you recently installed the Secure 18
alarm system.
We need a system which would give us (3) . . . .comprehensive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . protection
against robbery and shoplifting throughout all departments, and the Secure
15 (4) . . . . featured
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in your current catalogue would appear to suit us.
However, it would be helpful if one of your (5) . . . . .representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . could
visit us so that we can discuss details of the (6) . . . . . available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . systems.

Initially, we would test the system we select in our main branch, and, if it
proves (7) . . . .satisfactory
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , install it throughout our other branches. Our
choice would, of course, be influenced by a (8) . . .competitive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quotation
and full guarantees for (9) . . .maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and (10) . . .service

Please reply as soon as possible as we would like to make a decision within

the next few months.
Yours sincerely

Chapter 2- Enquiries 45
4. Enquiry for Wood from Vietnam
Dear Sirs,
Your name and address have been (1) . . . . given
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to us by the Japan-
Vietnam Trade Association.
First of all we would like to take the (2) . opportunity
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of introducing
ourselves as one of the country’s leading trading companies (3) .dealing .............
in all kinds of materials for industry such as woodchips, iron ore, coal,
scrap, etc…
At present, we are extensively (4) . .engaged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in importing hardwoods
and are now (5) . . trying
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to extend our business into the softwood
area and are (6) . . . investigating
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the possibility of importing from Vietnam.

We would, therefore, be (7) . .grateful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if you will (8) . .kindly

let us have your (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the goods in (10) . . . . .questions
information ...............

Yours faithfully,

5. Enquiry for price list and catalogue

Dear Sirs,
We have read an (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in “Office News” about your (2) . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . of visible record system filing cabinets. We are interested in
. . . . . range
introducing a (3) . . . .new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . filing system in our main office. We
also wish to install an electronic system for the storage and retrieval of data.
Please send us (4) . .price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . list and (5) . . . .catalogue
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of your
manual and electronic data processing systems, (6) . . . quote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . your
price (7) . . . CIF
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . London if possible. We are particularly interested
in type TW37, so we would be (8) . . .grateful . . . . . . . . . . . . if you would (9) . . . . provide ........
more (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . information about this particular model.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
J. Rodriguez,
Office Manager

46 Chapter 2- Enquiries
II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
1. We are interested in Cutter Model 05 and we shall be obliged if you will
send us a quotation for this machine.


2. We are indebted for your address to the Trade Delegation of Japan in



3. We would also like to point out that we usually settle our accounts on a
D/A basis with payment by 30-day bill of exchange.



4. One of your clients is desirous of purchasing motorcycles for his stock.



5. Please make us an offer with your most favorable terms and conditions.


6. We are pleased to inform you that there is a steady demand for Sanyo
brand refrigerators in this market and we would like you to send us an offer.



7. If your quotation is competitive, we are ready to place large orders for

chemical products.

Chapter 2- Enquiries 47


8. We must make it clear from the very beginning that competitive

quotations are essential.


9. When we place such a large order with other suppliers, we usually get a
2% or 3% discount.


10. Your name has been given to us by the British Chamber of Commerce.


11. We have seen your advertisement in the latest issue of the “Agriculture”.


12. We have learned your name and address by the introduction of the
Japanese Embassy, who has advised us that you are the sole exporter of …



13. We are interested in the purchase of your range of … advertised in …

and would like to know if…


14. Our company is one of the main producers of… in Vietnam.



48 Chapter 2- Enquiries
15. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of
the leading trading companies dealing in all kinds of material for textiles



16. There is a brisk demand here for high-quality T-shirts of the type you
manufacture now.


17. At the moment, we are in the market for… and we shall be glad if you
will quote us…


18. We would be glad to receive specifications of your new personal

computer IPC, together with your current export price list and particulars of



19. We shall be obliged if you will send us the prospectus, quote your latest
price and state the time of delivery with your most favorable terms of


20. Your name has been given to us by the British Chamber of Commerce.


Chapter 2- Enquiries 49
Vietnamese – English
1. Hơn nữa sẽ thật hữu ích nếu quý ngài gửi cho chúng tôi một số mẫu hàng.


2. Nếu chúng đáp ứng được chuẩn chúng tôi yêu cầu, chúng tôi sẽ đặt một
đơn hàng lớn.


3. Trong trường hợp các ngài không thể chào bán cho chúng tôi lần này,
chúng tôi đề nghị quý ngài báo giá dự kiến trước.


4. Đề nghị các ngài báo giá CIF cảng Đà Nẵng thấp nhất cho chúng tôi và
báo số lượng và kích cỡ khác nhau mà các ngài cung cấp khi giao hàng



5. Chúng tôi muốn biết liệu các ngài có chiết khấu thương mại không.


6. Chúng tôi đang tìm một nhà sản xuất có thể cung cấp cho chúng tôi nhiều
chủng loại áo len cho thị trường khách hàng thiếu niên.


7. Nếu quý ngài cần thêm thông tin, xin vui lòng liên hệ chúng tôi, hoặc vào
website của chúng tôi theo địa chỉ trên.

50 Chapter 2- Enquiries



8. Chúng tôi lấy làm tiếc báo cho các ngài hiện nay chúng tôi không có khả
năng chào bán chè chất lượng cao, giao hàng ngay.



9. Nếu các ngài có thể đáp ứng được các đơn hàng trên 500 bộ cùng một
lúc, xin vui lòng gửi cho chúng tôi ca-ta-lo và bảng giá hiện hành.



10. Thông thường chúng tôi được hưởng 10% chiết khấu thương mại cùng
với chiết khấu số lượng cho các đơn hàng trên 1000 chiếc.


11. Trường hợp chúng tôi thanh toán tiền hàng sớm theo điều kiện thanh
toán khi giao hàng, quý ngài có thể dành cho chúng tôi mức chiết khấu trả
sớm là bao nhiêu?



12. Triển vọng bán hàng quần áo may sẵn của quí ngài tại thị trường này là
đầy hứa hẹn, chúng tôi mong sớm nhận được thư báo giá và bìa mẫu hàng
của các ngài.


Chapter 2- Enquiries 51

13. Chúng tôi muốn mua chè, xuất xứ Việt Nam, giao hàng ngay.


14. Chúng tôi hiểu rằng các ngài là nhà xuất khẩu hàng đầu loại hàng này và
các ngài có thể cung cấp các quy cách chúng tôi cần.


15. Nếu giá của quý ngài phải chăng, chất lượng thỏa đáng và điều kiện giao
hàng chấp nhập được, chúng tôi sẽ đặt những đơn hàng lớn.



16. Một số khách hàng của chúng tôi gần đây đã tỏ ra muốn mua giày da và
hỏi về chất lượng và giá của chúng.



17. Chúng tôi đang suy tính việc mua chè của Việt Nam. Đề nghị quý ngài
gửi cho chúng tôi đơn chào hàng tốt nhất bằng điện và nói rõ xuất xứ bao bì,
sồ lượng có sẵn và thời gian giao hàng sớm nhất.




18. Đề nghị quý ngài báo giá trên cơ sở FCA, cho biết cước phí cước phí gửi
bằng tàu đến cảng Hải Phòng

52 Chapter 2- Enquiries

19. Nếu chất lượng chúng tôi yêu cầu mà không có sẵn thì quý ngài có thể
gửi những mặt hàng tương tự nhất.


20. Vì chúng tôi có thể đặt các đơn hàng lớn thường xuyên, chúng tôi tin
rằng quý ngài sẽ xem xét cho chúng tôi hưởng những điều khoản ưu đãi
nhất định.



III. Letter writing

1. Letter 1
Anh (chị) đang làm việc tại công ty TNHH Lưu Tuấn (Việt Nam),
chuyên cung cấp sỉ và lẻ các thiết bị điện tử gia dụng (household
electronics). Anh (chị) hãy viết thay mặt ông Nguyễn Hùng, trưởng
phòng Xuất nhập khẩu của công ty, viết thư hỏi hàng đề ngày 02/12/20__
gửi đến công ty Electro (Singapore) hỏi mua mặt hàng Tivi kết nối
Internet của Sony – BRAVIATM HD TV dòng EX720 (Sony Internet TV
– BRAVIATM HD EX720 series). Qua thư, ngoài việc yêu cầu công ty
Electro cung cấp những thông tin cơ bản về sản phẩm, anh (chị) cho biết
công ty Lưu Tuấn rất quan tâm đến mức giá và các chương trình khuyến
mãi đi kèm do sức mua cuối năm tại thị trường Việt Nam rất lớn.
Anh (chị) có thể bổ sung những thông tin khác để bức thư hoàn chỉnh.
Bắt đầu thư từ “Dear …”





Chapter 2- Enquiries 53


























54 Chapter 2- Enquiries
Letter 2
Công ty SATEX Saigon chuyên nhập khẩu áo len (sweater) cho trẻ em.
Khi tham dự hội chợ tổ chức ở London tháng trước, SATEX biết rằng
công ty SCORE Co. Ltd trụ sở tại Anh có kinh doanh mặt hàng đó. Anh/
Chị hãy viết thử hỏi hàng với những gợi ý như sau:
1. SATEX tự giới thiệu về mình và lĩnh vực kinh doanh, và công ty này
hiện đang cần tìm nhà cung ứng áo len cho trẻ em vì nhận thấy Việt Nam
là thị trường đầy tiềm năng đối với mặt hàng này.
2. SATEX sẽ rất vui mừng nếu nhận được ca-ta-lo mới nhất và bảng giá
hiện hành của SCORE.
3. Nhấn mạnh vào tầm quan trọng của giá cả vì đây là yếu tố rất quan
trọng đối với sự phát triển của công ty.
4. Công ty muốn đặt thử lô hàng 200 cái. Nếu bán chạy và làm vừa lòng
khách hàng, công ty sẽ đặt hàng mua thường xuyên với số lượng lớn hơn.
Anh / chị hãy bổ sung những thông tin khác để bức thư thêm hoàn chỉnh.
Bắt đầu thư bằng “Dear Sirs”.













Chapter 2- Enquiries 55

























56 Chapter 2- Enquiries
Letter 3
Anh (Chị) là Trưởng phòng kinh doanh của công ty Red Spot
Computers, một hệ thống đại lý bán máy tính cỡ trung tại Việt Nam, có
nhiều địa điểm bán hàng lớn nằm ở khu vực thương mại và giáo dục.
Qua quảng cáo trên số phát hành tháng Tư của tờ Laptop Users’ Journal,
anh (chị) biết một loại máy tính mới có tên là ZX99 được chế tạo ở Anh,
đang có bán ở đó và được công ty Kingston Corporation độc quyền phân
phối. Máy ZX99 là loại máy tính xách tay cao cấp nhất với đặc điểm là
có thể giao tiếp dễ dàng với các loại máy tính khác.
Anh (Chị) biết là loại máy này sẽ thu hút sự quan tâm của khách hàng và
nhu cầu sẽ rất lớn nếu máy này được nhiều người biết đến.
Anh (Chị) hãy viết thư cho Giám đốc điều hành của công ty Kingston
Corporation để hỏi về việc xin làm đại lý. Anh (Chị) cần có thêm thông
tin về máy tính đó gồm các tài liệu chào hàng (sales literature), tờ hướng
dẫn, ca-ta-lo và bảng giá bán sỉ.














Chapter 2- Enquiries 57


























58 Chapter 2- Enquiries
Letter 4
Công ty IMEXCO địa chỉ 149 đường Lê Lai, quận 1, TP. Hồ Chí Minh
chuyên nhập khẩu máy móc thiết bị xây dựng.
Qua quảng cáo trên mạng, IMEXCO được biết rằng công ty PANTON
Ltd có địa chỉ Panton Works, Hounslow, TW6PQ Australia có kinh
doanh những mặt hàng đó. Anh/ Chị hãy viết thư hỏi hàng với những gợi
ý như sau:
1. IMEXCO tự giới thiệu về mình và lĩnh vực kinh doanh.
2. IMEXCO hiện đang cần mua máy ủi đất (bulldozer), vì vậy sẽ lấy làm
vui mừng nếu nhận được ca-ta-lo, sách quảng cáo, bảng giá và chào hàng
cố định cho loại máy này của Panton.
3. IMEXCO xin gửi kèm thư này sách giới thiệu về công ty mình và danh
sách một số nhà buôn lớn trên thế giới mà IMEXCO có quan hệ làm ăn
từ nhiều năm nay để Panton tham khảo.
4. Nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của giá cả vì hiện nay thị trường Việt Nam có
rất nhiều loại máy tương tự mang nhãn hiệu của Nhật, Nga… Nếu
Panton muốn thâm nhập vào thị trường này, thì phải có những chính sách
ưu đãi về giá cho đơn đặt hàng đầu tiên.
5. Nếu IMEXCO thấy Panton chào giá hợp lý, các điều khoản và điều kiện
khác thỏa đáng thì sẽ đặt mua thử hai chiếc theo phương thức trả chậm.
Sau này, IMEXCO hy vọng sẽ đặt hàng thường xuyên với số lượng lớn
hơn vì nhu cầu tại thị trường Việt Nam đối với loại máy này là rất cao.
6. IMEXCO hy vọng Panton sẽ không bỏ lỡ cơ hội này, do vậy IMEXCO
mong sớm nhận được những tài liệu trên.
Bắt đầu thư bằng “Dear Sir”.





Chapter 2- Enquiries 59


























60 Chapter 2- Enquiries
Letter 5
Sau khi thấy mẫu quảng cáo của công ty Glaston Potteries về những mẫu
thiết kế mới nhất cho sản phẩm bộ chén dĩa (dinner sets) được đăng trên
ấn bản tháng 4 của tạp chí International Homes; thì ông Morreau đã viết
một bức thư hỏi hàng cho công ty Glaston Potteries Ltd và nhận được thư
phúc đáp như bên dưới. Đọc bức thư phúc đáp, và trong vai là ông
Morreau, bạn hãy viết lại bức thư hỏi hàng được gửi trước đó.
Mở đầu thư bằng lời chào phù hợp.
Dear Mr. Morreau
Thank you for your enquiry of 28 June in which you expressed an interest
in retailing a selection of our products In your shops in Nancy.
Please find enclosed our current catalogue and price list.
You might also be interested in visiting our website.
In response to your request for a 20% trade discount, we regret that we
cannot offer more than l5%. However, we do give a 5% quantity discount
on orders for over 20,000USD. In comparison with similar companies in
the UK, these terms are extremely competitive. Payment would need to
be by sight draft until we have established a firm business relationship.
Finally, we are confident that we can deliver well within the two-month
time limit as you require.
Thank you for your interest. We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely
James Merton
Sales Manager
Enc. + 1 catalogue
+ 1 price list


Chapter 2- Enquiries 61


























62 Chapter 2- Enquiries
In this chapter, you can learn:
1. Reply to a request for catalogues and samples
2. Reply (with quotation of terms) to the general enquiry in
which the buyer asked for certain concessions
3. Reply (with the selling of the product) to request for catalogue
and price list including
4. Reply to request for representative to call
5. Reply to request for approval
I. Gap filling
1. Reply to request for goods on approval
2. Reply to request for sole distribution rights
3. Reply to request for special terms
4. Reply
5. Reply
II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - English
III. Letter writing
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3
Letter 4
Letter 5 ð

Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 63

1. Express thanks to the enquiry.
2. Confirm that you can help.
3. Selling your product
4. Enclose requested documents (pricelist, quotation, catalogue, sales
literatures, samples, ….)
5. Promise to favour the customers.
6. Add your favourable comments on the goods sold.
7. Express regret (if any), offer an alternative (if any).
8. Hope for an order.

Hints for writing a reply

1. Opening
• Thank you for your enquiry of 6June 20 in which you asked about …
• I would like to thank you for your enquiry of 10 May 20..., and am
pleased to tell you that we would be able to supply you with the ...
• We were pleased to learn from your letter of 10 December that you are
impressed with our selection of. ..
• Thank you for your letter No. 1691, which we received this morning.
2. Confirming that you can help
• We have a wide selection of sweaters that will appeal to the market you
• Our factory would have no problem in producing the 6,000 units you
asked for in your enquiry.
• We can supply from stock will have no trouble in meeting your delivery
• I am pleased to say that we will be able to supply the transport facilities
you require.
• We can offer door-to-door delivery services.
3. 'Selling' your product
• When you have had the opportunity to see the samples for yourself, we
feel sure you will agree that they are of the highest quality; and to see a
wide selection online.
• Once you have seen the Delta 800 in operation we know you will be
64 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries
impressed by its trouble free performance.
• We can assure you that the Alpha 2000 is one of the most outstanding
machines on the market, and our confidence in it is supported by our
five-year guarantee.
4. Suggesting alternatives
• While this engine has all the qualities of the model you asked for, the
'Powerdrive' has the added advantage of fewer moving parts, so reducing
maintenance costs. It also saves on oil as it ...
• The model has now been improved. Its steel casting has been replaced by
strong plastic, which makes the machine much lighter and easier to
5. Referring the customer to another place
• I regret to say that we no longer produce the type of stapler you refer to
as there is no longer sufficient demand for it. I am sorry we cannot help
• The book you mention is not published by us, but by Greenhill Education
Ltd. Their address is ...
• We no longer manufacture pure cotton shirts as their retail prices tend
only to attract the upper end of the market. All our garments are now
polycotton, which is stronger, needs little ironing, and allows variations
in pattern, which you can see on our website at
However, if you are only interested in pure cotton garments, we advise
you to contact Louis Fashions Ltd at ...
• We manufacture the product you require, but we only deal with
wholesalers, not retailers. Therefore, I suggest you contact our agent, R.
L Depre SA, rue Montpellier 28, Paris, ...
6. Sending catalogues, price lists, prospectuses, and samples
• Please find enclosed our current catalogue and price list quoting CIF
prices Kobe. The units you referred to in your letter are featured on pp.
31-34 under catalogue numbers Y32-Y37- When ordering could you
please quote these numbers? The samples you asked for will follow under
separate cover.
• We enclose our booklet on the Omega 2000 and are sure you will agree
that it is one of the finest machines of its kind. It can be adapted to your
specifications (see the section 'Structural changes' on page 12).
Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 65
• We enclose our summer catalogue, which unfortunately is only published
in English. However, we have included a German translation for the
relevant pages and hope this will prove helpful.
• We have enclosed our price list, but should point out that prices are
subject to change as the market for raw materials is very unstable at
7. Arranging demonstrations and visits.
• Certain products, e.g. heavy equipment, machinery, and computer
installations, may need demonstrating. In these cases the supplier will
either send a representative or adviser, or suggest that the customer
visits their showroom.
• We have enclosed full details of the Laren welder, but a demonstration
would be necessary to show you its full capabilities. We therefore suggest
that you visit our centre in Birmingham, where the equipment is set up, so
that you can see the machine in action.
• As the enclosed booklet cannot really show the efficiency of this system,
we would be happy to arrange for our representative to visit you and give
a demonstration. If you are interested in a visit, please fill in the enclosed
pre-paid card and return it to us.
• The enclosed catalogue will give you an idea of the type of sound
equipment we produce, but may we suggest that you also visit our show
8. Closing
• Once again we would like to thank you for writing. We would welcome
any further questions you might have.
• Please contact us again if you have any questions, using the above
telephone number or email address.
• I am sorry we do not have the model you asked for, but can assure you that
the alternative I have suggested will meet your requirements. Please
remember that we offer a full three-year guarantee.
• We hope to hear from you again soon, and can assure you that your
order will be dealt with promptly.

66 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries

1. Reply to a request for catalogues and samples
Sample 1.
Dear Mr. Gerard
Thank you for your inquiry of 12 May in which you asked about the CDs we
advertised in this month’s edition of “HiFi News”.
I can confirm that they are of high quality, and suitable for domestic
recording. They are ‘Kolby’ products, which is a brand name you will
certainly recognize, and the reason their prices are so competitive is that
they are part of a consignment of bankrupt stock that was offered to us.
Because of their low price, and the small profit margin, we will not be
offering any trade discounts on this consignment. But we sell a wide range
of electronic and computer products and have enclosed a price-list giving
you details of trade, quantity, and cash discounts.
We have sent, by separate post, samples of the advertised CDs and other
brands we stock, and would urge you to place an order as soon as possible
as there has been a huge response to our advertisement.
We would like to thank you for your interest and look forward to receiving
your early order.
Yours sincerely
(Herr) R. Gerlach
Sales Director
Encl. price-list
1 confirm xác nhận
2 domestic nội địa
3 brand name thương hiệu
4 competitive cạnh tranh (giá rẻ)
5 consignment lô hàng
6 bankrupt stock hàng thanh lý khi bị phá sản
7 profit margin lợi nhuận biên

Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 67

8 cash discount chiết khấu trả tiền sớm
9 separate post thư riêng
10 urge thúc giục
11 response phản hồi
12 Encl. đính kèm

2. Reply (with quotation of terms) to the general enquiry in which the

buyer asked for certain concessions
Sample 2.
Dear Mr. Crane
We were pleased to receive your inquiry, and to hear that you liked our
range of sweaters. We can confirm that there would certainly be no trouble
in supplying you from our wide selection of garments.
We can offer you a quantity discount, which would be 5% off net prices for
orders over £2,000, but the usual allowance for a trade discount in Italy is
15%, and we always deal on payment by sight draft, cash against
documents. However, we would be prepared to review this once we have
established a firm trading association with you.
Enclosed you will find our summer catalogue and price-list quoting prices
CIF London. We are sure you will find a ready sale for our products in
England, as have other retailers throughout Europe and America, and we
do hope we can reach agreement on the terms quoted.
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
D. Causio (Sig.)
Sales Director
Encl. + 01 Catalogue
+ 01 Price List

68 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries

1 range of … hàng loạt …
2 selection bộ sưu tập
3 garments hàng may mặc, quần áo
4 net prices giá ròng(chưa tính thuế)
5 allowance chiết khấu
6 deal on… kinh doanh theo hình thức …
7 sight draft hối phiếu trả ngay
8 cash against
thanh toán đổi lấy chứng từ
9 to be prepared sẵn sàng

10 CIF điều kiện CIF (Cost Insurance & Freight) theo

11 a ready sale bán chạy

3. Reply (with the selling of the product) to request for catalogue and
price list
Sample 3.
Dear Ms Lowe
We were pleased to receive your enquiry today, and are enclosing the
catalogue and price list you asked for.
You will see that we can offer a wide selection of dinner and tea services
ranging from the rugged ‘Greystone’ earthenware breakfast sets to the
delicate ‘Ming’ bone china dinner service. You can choose from more than
fifty designs, which includes the elegance of ‘Wedgwood’, the delicate
pattern of ‘Willow’, and the richness of ‘Brownstone’ glaze.
We would very much like to add your clients to our worldwide list of
customers, and could promise them an excellent product with a first-class
service. We would be glad to accept orders for any number of pieces, and
can mix sets if required.
You will see that our prices are quoted CIF to Eastern Canadian seaboard

Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 69

ports and we are offering a special 10% discount off all net prices, with
delivery within three weeks from receipt of order.
If there is any further information you need, please contact us, or go to our
website at the address above. Once again thank you for your enquiry.
Yours sincerely,
J. Merton (Mr.)
Sales Manager
Encl. + 01 Catalogue
+ 01 Price List

1 services bộ chén dĩa ly tách
2 rugged nhám
3 earthenware đồ sành sứ
4 delicate tinh xảo
5 bone china đồ gốm làm từ hỗn hợp xương và đất sét
6 elegance sự tao nhã
7 pattern kiểu, mẫu
8 richness sự giàu sang
9 glaze nước men dùng để tráng lên đồ gốm
10 worldwide toàn cầu
11 first-class hàng đầu, loại một
12 seaboard vùng duyên hải

70 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries

4. Reply to request for representative to call
Sample 4.
Dear Mr. Kennings
Thank you for your enquiry dated 1 November.
Our representative, Ms Jane Whitelaw, will be in your area next week and
she will be calling on you. Meanwhile I am enclosing an illustrated
catalogue of our plastic goods and details of our terms and conditions of
Plastic kitchenware has long been a popular feature of the modern kitchen.
Its bright and attractive colors have strong appeal, and wherever dealers
have arranged them in special window displays good sales are reported.
When you have inspected the samples Ms. Whitelaw will bring with her, you
will understand why we have a large demand for these products. Therefore,
if you wish to have a stock of these goods before Christmas we advise you to
place your order by the end of this month.
We look forward to working with you.
Yours sincerely
1. representative người đại diện
2. call on liên lạc
3. illustrated có hình ảnh minh họa
4. terms and conditions các điều khoản
5. plastic bằng nhựa
6. kitchenware đồ dùng nhà bếp
7. appeal sự thu hút
8. dealer nhà phân phối
9. window tủ kính trưng bày
10. inspect kiểm tra
11. demand nhu cầu
12. have a stock trữ hàng, có sẵn hàng

Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 71

5. Reply to request for approval

Sample 5.
Dear Mrs. Turner
I was very pleased to receive your request of 12 March for waterproof
garments on approval.
As we have not previously done business together, you will appreciate that I
must request either the usual trade references, or the name of a bank to
which we may refer. As soon as these enquiries are satisfactorily settled we
shall be happy to send you a good selection of the items mentioned in your
I sincerely hope that our first transaction together will be the beginning of a
long and pleasant business association.
Yours sincerely

1. waterproof chống thấm nước
2. previously trước đây
3. appreciate đánh giá cao
4. trade references tham chiếu thương mại
5. be satisfactorily settled được đáp ứng thỏa đáng
6. transaction giao dịch
7. goods on approval hàng kí gởi

72 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries


I. Gap filling
1. Reply to request for goods on approval
Dear Mrs. Turner
I have now received satisfactory (1) . .reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and am pleased to be
able to send you a (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . selection of our waterproof garments
as requested in your letter of 12 March.
This selection includes several new and attractive (3) . items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
which the water-resistant qualities have been improved by a special process.
Due to (4) . . . . effectiveness
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . in our methods of manufacture, it has also been
possible to reduce our prices which are now (5) . . . . lower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . than those
for imported waterproof garments of (6) . . . . . . .similar . . . . . . . . . . . quality.
When you have had an opportunity to (7) . .inspect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the garments,
please let us know which you have decided to keep and (8) . . arrange ................
to return the (9) . . .balance
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as early as possible.
I hope this first selection will meet your requirements. If you would like a
further selection, please do not (10) . . . hesitate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to let me know.

Yours sincerely

2. Reply to request for sole distribution rights

Dear Mr. Sanderson
Thank you for your letter of 8 April enquiring about our BELLTONE radio
and television products.
This range has been (1) . . . discontinued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and replaced by the CLAIRTONE.
You will see from the (2) . . enclosed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . catalogue that the new models
are attractively designed and include the latest technical improvements.
Although (3) . . .rather predecessor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more expensive than their (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
the CLAIRTONE models have already been well received and (5) . .good . . . . . . .sales
. . . . . . . . . are being reported regularly from many areas.

As part of our efforts to (6) . . . reduce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . manufacturing costs, I am sure

you will understand that we must increase sales by distributing through as
many (7) . .dealers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as possible. (8) . . . .dealers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in other areas
appear to be well satisfied with their sales (9) . . . . under . . . . . . . . . . this arrangement,

Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 73

and it appears to be working very well.
I hope we can look forward to receiving your orders soon, and will be glad
to include your name in our list of (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dealers, with your
I look forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely

3. Reply to request for special terms

Dear Ms. Denning
I was glad to learn from your letter of 18 July of your interest in our products.
(1) . . As . . . . . . . . . . . . our catalogue and price list are enclosed, together with (2)
. . . .requested
. . . . . . . . . . . . . of our conditions of sale and terms of payment.
. . . . . details

We have considered your (3) proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to place orders for a (4)guaranteed .......
. . . . . . . minimum number of machines (5) . .in
. . . . annual . . return . . . . . . . a special
. . . . . . .for
allowance. However, after careful consideration we feel it would be better to
offer you a special allowance on the following (6) . . . . . scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . basis:
On purchase of
(7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . exceeding an annual total of:
1,000 USD but not exceeding 3,000 USD 3%
3,000 USD but not exceeding 7,500 USD 4%
7,500 USD and above 5%
No special allowance could be given on annual total purchases below 1,000
I feel that an (8) . . . .arrangement
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . on these lines would be more satisfactory
to both our companies.
Orders will be (9) . . . subject ...............
. . . . . the usual trade (10) . . . .reference
. . . . . . . . . .to

I look forward to working with you and hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely

74 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries

Dear M. Morreau
Thank you for your (1) . . . enquiry
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of 27 June in which you expressed
an interest in relating a selection of our products in your shops in France.
Please find (2) . . . enclosed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . our current brochure and price list.

In response to your (3) . . . request

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a 20% trade discount, we regret
that we cannot (4) . . .offer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more than 15%. However, we do give a
5% quantity discount on (5) . .oders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for over £10,000. We are sure
that you will agree that these terms are highly (6) . . . . . . . .competitive ...........

We are confident that we can (7) . .deliver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . within two months as you
require, but wish to emphasize that (8) . . oayment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . will have to be by
sight draft until we have (9) . . established
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a business relationship.

Thank you for your (10) . . . interest

............... and we hope to hear from you
Yours sincerely
Glaston Pottiers Ltd
Sales managers

Dear Sirs
Thank you for your (1) . . . enquiry/letter
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of 1 Dec. for Ladies’ woolens.

We have much pleasure in sending you (2) . .herewith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a fairly full

collection of our (3) . . latest
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and best selling designs and hope
some of them will (4) . . . .interest
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . you.

We would like to draw your special (5) . . attention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to our exclusive

quality “Gold Ring” which has been an outstanding success. We believe that
it represents the best (6) . . . value
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for money in this type of goods
and we are sure that you will find it sells well indeed.
If the range of (7) . . . .patterns
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . we have selected does not contain
anything you want, please do not (8) . . .hesitate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to let us know your

Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 75

exact (9) . . . .requirement

We look forward to your (10) . . .order

............... which will have our best
Yours faithfully

II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
1. We are afraid you are not yet aware of the changes that are taken place in
the market.


2. Speaking of goods of Korean make, you must be aware our quality is far
superior to theirs.


3. Our products are very good in quality. Therefore, we can assure you that
you won’t find any trouble in promoting the sale of our products.



4. It is quite a bargain. I hope you will appreciate it.



5. We understand your difficulty in coping with competition.



6. Could you please tell us the quantity you require so that we may adjust
our price accordingly?

76 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries



7. Our price is reasonable. Besides, our products can stand competition.



8. In respect to quality, I don’t think that the goods of other brands can
compare with ours.


9. You know that the cost of production has been skyrocketing in recent


10. We hope you will direct the attention of your users to the superior
quality of our products.


11. However desirous we may be of establishing our business with you, we

regret that we cannot grant the reduction in price you ask.


12. We feel sure that a fair comparison in quality between our products and
similar articles from other sources will convince you of the reasonableness
of your price.




Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 77

13. If our products are not of your requirements, please let us know the
specifications that are of interest to you.


14. We have much pleasure in sending you herewith a fairly full collection
of our latest and best selling designs.


15. Payment is to be effected against a Bill of Lading, an invoice and a

work’s test certificate by an irrevocable L/C to be opened in our favor with
the Commercial Bank, London.



16. We regret to inform you that we are in a position to meet your

requirements for the time being.


17. We assure you of an ample supply a prompt shipment of the goods.



18. We are pleased to inform you that we have today sent you by parcel post
the following samples:


19. Sealex is available in twenty basic colors and prices are surprisingly

78 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries


20. Only 0,3% is to be deducted from the CIF price, if you like to trade with
us on CFR basis and insure the goods themselves.


Vietnamese – English
1. Sản phẩm của chúng tôi có hiệu quả, có thể tin cậy được, tiết kiệm thời
gian và kinh tế, và quý ngài sẽ ngạc nhiên là nó lại không tốn bao nhiêu.


2. Những hợp đồng dịch vụ sau khi bán hàng đặc biệt của chúng tôi đảm bảo
hoạt động lâu dài với hiệu quả cao nhất.


3. Hàng của chúng tôi làm cho các ngài có thể chào bán cho khách hàng một
mặt hàng không thể chê trách vào đâu được ở những phẩm chất quan trọng
như độ bám đường và độ tin cậy.



4. Chúng tôi sẵn sàng chiết khấu đặc biệt 3% cho các ngài bất kỳ đơn đặt
hàng nào nhận được vào trước ngày 6 tháng 3.


5. Chúng được sản xuất theo nhiều kiểu và nhiều màu hấp dẫn và cũng sang
trọng đẹp đẽ như những chiếc áo khoác đắt tiền hơn nhiều.


Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 79

6. Chúng tôi hiểu rằng ở thị trường của các ngài đang có nhu cầu lớn đối với
hạt Mắc-ca và xin mạo muội gửi theo thư này một bảng giá hiện hành của
chúng tôi với hi vọng rằng quý ngài sẽ giới thiệu chúng với các khách hàng
có triển vọng ở nước của các ngài.





7. Chúng tôi lấy làm tiếc không thể bán giá trên cơ sở FOB vì buôn bán với
tất cả khách hàng trên cơ sở CIF là tập quán chung của chúng tôi.


8. Chúng tôi đang chào bán những mặt hàng có chất lượng thực sự cao nhất
theo những điều kiện hết sức có lợi và sẽ hoan nghênh cơ hội phục vụ các



9. Chúng tôi cảm thấy chắc rằng quý ngài sẽ thấy hàng hóa thỏa đáng về
mọi mặt và loại vải tuyệt vời này sẽ bán rất chạy.


10. Vì giá một số sản phẩm hóa học có xu hướng tăng nên chúng tôi hy
vọng quý ngài sẽ tận dụng trọn vẹn cơ hội có một không hai này và đặt hàng
ngay cho chúng tôi.



80 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries

11. Chúng tôi xác nhận và cảm ơn thư của các ngài đề ngày 20 tháng 5. Trả
lời thư này chúng tôi lấy làm vui mừng gửi cho quý ngài cả loạt mẫu đầy đủ
cho mặt hàng thủ công mỹ nghệ mà đang có nhu cầu thường xuyên trên thị
trường của các ngài để lựa chọn.




12. Để quý ngài tham khảo, chúng tôi lấy làm vui mừng gửi kèm thư này
catalo và bảng giá mới nhất của mùa bán hàng năm nay, trong đó giới thiệu
nhiều mặt hàng mới cùng những phiên bản cải tiến của những mặt hàng
được yêu thích trong vụ bán hàng năm ngoái, và vì chúng tôi có thể giao
hàng ngay, chúng tôi hy vọng nhận được đơn đặt hàng chính thức của quý
ngài trong một tương lai không xa.






13. Chúng tôi xin gửi kèm thư này catalo số 123 và bảng giá mới nhất báo
giá theo những điều kiện ưu đãi nhất và chúng tôi tin sản phẩm chúng tôi sẽ
đáp ứng được những yêu cầu của các ngài.



14. Vì nhu cầu đối với mặt hàng này tương đối lớn và vì lượng hàng trong
kho là có hạn nên chúng khuyến nghị quý ngài quyết định nhanh chóng và
đặt hàng càng sớm càng tốt.

Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 81



15. Giá này dựa trên điều kiện CIF Hải Phòng không bao gồm cước vận
chuyển đường bộ và phí bảo hiểm từ cảng đến bất kỳ thành phố nào trong
nội địa.



16. Những hàng này đã được bán ở các thị trường khác nhau và được đón
nhận nồng nhiệt. Quý ngài hãy thử một chuyến có thể cũng có lợi đấy.



17. Chúng tôi vui mừng thông báo cho quý ngài rằng chúng tôi sẵn sàng
cung cấp các mặt hàng dệt may bằng bông vốn rất được ưa chuộng ở nước



18. Vì mối quan hệ hữu hảo lâu dài của chúng ta, chúng tôi sẵn sàng cho
quý ngài hưởng mức chiết khấu thương mại 3%, bên cạnh chiết khấu số
lượng 5% nếu giá trị của một đơn hàng đạt trên 100,000 đô la.



19. Chúng tôi có thể đề ra một ngoại lệ và đồng ý chiết khấu cho quý ngài
5% chỉ nhằm đáp lại đơn đặt số lượng lớn của quý ngài. Nói thẳng với quý
ngài, đây là một thiệt thòi lớn đối với chúng tôi vì chúng tôi đã báo giá quý
ngài mức giá thấp nhất.

82 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries





20. Chúng tôi thường chiết khấu 1% cho đơn hàng có số lượng 1000 chiếc,
và lấy làm tiếc khi cho quý ngài biết rằng đây là mức cao nhất chúng tôi có
thể thực hiện lúc này bởi chúng tôi sẽ gặp khó khăn lớn nếu cho quý ngài
hưởng mức chiết khấu cao hơn.




III. Letter writing

Letter 1
Anh chị hãy viết một thư trả lời cho thư hỏi hàng dưới đây với những gợi ý
như sau:
1. Xác nhận rằng công ty của bạn có thể đáp ứng yêu cầu của khách
2. Cho hưởng chiết khấu số lượng mà khác hàng yêu cầu với mức 5%
cho đơn hàng trị giá hơn 2000 USD
3. Chiết khấu thương mại cho các doanh nghiệp ở Ý hưởng là 15%
4. Điều khoản thanh toán: bằng hối phiếu trả ngay; và sẽ xem xét lại khi
2 bên có được mối quan hệ lâu bền.
5. Giá báo theo điều kiện CIF London
6. Đính kèm theo catalo cho bộ sưu tập mùa hè và bảng giá
Bắt đầu thư bằng lời chào phù hợp.
Dear Sirs,
We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your
stand at the ‘Menswear Exhibition’ that was held in Hamburg last month.
We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer who
could supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage market.
Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 83
As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity
discount in addition to a 20% discount off net list prices and over terms of
payment are normally 30-day bill of exchange, document against
If these conditions interest you, and you can meet orders of over 500
garments at one time, please send us your current catalogue and price-list.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
T. Dhan
Import Manager



















84 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries



























Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 85

Letter 2
Công ty Anh/ Chị nhận được thư hỏi hàng của ông S.Stuart, giám đốc thu
mua của công ty Central Glassgow đề ngày 28/1/20__, hỏi mua một số loại
áo khoác. Hãy viết một thư trả lời gửi cho ông S.Stuart theo những ý chính
như sau:
1. Công ty rất vui mừng và cảm ơn thư hỏi hàng nói trên.
2. Đối với loại áo khoắc mà ông S. Stuart hỏi mua, công ty chào giá áo
khoác nữ là 50USD, áo khoác nam là 60USD.
3. Lưu ý giá này là giá FOB cảng Sài Gòn, không kể đóng gói. Tuy nhiên,
nếu Central Glassgow muốn tính theo giá CIF London thì công ty có thể thu
xếp việc thuê tàu và bảo hiểm. Số hàng này công ty có thể cung cấp ngay tại
kho. Giao hàng có thể thực hiện trong vòng 3 tuần kể từ khi nhận được đơn
hàng chính thức.
4. Công ty yêu cầu thanh toán bằng thư tín dụng không hủy ngang trả ngay,
mở tại ngân hàng thương mại Anh, tới tài khoản của công ty ở
Vietcombank, cho người bán hưởng 100% giá trị hóa đơn.
5. Riêng đối với loại áo khoác nữ cỡ vừa và nhỏ, lưu ý khách là hiện hàng
đã hết và phải đến cuối tháng 4 mới có thể giao được. Tuy nhiên công ty sẽ
gửi kèm với thư này bảng giá và catalo mới nhất của một số loại áo khoác
thiếu nhi với mẫu mã đa dạng và phong phú để Glassgow tham khảo.
6. Vì Central Glassgow là khách hàng mới, nên công ty sẵn sàng cho khách
hàng hưởng chiết khấu thương mại 10% cùng với chiết khấu số lượng là 5%
so với giá thuần cho mọi đơn hàng có trị giá trên 10,000 USD.
7. Việc đóng gói sẽ được thực hiện theo chỉ dẫn cụ thể của khách hàng.
Khách hàng có thể yên tâm chúng ta sẽ đóng gói cẩn thận đề phòng bao bì
bị rách khi vận chuyển.
Anh/ Chị có thể thêm một số thông tin khác để hoàn chỉnh bức thư. Bắt đầu
thư bằng “Dear Mr ...”.





86 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries



























Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 87

Letter 3
Đọc email bên dưới của ông Gerd Busch, giám đốc marketing của công ty
Busch AG, gửi cho trợ lý của mình. Hãy đóng vai là trợ lý của ông Gred
Busch, sử dụng những thông tin mà ông ấy cung cấp và thay mặt cho ông
Gerd Busch viết thư trả lời cho bà Anne Croft của Shape-up Fitness Centres.







88 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries



























Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 89

Letter 4
Anh chị nhận được thư hỏi hàng số TD/432 của ông B. Black thuộc công ty
TNHH Western Shoes, tại Anh quốc. Trong thư ông Black bày tỏ sư quan
tâm đến các sản phẩm giày da và túi xách tay bằng da của công ty. Anh/ Chị
hãy viết một thư trả lời với nội dung sau:
1. Cảm ơn ông Black về lá thư và sự quan tâm của ông ta đến các sản phẩm
của công ty, và đính kèm thư này chào hàng số DT 4450.
2. Lưu ý khách hàng là những sản phẩm mà công ty chào bán đều được sản
xuất bằng những vật liệu được chọn lựa kỹ của những người thợ thủ công
có tay nghể loại 1. Mẫu của các loại da này cùng với ca tô lô có hình
minh họa cũng sẽ được gởi cho khách hàng bằng một chuyến thư riêng.
3. Những mặt hàng này công ty đã xuất ra nhiều nước và đâu đâu khách
hàng cũng hài lòng về chất lượng tốt, kiểu dáng hấp dẫn, màu sắc tao nhã
và giá cả phải chăng. Vì vậy công ty hoàn toàn tin tưởng những sản phẩm
này sẽ bán chạy ở thị trường Anh quốc.
4. Tất cả giá ghi trong bảng giá đều là giá FOB cảng Sài Gòn, theo
Incoterms 2010, và được trừ 2,5% cho các đơn hàng không dưới 10.000
5. Thông báo cho ông Black biết là ông Nguyễn Hồng, Trưởng phòng Kinh
doanh của công ty, sẽ có mặt tại Luân Đôn vào giữa tháng 1/20__, và ông
Hồng sẽ mang theo một số mặt hàng tiêu biểu để giới thiệu với quý công
6. Bày tỏ hy vọng là các mẫu hàng mà ông Hồng mang theo sẽ đáp ứng
được nhu cầu kinh doanh thời trang của khách hàng.
Có thể thêm các chi tiết khác để phù hợp về nội dung và văn phong của một
thư trả lời. Bắt đầu thư bằng Dear...







90 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries



























Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 91

Letter 5
Công ty anh/ chị nhận được một thư hỏi mua lạc nhân (groundnut kernels)
đề ngày 20/11/20__ của công ty TNHH Wellington Merchandising,
Phillipine. Giám đốc công ty là ông Nguyễn Bảo Hòa yêu cầu anh/ chị viết
một thư trả lời cho ông ta ký. Trong thư nhấn mạnh một số ý như sau:
1. Cảm ơn khách hàng về là thư hỏi hàng đề ngày 20/11/20__ mua lạc nhân
2. Giá chào bán là 550 đô la Mỹ/mét tấn kể cả chi phí đóng gói bao bì. Giá
theo điều kiện giao hàng FOB cảng Sài Gòn, theo Incoterms 2000. Đây là
đơn hàng đầu tiên nên ông ta đồng ý dành cho khách hàng một khoản
chiết khấu 10% trên tổng giá trị đơn hàng ngoài phí hoa hồng 5%.
3. Thông báo rằng ta có sẵn hàng để giao trong vòng 30 ngày kể từ ngày
nhận được hóa đơn chính thức của khách hàng.
4. Lạc được đóng trong bao đay mới, mỗi bao có trọng lượng tịnh là 50 kg.
5. Thanh toán bằng tín dụng thư không hủy ngang, có xác nhận của ngân
hàng, trả tiền ngay, mở vào tài khoản của ngân hàng Ngoại thương Việt
Nam, chi nhánh tại Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, cho người bán hưởng thanh toán
cho toàn bộ giá trị của lô hàng.
6. Giám đốc của công ty cũng yêu cầu anh/ chị quảng cáo thêm về mặt hàng
này và lưu ý khách hàng là do nhu cầu rất lớn trên thị trường về mặt hàng
này nên người bán không đảm bảo là giá cả chào bán và các điều kiện có
lợi trong chào hàng kèm theo thư này sẽ còn giá trị sau ngày 15/1/20__.
Hãy bắt đầu thư bằng “Dear Mr. Crane”.










92 Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries

























Chapter 3- Replies to Enquiries 93

In this chapter, you can learn:
1. Quotation for printing paper
2. Quotation for crockery
3. Quotation for raincoats
4. Quotation for sweaters
5. Quotation for powerboats
I. Gap filling
1. Quotation for delivery vans
2. Quotation for potteries
3. Quotation for oven-to-table ware
4. Quotation for leather shoes and handbags
5. Quotation for refrigerators
II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - English
III. Letter writing
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3 ð

94 Chapter 4 - Quotations
1. An expression of thanks for the enquiry
2. Details of prices, discounts and terms of payment
3. A clear indication of what the prices cover (e.g. packing, FOB, CIF…)
4. An undertaking as to date of delivery
5. The period for which the quotation is valid
6. An expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted.

Hints for writing a quotation

1. Quoting delivery date
• We are pleased to say that we can deliver by November 1, so you will
have stock for the Christmas sales period.
• As there are regular sailings from Liverpool to New York, we are sure
that the consignment will reach you well within the time you specified.
• We have the materials in stock and will ship them immediately we receive
your order.
• As there is a heavy demand for fans at this time of year, please allow at
least six weeks for delivery.
• We would not be able to deliver within two weeks of receipt of order, as
we would need time to prepare the materials. However, we could
guarantee delivery within four weeks.
2. Methods of payment
• On receipt of a cheque for the amount quoted, we will send the article by
registered mail.
• Payment for initial orders should be made by sight draft, payable at Den
Norske Creditbank, Kirkegaten 21, Oslo 1, cash against documents.
• We are willing to consider open account facilities if you can provide the
necessary bank reference.
3. Discounts
• We allow a 3% cash discount for payment within one month.
• The net price of this model is £170.00, less 10% discount for quantities
up to loo and 15% discount for quantities over loo.
• We do not normally give discounts to private customers, but because of

Chapter 4 - Quotations 95
your long association with our company we can offer you 12% off the
retail price.
• The prices quoted are CFR Yokohama, but are subject to a 20% trade
discount off net price. We can offer a further io% discount off net prices
for orders of more.
4. Fixed terms and negotiable terms
• All list prices are quoted FOB Southampton and are subject to a 25%
trade discount with payment by letter of credit
• The prices quoted are EXW, but we can arrange freight and insurance
(cif Hong Kong) if required. However, unless otherwise stated, payment
should be made by 3o-day bill of exchange, documents against
• We usually offer an 18% trade discount on FOB prices, and would prefer
payment by irrevocable letter of credit. — Normally we allow a 23%
trade discount off net prices with payment on a documents against
payment basis. Please let us know if this arrangement is satisfactory.
5. Giving an estimate
• As you know, our representative has visited your factory to discuss your
proposed extension, and I now have pleasure in enclosing our official
• The enclosed estimate covers labour and parts and carries a six-month
guarantee on all work completed.

96 Chapter 4 - Quotations
1. Quotation for printing paper
Sample 1.
Dear Sirs
We thank you for your letter of 3rd March and as requested are sending by
separate post samples of different qualities of paper suitable for poster work
and quote as follows:
A1 Quality printing paper, white : $1.21 per kg
A2. “ do ’’ : $1.15 per kg
A3. “ do ’’ : $1.10 per kg
These prices should be understood CIF Haiphong including packing. All
these papers are of good quality and quite suitable for poster work. We
guarantee that they will not discolor when pasted.
We can promise delivery within three months upon receipt of your order
and hope that you will find both samples and prices satisfactory.
Yours faithfully
1. quotation thư báo giá
2. by separate post bằng đường/chuyến thư riêng
3. discolor phai màu
4. upon receipt of kể từ ngày nhận được
5. satisfactory thỏa đáng
6. including packing bao gồm chi phí đóng gói

2. Quotation for crockery

Sample 2.
Dear Mr. Clarke
Thank you for your enquiry of 18 April for a further supply of our crockery.
We are pleased to quote as follows:
Item Catalogue Number Price
Teacups TC-45 $43.75 per hundred
Tea saucers TS-46 $36.00 per hundred

Chapter 4 - Quotations 97
Tea plates TP-46 $36.00 per hundred
These prices are understood CIF London including packing, but packing is
charged for with an allowance for their return in good condition. We can
deliver from stock and will allow you a discount of 5% but only on items
ordered in quantities of 10,000 or more. In addition, there would be a cash
discount of 2% on total cost of payment within one month of the invoice.
We hope you will find these items satisfactory and look forward to the
pleasure of your order.
Yours sincerely
1. crockery đồ gốm sứ
2. deliver from stock giao hàng ngay kho
3. cash discount chiết khấu trả sớm/ thanh toán
4. allowance giảm giá/ chiết khấu
5. within one month of the invoice trong vòng 1 tháng kể từ ngày phát
hành hóa đơn
3. Quotation for raincoats
Sample 3.
Dear Mr. Crane
We were pleased to learn from your letter of 15 June of the enquiries you
have received for our raincoats.
Our Lotus range is particularly suitable for warm climate and during the
past year we have supplied this range to dealers in several tropical
countries. From many of them we have now had their repeat orders. This
range is popular not only because of its lightweight, but also because the
material used has been treated to prevent excessive condensation on the
inside surface.
For the quantities you mention we are pleased to quote as follows:
100 Lotus coats, men’s, medium $3 each
100 “ do ’’ , small $2.75 each
100 Lotus coats, women’s, medium $3 each
100 “ do ’’ , small $2.5 each

98 Chapter 4 - Quotations
These prices are CIF Alexandria including packing.
Shipment will be made within one month upon receipt of the order.
We feel you may be interested in some of our other products and enclose,
therefore, our descriptive booklets and a supply of sales literature for use
with your customers.
We look forward to receiving your orders soon.
Yours sincerely
1. dealer thương gia
2. tropical countries các nước nhiệt đới
3. repeat order đơn hàng nhắc lại
4. descriptive booklet sách mô tả sản phẩm
5. sales literature tài liệu bán hàng
6. condensation sự co lại

4. Quotation for sweaters

Sample 4.
Dear Mr. Dhan
We are pleased to receive your enquiry and to hear that you like our range
of sweaters.
There would certainly be no trouble in supplying you from our wide
selection of garments which we make for all age groups.
We can offer you the quantity discount you asked for which would be 5% off
net price for orders over $2,000, but the usual allowance for a trade
discount in Italy is 15%, and we always deal on payment by sight draft, cash
against documents. However, we would be prepared to review this once we
have established a firm trading association with you.
Enclosed you will find our summer catalogue and price list quoting CIF
We are sure you will find a ready sale for our products in England as have
other retailers throughout Europe and America and we hope we can reach
an agreement on the terms quoted.

Chapter 4 - Quotations 99
Thank you for your interest; we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
1. garments hàng may mặc
2. quantity discount chiết khấu số lượng
3. net price giá thực (đã trừ thuế VAT)
4. trade discount chiết khấu thương mại
5. sight draft hối phiếu trả ngay
6. cash against documents thanh toán đổi chứng từ
7. firm trading association quan hệ kinh doanh vững chắc
8. price list bảng giá

5. Quotation for powerboats

Sample 5.
Dear Mr.
Thank you for your enquiry dated 7 July about our PB 500 30-foot
SunVoyager powerboats, in which you asked us to give you the best CIF
prices for two of these.
The price for two of PB 500 with specifications as specified in our 20—
catalogue pages 42-45 is USD$179,800, CIF Saigon port.
If you require the special steel anchors and chains (our catalogue numbers:
5567 and 8876), the total price is USD$187,850.
The goods will be ready for shipment in 3 or 4 weeks from the date of your
written order. We pack each PB 500 for export in a 40-foot open top
container. We understand from your freight forwarders that Vietfract have a
scheduled service to Saigon Port once a month.
We would appreciate payment by irrevocable L/C confirmed on a London
bank and valid for 90 days from the date of your order. These prices given
in this quotation are valid for a period of thirty days from the date of this

100 Chapter 4 - Quotations

If you require any further information, I shall be pleased to help you. We
look forward to receiving your official order.
Yours sincerely
1. specifications quy cách phẩm chất
2. freight forwarders nhân viên giao nhận
3. freight cước phí vận tải
4. irrevocable L/C tín dụng thư không hủy ngang
5. valid có hiệu lực
6. official order đơn đặt hàng chính thức

I. Gap filling
1. Quotation for delivery vans
Dear Mr. Russell,
Thank you for your phone call of Thursday March (1) . .asking
about hiring our delivery vans.
My colleague Ms. Angela Smith, who took the call, said you were mainly
(2) . . . . .interested
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in 5-ton vehicles like the “Tobor”, so I am (3)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . our booklet “small truck hire”, giving you details of our
. . . . . .enclosing
(4) . . . charges
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . These also appear on our website at You will (5) . . . . . .notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . .that the summer months
of June, July, and August are the least expensive and that we (6) . . allow ...........
. . . . . . . a 20% discount on weekend hire, starting Saturday at 08.00 and
ending Sunday at 20.00.
Our main (7) . . . .offices
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .in the UK are in London and Birmingham,
but we also have (8) . . . . branches
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in France, Germany, and Italy. If
you are thinking of hiring abroad you will (9) . . . .find . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . details on
our website.
Please let me know if I can be of (10) .further
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . help.

Yours sincerely,
Michael Craddock

Chapter 4 - Quotations 101

2. Quotation for potteries
Dear Ms. Croft
Thank you for your enquiry of 14 May (1) . . . . regarding
................ our fitness
I can (2) . . . . . .confirm
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . that only the highest-quality materials are used
in all our equipment, and this is reflected in our 5-year (3) .guarantee ..................

Our prices are highly (4) . . . competitive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , due to small profit margins, so
I (5) . . . regret
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that we cannot offer credit (6) . . . . . terms ................
However, we do offer a 5% (7) . . . quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . discount on orders over
I have (8) . . . .pleasure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in enclosing our catalogue and a price list.
Please (9) . . . .note
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that all prices are quoted CIF London.

If there is any further (10) . . . . .information

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you need, please contact us.

Once again thank you for your letter.

Yours sincerely

3. Quotation for oven-to-table ware

Dear Mr. Morrow
Thank you for your (1) . . . .enquiry
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of 28 June in which you expressed
an interest in retailing a selection of our products in your shops in Nancy.
Please find (2) . . . .enclosed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . our current catalogue and price list. You
might also be interested in visiting our website.
In (3) . . . response
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to your request for a 20% trade discount, we (4)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that we cannot offer more than 15%. However, we do
. . . . .regret
give a 5% (5) . . quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . discount on orders over $20,000. In
comparison with other companies in the UK, these terms are extremely (6)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payment would need to be by sight draft until we have
. . . . . . generous
(7) . . . .established
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a business relationship.

Finally, we are confident that we can make (8) . . delivery

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . within the
two-month time limit you (9) . . . required

Thank you for your (10) . . . . interest

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely

102 Chapter 4 - Quotations

4. Quotation for leather shoes and handbags
Dear Sirs
We thank you for your enquiry of 15 August and are pleased to (1) . . . send
. . . . . . . . . . our quotation No 5644 for leather shoes and handbags.

We have indicated those items which we can deliver from (2) . . stock ..............
immediately. For all the remaining items the stated dates of (3) . .delivery
are approximate, but in no case would these dates be (4) exceeded
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by
more than 3 months.
All the items for which we have (5) . . . . . quoted
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . are made from very
best quality leather and can be (6) . . . .supplied
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in a range of designs
and colors wide enough to meet the (7) . . . .requirement
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of a fashion trade
such as yours.
We look forward to receiving your order and meanwhile enclose a (8)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of our catalogue as we feel you may be interested in some
of our products. These (9) . . included . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . leather gloves and purses,
described and (10) . . . . illustrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on pages 18 – 25. The catalogue will
give you all facts about our goods but cannot answer all your personal
questions. This we shall be glad to do if you will write to us.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully

5. Quotation for refrigerators

Dear Sirs
We thank you for your letter of 10 January in which you (1) . . .requested
for a quotation for refrigerators.
As you will see from the (2) . . . attached . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quotation, we have given
you an (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rather than the one you required. We think it is
an interesting alternative since it is appreciably cheaper.
With (4) . . . . . . regard
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . to the date of delivery, if you are (5) . . prepared
. . . . . . . to (6) . . . . . . . . take
. . . . . . . . . . . . delivery in March, we are willing to offer
you a 10% discount. You may understand that we have just (7) . . extended ............

Chapter 4 - Quotations 103

. . . . . . our workshop and have had to reduce our storage space.
We look forward to receiving your (8) . . . . . . .acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the enclosed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you of our best (10) . . . .attention
quotation and we (9) . . . assure .............
at all times.
Yours faithfully

II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
1. This is the rock-bottom price and any further reduction is out of question.


2. We cannot grant the reduction you asked because the price has already
been cut to the lowest possible level.


3. Our prices are usually based on CIF, but CFR will do if buyers request.


4. The prices we quoted are closely calculated and considered moderate.



5. Our usual trade discount is 10%. However, in addition to this, a 5%

discount is allowed to wholesalers provided the minimum order is for
10,000 units.



6. Prices are subject to variation without notice in advance in accordance

with market fluctuation.
104 Chapter 4 - Quotations


7. This is the lowest quotation of ours and we are unable to entertain any


8. Our quotation is strictly firm, and the price has been reduced to the limit.


9. Being far lower than what is prevailing in the market today, your counter-
offer has to be declined.


10. We feel sure that a fair comparison in quality between our products and
similar articles from other sources will convince you of the reasonableness
of our price.



11. Although your price is below our level, we accept this order as
exception with a view to initiating business with you.


12. These articles are best-selling in European markets. Considerable

business has been done with other customers at these prices.


Chapter 4 - Quotations 105

13. We are not in position to entertain business at your price, since it is far
below our cost price.


14. The price on CIF Haiphong terms excludes the overland freight and
insurance from the port of destination to any other inland city.


15. The present price fluctuation in the world market has necessitated the
adjustment of price for cameras to $800 per set CIF Saigon.


16. For friendship’s sake we may exceptionally consider reducing our price
a little, but never to that extent.


17. As business has been done extensively in your market at Japanese price,
we regret that we cannot accept your counter-offer.


18. Not that we have no desire to conclude this business, but we see no way
to change the price as requested.


19. However desirous we may be of doing business with you, we regret to

say that your bid is really too low to be acceptable.


106 Chapter 4 - Quotations

20. The price we offer compares favorably with quotations you can get from
other suppliers.


Vietnamese – English
1. Xin quý ngài lưu ý rằng tất cả các giá chúng tôi báo đều trên cơ sở giá
CIF. Đây là tập quán kinh doanh chung của chúng tôi và chúng tôi tin quý
ngài có thể chấp nhận được.



2. Quý ngài sẽ thấy sản phẩm của chúng tôi được định giá rất vừa phải mà
chất lượng lại tốt.


3. Chúng tôi thường không chiết khấu cho các khách hàng riêng lẻ nhưng
xét đến mối quan hệ làm ăn đã lâu giữa chúng ta, chúng tôi sẽ chiết khấu
20% trên giá bán lẻ.



4. Chúng tôi có thể báo cho ông giá gộp gồm phí giao hàng là 20 đô la cho
mỗi 100 mặt hàng. Số hàng này được miễn thuế VAT.


Chapter 4 - Quotations 107

5. Xin quý ngài lưu ý rằng giá chúng tôi báo chỉ là tạm tính. Chúng tôi có
thể buộc phải tăng giá lên khi chi phí nguyên vật liệu tăng lên.


6. Chúng tôi chỉ có thể giữ mức giá đã báo trong vòng hai tuần. Sau thời
gian này, giá có thể thay đổi theo những biến động của tỷ giá.


7. Vì giá các loại hóa chất đang có xu hướng tăng lên nên chúng tôi khuyên
quý ngài đặt hàng càng sớm càng tốt.


8. Giá máy ảnh đã được điều chỉnh lên 789 đô/ chiếc thay cho các báo giá
trước đó của chúng tôi.


9. Tất cả các báo giá đều tùy thuộc vào sự xác nhận cuối cùng của chúng tôi.
Trừ khi hai bên có thỏa thuận nào khác, tất cả các mức giá đều không có
chiết khấu nào.



10. Do xu hướng tăng giá hạt điều trên thị trường, nên chúng tôi phải điều
chỉnh giá theo mức giá phổ biến trên thị trường thế giới.


108 Chapter 4 - Quotations

11. Chúng tôi sẽ xem xét việc cho quý ngài hưởng chiết khấu thêm 5% nếu
giá trị của đơn hàng vượt quá 10.000 đô la.


12. Xét đến quý ngài đã ủng hộ chúng tôi trong thời gian qua, chúng ta sẵn
sàng cho quý ngài hưởng chiết khấu 15%, cao hơn mức chiết khấu mà
chúng tôi cho các khách hàng khác hưởng.



13. Giá đã báo là giá xuất xưởng nhưng nếu khách hàng yêu cầu chúng tôi
có thể sắp xếp việc chuyên chở và bảo hiểm. Trừ khi có quy định khác,
thanh toán bằng hối phiếu trả trong vòng 30 ngày trao chứng từ khi chấp
nhận thanh toán.




14. Chúng tôi sẽ xem xét việc tăng mức chiết khấu để mở cửa thị trường vì
đây là sản phẩm mới của chúng tôi.


15. Chúng tôi gửi kèm thư này báo giá mới nhất của chúng tôi cho loại áo
khoác len hiện đang có nhu cầu thường xuyên tại thị trường quý ngài.


16. Chúng tôi sẵn sàng cho quý ngài hưởng chiết khấu đặc biệt 5% cho bất
kỳ đơn hàng nào nhận được vào trước cuối tháng này.

Chapter 4 - Quotations 109


17. Chúng tôi hiểu rằng ở thị trường quý ngài đang có nhu cầu lớn đối với
vớ thể thao và nhân dịp này gửi kèm báo giá số 1912 BH để quý ngài xem



18. Chúng tôi muốn mở rộng việc bán giầy thể thao sang thị trường quý ngài
và mạo muội gửi kèm theo thư này báo giá No. 44TD với hy vọng quý ngài
sẽ giới thiệu nó với các khách hàng có triển vọng ở nước của các ngài.




19. Chúng tôi có thể chào bán cho quý ngài 600 tấn gạo với giá là 50USD/tấn,
CIF cảng London. Vì quý ngài là khách hàng quý của chúng tôi nên chúng tôi
sẵn sàng cho quý ngài hưởng thêm chiết khấu số lượng 15%.




20. Quý ngài có thể thấy trong bảng giá đính kèm là mức giá thấp này chỉ có
hiệu lực đến ngày 1/12/20--. Xét đến nhu cầu cao đối với mặt hàng này,
chúng tôi khuyên quý ngài hãy đặt hàng ngay với chúng tôi.




110 Chapter 4 - Quotations

III. Letter writing

Letter 1
Công ty anh/ chị nhận được thư hỏi hàng của ông S. Stuart, giám đốc thu
mua của công ty Central Glasgow đề ngày 28/1/20— hỏi mua một số loại áo
khoác. Hãy viết một thư báo giá gửi cho ông S.Stuart theo những ý chính
như sau:
1. Công ty rất vui mừng và cảm ơn thư hỏi hàng nói trên.
2. Đối với loại áo khoác mà ông S.Stuart hỏi, công ty chào giá như sau:
Tên hàng Tên hàng Tên hàng Tên hàng
Áo khoác nữ Màu vàng, cỡ lớn TL021 USD15
Áo khoác nam Màu xanh , cỡ lớn TL25 USD17
Áo khoác nam Màu xám, cỡ nhỏ TL027 USD16
3. Lưu ý giá này là giá FOB cảng Sài Gòn, không kể đóng gói. Tuy nhiên,
nếu Central Glasgow muốn tính theo giá CIF London thì công ty có thể thu
xếp việc thuê tàu và bảo hiểm. Số hàng này công ty có thể cung cấp ngay tại
kho. Giao hàng có thể thực hiện trong vòng 3 tuần kể từ khi nhận được đơn
hàng chính thức.
4. Công ty yêu cầu thanh toán bằng thư tín dụng không hủy ngang, mở tại
ngân hàng thương mại Anh, tới tài khoản của công ty ở Vietcombank, cho
người bán hưởng 100% trị giá hóa đơn.
5. Riêng đối với loại áo khóac nữ cỡ vừa và nhỏ, lưu ý với khách là hiện
hàng đã hết và phải đến cuối tháng 4 mới có thể giao được. Tuy nhiên công
ty sẽ gửi kèm với thư này bảng giá và catalo mới nhất của một số loại áo
khoác thiếu nhi với mẫu mã đa dạng để Central Glasgow tham khảo.
6. Vì Central Glasgow là khách hàng mới, nên công ty sẵn sàng cho khách
hàng hưởng chiết khấu thương mại cùng với chiết khẩu số lượng là 5% so
với giá thuần cho mọi đơn hàng có trị giá trên 10.000 đô la Mỹ.
Bắt đầu thư bằng Dear Mr…




Chapter 4 - Quotations 111



























112 Chapter 4 - Quotations

Letter 2
Công ty Anh/ chị nhận được thư hỏi hàng của hãng M.D Eward and Co.
Ltd. đề ngày 16/6/20— hỏi mua vợt bóng bàn kiểu VS44TD (table tennis
bat) và vợt cầu lông (badminton bat) kiểu VB50MT.
Anh/ Chị hãy viết thư báo giá cho loại vợt cầu lông với những gợi ý sau:
- Giá vợt cầu lông 2 đô la/chiếc/ FOB Hải Phòng.
- Chiết khấu thương mại 5% cộng thêm chiết khấu số lượng 3% cho
các đơn hàng không dưới 100 chiếc.
- Thanh toán bằng L/C trả ngay.
- Giao hàng trong vòng 2 tuần kể từ ngày nhận được đơn hàng chính
thức của khách hàng.
Anh/ Chị cũng báo cho đối tác biết là hiện tại công ty chưa có vợt bóng bàn
VS44TD nhưng thay vào đó có thể bán VS45MH có chất lượng như vợt
VS44TD với các điều kiện tương tự như vợt cầu lông và giá là 8 đô la/chiếc.
















Chapter 4 - Quotations 113














Letter 3
Công ty Da - Giầy Việt Nam nhận được thư hỏi hàng số 2431 ngày 1/6/20—
của công ty TNHH Alford & Son hỏi mua giầy da nam giới mã 306/TLd và
giầy phụ nữ mã 295/MTd.
Anh/ Chị hãy viết thư báo giá bán giầy da nam giới mã 306/TLd theo catalo
gửi kèm cho khách hàng với giá CIF Briston có cả bao bì xuất khẩu là 20 đô
la/đôi, giao hàng vào tháng 9, 20—và thanh toán bằng tín dụng thư không
hủy ngang trả tiền ngay, mở qua ngân hàng TM ABC, Briston 15 ngày trước
ngày giao hàng.
Riêng đối với giầy phụ nữ mã 295/MTd công ty hiện tại không sản xuất
nữa, anh/ chị hãy chào giá cho loại giầy phụ nữ mã 305/TLd thời trang hơn
mà giá lại không đắt hơn (25 đô la/ đôi) và gửi kèm cho khách bảng giá hiện
hành cho loại giầy này.
Giá sẽ không đổi nếu khách hàng đặt mua chính thức trong vòng 15 ngày
Bắt đầu thư bằng Dear…

114 Chapter 4 - Quotations



























Chapter 4 - Quotations 115

In this chapter, you can learn:
1. A firm offer for water-heaters
2. A firm offer for sweaters
3. A free offer for garments
4. A firm offer for Drilling Rigs
5. Offer for floor covering
I. Gap filling
1. An offer for aluminum fittings
2. Offer for earth-mover
3. Offer for plastic kitchenware
4. Offer for furniture and fittings
5. Offer for fashion goods
II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - English
III. Letter writing
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3
Letter 4
Letter 5 ð

116 Chapter 5 - Offers

1. Express thanks for the enquiry
2. Express pleasure in offering
3. State terms and conditions (Commodity, quality, quantity, price, payment,
delivery, packing and marking…)
4. Make favorable comments on the goods or other terms
5. Draw attention to other products likely to interest the buyer
6. Hope for an order

1. Firm offer is made to only one customer, when the seller promises to sell
the goods at a stated price, usually within a period of time. The promise may
express when it takes the form of a quotation that contains the word “For
acceptance within seven days” or similar qualifying word. Like a quotation
without qualifying wards, a firm offer is not leally binding, even when made
expressly; but unlike a quotation, a firm offer is capable acceptance and
once it is accepted it cannot be withdrawn. Although a firm offer is not
binding until accepted, no reputable seller would risk his reputation by
withdrawing his offer before the stated time.

2. Free offer does not bind the seller, and therefore, may be made to several
buyers. If the buyer accept such an offer, the goods are considered to have
been sold to him only when the seller, after receipt of the buyer’ acceptance,
confirm having sold him the goods at the prices on the term and conditions
indicated in the offer.

Chapter 5 - Offers 117

1. A firm offer for water-heaters
Sample 1.
Dear Sirs
We thank you very much for your enquiry dated 1st March for water-heater
Waterman Super and are very happy to offer firm until 25 March on the
terms and conditions as follows:
1. Commodity: Water-heater Waterman Super
2. Specifications: as per enclosed catalogue No. 234/TL
3. Quantity: 1,000 units
4. Price: GBP 110 per unit CIF Haiphong including packing
5. Packing: in export customary standard
6. Delivery: in one lot in June 20--
7. Payment: in Pound Sterling of Great Britain by irrevocable letter of
credit at sight to be opened through the Bank for Foreign Trade of
Vietnam, Hanoi, 15 days prior to shipment, valid for 45 days to the
account of Lloy’s Bank, London in our favor for the total value of the
goods to be shipped.
8. Technical document: Two copies of user’s manual to be supplied with
each unit of the goods.
9. Guarantee: 12 months from use and 18 months from dispatch.
We are offering you the water-heater of very good quality and at very
competitive price in order to start our sales in Vietnam.
We look forward to having your order soon.
Yours faithfully
1. firm offer chào hàng cố định
2. export customary standard tập quán xuất khẩu thông thường
3. as per theo
4. letter of credit at sight tín dụng thư trả ngay
5. valid có hiệu lực
6. in our favor cho chúng tôi hưởng
7. technical document tài liệu kỹ thuật
8. user’s manual tài liệu hướng dẫn sử dụng
9. guarantee bảo hành

118 Chapter 5 - Offers

2. A firm offer for sweaters
Sample 2.
Dear Sirs
We thank you for your enquiry of 6 May 20-- and are pleased to offer you
the goods on request under the following terms and conditions:
1. Commodity: Sweaters for all age groups
2. Specifications: As per enclosed catalogue No. 246TL and sample sent
to you by post today.
3. Quantity: as required and specified in your order.
4. Price: as per attached price list and all the prices should be understood
CIF Kobe including packing.
5. Packing: in seaworthy cartons.
6. Delivery: in one lot in mid October, 20--
7. Payment: in USD by irrevocable letter of credit to be opened through
Tokyo Commercial Bank, 15 days prior to shipment, valid for 45 days
to the account of the Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam in our favor
for the total value of the goods to be shipped. Transshipment, partial
shipment and re-export are not allowed.
8. Validity: This offer is valid and effective until… and subject to our final
We assure you that our sweaters are good in quality, attractive in design
and competitive in prices. If your order is for 2,000 pieces or more, we will
be prepared to offer you a discount of 0.3% of the total value of the order.
We look forward to receiving your official order.
Yours faithfully
1. carton thùng các-tông
2. seaworthy có khả năng đi biển
3. transshipment chuyển tải
4. partial shipment giao hàng từng phần
5. re-export tái xuất khẩu
6. validity thời hạn hiệu lực

Chapter 5 - Offers 119

3. A free offer for garments
Sample 3.
Dear Mr….
We are pleased to make an offer regarding our Swinger dresses and trouser
suits in the sizes you required. Nearly all the models you saw at our fashion
show are obtainable, except trouser suits in pink, of which the small sizes
have been sold out. This line is being manufactured continuously, but will
only be available again in February, so could be delivered to you in March.
All other models can be supplied by the middle of January 20--, subject to
our receiving your firm order by 15 November. Our CIF prices are for sea
transport to Chicago. If you would prefer the goods to be sent by air freight,
this will be charged extra cost.
1. Commodity: Trouser suits sizes 8-16 in white, yellow, red, navy
blue, black. Sizes 14-16 also in pink. $2,650 per 100.
Swinger dresses sizes 1-16 in white, yellow, red, black
2. Prices: Valid until 31 December, 20--
3. Delivery: CIF Chicago, seafreight
4. Payment: by irrevocable L/C, or check with order
You will be receiving cuttings of our materials and a color chart. These
were airmailed to you this morning.
We hope you agree that our prices are very competitive for these good-
quality clothes, and look forward to receiving your initial order.
Yours faithfully
1. regarding về
2. sell out bán hết
3. check with order thanh toán khi đặt hàng
4. cuttings những mẫu vải
5. color chart bảng màu
6. airmail gửi bằng đường hàng không
7. initial order đơn đặt hàng đầu tiên

120 Chapter 5 - Offers

4. A firm offer for Drilling Rigs
Sample 4.
Dear Sirs
We thank you for your enquiry of 8 September for our drilling rigs model
B32. We are pleased to make a firm offer, subject to acceptance within 21
days for 10 machines at the price of … per unit CIF Saigon including
Payment is to be made against a Bill of Lading, an Invoice and a Work’s
Test Certificate, by an irrevocable L/C to be opened in our favor with the
Commercial Bank, London for the full value of the goods intended for the
The machines can be dispatched within 6 months from receipt of your
formal order. We enclose a list of firms whom we have been supplying with
our machines for the past years for your reference.
Yours faithfully
1. drilling rigs máy khoan
2. bill of lading vận đơn
3. Work’s Test Certificate Chứng nhận nghiện thu công trình
4. formal order đơn đặt hàng chính thức
5. for your reference để quý ngài tham khảo

5. Offer for floor covering

Sample 5.
Dear Mr. Thompson
In your letter of 1st May, you asked us to send you samples of our rubberized
floor coverings for use on rough surfaces. We appreciate your interest, and
have today dispatched a range of qualities which we have selected specially
to meet your needs.
All of these materials are robust and hard-wearing, and we particularly
recommend No. 7 which is synthetic substance developed by our research
department to withstand the wear and tear of rough and uneven floors.
Please give the samples any test you wish. We are confident that they will

Chapter 5 - Offers 121

stand up to the roughest handling.
Our price list is enclosed together with our trade terms as we think you will
need these when you have completed your tests. It will be a pleasure to
quote you terms for contract supplies and our technical representatives are
at your service at all times.
Yours sincerely
1. floor coverings tấm lót sàn
2. rough and uneven surface bề mặt gồ ghề, không bằng phẳng
3. hard-wearing bền
4. robust chắc
5. synthetic substance chất tổng hợp nhân tạo
6. withstand chịu đựng
7. wear and tear hao mòn
8. rough handling bốc dỡ hàng mạnh tay
9. trade term điều khoản thương mại


I. Gap filling
1. An offer for aluminum fittings
Dear Mr. Chan
We thank you for your letter of 25 June, and are glad to inform you that all
the items (1) . . . . .listed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in your enquiry are in stock.

We are enclosing a pro-forma invoice for the aluminums fittings you are
interested in. If you wish to place a (2) . . . . trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . order, will you
please arrange for (3) . . . . .settlement
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the invoice by draft through your
bank, and advise us at the same time.
We can guarantee delivery in Melbourne within 3 weeks upon receipt of
your instructions. If you require the items (4) . . earlier
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , we will
arrange for them to be sent by air, but this will, of course, entail higher (5)
. . . . . . . . . . . . charges.
. . . . . . . . freight

122 Chapter 5 - Offers

We are enclosing (6) . . . . . details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of our terms of payment, and would
be happy to (7) . . . . discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with you if you would let us know how
(8) . . . . large
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . your orders are likely to be.

We are also enclosing a copy of the report, which (9) . . . appeared

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
the March issue of The Metal Worker, on our ALUMOY fitting.
We are looking forward to hearing from you, and assure you that your
orders will (10) . . . . . .get
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . our immediate attention.

Yours sincerely

2. Offer for earth-mover

Dear Mr. …
Thank you for your enquiry of 16 August (1) . . .regarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . our earth-
mover (2) . . . .displayed
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at the International Farm Machinery Fair in
In (3) . . . . . answer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to the specific questions in your email, first let me
say we are willing to consider substantial discount on orders over $300,000.
All our machinery is (4) . . . .guaranteed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for three years (5) . . . against .............
normal use, and we have several (6) . . . . . .agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in your country with
mechanics trained to service all our products.
With (7) . . . regard
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to the terms of payment, which you mentioned,
we would consider payment by 30-day B/E, D/A, provided you could offer
two (8) . . .referees

I confirm that we can (9) . . . .fulfil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . orders within three months,

unless there are unusual specifications, and you can buy equipment from us
(10) . . . directly
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or through our agents in your country.

As requested, I’m sending our current catalogue and price list to you by
express mail. I think you will find the equipment on pages 10-15
particularly interesting for the work you have in mind. If you require any
further information, please contact me.
Yours sincerely

Chapter 5 - Offers 123

3. Offer for plastic kitchenware
Dear Sirs
We are very (1) . . . . . .pleased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . to have your enquiry and are (2) enclosing
. . . . . . . . . . the price list you requested together with our (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
of sale.
As you have evidently realized, plastic kitchenware has already ousted
heavy and expandable metal, glass. Dealers who have displayed our brightly
coloured range have reported good sales even in the present season, when
sales are usually (4) . . . . . . . . .at . . . . . . . . . . . their lowest.

After studying our prices and our (5) . . .good . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . terms to the trade,
you will understand why we are working at (6) . . . . . . . full . . . . . . . . . . . . . capacity
to (7) . . . . . . . . . . meet. . . . . . . . . . the demand. We would advise you, therefore, to (8)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . us have your order by the end of the month, as this will
. . . . let
enable you to have (9) . . . . .stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of our attractive lines by Easter.

We look forward to the (10) . opportunity

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of being of service to you.

Yours faithfully

4. Offer for furniture and fittings

Dear Sirs
We thank you for your enquiry of 31 January and can confirm our
telephone conversation of yesterday, in which we (1) . . .informed .................
you that we can (2) . . . . .deliver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . part of the goods required from (3)
. . . . . . . . in (4) . . . . . . accordance
. . . . . . . . . . . .stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with the enclosed detailed
offer. For the (5) . . . . . balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we would require approximately three
weeks from the (6) . . . . . .date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of receiving your confirmation that
this arrangement is (7) . . . . . acceptable ................

Prices (8) . . . . .quoted

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . are FOB London

Packing in wooden cases.

Delivery as specified above.
Payment (9) . . . .against
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . documents, by banker’s draft.

We hope your client will (10) . . . . find

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . our terms and delivery
dates satisfactory, and we can assure you that you may count on our full
co-operation and attention in this matter.
Yours faithfully

124 Chapter 5 - Offers

5. Offer for fashion goods
Dear Sirs
We thank you for your enquiry of 12 October, and (1) . . .appreciate
your interest in our products.
(2) . . . . details
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of our export prices and (3) . . .terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of
payment are enclosed and we have (4) . . . . . . . prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . for a copy of our
catalogue to be sent to you today.
Our represntatives for Europe, Mr.Nam, will be in Paris from 24 to 30 of
this month, and we have asked him to (5) . . . . make . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . an appointment
to visit you during this period. He will have with him a full (6) . . . . range . . . . . . . .of
. . . . . samples of our handmade lines and is authorized to discuss the (7) . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . of an order with you or to (8) . . .negotiate
. . .terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a contract.

We think our (9) . . . . . . . . products . . . . . . . . . . . . will be what you wish for the fashion
trade and look forward to the opportunity of (10) . . . . . .doing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
business with you.
Yours faithfully

II. Translation

English - Vietnamese
1. We thank you for your enquiry of 25 March and can offer you the
following items. This offer will remain open until the receipt of your wire
by return mail.



2. Further to our letter of 15 June, we now offer you, without engagement,

our various items as follows.


3. In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in

Chapter 5 - Offers 125

making you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation.


4. From all list prices we allow a trade discount of 3.5% and a further
special discount of 0.5%, making 4% in all, on orders received on or before
31st May.
price list vs quotation



5. At your request, we now keep this firm offer open for further ten days
from 10 March.


6. Our high-quality products are well known and universally acknowledged.

Therefore, we are confident that a trial order would convince you that at the
prices quoted the goods we are offering are value for money.



7. Under pressure of rising costs we find it impossible to extend these

favourable terms beyond that date, so we advise you to take advantage of
them now and send us an immediate order.



8. The offer will remain firm until 31 March, beyond which date the terms
and prices should be discussed anew.


126 Chapter 5 - Offers

9. We are free from the obligation for this offer, which has been invalid
since 25 January.


10. As this offer has been waived, it is not binding upon us now.


11. Strong packing will ensure the goods against any possible damage in


12. The cartons are comparatively light and therefore easy to handle.

conforming to
13. As long as the documents are in full conformity with the contract, you
are kindly requested to pay for the shipment immediately after your receipt
of all the necessary shipping documents.




14. Please note that our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/C, payable
by sight draft accompanied by shipping documents at the Bank for Foreign
Trade of Vietnam at the port of shipment.




Chapter 5 - Offers 127

15. In compliance with your request, we exceptionally accept delivery
against D/P but this should not be regarded as a precedent.


16. We would like to take the liberty of sending you our illustrated
catalogue and samples of different qualities that we think may satisfy your
customers’ tastes.



17. We are most anxious to serve you and hope to hear from you soon.


18. We feel sure you will find a ready sale for this excellent material and
your customers will be satisfied with it.


19. Our products are made in a wide range of attractive styles and colours
and are as rich-looking as much more expensive coats.


20. We are offering the products of highest quality on most generous terms
and look forward to an opportunity to be of service to you.



128 Chapter 5 - Offers

Vietnamese – English
1. Chắc chắn chúng tôi sẽ không có trở ngại gì trong việc cung cấp cho quý
ngài một bộ sưu tập khá đầy đủ gồm các kiểu hàng mới nhất và bán chạy
nhất mà chúng tôi sản xuất cho mọi lứa tuổi.



2. Chúng tôi tin rằng chào hàng của chúng tôi sẽ được quý ngài chấp nhận
và mong sớm nhận được đơn đặt hàng mua thử của quý ngài.


3. Chúng tôi hi vọng rằng quý ngài sẽ thấy các điều khoản trong chào hàng
này rất thỏa đáng, và chúng tôi có thể đảm bảo với quý ngài rằng đơn hàng
của quý ngài sẽ luôn nhận được sự quan tâm của chúng tôi.



4. Do nhu cầu đối với mặt hàng này trên thị trường thế giới vượt quá mạnh so
với cung nên chúng tôi không thể chào bán cho quý ngài lúc này được.


5. Tài liệu kỹ thuật yêu cầu lập thành ba bộ. Một bộ sẽ được gửi trước đến
quý ngài để dịch. Hai bộ còn lại sẽ được gửi cùng với hàng hóa.


6. Các sản phẩm của chúng tôi sẽ giúp cho quý ngài chào bán cho khách
hàng của mình một sản phẩm không thể chê vào đâu được ở những phẩm
chất chính như độ bền và độ tin cậy.

Chapter 5 - Offers 129



7. Hàng sẽ được đóng trong các hộp bìa cứng với thiết kế hoa phù hợp với
việc trưng bày trong các siêu thị.


8. Cách đóng gói bao bì mới cho bộ tách trà của chúng tôi là theo phong cách
truyền thống Việt Nam và chúng tôi tin chắc nó sẽ thu hút khách hàng.



9. Bao bì của chúng tôi không chỉ có khả năng đi biển mà còn bảo vệ hàng
hóa khỏi những tổn thất có thể xảy ra.


10. Chúng tôi sẽ đóng gói hàng 10 tá trong 1 thùng cát tông, khối lượng cả
bì khoảng 30 kg mỗi thùng.


11. Chúng tôi đã ghi nhận kỹ các yêu cầu của quý ngài đối với đồ chơi laze
nhưng rất tiếc chúng tôi không thể cung cấp vào lúc này. Chúng tôi nhất
định sẽ chào hàng cho quý ngài ngay khi có hàng.
be available = be in stock
have the stock


12. Việc đóng gói sẽ được thực hiện theo chỉ dẫn cụ thể của quý ngài. Quý
ngài có thể yên tâm rằng chúng tôi sẽ xử lý khâu đóng gói rất kỹ lưỡng để
tránh thiệt hại có thể xảy ra khi vận chuyển.

130 Chapter 5 - Offers



13. Hàng sẽ được đóng trong bao đay hai lớp, trọng lượng tịnh mỗi bao là
50 kg, khâu miệng bằng dây đay, thích hợp với việc bốc vác và vận tải bằng
đường biển.



14. Người mua sẽ mở một L/C không hủy ngang trả chậm 30 ngày tại một
ngân hàng có uy tín quốc tế cho người Bán hưởng để thanh toán cho 40.000
MT, vào tài khoản của ngân hàng Ngoại thương Việt Nam. L/C phải được
mở trong vòng 7 ngày sau khi ký kết hợp đồng.




15. Hàng sẽ được đóng trong các thùng phuy thép mới, có độ dày của thép
khoảng 1 mm.


16. Hàng được đóng trong thùng gỗ thưa có gia cố bằng đai sắt.


17. Trên bề mặt của mỗi kiện hàng được giao phải ghi rõ số kiện, kích thước
mỗi kiện, trong lượng tịnh, trọng lượng cả bì, vị trí nâng hàng, số hiệu L/C
và dòng chữ “để nơi khô ráo.”



Chapter 5 - Offers 131

18. Toàn bộ số hàng được bọc trong giấy không thấm nước có gia cố ở hai
đầu để tránh hao mòn do ma sát.


19. Hàng được đóng trong bao đay mới, khâu miệng bằng dây đay 8 mũi
chữ X.


20. Trên mặt ngoài mỗi kiện cần ghi rõ tên người gửi hàng, người nhận
hàng, cảng đến, xuất xứ hàng hóa và đánh số 1-10.


III. Letter writing

Letter 1
Ông Trương Bảo Hòa, trưởng phòng xuất khẩu của công ty A nhân được thư hỏi
hàng của ông John Smith, giám đốc kinh doanh của công ty B hỏi mua hạt điều
(cashew nuts) loại A1. Anh/ Chị hãy viết thư chào hàng cho loại hạt điều A1 để
ông Hòa ký hôm nay với các điều khoản và điều kiện sau:
- Hạt điều A1, xuất xứ Việt Nam, vụ mùa năm 2014, không có tạp chất,
thủy phần và hạt hư tối đa 0,2%
- Số lượng: 20 tấn mét, trên dưới 5%, do người bán chọn
- Giá cả: 1000 đô la Mỹ một tấn mét, CIF London, chưa tính phí đóng
- Thanh toán: bằng L/C không hủy ngang, trả trong vòng 60 ngày mở
tại ngân hàng thương mại London tới tài khoản của người bán tại ngân
hàng Eximbank thành phố HCM, cho người bán hưởng 100% trị giá lô
hàng, có ghi rõ không được phép giao hàng từng phần và chuyển tải.
- Giao hàng làm 2 chuyến, chuyến thứ 1 10 tấn mét vào tháng …,
chuyến thứ 2 vào tháng…
- Đóng gói: đóng trong bao kép, thích hợp với chuyến đi biển dài, trọng

132 Chapter 5 - Offers

lượng tịnh mỗi bao là 50 kg. Số vỏ bao kèm theo là 200 chiếc.
- Đơn chào hàng này chỉ có hiệu lực trong vòng 15 ngày tính từ ngày
của chào hàng này.
Đối với hạt điều chất lượng A2, hiện công ty đã hết hàng. Tuy nhiên, công
ty xin nhân dịp này, gửi kèm mẫu hàng cho loại điều A2-1 có chất lượng
gần như tương tự mà giá thì thấp hơn nhiều.
A tin rằng B sẽ thấy loại điều này có giá rất cạnh tranh, và điều kiện rất ưu
đãi nên chắc chắn là B sẽ tận dụng chào hàng này.
A hy vọng sẽ có cơ hội được phục vụ khách hàng và nhấn mạnh các đơn đặt
hàng sẽ luôn nhận được sự quan tâm của A.
Hãy bắt đầu thư bằng Dear…


















Chapter 5 - Offers 133



























134 Chapter 5 - Offers

Letter 2
Anh/ Chị hãy viết một thư chào hàng sau khi nhận được thư hỏi hàng đề ngày
3/5/20-- của một đối tác tại Trung Quốc hỏi mua chất phụ gia thực phẩm
(foodstuff additives) theo các điều kiện và điều khoản chính như sau:
- Tên hàng: Chất phụ gia thực phẩm NTV231
- Quy cách phẩm chất: theo bảng quy cách phẩm chất của người bán số
- Số lượng 50 tấn
- Giao hàng: chậm nhất là 15/8/20--. Không cho phép chuyển tải và giao
hàng từng phần
- Giá cả: theo bảng giá đính kèm
- Thanh toán bằng tín dụng thư không hủy ngang có xác nhận, được mở tại
một ngân hàng có uy tín quốc tế, 30 ngày trước ngày giao hàng, có giá trị 45
ngày cho người bán hưởng theo những chứng từ sau làm 3 bản gốc nếu
không ghi rõ:
+ Vận đơn sạch đã giao hàng lên tàu, cước phí trả trước
+ Hóa đơn thương mại (1 bản gốc, 2 bản sao)
+ Phiếu đóng gói
+ Chứng nhận xuất xứ
+ Chứng nhận phẩm chất và số lượng
+ Đơn bảo hiểm
Ngoài ra Anh/ Chị có thể thêm bất kỳ chi tiết nào để thư chào hàng có tính
chặt chẽ và thuyết phục.
Hãy bắt đầu thư bằng Dear…








Chapter 5 - Offers 135



























136 Chapter 5 - Offers

Letter 3
Công ty anh/ chị vừa nhận được thư hỏi hàng của một đối tác nước ngoài hỏi
mua thiết bị đóng gói đa năng (multi-purpose packaging machine). Hãy viết thư
chào hàng cố định cho tới ngày 1/12/20-- cho mặt hàng trên với các điều khoản
và điều kiện chính. Lưu ý người mua những điểm như sau:
- Số lượng: 5 chiếc, giá $2200/ chiếc
- Công ty chào giá CIF cảng London, nhưng có thể tính theo giá FOB cảng
Sài Gòn nếu khách hàng muốn tự thuê tàu và mua bảo hiểm.
- Chất lượng: Theo bảng quy cách phẩm chất của người Bán số 123 gửi
kèm với chào hàng này
- Thanh toán sẽ được thực hiện bằng T/T cho 30% tổng giá trị của đơn
hàng khi hàng về tới cảng London. Phần còn lại thanh toán bằng L/C không
hủy ngang trả chậm 3 tháng, ghi rõ không được phép giao hàng từng phần
và chuyển tải, theo chứng từ sau làm thành 3 bản:
- Đóng gói và ký mã hiệu: Hàng hóa được đóng trong các thùng các tông
chắc. Trên hai mặt đối diện mỗi thùng ghi tên người gửi, tên người nhận,
cảng giao hàng, cảng đến, kích thước và hàng chữ “để hướng lên trên”.
Khách hàng có thể yên tâm rằng đối với những thiết bị cồng kềnh lại có
nhiều phụ tùng rời đi kèm như thiết bị này, công ty sẽ xử lý khâu đóng gói
rất cận thận để tránh thiệt hại có thể xảy ra.
- Thời hạn bảo hành cho máy là 24 tháng tính từ ngày giao hoặc 20 tháng
kể ngày sử dụng. Khi đối tác nhận được hàng, công ty sẽ cử người đến giúp
đối tác lắp đặt và chạy thử máy, và công ty sẽ chịu toàn bộ chi phí ăn ở, đi
lại cho nhân viên này.
- Các tài liệu kỹ thuật sẽ được làm thành 2 bộ và được gửi trước bằng
đường máy bay.
- Công ty hy vọng đối tác sẽ chấp nhận chào hàng này, công ty tin rằng đối
tác sẽ hài lòng về sản phẩm.
Bắt đầu thư bằng Dear Sir.





Chapter 5 - Offers 137



























138 Chapter 5 - Offers

Letter 4
Anh/ chị viết thư gửi cho ông John Smith, trưởng phòng mua hàng
(purchasing manager) của công ty Home Designs Ltd,có địa chỉ tại 235
King Road, SW2 London, England, kèm với chào hàng số CH/08, catalo,
bảng giá hiện hành bộ bàn ghế mây (rattan table set) theo nội dung gợi ý
- Cảm ơn đã nhận được thư hỏi hàng và hân hạnh gửi kèm chào hàng
số CH/08, catalo, bảng giá hiện hành.
- Nêu rõ quy cách theo mẫu số CT/204 được minh họa trong catalo:
Mỗi bộ có 1 bàn và 4 ghế.
- Giá chào là giá cố định: 120 pound/bộ, CIF Liverpool bao gồm cả
phí đóng gói trong thùng phù hợp với tập quán xuất khẩu, chào
hàng có giá trị trong vòng 3 tháng. Sẵn sàng chiết khấu 5% đối với
đơn hàng có số lượng 200 bộ hoặc hơn.
- Giao hàng trong vòng 2 tháng kể từ khi nhận được đơn hàng chính
thức với số lượng dưới 100 bộ; trên 100 bộ thời gian giao hàng sẽ
dài hơn.
- Thanh toán bằng đồng bảng Anh, bằng tín dụng thư không thể hủy
ngang trên cơ sở hối phiếu trả tiền ngay, được mở tại một ngân
hàng hàng đầu ở Anh 30 ngày trước khi giao hàng vào tài khoản của
người bán tại Ngân hàng Công thương Việt Nam, chi nhánh Hà
Nội, để người bán hưởng 100% giá trị lô hàng sẽ giao.
- Sản phẩm làm từ nguyên liệu được lựa chọn kỹ, chất lượng tốt, mẫu
mã đẹp, trình độ gia công tinh xảo cộng với giá cả hợp lý chắc chắn
sẽ được ưa chuộng tại thị trường Anh.
- Ngày viết thư là ngày hôm nay; người ký thư là ông Hoàng Nam
Hải – giám đốc bán hàng.
Anh/ chị có thể thêm các chi tiết phù hợp với thư chào hàng.






Chapter 5 - Offers 139



























140 Chapter 5 - Offers

Letter 5
Công ty thủ công mỹ nghệ Việt Nam(Vietnam Handicraft Company); Địa
chỉ: 1/194 Nguyễn Trãi, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội; Điện thoại và fax: 84-4-
Nhận được thư hỏi hàng số No. 01/VH-GC/09 đề ngày 20/4 năm 2012
củacông ty TNHH Grace, địa chỉ 175 Broadway, Chippendale, Sydney, Úc.
Hỏi mua bình hoa bằng tre (Bamboo vase) kiểu VH1886.
Anh/Chị hãy viết một thư gửi kèm chào hàng cho công ty TNHH Grace,
chào bán cố định đến ngày 15/7/201... 6400 bình hoa bằng tre theo các điều
kiện thông thường, ngoài ra cần làm rõ những điểm sau:
- Hàng sẽ được giao làm hai chuyến:
+ chuyến 1: giao 3200 chiếc vào ngày 15 tháng 7
+ chuyến 2: giao 3200 chiếc sẽ được giao 2 tuần sau chuyến thứ nhất
tức mồng 28 tháng 7.
- Giá FOB cảng Hải Phòng kể cả bao bì là 12 đô la Mỹ/ một chiếc
- Thanh toán bằng đô la Mỹ, tín dụng thư không thể hủy ngang mở qua
Ngân hàng thương mại Bắc Âu, 15 ngày trước ngày giao hàng có giá trị 45
ngày vào tài khoản của Ngân hàng Ngoại thương Việt Nam chi nhánh tp
Hà Nội để công ty Thủ công mỹ nghệ Việt Nam được hưởng 100% giá trị
hàng hóa sẽ giao.
- Trước khi kết thúc thư, anh/chị hãy nhấn mạnh rằng hàng hóa của công ty
Thủ công mỹ nghệ Việt Nam bán rất chạy, rằng công ty sẵn sàng chiết khấu
3% cho các đơn hàng đặt hàng trị giá 100.000 đô la Mỹ trở lên và bày tỏ hy
vọng sớm nhận được đơn đặt hàng khác lớn hơn của khách hàng.
Anh/chị có thể thêm chi tiết để hoàn thiện bức thư.
Ngày viết thư là ngày hôm nay.
Người ký thư: Vũ Đức Hoàn- Giám đốc






Chapter 5 - Offers 141



























142 Chapter 5 - Offers

In this chapter, you can learn:
1. An order for fancy rush mats
2. An order for Diesel engine
3. An order with special conditions attached
4. Order form with covering letter
a. Covering letter
b. Order form
5. A decline to an order
I. Gap filling
1. Order
2. Order for crockery
3. Advice of despatch
4. Advice of despatch
5. A decline to an order for TV
II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - English
III. Letter writing
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3
Letter 4
Letter 5 ð

Chapter 6 - Orders 143

1. Express thanks for the offer/ quotation
2. Express pleasure in ordering
3. State terms and conditions (Commodity, quality, quantity, price, payment,
delivery, packing and marking…)
4. Hope for sales confirmation/ advice of dispatch


1. Express thanks for the offer/ quotation
2. Express pleasure in confirming the sales
3. Confirming the terms and conditions (Commodity, quality, quantity,
price, payment, delivery, packing and marking…)
4. Make favourable comments on the goods for sales
5. Hope for early order/ reply

When a supplier receives an order which cannot be met for some reason,
any of the following options are available:
1 Send a substitute. Careful judgment will be required, however, since there
is the risk that the customer may be annoyed to receive something
different from what was ordered. It is only advisable to send a substitute
if a customer is well known or if there is a clear need for urgency. Such
substitutes should be sent ‘on approval', with the supplier accepting
responsibility for carriage charges both ways.
2 Make a counter-offer.
3 Decline the order.
1. Acknowledge receipt of order with thanks and regrets
2. State the reasons
3. Propose an alternative product (if any)
4. Hope for an opportunity to be of the service to them another time.

144 Chapter 6 - Orders

Hints for writing an order
1. Opening
• Please find enclosed our Order No. B452 for 25 tlearsound' transistor
• The enclosed order (No. 8154) is for5o packets of A4 copier paper.
• Thank you for your reply of 14 May regarding our email about the
mobile phones. Enclosed you will find our official order (No. 13561)
• I would like to place a trial orderfor the 'Letherine' material we
discussed at the trade show last month. Please find enclosed ...
2. Payment
• As agreed you will draw on us at 30 days, D/A, with the documents being
sent to our bank, The National Mercantile Bank ...
• We would like to confirm that payment is to be made by irrevocable letter
of credit, which we have already applied to the bank for.
• Once we have received your advice, we will send a bank draft to...
• we agreed that payments would be made against quarterly statements ...
3. Discounts
• We would like to thank you for the 3o% trade discount and 10% quantity
discount you allowed us.
• Finally, we would like to confirm that the 25% trade discount is quite
• we will certainly take advantage of the cash discounts you offered for
prompt settlement.
• Although we anticipated a higher trade discount than 15%, we will place
an initial order and hope that the discount can be reviewed in the
4. Delivery
• It is essential that the goods are delivered before the beginning of
November, in time for the Christmas sales period.
• Delivery before 28 February is a firm condition of this order, and we
reserve the right to refuse goods delivered after that time.
• Please confirm that you can complete the work before the end of March,
as the opening of the store is planned for early April.

Chapter 6 - Orders 145

5. Method of delivery
• Please remember that only airfreight will ensure prompt delivery.
• Please send the goods by express freight as we need them urgently.
• We advise delivery by road to avoid constant handling of this fragile
• Could you please ship by scheduled freighter to avoid any unnecessary
6. Packing
• Each piece of crockery is to be individually wrapped in thick paper,
packed in straw, and shipped in wooden crates marked 0 and numbered 1
to 6.
• The carpets should be wrapped, and the packaging reinforced at both
ends to avoid wear.
• The machines must be well greased with all movable parts secured
before being loaded into crates, which should be clearly marked with
your castle logo for easy identification.
7. Closing
• We hope that this will be the first of many orders we place with you.
• We will place further orders if this one is completed to our satisfaction.
• If our sales targets are met, we shall be placing further orders in the
• I look forward to receiving your advice / shipment / acknowledgement /
8. Acknowledging an order
• Thank you for your order No. 338B which we received today. We are
now dealing with it and you may expect delivery within the next three
• Your order No. 6712/1 is now being processed and should be ready for
despatch by the end of this week.
• We are pleased to inform you that we have already made up your order,
No. 991/1/5, for 500 bed-linen packets, and are now making
arrangements for shipment to Rotterdam.

146 Chapter 6 - Orders

9. Advice of despatch
• Your order, No. 13/154/T, is already on board the SS Mitsu Maru, sailing
from Kobe on 16 May and arriving Tilbury, London, on …
• The shipping documents have been forwarded to your bank in London for
• We are pleased to advise you that the watches you ordered No. 88151/24
will be on flight BA165 leaving Zurich at 11.00, 9 August, arriving
Manchester 13.0o. Please find enclosed air waybill DC 15161/3 and
copies of invoice An3/3, which you will need for collection.
• Your order, No. Y151, is being sent express rail freight and can be
collected after 09.00 tomorrow. Enclosed is consignment note No.
1167153, which should be presented on collection. You should contact us
immediately if any problems arise. Thank you for your order, and we
hope we can be of further service in the future.
10. Refusing an order
• We are sorry to say that we are completely out of stock of this item and it
will be six weeks before we get our next delivery, but please contact us
• We no longer manufacture this product as demand over the past few
years has declined.
• Thank you for your order for heavy-duty industrial overalls.
Unfortunately we have run out of the strengthened denim style you asked
for. As you particularly specified this material, we will not offer a
substitute, but will inform you immediately we receive delivery of a new
consignment. This will be within the next two months.
• We received your order for ACN dynamos today, but regret that due to a
strike at the ACN factory we are unable to fulfil it at present. We are
aware that other models will not suit your requirements, but hope that
the dispute will be settled soon and that we will be able to supply you. We
will keep you informed of developments.

Chapter 6 - Orders 147

1. An order for fancy rush mats
Sample 1.
Dear Sirs,
Order No.1001/RM
We thank you for your offer No. 303/RM dated 10 July and have pleasure in
placing our order on the following terms and conditions:
1. Commodity: fancy rush mats
2. Quality and specifications: as per attached specifications and designs
3. Quantity: 5,000 pieces
4. Price: unit price: US$0.45/ piece. The prices should be understood CIF
Hamburg including packing, subject to Incoterms 2010
5. Packing: to be wrapped in strong rush matting, steel hooped, 20 pieces in
one bale and marked 1001/2/19 INTERIM
6. Delivery: 3,000 pieces in September, 20--
2,000 pieces in October, 20--
7. Payment: by an irrevocable L/C opened in favor of the seller to the
account of the Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam and confirmed by
London commercial bank, 15 days prior to the first shipment, which
mentions partial shipment is allowed.
8. Insurance: The goods are required to be insured under Marine All Risks
terms from warehouse Vietnam to warehouse Hamburg. The insurance is
to be effected with a first class Vietnamese or foreign insurance company.
Please confirm your acceptance of this order and such acceptance should
arrive not later than 14 days after the date of this order.
Yours faithfully
1. fancy rush mat chiếu cói hoa
2. unit price đơn giá
3. packing and marking đóng gói và ký mã hiệu
4. strong rush matting chiếu cói loại cứng
5. steel hooped được kẹp bằng nẹp sắt
6. marine All Risks terms bảo hiểm hàng hải mọi rủi ro
7. first class có uy tín hạng nhất

148 Chapter 6 - Orders

2. An order for Diesel engine
Sample 2.
Dear Sirs
We thank you for your offer of 25 May, 20—for diesel engine, model 4238-
200PS and are pleased to place an order under the terms and conditions as
1. Description: Diesel engine, Model 4238-200PS complete with spare
parts as stated in your catalogue No. 24/5/89 attched to your said
2. Price: £15,690 FOB Kobe, Japan including packing in seaworthy
wooden cases.
3. Shipment: in one lot in November, 20--.
4. Payment: by irrevocable L/C at sight to be opened with the Bank for
Foreign Trade of Vietnam to the account of Misuit Bank Tokyo in your
favour 15 days prior to shipment, valid for 90 days, amounting to the
whole value of the goods to be shipped.
5. Technical documents: you are required to send us all necessary
documents concerning operation, assembling and maintenance of the
6. Guarantee: within 6 months after commencement of operation or 12
months after dispatch.
We look forward to your kind confirmation of sales.
1. spare parts phụ tùng rời
2. wooden case thùng gỗ kín
3. commence bắt đầu
4. assembling lắp ráp
5. maintenance bảo trì

Chapter 6 - Orders 149

3. An order with special conditions attached
Sample 3.
Dear Sirs
We thank you for your letter of 22 April enclosing a booklet with details of
your range of wrist watches.
We are very interested in the different types of watches you offered and have
decided to place a trial order on the following terms and conditions:
Item No. Article Quantity Unit price
40 Popular 1,500 £90 per dozen
47 Regent 1,200 £150 per dozen
48 Aristroc 1,500 £240 per dozen
Total value: …………
1. Prices are CIF Singapore including packing
2. Packing: in seaworthy export cases
3. Payment: by irrevocable L/C
4. Delivery: in or before October, 20--
We place this order on the clear understanding that the consignment will be
despatched in time to reach us on or before 31 October, 20--and reserve the
right to cancle it and refuse delivery after this date.
We look forward to having your confirmation soon.
Yours faithfully
1. booklet sách mô tả sản phẩm
2. wrist watch đồng hồ đeo tay
3. on the understanding that với điều kiện là
4. reserve the right bảo lưu quyền
5. cancel hủy bỏ

150 Chapter 6 - Orders

4. Order form with covering letter
Sample 4.
a. Covering letter
Dear Sirs
Please find enclosed our order No. DR4316 for men’s and boys’ sweaters in
assorted sizes, colours and designs.
We have decided to accept the 15% trade discount you offered and terms of
payment viz. documents against payment, but would like these terms
reviewed in the near future.
Would you please send the shipping documents and your sight draft to
Northmister Bank (City branch), Deal Street, Birmingham B3, ISQ.
If you do not have any of the listed items in stock, please do not send
substitutes in their place.
We would appreciate delivery within the next six weeks and look forward to
your acknowledgement.
Yours faithfully

b. Order form
Cat. Price CIF
Quantity Item description
No. London
50 V Neck: 30 Red/20 Blue R432 £13.80 each
30 Roll Neck: 15 Black/15 Blue N154 £9.40 each
30 Crew Neck: 15 Green/15 Beige N154 £16.00 each
40 Crew Neck: pattern R541 £12.60 each

Note: subject to 15% quantity

Comments: 15% Trade disc Pymt D/P Del 6 weeks Date: 9 March, 20--

Chapter 6 - Orders 151

1. assorted nhiều loại
2. sight draft hối phiếu trả ngay
3. substitute hàng thay thế
4. acknowledgement thư xác nhận
5 pattern mẫu
6. documents against payment thanh toán đổi chứng từ

5. A decline to an order
Sample 5.
Dear Sirs
We have considered carefully your counter proposal of 15 August to our
offer of woolens but very much regret that we cannot accept it.
The prices we quoted in our letter of 1 August leave us with only smallest
margin; they are in fact lower than those of our competitors for goods of
similar quality.
The wool used in the manufacture of our Eagle range undergoes a special
patented process that prevents shrinkage and increase durability. The fact
that we are the largest supplier of woolens to many countries in Europe is in
itself evidence of the good value of our products.
We hope that you will give further thought to the matter and look forward to
hearing from you soon.
Yours faithully
1. counter proposal hoàn giá
2. margin mức lãi
3. undergo trải qua
4. special patented process quy trình xử lý đặc biệt được cấp phép
5. shrinkage co lại

152 Chapter 6 - Orders

I. Gap filling
Dear Sirs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with thanks the (2) . . receipt
We (1) . . acknowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of your offer
dated … and are pleased to enclose our order No 3678 (3) . . . .for ..............4
items under your catalogue.
Please note that all these items are (4) . . .urgently . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . required by our
customers. We, therefore, hope you will (5) . . . . .hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . to have them
(6) . . . . .delivered
. . . . . . . . . . . . . as soon as possible.

This is our trial order only, (7) . . . . .if. . . . . . . . . . . . . we find them satisfactory in
quality and a (8) . . .ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale in our market, we shall be placing
further (9) . . . . . . .large
. . . . . . . . . . . orders.

In the meantime, we are looking forward to your (10) . . . . .early

Yours faithfully

2. Order for crockery

Dear Mr ....
Please find enclosed an order (R1234) from our principals.
They have asked us to (1) . . .inform
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you that 60 (2) . . . . sets
of crockery ordered should be packed in six crates, ten sets per crate, with
each piece individually (3) . . . . . wrapped
. . . . . . . . . . . . . , and the crates (4) . . . .marked
clearly with their name, the words “fragile”, “crockery”, and (5) . numbered ............
They have agreed to pay by L/C, which we (6) . . discussed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on the
phone last week, and they would like delivery before the end of this month,
which should be easily (7) . . . .effected
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . as there are regular sailings from
If the colors they have chosen are not in (8) . . .stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , they will
accept an (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . provided the designs are those stipulated on

Chapter 6 - Orders 153

the order.
Please send any further correspondence relating to shipment or payment
direct to MacKenzie Bros. and let us have a copy of the commercial invoice
when it is made (10) . .up

Yours sincerely

3. Advice of despatch
Dear Mr. Delmas
Thank you for your order No.R497 which we are (1) . .at .......... ......
present making (2) . . . . . .up . . . . . . . . . . . . The instruments will be (3) .wrapped............
. . . . . individually in 8 crates numbered and marked (4) . . with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . our
logo. They will be (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . airfreight CIF Marseille to (6) . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . you not (7) . . . . . . . . . later
. . reach . . . . . . . . . than 18 May.

Our invoice showing the 12% trade and 3% quantity discount, the insurance
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and the (9) . . . . . airway
(8) . . certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . bill will be sent to the Bank
of Marseille as (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yours sincerely

4. Advice of despatch
Dear Mr. …
Further to our telephone conservation on Friday, I am writing to you (1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . your order No.123, which was (2) . . . .placed
. . . . .concerning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with us
on 10 January.
Once again, I must (3) . . . . .apologize . . . . . . . . . . . . . for the (4) . . . .delay
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
processing this order. This was due to a staffing (5) . . .shortage ......... ...... .
However, since I spoke to you, we have taken (6) . . . . . . .on . . . . . . . . . . . 4 new
employees at our depot, and I am pleased to tell you that your order is now
(7) . . . . . . . ready
. . . . . . . . . . . for dispatch. It will reach you within five working days.

Special (8) . .care

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has been taken to ensure that the (9) . .shipment...........
has been packed (10) . .according . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to your requirements. Each item will
be individually wrapped to avoid damage.
Yours sincerely
154 Chapter 6 - Orders
5. A decline to an order for TV
Dear Mr. Chan
We were pleased to (1) receive
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . your order of 2 November for 6
Atlantis TVs. However, since you state the firm condition of (2) . . delivery ...........
before Christmas, we deeply (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that we cannot supply you
on this occasion.
The manufactures of these goods are finding it (4) . . . impossibles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to meet
current demand for this popular TV. We placed an order for 24 sets one
month ago, but were informed that all (5) . . . orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . were being met
in strict rotations. Our own order will not be (6) . . . . .met . . . . . . . . . . . . . before the
end of January.
I understand from our telephone (7) . . . conversation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this morning that your
customers are unwilling to consider other makes. In the circumstances I
hope you will be able to meet your requirements from some other (8) . . .suppliers .....
. . . . . . . . . . . May I (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that you try Television Services Ltd of
Leicester? They usually carry large (10) . . . . . .quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . and may be able to
help you.
Yours sincerely

II. Translation

English - Vietnamese
1. We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your offer dated … and are
pleased to enclose our order No. 3678 for 4 items under your catalogue.


2. Your offer dated…encouraged us to place a trial order with you. Please

find the terms and conditions in the enclosed order.


Chapter 6 - Orders 155

3. We are much obliged for your quotation of… and would be glad if you
could accept our order for the following goods.


4. We are pleased to give you an order for the following items on the
understanding that they will be supplied from current stock at the price



5. Enclosed is our confirmation of order in duplicate, of which please return

us one copy duly signed.


6. We shall be grateful for prompt delivery as the goods are urgently



7. Delivery before February is a firm condition of this order, and we reserve

the right to refuse the goods delivered after that date.


8. We trust that the delay will not cause you any serious inconvenience and
hope that you will continue to do business with us.


9. We hope that the goods will reach you safely and in good time and that
you will be pleased with them.

156 Chapter 6 - Orders


10. We feel sure that you will find these goods satisfactory in every way and
that they will perfectly suit your needs.


11. Please confirm your acceptance of this order and such acceptance should
arrive not later than…


12. We hereby confirm our acceptance of your order and are enclosing our
sales confirmation in two originals, one of which please sign and return to
us for our file.



13. Warranty is 24 months after dispatch. Should the machine prove to be

defective during the guarantee period, the seller undertakes to replace or
repair any defective part free of charge. This warranty does not apply to
normal wear and tear or damage caused by improper storage or careless





14. We expect to find a good market for these table linens and hope to place
further and large orders with you in the near future.


Chapter 6 - Orders 157

15. There is a steady demand for this item in this market. We hope you will
be able to supply more next time.


16. We enclose a trial order. If the quality is up to our expectation, we shall

send further orders in the near future.


17. Owing to heavy commitments, we are not in position to accept new



18. Owing to the lack of raw materials, the factory has to stop entertaining
new orders.


19. We thank you for your order of… but regret very much that we are
unable to execute your order immediately owing to heavy demand.


20. We hope that our handling of your first order will lead to further
business between us and mark the beginning of a happy working




158 Chapter 6 - Orders

Vietnamese – English
1. Chúng tôi mong sớm nhận được thông báo giao hàng của quý ngài và hy
vọng rằng việc thực hiện đơn hàng này sẽ dẫn đến nhiều mối kinh doanh
nữa giữa hai công ty chúng ta.



2. Chúng tôi muốn nhấn mạnh rằng việc giao hàng đúng hạng là cực kỳ
quan trọng vì đơn hàng này chiếm một phần lớn trong công trình xây dựng
của chúng tôi.



3. Mặc dù mức chiết khấu thương mại khá thấp 15% khiến chúng tôi thất
vọng nhưng chúng tôi sẽ đặt hàng và hy vọng rằng mức chiết khấu này sẽ
được xem xét lại vào một thời điểm nào đấy trong tương lai không xa.



4. Thanh toán được thực hiện bằng L/C không hủy ngang do người mua mở
cho người bán hưởng trong vòng 15 ngày sau khi người mua nhận được
thông báo sẵn sàng giao hàng và thông báo về việc đã lấy được giấp phép
xuất khẩu.




5. Bảo hành 12 tháng kể từ ngày giao hàng. Người bán phải chịu trách
nhiệm đối với bất kỳ khuyết tật nào của hàng hóa được giao. Nếu phát hiện
có khuyết tật trong thời gian bảo hành, người bán phải thay thế, sửa chữa,

Chapter 6 - Orders 159

điều chỉnh hoặc khắc phục khuyết tật đó miễn phí cho người mua.




6. Tất cả tài liệu cần thiết kèm theo chiếc máy này phải được quý ngài ký
xác nhận và gửi đến chỗ chúng tôi ngay sau khi quý ngài chấp nhận đơn đặt
hàng này.



7. Hàng hóa yêu cầu phải được bảo hiểm theo điều kiện bảo hiểm hàng hải
mọi rủi ro và bảo hiểm phải được mua tại công ty bảo hiểm có uy tín.


8. Người bán phải mua bảo hiểm cho hàng hóa tại một công ty bảo hiểm có
uy tín do người mua chỉ định.


9. Chúng tôi lấy làm tiếc rằng hầu hết các thùng hàng trong chuyến trước bị
bể khi tới nơi dẫn đến chất lượng kém. Do vậy, đối với chuyến này, chúng
tôi đề nghị quý ngài gia cố bằng đai sắt.




10. Chúng tôi hy vọng rằng quý ngài sẽ suy nghĩ thêm về vấn đề này, nhưng
nếu quý ngài vẫn cảm thấy không thể chấp nhận chào hàng của chúng tôi thì
hi vọng điều đó cũng sẽ không ngăn cản quý ngài đến mua hàng của chúng

160 Chapter 6 - Orders

tôi. Chúng tôi sẽ rất vui khi xem xét kỹ lưỡng bất kỳ đề nghị nào có thể dẫn
đến việc làm ăn giữa chúng ta.





11. Để tiết kiệm cước phí, chúng tôi yêu cầu hàng được đóng trong thùng
thưa có gia cố. Toàn bộ số hàng được bọc trong giấy không thấm nước. Một
thùng kín bằng kim loại như quý ngài đề nghị sẽ không tiết kiệm.



12. Đề nghị quý ngài gửi cho chúng tôi trước những tài liệu kỹ thuật như
bản vẽ, sách hướng dẫn sử dụng, catalo… để chúng tôi nghiên cứu và cho
dịch sang Tiếng Việt.



13. Để hạn chế tổn thất trong quá trình vận chuyển đến mức thấp nhất,
chúng tôi yêu cầu hàng hóa phải được đóng trong các hòm gỗ có nẹp sắt cẩn



14. Đơn đặt hàng của quý ngài đã được chúng tôi quan tâm đến ngay, nhưng
do nguyên vật liệu được giao trễ, chúng tôi e rằng không thể thực hiện được
đơn hàng của quý ngài trước ngày…

Chapter 6 - Orders 161



15. Vì chúng tôi đang cần gấp hàng này nên chúng tôi yêu cầu quý ngài thu
xếp mọi thứ để đảm bảo giao hàng đúng hạn.


16. Chúng tôi phải nhấn mạnh việc giao hàng trong thời gian đã nêu và bảo
lưu quyền từ chối nhận hàng nếu chúng được giao chậm.


17. Chúng tôi cảm ơn đơn đặt hàng của quý ngài song rất tiếc là do nhu cầu
trong nước cao đối với những mặt hàng quý ngài đặt mua nên chúng tôi hiện
đã hết hàng rồi.



18. Chúng tôi tin rằng những mặt hàng mới của chúng tôi sẽ khiến cho quý
ngài thỏa mãn về mọi mặt vì chúng tôi hết sức chú ý đến đơn hàng của quý
ngài nói chung và tới việc giao hàng nói riêng.



19. Công bằng mà nói thì những thay đổi gần đây đối với hạn ngạch nhập
khẩu đã gây khó khăn cho chúng tôi trong việc thực hiện hợp đồng và do
vậy không thể tránh được tình trạng chậm giao hàng.



20. Chúng tôi tiếc rằng chúng tôi phải từ chối đơn hàng của quý ngài vì

162 Chapter 6 - Orders

chúng tôi không thể cho quý ngài hưởng mức chiết khấu như quý ngài yêu



III. Letter writing

Letter 1
Tổng công ty xuất nhập khẩu máy Việt Nam (Vietnam machino import-
export Corporation) nhận được thư chào hàng số CM1246 đề ngày cùng với
catalogue số CD014 của công ty Dawson Manufacturing Ltd chào bán các
loại máy khoan bê tông (Concrete Driller) và máy cắt sắt (steel cutter) dùng
cho công nghiệp xây dựng.
Hãy viết một thư gửi kèm với đơn hàng số VM 01 cho loại CD23 và loại SC
21 theo catalog trên.
Khi viết thư lưu ý người bán các điểm sau:
1. Machino yêu cầu thanh toán bằng L/C không hủy ngang trả ngay, cho
30% trị giá đơn hàng, phần còn lại thanh toán bằng T/T trong vòng 1 tháng
sau khi nhận được hàng, thay vì 100% bằng L/C như trong chào hàng của
2. Bảo hành là 12 tháng kể từ ngày sử dụng chứ không phải là 12 tháng kể
từ ngày giao. Nhấn mạnh rằng nếu máy bị hư trong thời gian bảo hành,
người bán sẽ phải chịu trách nhiệm sửa chữa hay thay thế bất cứ bộ phận
nào bị hư hỏng miễn phí và nhanh chóng.
3. Machino yêu cầu gửi 4 bộ tài liệu kỹ thuật hướng dẫn lắp ráp vận hành
và bảo dưỡng. Nếu trong trường hợp cần thiết, Machino yêu cầu Dawson cử
người đến hướng dẫn chạy thử máy.
4. Yêu cầu Dawson đặc biệt chú ý đến giao hàng đúng hạng vì hiện nay
các khách hàng của Machino là các công ty xây dựng đang yêu cầu giao gấp
vào cuối tháng tới. Machino e rằng nếu hàng giao trễ sẽ ảnh hưởng tới tiến
độ thi công của các khách hàng.
5. Nếu Dawson chấp nhận các điều và điều khoản mà Machino đưa ra, hãy
gửi xác nhận bán hàng sớm.

Chapter 6 - Orders 163

6. Nếu Dawson có thể chiết khấu số lượng 5% cho đơn hàng sau này, thì
Machino sẽ đặt hàng thường xuyên.
Lưu ý: Bắt đầu thư bằng Dear Sirs và người ký thư: Trương Bảo Hòa tổng
giám đốc.
























164 Chapter 6 - Orders



























Chapter 6 - Orders 165

Letter 2
Anh/ Chị đang làm việc cho công ty TNHH Thành Công, 110 Hai Bà
Trưng, Quận 3, Tp.HCM nhận được chào hàng bán một số mặt hàng điện
gia dụng của công ty Household Electronics, Malaysia. Hãy viết thư đặt
hàng mua mặt hàng máy hút ẩm (Dehumidifier) theo các điều kiện thông
thường (tên hàng, số lượng, chất lượng, bao bì, giao hàng, thanh toán, bảo
hành, bảo hiểm…) và chú ý các điểm chính như sau: Số lượng 150 chiếc
kèm theo các phụ tùng được ghi trong phụ lục số 1, giá CIF Sài Gòn 40
USD/chiếc không tính chi phí đóng gói bao bì, theo Incoterms 2000, theo
catalogue mới nhất TL/2010 và bản vẽ kỹ thuật của người bán, bao bì theo
tập quán xuất khẩu của nước người bán, giao hàng làm 2 chuyến vào cuối
tháng 2 và đầu tháng 3 năm 2011, bảo hành 18 tháng kể từ ngày sử dụng
chứ không phải là 12 tháng kể từ ngày giao như đã ghi trong chào hàng,
thanh toán bằng tín dụng thư không hủy ngang trả ngay… Đề nghị bên Bán
cho hưởng mức chiếc khấu 5% đối với đơn hàng này. Đây là đơn đặt hàng
thử, nếu hàng được giao đúng hạn, dịch vụ hậu mãi tốt thì ta sẽ đặt mua
những đơn hàng tiếp theo với số lượng lớn hơn.
Ngoài ra nếu thấy cần anh/ chị có thể thêm bớt bất cứ điều gì để hoàn chỉnh
lá thư. Bắt đầu thư bằng Dear Sirs.













166 Chapter 6 - Orders



























Chapter 6 - Orders 167

Letter 3
Anh/ Chị nhận được đơn hàng của ông John Samuel, tổng giám đốc công ty
John Samuel Brothers Pte Ltd. vào ngày 2/11/20-- đặt mua 6 chiếc tivi hiệu
Atlantis and 20 chiếc radio hiệu Attas. Tuy nhiên, công ty anh/ chị không
thể tiếp nhận đơn hàng này vì một số lý do. Hãy viết thư trả lời ông John
Samuel theo những gợi ý sau:
- Đối với mặt hàng tivi, công ty không cung cấp được vì đối tác yêu
cầu giao hàng trước dịp Giáng sinh, và xem đây là điều kiện tiên
quyết của đơn hàng.
- Công ty cũng đã đặt hàng 24 chiếc từ nhà sản xuất tivi hiệu này cách
đây 1 tháng nhưng sẽ không có hàng trước cuối tháng 1.
- Biết rằng đối tác không cần hàng thay thế nên công ty giới thiệu
khách hàng đến công ty Television Services Ltd để hỏi mua vì họ
thường có lượng lớn hàng hóa.
- Đối với mặt hàng radio, công ty cũng không cung cấp được vì đối
tác yêu cầu bán chịu. Đối tác vẫn còn nợ công ty $8,000. Nếu có thể
thanh toán một nửa số nợ, chúng ta sẽ sắp xếp để giao hàng.
Anh/ Chị có thể thêm/bớt bất kỳ thông tin gì để hoàn thiện lá thư. Bắt đầu
thư bằng Dear…













168 Chapter 6 - Orders



























Chapter 6 - Orders 169

Letter 4
Viết thư đặt hàng với nội dung sau:
Tên hàng: bột mỳ
Xuất xứ: Pháp, vụ mùa 20....
Qui cách: theo mẫu đã gửi cho khách hàng
Số lượng: 200 tấn
Giá: 300 USD/MT, CIF cảng SG, bao gồm chi phí đóng gói
Bao bì: ngoài là bao PP, trong là bao PE, trọng lượng tịnh là 50kg mỗi bao.
Giao hàng: đầu tháng 9-20... để giao cho khách hàng kịp làm bánh phục vụ
tết nguyên đán.
Cty Anh/ chị là công ty có uy tín nên nhất thiết hàng phải giao đúng chất
lượng quy định để duy trì mqh làm ăn lâu dài vớí các đối tác.
TT: bằng L/c không hủy ngang, trả ngay mở qua ngân hàng ngoại thương
TP HCM, trả vào TK NH thương mại Paris, 15 ngày trước khi giao hàng
cho người bán hưởng tòan bộ giá trị số hàng sẽ được giao.
Giám định chất lựong do SGS đảm nhận và cấp giấy chứng nhận chất
Anh/ chị yêu cầu người bán gửi gấp giấy xác nhận bằng văn bản trước












170 Chapter 6 - Orders




























Chapter 6 - Orders 171

Letter 5
Viết thư đặt hàng theo nội dung sau:
Chúng tôi xin cám ơn quí ngài về thư chào hàng số 303 đề ngày--- và xin
đặt hàng với những điều kiện và điều khỏan sau:
1. Tên hàng: chiếu cói
2. Chất lượng: theo như mẫu và qui cách phẩm chất đính kèm.
3. Số lượng: 5000 chiếc.
4. Giá: 0,45USD/ chiếc CIF Harmburg Port bao gồm cả bao bì.
5. Đóng gói: buộc bằng dây cói chắc chắn, có đai nẹp bằng sắt, mỗi bó
20 chiếc và có kẻ kí mã hiệu -----
6. Giao hàng: 3000 chiếc, giao tháng----- và tháng----
7. Thanh tóan: bằng L/C không hủy ngang trả vào TK NH Ngoại
thương VN, do NH Thương Mại Luân Đôn xác nhận, mở 15 ngày
trước khi giao lô hàng đầu tiên.
Hàng phải được bảo hiểm theo điều khỏan mọi rủi ro từ kho ở VN đến kho
ở Harmburg.
Xin vui lòng xác nhận việc quí ngài có chấp nhận đơn hàng này không và
chấp nhận như vậy đến chỗ chúng tôi trong vòng 14 ngày tính từ ngày ghi
trên đơn đặt hàng này.











172 Chapter 6 - Orders



























Chapter 6 - Orders 173
In this chapter, you can learn:
a. Exporter’s request
b. Importer’s reply
c. Exporter sends draft
1. Payments by L/C
a. Foreign Buyer’s Order
b. Exporter’s acknowledgement
2. Documentary credit – stages in transaction
a. Buyer approaches Bank
b. Bank offers to provide credit
c. Buyer instructs Bank
d. Bank agrees to open credit
e. Buyer notifies Exporter
f. Bank issues L/C
g. Exporter presents documents
h. Bank debits Buyer
1. Advice of payment
2. Acknowledgement of payment
3. Delayed payment
a. Request for more time
b. Replying to request for more time
4. Request for payment
a. First request

174 Chapter 7 - Payment

b. Reply to the first request
c. Second request
d. Reply to the second request

I. Gap filling
II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - English
III. Letter writing
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3 ð

Chapter 7 - Payment 175

Payments in foreign trade are complicated. It is here that the banks play an
essential part. Their services are used at some stage or other in every foreign
trade transaction and are almost indispensable.
Settlement of foreign debts may be made in a number of ways by banker's
draft, banker’s transfer (mail, telex and telegraphic), letter of credit, bill of
exchange, promissory note.


This is a banker’s cheque which the bank draws on itself and sells to the
customer, who then sells it to his supplier.
Like cheques, bankers’ drafts are payable on demand, but unlike cheques
they carry little or no risk since they are backed by the assets of the bank
that issues them.
An importer wishing to pay by draft would buy it at a local bank andsend it
to the exporter, who would pay it into his bank account.
Samples on request for payment by banker’s draft:

a. Exporter’s request
Sample 1.
6th December, 20...
Dear Sirs,
We enclose your statement for November, 20... and assume that you will
send the outstanding balance of £95.62 by banker's draft.
If, however, you prefer to pay by bill of exchange and will let us know, we
will draw on you for the amount at 30 d/s and send you our draft tor
Yours faithfully,

176 Chapter 7 - Payment

b. Importer’s reply
Sample 2.
12th December, 20…
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your letter of 6th December. We appreciate your offer to
take payment of the balance due on your statement for November 20… by
drawing on us at 30 d/s and would like to take advantage of it. If therefore
you will send us your draft, we will accept it at once, payable at Barclays
Bank, International, Ibadan.
Yours faithfully,

c. Exporter sends draft

Sample 3.
18th December 20...
Dear Sirs,
As requested in your letter of 12th December, we have now drawn on you
at 30 d/s in the sum of £95.62 and enclose our draft for acceptance. We
shall present the draft for payment through our bankers and we recommend
it to your protection.
Yours faithfully,


(Mail, telex and Telegraphic Transfers)
Payment in international Trade can be made by ordering a home bank to
transfer money to an overseas account. This is one of the safest methods of
sending money abroad. All the debtor has to do is to instruct his bank either
by letter or on a special form, to make the transfer. The debtor’s bank then
arranges for the creditor’s bank to be credited with an equal amount in local
currency or the sum transferred, the calculation being made at the current
rate of exchange.
As these transfers are arranged direct between the two banks, losses are
impossible, but as delays may occur when the transfers are made by mail, it
is now customary for the banks to communicate either by telegram or by
Telex, thus giving rise to what are commonly known as the Telegraphic

Chapter 7 - Payment 177

Transfer and Telex Transfer. Exchange rates for these transfers are quoted
in the daily press.
Samples on Payment by telegraphic transfer
Sample 4.
Dear Sirs,
We have received your statement for the quarter ended 30th September and
find that it agrees with our books. As requested, we have instructed our
bankers, the Midland Bank Ltd., 2 Deansgate, Manchester, to telegraph the
sum of £2,182.89 for the credit of your account at the Bank Bazargani Iran,
This payment clears your account up to 31st August. The unpaid balance of
£623.42 for goods supplied during September will be telegraphed by our
bankers on or before 15th November.
Yours faithfully,


A bill of exchange is an order sent by the drawer (the person asking for the
money) to the drawee (the person paying) stating that the drawee will pay
on demand or at a specified time the amount shown on the bill. If the
drawee accepts the bill, he will sign his name on the face of it and date it.
The bill can be paid to a bank named by the drawer, or the drawee can name
a bank he wants to use to clear the bill. If this is the case, the bill will be
kept in the drawer's bank until it is to be paid. When the bill is due it is
presented to the paying bank. Such bills are said to be domiciled with the
bank holding them.
A sight draft or sight bill is paid on presentation. In a documents against
payment (D/P) transaction, the sight draft is presented to the importer with
the shipping documents, and the importer pays immediately, i e. "on
presentation" or "at sight".
A bill paid "after date" or "after sight" can be paid on or within the number
of days specified on the bill. Therefore 30 days after sight means that the
bill can be paid 30 days after it has been presented.
Overseas bills in the UK are known as foreign bills, and those used within
the UK as inland bills. A clean bill is one that is not accompanied by

178 Chapter 7 - Payment

shipping documents.
The advantage for the exporter of payment by bill is that the draft can be
discounted, i.e. sold, to a bank at a percentage less than its value, the
percentage being decided by the current market rates of discounting’. So
even if the bill is marked 90 days, the exporter can get his money
immediately. The advantage for the importer is that he is given credit,
provided the bill is not a sight draft. The bank, however, will only discount a
bill if the buyer has a good reputation.
Bills can be negotiable if the drawer endorses the bill. If Mr Panton, the
beneficiary of the bill at (b) wanted to pay another manufacturer, he could
write on the back of the bill, i.e. endorse it, and the bill would become
payable to the person who owned it. Mr Panton can endorse it specifically,
i.e. make it payable only to the person named on the bill.
It is possible to send the bill direct to the importer, if he is well known to the
exporter, or if not, to his bank which will hand it to him with the documents
for either acceptance or payment.
A dishonoured bill is one that is not paid on the due date. In this case the
exporter will protest the bill, i.e. he will go to a notary, a lawyer, who will,
after a warning, take legal action to recover the debt.
The abbreviations B/E for bill of exchange and d/s for days after sight are
often used. And you are now familiar with D/P documents against payment
and D/A, documents against acceptance.

Samples and form: Bill of Exchange Transactions

a. Letter Advising Despatch of a Bill
Panton Manufacturing Ltd. have completed an order for a Dutch customer.
They now advise him that the agreed bill of exchange has been sent off.

Chapter 7 - Payment 179

Sample 5.
Dear Mrs Haas,
Order No. 8842
Thank you for your order which has now been completed and is being sent
to you today.
As agreed we have forwarded our bill, No. 1671 for £860.000 with the
documents to your bank, Nederlandsbank, Heldringstrat, Amsterdam. The
draft has been made out for payment 30 days after sight, and the documents
will be handed to you on acceptance.
Yours sincerely,
D. Panton
Managing Director

b. Bill of Exchange
Here is the bill mentioned in the previous letter. The bill has already been
accepted by the drawee, who has named a bank in London which she wants
to use to clear the bill.

180 Chapter 7 - Payment

c. Letter Advising Despatch of a Sight Draft
The bill at (b.) was for payment 30 days after sight. If the supplier wants
immediate payment or does not have time to check the customer s credit-
worthiness, he may send a sight draft, as in this example.
Sample 6.
Dear Mr Lindquvist,
We have made up your order, No. 8540, which is now aboard the SS Leda
which sails for Copenhagen tomorrow.
We are sure you will be pleased with selection of items that we were able to
get from stock. As there was no time to check references, we have drawn a
sight draft which will be sent to Nordbank, Garnes Vej, Copenhagen, and
will be presented to you with the document for payment.
If you can supply two references before placing your next order, we will put
the transaction on a documents against acceptance basis with payment 30
days after sight.
Yours sincerely,
D. Panton
Managing Director

d. Request to a Bank to forward a bill

Exporters sometimes ask their banks to forward bills to importers' banks.
Sample 7.
Dear Sir,
Please would you send the enclosed draft on J. K. B. Products Pty., and
documents to the National Australian Bank, 632 George Street, Sydney,
Australia, and tell them to release the documents on acceptance.
Yours faithfully,
D. Panton
Managing Director

Chapter 7 - Payment 181

e. Request to a Bank to Accept a Bill
The Australian importer mentioned in the previous letter now writes to his
bankers to tell them to accept the bill.
Sample 8.
Dear Sir,
You will shortly be receiving a bill of exchange for £2,163 and relevant
documents from Panton Manufacturing Ltd., England. Would you please
accept the draft on our behalf, send us the documents, and debit your
Yours faithfully,
L. Corey
J.K.B. Products Pty.

f. Non-Payment of a Bill
If a customer cannot pay a bill, he must inform his supplier immediately;
When a bill is not paid and no notice has been given, the supplier usually
writes to the customer before protesting the draft, as here. Note the
expression "Refer to Drawer" which means the bank is returning the bill to
the drawer. (This expression is also used when a dishonoured cheque is
returned). Also notice that a formal protest is to be made, which means that
the drawer will contact a lawyer to handle the debt, if payment is not made
within the specified time.
Sample 9.
Dear Mrs Haas,
B/E No. 1671
The above bill for £860.000 was returned to us from our bank this morning
marked "Refer to Drawer".
The bill was due on the 5th April and appears to have been dishonoured.
We are prepared to allow you a further three days before presenting it to
the bank again, in which time we hope that the draft will have been met. If
the account is still not settled, we will have to make a formal protest, which
we hope will not be necessary.
Yours sincerely,
D. Panton
Managing Director
182 Chapter 7 - Payment
From the exporter's point of view the documentary bill suffers from
the defect that the foreign buyer may fail to honour the bill. To avoid
thisrisk a system of banker’s commercial credits or documentary credits has
been developed. It makes use of the commercial letter of credit, which
serves the same purpose as the traveller’s letter of credit and puts the credit
of the bank in place of the importer. The system is now widely used in the
world and the principal method of payment of Vietnam foreign trade
organization in dealing with foreign firms. The system works as following:
(1) The importer asks his own bank to open a credit in favour of the
exporter, usually on a specially printed application form.
(2) The importer’s bank then sends a letter of credit to the exporter or,
more usually, arranges for one of its branches or correspondents in the
exporter’s country to do so.
(3) From this point the exporter deals with the correspondent bank and
when the goods are shipped, prepares the shipping documents and presents
them (more often than not with a bill of exchange drawn on the
correspondent bank) to the correspondent bank, which "pays" for them
within the limits of the authorized credit and sends them to the importer's
(4) The importer’s bank in turn passes the documents to the importer
either against payment or against his acceptance of a bill of exchange, if one
accompanies the documents.
In effect, the importer’s bank is temporarily providing the funds from
which the exporter is paid, though it will usually require the importer to
maintain a sufficient balance in his account to cover the credit.
The following table is a summary of commecrial credit transactions
covering a consignment from British Exporter to Vietnamese Importer.
Credit issued in Hanoi Credit used in London
asks "sells" documents to
to authorize which sends them to
to pay which obtains payment from
Chapter 7 - Payment 183
The credit can be either revocable or irrevocable. Under a revocable
letter of credit the importer is free to modify or even to cancel it with so
much as giving notice to the exporter, but an irrevocable letter of credit can
be neither amended nor withdrawn without permission of the exporter to
whom it is granted ; the exporter can, therefore, rely on being paid.
Following is the Specimen of an irrevocable Letter of Credit of Barelays
Bank International Limited.
Sample 10.
Dear Mr Medway,
Thank you for your advice of the 15 May. We have now effected shipment
to our customers in New Zealand and enclose the shipping documents you
asked for and our draft for £23,100 which includes your discount,
commission, plus charges.
Will you please accept the draft and remit the proceeds to our account at
the Midland Bank, Oxford Street, London?
Yours sincerely,
N. Smith
Senior Shipping Clerk
• Bill of lading (6 copies)
• Commercial invoice c.i.f. Wellington (four copies)
• A.R. Insurance certificate for £24.200
• Draft 2152/1
Correspondence connected with these credits is very technical, as is evident
from the complicated nature of the printed forms used by the banks, and
should be handled by someone who is thoroughly familiar with the practice.

1. Payments by L/C
a. Foreign Buyer’s Order
Sample 11.
Dear Sirs
Re: Our order No. 361
We would like to thank you for your quotation for paints and details of the

184 Chapter 7 - Payment

arrangements for payment. We now wish to place the enclosed order with
you. As we are in urgent need of several of the items, we should be glad if
you would make up and ship the order at your earliest convenience.
We have instructed Vietcombank Hochiminh City to open a credit for US
$15,000 in your favor, effective until 10th November. The credit will be
confirmed by Barclays Bank London E.C.3 who will accept your draft on
them at 60 days for the full amount of your invoice. Please attach the
following documents to your draft:
- Bill of Lading in duplicate
- Commercial Invoice, in triplicate
- Insurance Policy for US $15,000.
Your invoice should include C.I.F. London, and the amount of your credit is
sufficient to cover invoice cost and your bank commission on the draft.
Please advise us by airmail when the goods have been dispatched.
Yours faithfully
1. instruct chỉ thị cho, chỉ dẫn
2. draft hối phiếu
3. Bill of Lading vận đơn
4. duplicate hai bộ
5. triplicate ba bộ
6. Insurance Policy Hợp đồng bảo hiểm
7. sufficient đủ
8. cover chi trả
9. commission hoa hồng
10. advise thông báo
11. airmail đường hàng không
12. dispatch gửi/ vận chuyển (hàng)

b. Exporter’s acknowledgement
Sample 12.
Dear Ms. Thao Van
We have received your order and are pleased to confirm that all the items

Chapter 7 - Payment 185

required are in stock. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity of supplying
you and we are quite sure you will be satisfied both with the quality of our
goods and service.
Your choice of payment is quite acceptable to us, and we note that this will
be by irrevocable letter of credit for a sum not exceeding US $15,000, valid
until 10th November. When we receive confirmation of this credit from the
Barklay Bank London E.C.3, we will make up your order and despatch the
goods immediately.
We may assure you that this order and all your further orders will receive
our prompt attention.
Yours sincerely
1. irrevocable không thể hủy ngang
2. exceed vượt quá
3. make up thực hiện
4. despatch gửi/ vận chuyển (hàng)
5. prompt nhanh chóng

2. Documentary credit – stages in transaction

a. Buyer approaches Bank
Sample 13.
Dear Sirs
We have just concluded an agreement to purchase monthly shipments of …
from... over the next six months and would like to make use of international
payment facilities by opening a series of monthly credits for $2000 each in
favour of… It has been agreed that we provide credits with a bank …
against which our supplier would draw for the value of shipment as they are
Please let us know on what terms you would be prepared to arrange the
necessary credits and to handle the shipping documents for us.
Yours faithfully
1. shipments hàng (được gửi trên tàu)

186 Chapter 7 - Payment

2. make use of sử dụng
3. payment facilities các hình thức thanh toán
4. in favour of thụ hưởng, hươnglợi
5. draw đòi tiền
6. handle xử lý
7. shipping documents chứng từ giao hàng

b. Bank offers to provide credit

Sample 14.
Dear Sirs
We thank you for your inquiry of 15th March. We shall be pleased to handle
the shipments (referred to) and arrange for the necessary documentary
credit with our Bank against deposit of Bill of Lading and other shipping
documents. If you complete and return the enclosed form we will make the
Our commission charges for irrevocable documentary credits would be 1/8
to 1/4% on each of the monthly credits, to which must be added 1/4% for
irrevocable credits and also our charges for such items as telegrams and
postages. In return for these charges you have our assurance that your
interests would be carefully protected.
Yours faithfully
1. documentary credit tín dụng chứng từ
2. deposit gửi tiền
3. Bill of Lading Vận Đơn
4. shipping documents chứng từ gửi hàng
5. commission charges phí hoa hồng
6. telegram điện tín
7. postage bưu phí
8. in return for đổi lại
9. assurance sự đảm bảo
10. interest quyền lợi

Chapter 7 - Payment 187

c. Buyer instructs Bank
Sample 15.
Dear Sirs
I have completed and enclose the form of application for a documentary
credit received with your letter of 17th March and shall be glad if you will
arrange by telegram to open for our account with your bank irrevocable
credits for $2,000 a month in favour of… the credits to be valid until 30th
September next.
To enable them to use the credits the company must present the following
- Bill of lading in triplicate
- One copy of the invoice
- Certificate of policy of insurance
- Certificate of Origin
and draw on your bank at 60 d/s for each consignment for the value of
about £2,000.
Yours faithfully
1. form of application đơn xin (mở L/C)
2. irrevocable không hủy ngang
3. in favour of cho ai được thụ hưởng
4. present xuất trình
5. triplicate ba bộ
6. Certificate of policy of insurance Giấy chứng nhận bảo hiểm
7. Certificate of Origin Giấy chứng nhận xuất xứ
8. draw on ký phát hối phiếu đòi tiền
9. consignment lô hàng

d. Bank agrees to open credit

Sample 16.
Dear Sirs
As instructed in your letter of 20th March we are arranging to open a

188 Chapter 7 - Payment

documentary credit in your favour valid until 30th September. You will find
enclosed a copy of our telegram opening the credit. We shall be glad if you
will check it to ensure that it agrees with your instructions.
As soon as the credits are used we will debit your account with the amount
notified to us as having been drawn against them.
We shall take all necessary steps to make sure that your instructions are
carefully carried out, but wish to make it clear that we cannot assume any
responsibility for the safety of the goods, or for delays since these are
matters beyond our control.
Yours faithfully
1. instruct chỉ thị
2. instructions việc chỉ thị
3. to debit ghi nợ
4. to notify thông báo
5. assume đảm bảo
6. beyond our control không nằm trong tầm kiểm soát

e. Buyer notifies Exporter

Sample 17.
Dear Sirs
This is to inform you that we have opened irrevocable credits in your favour
for £2,000 a month with…, valid until September next. The terms of credit
authorise you to draw at 80 days on the bank in… for the amount of your
invoices after each shipment. Before accepting your draft, which should
include all charges, the bank will require you to produce the following
- Bill of lading in triplicate
- One copy of the invoice covering C.I.F...
- Certificate of policy of insurance
- Certificate of origin
We will expect your first consignment about the middle of August.
Yours faithfully

Chapter 7 - Payment 189

1. terms of credit điều khoản tín dụng
2. authorise cho phép, ủy quyền

f. Bank issues L/C

Sample 18.
Dear Sirs
On instruction from Messrs … received through our office, we have opened
monthly irrevocable credits for £2,000 in your favour, valid until 30th
September next. You have authority to draw on us at 60 days against these
credits for the amount of your invoices upon shipment of… to... Your drafts
must be accompanied by the following documents, which are to be delivered
to us against our acceptance of the drafts:
- Bill of lading in triplicate
- Commercial invoice
- Insurance certificate
- Certificate of Origin
Provided you fulfill the terms of credit we will accept and pay at maturity
the drafts presented to us under these credits and, if required, provide
discounting facilities at current rates.
Yours faithfully
1. Messrs Các ông (viết tắt của Messieurs)
2. authority ủy quyền
3. draw on kí phát hối phiếu đòi tiền
4. accompany gửi kèm
5. fulfill hoàn thành
6. maturity đáo hạn
7. discounting facilities điều kiện chiết khấu
8. rate mức chiết khấu

g. Exporter presents documents

Sample 19.
Dear Sirs

190 Chapter 7 - Payment

Referring to your advice of 30th March, we enclose shipping documents for
the first of the monthly consignments to...
As required by them we have included all charges in our invoice which
amounts to £1,725.75 and enclose our draft at 60 days for this sum. We
shall be glad if, after acceptance, you will discount it at the current rate and
remit the net amount to our account with...
We thank you for your help in this matter.
Yours faithfully
1. advice thông báo
2. amount (to) lên đến
3. sum tổng số tiền
4. remit chuyển tiền

h. Bank debits Buyer

Sample 20.
Dear Sirs
As instructed by your letter of 20th March, our bank has for your account a
bill for £1,725.75 drawn by… for the first of… to you on SS… We have
debited your account with this our charges amounting to £4.30.
The ship left... on 22nd April and is due to arrive in… on 2nd May. The
shipping documents for this consignment are now with us and we shall be
glad if you will arrange to collect them.
Yours faithfully
1. B/E hối phiếu
2. to debit ghi nợ
3. charges chi phí
4. due đáo hạn
5. collect thu tiền

1. Advice of payment
Sample 21.

Chapter 7 - Payment 191

Dear Mr. …
Thank you for being so prompt in sending the documents for our last order
No. 14463. We have accepted the sight draft, and the bank should be
sending you an advice shortly.
We have been dealing with you on a cash against documents basis for over a
year and would like to change to payment by 40-day bill of exchange,
documents against acceptance.
When we first contacted you last February, you told us that you would be
prepared to reconsider terms of payment once we had established a trading
association. We think that sufficient time has elapsed for us to be allowed
the terms we have asked for. If you need references, we will be glad to
supply them.
As we will be sending another order within the month, could you please
confirm that you agree to these new terms of payment?
Yours sincerely
1. sight draft hối phiếu trả ngay
2. advice thông báo
3. shortly sớm
4. cash against documents thanh toán đổi lấy chứng từ
5. documents against acceptance chấp nhận thanh toán đổi lấy chứng từ
6. trading association mối quan hệ thương mại
7. sufficient đủ
8. elapse trôi qua
9. references địa chỉ tham khảo

2. Acknowledgement of payment
Sample 22.
Dear Mr. …
Thank you for your letter of ... enclosing cheque for $... in full settlement of
our invoice dated...
We enclose our official receipt.
Yours sincerely

192 Chapter 7 - Payment

3. Delayed payment
a. Request for more time
Sample 23.
Dear Mr. …
I am sorry that we were not able to clear your November statement for
$3,880 and December invoice, No.7713 for $289. We had intended to pay
the statement as usual, but a large cash shipment to one of our customers in
Australia was part of the cargo destroyed in the fire on the SS Tippa when
she docked-in Bombay in late November.
Our insurance company have promised us compensation within the next few
weeks, and once we have received this, the account will be paid in full.
We know you will appreciate the situation and hope you can bear with us
until the matter is settled.
Yours sincerely
1. clear thanh toán
2. account statement bảng quyết toán, sao kê
3. large cash shipment lô hàng có giá trị lớn (về tiền mặt)
4. cargo hàng hóa (chở trên tàu thủy hoặc máy bay)
5. to dock cập bến
6. compensation tiền bồi thường
7. bear with chịu đựng
8. settle giải quyết

b. Replying to request for more time

Sample 24.
Dear Ms. ...
Thank you for your letter of 5 January regarding our November statement
and December invoice No. 7713.
We were sorry to hear about the difficulties you have had, and understand
the situation, but would appreciate it if you could clear the account as soon
as possible, as we ourselves have suppliers to pay.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely

Chapter 7 - Payment 193

4. Request for payment
a. First request
Sample 25.
Dear Mr. …
I am writing to ask why you have not settled our invoice No. H931 for
£919.63, a copy of which is enclosed.
I know that since we began trading you have cleared your accounts
regularly on the due dates. That is why I wondered if any problems have
arisen which I might be able to help you with. Please let me know if I can be
of assistance.
Yours sincerely

b. Reply to the first request

Sample 26.
Dear Mr. ...
I was surprised to receive your letter of the 20th November in which you
said you had not received payment for invoice No. H931.
I instructed my bank, The Welsh Co-operative Bank, Swansea, to credit your
account in Barnley’s Bank, Cardiff, with the £919.63 some time ago.
As my bank statement showed the money had been debited to my account, I
assumed that it had been credited to your account as well. It is possible that
your bank has not advised you yet. Could you please check this with
Barnley's, and if there are any problems let me know, so that I can make
enquiries here?
Yours sincerely

c. Second request
Sample 27.
Dear Mr. ...
We wrote to you on 10 August and enclosed copy invoices which made up
your June statement, the balance of which still remains outstanding.

194 Chapter 7 - Payment

Having dealt with you for some time, we were disappointed in neither
receiving your remittance nor any explanation as to why the balance has
not been cleared. Please would you either send us a reply or cheque to clear
the account within the next seven days? Thank you.
Yours sincerely

d. Reply to the second request

Sample 28.
Dear Mr. Costello
First let me apologize for not having cleared your June statement or
replying to your letter of 10 August. However, I am surprised that you did
not receive our circular letter informing all our suppliers that we were
moving from Milano to Torino. I have checked our postbook, and find that a
letter was sent to you on June 30.
As you will see from the copy enclosed, we warned suppliers that during the
move, there might be some delay in clearing accounts and replying to
correspondence, as the move would involve replacing more than half our
staff with new people who needed time to get used to our accounts and filing
You will be pleased to hear that we have now settled into our new offices
and will have a fully trained staff by the end of next month. Meanwhile, I am
enclosing a cheque for $300,000 on account, and will send a full settlement
of your June statement within the next few days.
Could you please note our new address, which is on the heading of this
letter, for future reference?
Yours sincerely
Enc. Bank Draft No. 427322 for $300,000
1. circular letter thư thông báo
2. postbook sổ thư
3. filing system hệ thống sổ sách

Chapter 7 - Payment 195

I. Gap filling
Dear Mr. ...
I am sorry to tell you that I will not be able to (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my bill,
No. BE7714 (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on 6 June.
My government has put an embargo on all machine (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to
Zurimba, and consequently we have found ourselves in temporary (4)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as we had three major cash (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for that
country. However, I am at present discussing sales of these consignments
with two large Brazilian importers, and am certain that they will take the
Could you allow me a (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 days to (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
my account, and draw a new bill on me, with (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of, say
6% added for the (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of time?
I would be most (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . if you could help me in this matter.
Yours sincerely

Dear Mr. Franksen
Bill No. BE 7711
I was sorry to learn about the embargo your country has (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
on exports to Zurimba and of the problems this has created. However, the
above bill has already (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . credit for 40 days, and although
I appreciate your offer for an (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6% interest on the
£4,360 (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , it is financially (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to allow
a further 60 days credit as I myself have (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I think the following (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . might help us both.
You need not add interest on the present amount, but I have enclosed a new
draft (BE7731) for £2,180 which is (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the outstanding
balance, and will allow you 40 days to pay it. But I expect you to pay the (9)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viz. £2,180 by banker's draft.

Please confirm your (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by signing the enclosed bill and

196 Chapter 7 - Payment

returning it to me with your draft by (11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of post.
I wish you luck with your negotiations with the Brazilian importers and
hope that this (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . will soon be resolved.
Yours sincerely
Encl. Bill BE 7731

Dear Mr. …
Account No. TY G 996 14
I wrote to you on two occasions, 21 October and 14 November, (1) . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . the above account which now has an (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . balance
of £1541.46 and is made up of the copy invoices (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I have waited three months for either a (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to explain why
the balance has not been cleared, or a (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , but have
received neither.
Although I am (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to take legal action to recover the
amount, you leave me no (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Therefore, (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.I receive your remittance within the next ten days, my solicitors will be (9)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to start proceedings to (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the debt.

Yours sincerely
Encl. invoice copies

Dear Mr Merton
I deeply (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that at this moment in time I am unable to (2)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . your Invoice dated 9 May for my order No. 3716 for ten
Lotus dinner services at £35 each, catalogue number L3D5, and twenty
'Wedgwood' dinner services at £43 each, catalogue number W218.
The consignment arrived in good (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and as usual I
admired the quality and elegance of your products. They always (4) . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 7 - Payment 197

..........very well in my two shops here in Nancy. Unfortunately, two days
after the arrival of the consignment, disaster struck. After several
centimetres of incessant rain my stockroom was completely (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
and much of the stock damaged or destroyed.
I am waiting with great (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for my insurers to settle my (7)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , but meanwhile it is with sorrow that I have to tell you
that I am (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to pay any of my suppliers. However, on a
more optimistic note, I am able to inform you that the aforementioned
insurers have (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . me compensation within the next four
weeks. When I receive this, I will take measures to pay all my suppliers as
soon as I possibly can.
(10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that you will understand this difficult situation.
I remain….
Your humble servant
Jean Morreau (M.)

Attention: Mr. S. Stuart, Sales Manager 10th May, 19
Dear Sirs,
(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to your statement of 30th April 20…, we have to inform
you that it is not yet possible for us to (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . our obligations
and pay you the (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sum of £6,000 which was (4) . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . on 31st March 20…

You may have seen newspaper reports on the fire which (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
at our warehouse on 20th March; this caused excessive losses, (6) . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . which we have not yet been compensated (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . full.
May we therefore ask you for a three months’ extension of (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
We hope to be able to make payment of the (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sum by the
middle of July. We need hardly point out that these circumstances are
exceptional, and (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you will understand our present
Yours faithfully,
Ken Tempterton

198 Chapter 7 - Payment

II. Translation

English - Vietnamese
1. I have instructed my bank, today, to transfer USD 1,000 to your account
in payment of your invoice. Could you confirm the transfer has been made
as soon as the correspondent bank advises you?



2. We have accepted your bill and now have the documents. We shall
collect the consignment as soon as it arrives in Saigon and honour your draft
at maturity.



3. Our bank informs us that they now have the shipping documents and will
be transfering the proceeds of our L/C to your account.


4. We have instructed our bank to arrange a letter of credit for ... to be paid
against your pro-forma invoice No..., and the proceeds will be credited to
you as soon as Vietcombank receive the documents.



5. Our bank informed us today that you accepted our bill and the documents
have been transfered to you. Thank you for your custom and hope you will
be in touch with us again.


Chapter 7 - Payment 199



6. In view of the difficulties you have been having, we are prepared to

compromise and suggest that you clear half the outstanding balance
immediately by sending a cheque for... and clear the remainder by the end
of next month.




7. We must now insist that you clear this account within the next seven
days, or at least offer an explanation for not paying it.


8. I would like your remittance by return of post, or failing that, your

reasons for not clearing this account.


9. We had expected this matter to have been settled at least two months ago,
but you have shown no indication of cooperating with us.


10. Thank you for sending your cheque for invoice No. … so promptly. We
feel sure that you will be pleased with the consignment and look forward to
receiving your next order.




200 Chapter 7 - Payment

11. A warehouse flood destroyed the majority of the components that were
to be fitted into Zenith 900. We are waiting for our insurance company to
settle our claim so that we can renew our stock and pay our suppliers.



12. When we allowed open account terms, we emphasized this was only on
the condition that balances were cleared promptly on due dates as credit
facilities put a strain on out own cash low situation. Because of this we
cannot extend the credit by another two months.




13. As you are usually prompt in settling your accounts, we wonder whether
there is any special reason why we have not received payment of this
account, which is already a month overdue.



14. To regular customers such as yourself our terms of payment are 3% one
month, and we hope you will not withhold payment any longer; otherwise it
will be necessary for us to revise these terms.



15. We were disappointed that you did not bother to reply to either of our
letters asking you to clear your account, and you have left us no alternative
but to take legal action.

Chapter 7 - Payment 201



16. It is with the utmost regret that we have reached the stage when we must
press for immediate payment. Failing payment by 7 August you will leave
us no choice but to put the matter into the hand of our solicitor.



17. It was in consideration of the present economic climate that we allowed you
a two-month period to settle, and while we would like to offer you more time to
clear the balance, our own financial position makes this impossible. Therefore
we must ask you to settle the account within the next fortnight.




18. When we arranged payment terms we offered you payment against

monthly statements, yet it has been three months since you promised the
account would be cleared.



19. As we have traded for some time, we have not pressed for payment.
However, we must now insist that either you settle the account or offer a
reasonable explanation for not doing so.



20. The failure either to clear your account or even to offer an explanation is
all disappointing because of our past satisfactory dealings over many years.

202 Chapter 7 - Payment




Vietnamese - English
1. Chúng tôi muốn thông báo với quý ngài là chúng tôi đã thu xếp chuyển
tiền cho quý ngài qua ngân hàng. Chúng tôi chuyển ...$ để thanh toán cho
hóa đơn số...



2. Ngân hàng đã thông báo với chúng tôi là số tiền ... mà quý ngài chuyển
đã được ghi có vào tài khoản của chúng tôi. Cảm ơn quý ngài đã thanh toán
đúng hạn.



3. Cuộc đình công của công nhân bến cảng khiến chúng tôi không thể giao
hàng được và vì khách hàng không thể trả tiền cho chúng tôi nên chúng tôi
cũng chưa thể thanh toán nợ cho các nhà cung cấp được.



4. Chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng thanh toán hóa đơn trong vòng vài tuần tới. Trong khi
chờ đợi, chúng tôi gửi kèm tấm séc trị giá ... để thanh toán một phần số nợ.


5. Tôi rất tiếc khi nghe tin quý ngài đang gặp khó khăn trong việc... và hiểu
rằng hàng không bán được thì sẽ khó có thể thanh toán các khoản nợ còn lại.

Chapter 7 - Payment 203



6. Qua thư của quý ngài ngày... giải thích lý do hóa đơn số... chưa được
thanh toán, chúng tôi rất hiểu những khó khăn quý ngài đang gặp phải.


7. Chúng tôi viết thư cho quý ngài về khoản nợ quá hạn trong tháng 10 trị giá...,
và gửi kèm bản sao hóa đơn mà lẽ ra phải được thanh toán tháng trước.


8. Chúng tôi đã viết thư cho quý ngài vào ngày 3/3 về bản quyết toán tháng
1 vẫn chưa được thanh toán. Kèm theo đây quý ngài sẽ thấy bản quyết toán.


9. Chúng tôi cho rằng quý ngài đã có đủ thời gian để thanh toán khoản nợ
này và giờ đây nhất định quý ngài phải thanh toán trong vòng 10 ngày tới.


10. Nếu chúng tôi không nhận chi phiếu thanh toán đầy đủ khoản nợ vào
cuối tháng này, chúng tôi buộc phải nhờ luật sư thu hồi nợ.


11. Chúng tôi muốn quý ngài lưu ý rằng chúng tôi đã chào bán cho quý ngài
giá thấp trên cơ sở thanh toán tiền sớm.


12. Chúng tôi rất mong quý ngài hiểu rằng việc chúng tôi không thanh toán
nợ đúng hạn là do sơ ý.

204 Chapter 7 - Payment


13. Chúng tôi rất thông cảm với vấn đề quý ngài gặp phải trong việc thanh
toán số nợ còn lại và sẵn sàng gia hạn nợ thêm 6 tuần nữa.


14. Từ khi chúng tôi viết thư cho quý ngài ngày... về khoản nợ còn lại chưa
được thanh toán trị giá ..., chúng tôi vẫn chưa nhận được thư trả lời. Xét
thấy quý ngài đã ủng hộ chúng tôi trong thời gian qua, nên trước đây, chúng
tôi đã không hối thúc quý ngài thanh toán.




15. Cảm ơn quý ngài đã viết thư và giải thích cho chúng tôi biết tại sao số
nợ trong tháng 5 vẫn chưa được thanh toán. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi không thể
gia hạn nợ thêm nữa vì chúng tôi cho hưởng mức chiết khấu cao đổi lại việc
thanh toán đúng hạn.




16. Chúng tôi sẽ cho quý ngài thêm 7 ngày nữa để gửi tiền cho chúng tôi,
sau thời gian này vấn đề sẽ được chuyển cho luật sư chúng tôi giải quyết.


17. Chúng tôi cảm thấy đã đủ kiên nhẫn và đã xem xét rất kỹ lưỡng. Tuy
nhiên, bây giờ chúng tôi rất tiếc phải thực hiện các biện pháp để thu hồi nợ
theo luật.

Chapter 7 - Payment 205



18. Xét thấy quý ngài đã ủng hộ chúng tôi trong thời gian qua, chúng tôi sẵn
sàng cho phép quý ngài thanh toán một nửa của khoản nợ bằng cách gửi
chúng tôi hối phiếu trả ngay và thanh toán phần còn lại bằng cách chấp nhận
hối phiếu đính kèm ký phát thời hạn 30 ngày.




19. Do quy định của chúng tôi là kinh doanh dựa trên lợi nhuận thấp nên
chúng tôi tiếc là không thể dành cho quý ngài hưởng điều kiện tín dụng dài
hạn được.



20. Chúng tôi rất ngạc nhiên và thất vọng vì không nhận được thư trả lời của
quý ngài cho 2 lá thư của chúng tôi ngày... nhắc quý ngài về khoản nợ còn
lại trị giá.



III. Letter writing

Letter 1
Công ty anh/ chị đã nhận được lô hàng từ công ty Glaston Potteries cùng với
hóa đơn đề ngày... Tuy nhiên, công ty không thể thanh toán như thời hạn ghi
trong hóa đơn. Anh/ chị hãy viết thư gửi ông John Merton, giám đốc kinh
doanh của Glaston để xin lỗi và yêu cầu cho thêm thời gian để thanh toán

206 Chapter 7 - Payment

với những gợi ý sau:
- Kho hàng bị lụt, nhiều hàng hóa bị hư hỏng
- Chúng ta chỉ có thể thanh toán khi công ty bảo hiểm bồi thường cho
chúng ta trong vòng 4 tuần tới.
- Cam kết chúng ta sẽ thanh toán đầy đủ khi nhận được bồi thường và
mong đối tác thông cảm.
Anh/ chị có thể thêm bớt bất kỳ thông tin nào để thư được hoàn thiện.
Bắt đầu thư bằng “Dear Mr. …”




















Chapter 7 - Payment 207
















Letter 2
Your company has received a letter dated 28 April from UK Cycles Ltd
concerning your outstanding account for $2,700.00 for three months, in
which they asked you to pay within the next ten days. Write a reply to this
letter, using the following prompts:
- Thank them for their letter (please quote dates)
- Explain about the fire at Head Office. Say that it destroyed a lot of
computer data which has disrupted all correspondence with suppliers
and customers, and we need time to get back to our normal routine.
- Request a further 30 days to settle as politely as possible.
- Say your insurer will release compensation with the coming month, so
we can pay the outstanding account in full.
- Start with “Dear Mr. …”

208 Chapter 7 - Payment



























Chapter 7 - Payment 209

Letter 3
Công ty anh/ chị đã nhận được thư trả lời từ công ty ABC chuyên cung cấp
máy tính văn phòng cho thư hỏi hàng viết ngày 19 tháng 4, năm 20…
Anh/ chị hãy viết thư đặt hàng cho công ty ABC về chủng loại máy tính
C2000, D16, đính kèm đơn đặt hàng số 8815. Trong thư này, anh/ chị hãy
nhấn mạnh những nội dung sau:
1. Những điều khoản trong thư trả lời của công ty ABC là hoàn toàn thỏa
2. Công ty anh/ chị đã chỉ thị cho ngân hàng của anh/ chị, Ngân hàng Công
thương ở TP. HCM, Việt Nam mở thư tín dụng không thể hủy ngang trị giá
22.000 bảng Anh cho công ty ABC thụ hưởng. Thư tín dụng này đã tính
theo giá CIF và chi phí ngân hàng, có giá trị cho đến 10 ngày tháng 6 năm
3. Công ty ABC sẽ nhận được xác nhận từ Ngân hàng chúng tôi và công ty
ABC có thể rút tiền từ Ngân hàng sau 60 ngày với số tiền ghi trên hóa đơn.
4. Khi gửi hối phiếu cho ngân hàng, công ty ABC phải đính kèm những
chứng từ sau:
- Vận đơn (6 bản sao)
- Hóa đơn CIF Hải Phòng (4 bản sao)
- Giấy chứng nhận bảo hiểm trị giá 24,2 bảng Anh
Công ty ABC sẽ gửi fax hay điện tín cho công ty chúng tôi ngay sau khi
công ty ABC gửi hàng.
Anh/ chị có thể thêm các chi tiết khác để lá thư đầy đủ.
Bắt đầu thư bằng “Dear …”








210 Chapter 7 - Payment




























Chapter 7 - Payment 211

In this chapter, you can learn:
1. Complaint of wrong delivery
a. Complaint
b. Reply
2. Complaint concerning damage
a. Complaint
b. Reply (accepting complaint)
3.Complaint of bad workmanship
a. Complaint
b. Reply
4. Complaint of non-delivery
a. Complaint
b. Reply
5. Complaints concerning shortage of goods
a. Complaint
b. Reply
I. Gap filling
1. Complaint about damage
2. Complaint of wrong goods
3. Complaint concerning quality
4. Complaint of frequent late deliveries
5. Reply
II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - English
III. Letter writing
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3
Letter 4
Letter 5 ð

212 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

1. Acknowledge receipt of the goods
2. State the condition of the goods
3. Enclose necessary documents
4. State the reason to complain
5. Suggest solutions
6. Hope for the action

1. Acknowledge receipt of complaint
2. Explain the mistake
3. Solve the problem
4. Reject a complaint
5. Repeat apologies
6. Wait for the acceptance

Hints for writing complaints and replies

1. Opening
• We would like to inform you ...
• I am writing to complain about...
• I am writing with reference to Order No. P32, which we received
2. Explaining the problem
• Could you tell your despatch department to take special care when
addressing consignments? My name and address are C. J. Schwartz,
Bergstr.101Köln. But there is a C. Schwartz, Köln who also
deals in electrical fittings.
• Could you ask your accounts department to check my code carefully in
future? My account number is 246-642, but they have been sending me
statements coded 642-246.
• I think the reason that wrong sizes have been sent to me is because I am
ordering in metric sizes, and you are sending me sizes measured in feet
and inches. I would appreciate your looking into this.

Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 213

3. Suggesting solutions
• If I send you a debit note for €984.00 and deduct it from my next
statement that should put the matter right. The best solution would be for
me to return the wrong articles, charging you P&P.
• Rather than send a credit note you could send six replacements, which
would probably be easier than adjusting our accounts.


1. Opening
• Thank you for your letter of 6 August informing us that...
• We would like to thank you for informing us of our accounting error in
your letter of 7 June.
• We are replying to your letter of 10 March in which you told us that...
2. Asking for time to investigate a complaint
• While we cannot give you an explanation at present, we are looking into
the problem and will contact you again shortly.
• As we are sending out orders promptly, I think these delays may be
occurring during transit. I shall get in touch with the haulage
• Would you please return samples of the items you are dissatisfied with,
and I will send them to our factory in Dusseldorf for tests.
3. Explaining mistakes
• The mistake was due to a fault in one of our machines, which has now
been corrected.
• There appears to have been some confusion in our addressing system,
but this has been sorted out.
• It is unusual for this type of error to arise, but the problem has now been
dealt with.
4. Solving problems
• We have now checked our accounts and find that we have been sending
you the wrong statement due to a confusion in names and addresses. The
database has been adjusted and there should be no more difficulties.
Please contact us again if a similar situation arises, and thank you again
for pointing out the error.
214 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims
• The paintwork on the body of the cars became discoloured because of a
chemical imbalance in the paint used in spraying the vehicles. We have
already contacted our own suppliers and are waiting for their reply.
Meanwhile we are taking these models out of production and calling in
all those that have been supplied.
• The fabric you complained about has now been withdrawn. The fault was
in the weave of the cloth, which was due to a programming error in the
weaving machines. This has now been corrected and replacementfabric
will be sent to you.
5. Rejecting a complaint
• We have closely compared the articles you returned with our samples and
can see no difference between them. Therefore, in this case we are not
willing either to substitute the articles or to offer a credit.
• Ourfactory has now inspected the unit you returned last week, and they
inform us that the circuits were overloaded. We can repair the machine,
but it will be necessary to charge you as incorrect use of the unit is not
covered by our guarantee.
6. Closing
• In closing we would like to apologize for the inconvenience, and also
point out that this type offault rarely occurs in the Omega z000.
• Finally, may we say that this was an exceptional mistake and is unlikely
to occur again? Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
• Replacements for the faulty articles are on their way to you, and you
should receive them tomorrow. We are sure that you will be satisfied with
them and there will be no repetition of the faults. Thank you for your
patience in this matter, and we look forward to hearing from you again.

1. Complaint of wrong delivery
a. Complaint
Sample 1
Dear Richard
Wrong delivery (order No.1695)
I received a consignment of dressing tables, Cat. No. DT154, to the above

Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 215

order yesterday. However, the delivery consisted of six heavy mahogany-
finished dressing tables instead of the light pine-finished units I asked for.
As I have firm orders for the design I asked for, I would be grateful if you
could send my consignment as soon as possible, and collect the wrongly
delivered goods. Thank you in advance.
Robert Hughes
1. dressing table bàn trang điểm
2. mahogany gỗ gụ
3. pine gỗ thông
4. in advance trước

b. Reply
Sample 2
Dear Robert
Re: Wrong delivery (order No.1695
Thank you for yesterday’s email concerning the above wrong delivery.
I have looked into it and find that our current winter catalogue lists the
dressing tables you wanted under DT189. I think you must have used last
summer’s catalogue.
I have instructed one of our drivers to deliver the pine-finished dressing
tables tomorrow and pick up the other consignment.
Rather than sending you a credit note, I’ll cancel invoice No. D4451 and
include another, No. D4487, with the delivery.
There’s also a winter catalogue on its way to you, by post, in case you have
mislaid the current one.
Yours sincerely
Richard Cliff
1. look into xem xét kỹ
2. pick up nhận lại
3. credit note phiếu ghi có
4. mislay - mislaid - mislaid để mất, để thất lạc

216 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

2. Complaint concerning damage
a. Complaint
Sample 3
Dear Sig. Causio
Our Order No.14478
I am writing to you to complain about the shipment of sweaters we received
yesterday against the above order.
The boxes in which the sweaters were packed were damaged, and looked as
if they had been broken open in transit. From your invoice No.18871 we
estimate that thirty garments have been stolen, to the value of £550.00.
Because of the rummaging in the boxes, quite a few other garments were
crushed or stained and cannot be sold as new articles in our shops.
As the sale was on a CIF basis and the forwarding company were your
agents, we suggest you contact them with regard to compensation.
You will find a list of the damaged and missing articles enclosed, and the
consignment will be put to one side until we receive your instructions.
Yours sincerely
Peter Crane
Chief Buyer
1. in transit chuyển tải
2. estimate uớc lượng
3. rummaging sự lục lọi
4. quite a few nhiều
5. crushed nhàu, nhăn
6. stained vấy bẩn
7. put to one side cất riêng

b. Reply (accepting complaint)

Sample 4
Dear Mr Crane

Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 217

Thank you for informing us about the damage to our consignment (Inv. No.
From our previous transactions you will realize that this sort of problem is
quite unusual. Nevertheless, we are sorry about the inconvenience it has
caused you.
Please would you return the whole consignment to us, postage and packing
forward, and we will ask the shipping company to inspect the damage so
that they can arrange compensation. It is unlikely that our insurance
company needs to be troubled with this case.
If you want us to send you another shipment as per your order No. 14478,
please let us know. We have the garments in stock and it would be no
trouble to send them within the next fortnight.
Yours sincerely
Daniele Causio
Sales Director
1. postage bưu phí
2. compensation tiền bồi thường
3. fortnight hai tuần

3. Complaint of bad workmanship

a. Complaint
Sample 5
Dear Mr Lane
‘Superbuys’, 443 Halton Road, London SE4 3TN
I am writing to you with reference to the above premises which you refitted
last February.
In the past few weeks a number of faults have appeared in the electrical
circuits and the flooring which have been particularly dangerous to our
With regard to the electrical faults, we have found that spotlights have
either failed to work, or flicker while they are on, and replacing the bulbs

218 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

has not corrected the fault.
The flooring which you laid shows signs of deterioration, and some areas
are worn through to the concrete, creating a hazard to our customers.
I would be grateful if you could come and inspect the damage and arrange
for repairs within the next week. The matter is urgent as we can be sued if
any of our customers are injured. I would also take this opportunity to
remind you that you have guaranteed all your fixtures and fittings for one
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely
Keith Bellon
Managing Director

1. premises Cơ sở vật chất
2. refit sửa chữa lại, tan trang
3. electrical circuit mạch điện
4. flooring sự lót sàn, nguyên vật liệu lót nền
5. spotlight đèn pha
6. flicker nhấp nháy
7. bulb bóng đèn tròn
8. deterioration (sự) hư hỏng, (sự) làm giảm giá trị
9. worn through mòn
10. concrete bê-tông
11. hazard mối nguy hiểm
12. inspect kiểm tra, giám định
13. sue kiện
14. be injured bị thương
15. fixture đồ đạc, thiết bị được lắp ráp cố định
16. fitting đồ đạc, thiết bị

Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 219

b. Reply
Sample 6
Dear Mr Bellon
'Superbuys’, 443 Halton Road, London SE4 3TN
The damage you described in your letter of 7 July has now been inspected.
The faults in the wiring appear to have been caused by dripping water from
the floor above. The electrical contractor, who put the wiring in in
February, tells me that the wall was dry at the time he replaced the old
wires. However, we will arrange for repairs to be made and seal off that
Durafloor is one of the most hard-wearing materials of its kind on the
market and we were surprised to hear that it had worn away within six
months, so we made a close inspection. We noticed that the floor had been
cut into and this seems to have been the result of dragging heavy metal
boxes across it. The one-year guarantee we offer on our workmanship is
against ‘normal wear and tear’, and the treatment the floor appears to have
been subjected to does not come into this category. I am quite willing to
arrange for the surface to be replaced, but we will have to charge you for
the materials and work involved. If I may, I would like to suggest that you
instruct your staff to use trolleys when shifting heavy containers.
I am sorry about the inconvenience you have experienced and will tell the
fitters to repair the damage as soon as I have your confirmation that they
can begin work.
The floor repairs should not come to more than £890 and the work can be
completed in less than a day. Perhaps you could ring me to arrange for a
convenient time for the work to be carried out?
Yours sincerely
Peter Lane
1. wiring mạng điện
2. dripping nhỏ giọt, rỉ giọt
3. contractor người thầu

220 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

4. seal off sửa chữa
5. hard-wearing dùng bền
6. drag lôi, kéo
7. workmanship tay nghề, sự sắc sảo
8. wear and tear hao mòntự nhiên
9. charge tính phí
10. trolley xe đẩy hàng
11. shift di chuyển
12. fitter thợ lắp ráp

4. Complaint of non-delivery
a. Complaint
Sample 7
Dear Herr Zeitman
Order No. VC 58391
We are writing to you with reference to the above order and our letter of 22
May in which we asked you when we could expect delivery of the 60
dynamos (Artex model 55) you were to have supplied on 3 June for an
export order. We have tried to contact you by phone, but no one in your
organization seemed to know anything about this matter.
It is essential that we deliver this consignment to our Greek customers on
time as this was an initial order from them and would give us an opening in
the Greek market.
Our deadline is 28 June, and the lorries have been completed except for the
dynamos that need to be fitted.
Unless we receive the components within the next five days, our customers
will cancel the order and place it elsewhere. We would like to make it clear
that we are holding you to your delivery contract, and if any loss results
because of this late delivery we will take legal action.
Yours sincerely
Michael Blackburn

Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 221

1. dynamo máy phát điện
2. initial đầu tiên
3. opening cơ hội
4. component thiết bị điện

b. Reply
Sample 8
Dear Mr Blackburn
Thank you for your letter of 20 June concerning your order (No. VC58391)
which should have been supplied to you on 3 June.
First, let me apologize for your order not being delivered on the due date
and for the problems you have experienced in getting in touch with us. Both
are the result of an industrial dispute which has involved our administrative
staff and employees on the shop floor, and has held up all production over
the past few weeks.
The dispute has now been settled and we are back to normal production.
There is a backlog of orders to fill, but we are using associate companies to
help us fulfil all outstanding commitments. Your order has been given
priority, so we should be able to deliver the dynamos before the end of this
May I point out, with respect, that your contract with us has a standard
clause stating that delivery dates would be met unless unforeseen
circumstances arose, and we think you will agree that an industrial dispute
is an exceptional circumstance. However, we understand your problem and
will allow you to cancel your contract if it will help you to meet your
commitments to your Greek customers. But we will not accept responsibility
for any action they may take against you.
Once again let me say how much I regret the inconvenience this delay has
caused, and emphasize that it was due to factors we could not have known
about when we accepted your delivery dates.
Please let me know if you wish us to complete your order or whether you
would prefer to make other arrangements.

222 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely

Rolf Zeitman
Managing Director
1. industrial dispute cuộc tranh chấp đình công
2. administrative staff nhân viên hành chính
3. shop floor khu vực sản xuất hàng hóa (trong một nhà máy)
4. hold up trì hoãn
5. backlog phần đơn hàng chưa được thực hiện
6. outstanding chưa giải quyết xong, tồn đọng
7. exceptional ngoại lệ

5. Complaints concerning shortage of goods

a. Complaint
Sample 9
Dear Sir or Madam
Your consignment under our Order No. 123 carried by SS Song Huong
arrived at our port today. After careful inspection it has been found that
against 24,000 tins of condensed milk ordered and invoiced, the
consignment contains only 23,460 tins. In fact, out of 500 cases received,
thirty cases bearing serial numbers CD48-CD 77 contained 30 tins each,
thus making a shortage of 540 tins.
Please examine the matter and arrange the shipment of missing tins as soon
as possible as we can accept them only if they arrive before the end of
Yours faithfully

b. Reply
Sample 10

Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 223

Dear Mrs. ...
We regret to learn from your letter of 7th August that in our last shipment
forwarded to you on SS Song Huong, 540 tins of condensed milk were
From the enclosed documents and packing list, you will see that the number
of cases and the tins coincides with that invoiced by us.
We would, therefore, advise you to address your claim to the Insurer, as, in
our opinion, this is a case of pilferage.
We expect you will have no difficulty in obtaining full indemnity from them,
and trust the matter will be settled to your satisfaction.
Yours sincerely


I. Gap filling
1. Complaint about damage
Dear Mr Harrison
I am writing to (1) . . . complain
. . . . . . . . . . . . . about a shipment of tubular steel
gardenfurniture we received yesterday against (2) . . . . . invoice. . . . . . . . . . . . No.
The (3) . . . . . . crates
. . . . . . . . . . . . . were damaged on the outside, and looked as if
they had been roughly (4) . . . . .handled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . When we unpacked them, we
found that some of the chair legs were bent and (5) . . . rusty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , and
the fabric on the seating (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , or showing signs of (7) . . . . . .

Two further crates from the (8) . . .cogsnment

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . have not arrived yet, so we
have not had the opportunity of (9) . . . .inspecting
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . them. I have told the
shipping company that we cannot accept this consignment from you, and
they have contacted your (10) . . . .issurers

As we will be unable to retail this consignment in our stores, we are

returning the shipment to you (11) . . . carriage . . . . . . , and shall we expect a
. . . . . . . . . . forward
full (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
Yours sincerely

224 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

Managing Director

2. Complaint of wrong goods

Dear Sirs
Our order No. TL 2643
We acknowledge receipt of full documents and the consignment under the
above-mentioned order on (1) . . .arrival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of SS. White Queen at
Saigon port on 5 December 20-- .
On first (2) . . . . .account
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . everything appeared to be correct and in
good (3) . . . .condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . except case No. 13. When we have this case (4)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , it has been found that it contained quite different (5)
. . . . . opened
. . . . . . . . . . . . ; and we can only presume that a mistake was made and
. . . . . . .articles
the contents of this case were for another (6) . . . order .................

As we are in urgent (7) . . need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the articles we ordered to

complete our sales to our own customers, we must ask you to arrange the
dispatch of (8) . . replacement
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as soon as possible.

We enclose the Survey Report (9) . . . . . issued

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . by local Vinacontrol
and the list of contents of case No. 13, and shall be glad if you will check
this with our order and your copy of the invoice.
In the meantime, we are holding the above-mentioned case at your (10)
. . . disposal
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please let us know what you wish us to do with it.

Yours faithfully

3. Complaint concerning quality

Dear Sir/ Madam
We have recently received several (1) . complaints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from customers
about your fountain pens. The pens are clearly not giving (2) .satisfactory . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
and in some cases we have had to refund the purchase price.
The pens (3) . complained
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . about are part of the batch of 500 supplied
against our order number 8562 dated 28 March. This order was placed on
the (4) . . . . basis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of a sample pen left by your representative. We
have ourselves (5) . . . . . . . . compared . . . . . . . . . . . the performance of this sample with

Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 225

that of a number of the pens from this batch, and there is little doubt that
many of them are (6) . . . . . . .faulty
. . . . . . . . . . . . - some of them leak and others blot
when writing.
The complaints we have received (7) . . . .relate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . only to pens from
the batch mentioned above. Pens supplied before these have always been
(8) . . . . . . . .satisfactory

We, therefore, wish you to accept return of the unsold (9) . . .balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
amounting to 377 pens, and replace them with pens of the quality our
earlier dealings with you have led us to expect. Please let us know what
(10) . . . .arrange
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you wish us to make for their return.

Yours faithfully

4. Complaint of frequent late deliveries

Dear Mr. …
We ordered 6 filing (1) . . cabinets
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from you on 2 July on the
understanding that they would be (2) . . . . .delivered
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . within one week.
However, these were not received until this morning.
Unfortunately, there have been similar (3) . . delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on several
previous occasions, and their (4) . . . . increasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . frequency in recent
months compels us to say that business between us cannot continue in
conditions such as (5) . .these ..................

We have felt it necessary to make our (6) . . . . . .feelings . . . . . . . . . . . . . known since we

cannot give reliable (7) . . . . delivery
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dates to our customers unless we
can count on (8) . .understanding
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . given by our suppliers.

We hope you will understand our (9) . . . . position

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in this matter, and
trust that from now on we can rely on (10) . . . . . . .punctual
. . . . . . . . . . . . delivery of our
Yours sincerely

5. Reply
Dear Mr. ...
Your letter of 18 July (1) . .regarding
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . delays in delivery came as a
surprise, as the absence of any (2) . . . . . . earlier . . . . . . . . . . . . . complaints led us to

226 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

believe that goods supplied to your orders were (3) . . . . reaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you
It is our usual practice to (4) . . . .deliver
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . goods well in advance of the
promised (5) . . . delivery
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dates, and the filing cabinets to which you
refer (6) . . . . . . . left
. . . . . . . . . . . . here on 5 July. We are very concerned that our
efforts to give punctual delivery should be (7) . .frustrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by delays in
transit. It is very possible that other customers are also (8) . . . . . . .affected . . . . . . . . . . .,
and we are taking up this whole question with our carriers.
We thank you for drawing our attention to a situation of (9) . . . . .which .............
we had been quite unaware until you wrote to us. Please accept our
apologies for the (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you have been caused.
Yours sincerely

II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
1. It was with our regret that the case No 24 under the above mentioned
order shipped on the M.S White Queen was reported damage.


2. We have passed your complaint to the firm of packers that handled this
consignment and have asked them to strengthen the material.


3. I am enclosing the survey report issued by Vinacontrol to the effect that

the damage was noticed when they were discharged at the port.


4. We shall be very much obliged if you will keep case No…. and its
contents until called for by our forwarding agents.


Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 227

5. We hope that this will not occur in the future and that our next orders will
be dispatched strictly according to our wishes.


6. After careful examination, it has been found that against 100 drums
ordered and invoiced the consignment contains only 98 drums.


7. We shall be very glad if you will send us replacements for the broken
articles, as we need these to complete our sales to our customers.


8. This is the third time this mistake has occurred and we are far from
satisfied with the service you offer.


9. Unless you can fulfill our orders efficiently in the future we will have to
consider changing to another supplier. Please ensure that this sort of
problem does not arise again.



10. Could you tell your despatch department to take special care when
addressing consignments? My name and address are C. J. Schwartz, Bergstr.
101 Koln. But there is a C. Schwartz, Bergstr. 110 Koln who also deals in
electrical fittings.



228 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims


11. We have now checked our accounts and find that we have been sending
you the wrong statement due to a confusion in names and addresses. The
database has been adjusted and there should be no more difficulties. Please
contact us again if a similar situation arises, and thank you again for
pointing out the error.





13. The factory have advised us that owing to an unexpected domestic

demand, they have been unable to cope with orders and are behind with
some deliveries.



14. We would offer you as a token of goodwill the sum of US $ 1000 in full
settlement of your claim.


15. We have closely compared the articles you returned with our samples
and can see no difference between them. Therefore, in this case we are not
willing either to substitute the articles or to offer a credit.



16. The paintwork on the body of the cars became discoloured because of a
chemical imbalance in the paint used in spraying the vehicles. We have
already contacted our own suppliers and are waiting for their reply.
Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 229
Meanwhile we are taking these models out of production and calling in all
those that have been supplied.





17. The fabric you complained about has now been withdrawn. The fault
was in the weave of the cloth, which was due to a programming error in the
weaving machines. This has now been corrected and replacement fabric will
be sent to you.




18. Our factory has now inspected the unit you returned last week, and they
inform us that the circuits were overloaded. We can repair the machine, but
it will be necessary to charge you as incorrect use of the unit is not covered
by our guarantee.




19. Replacements for the faulty articles are on their way to you, and you
should receive them tomorrow. We are sure that you will be satisfied with
them and there will be no repetition of the faults. Thank you for your
patience in this matter, and we look forward to hearing from you again.


230 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims



20. Finally, may we say that this was an exceptional mistake and is unlikely
to occur again. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.


Vietnamese – English
1. Bức thư này là để thông báo với các ngài rằng chúng tôi không nhận được
tin gì của các ngài về chuyến hàng theo đơn đặt hàng nói trên, lẽ ra chuyến
hàng này phải đến chỗ chúng tôi cách đây một tuần rồi.



2. Chúng tôi viết bức thư này để khiếu nại quý ngài về chuyến hàng xe máy
kéo theo đơn đặt hàng số HG12, mà chúng tôi chưa nhận được.


3. Số hàng mà chúng tôi nhận được có chất lượng kém hơn nhiều so với
mẫu của quý ngài.


4. Khi chúng tôi đặt đơn hàng này với các ngài, chúng tôi nhấn mạnh rằng
việc giao hàng ngay là rất quan trọng.


5. Điều cực kỳ cần thiết là hàng phải giao đúng thời gian; nếu không chúng
tôi không thể thực hiện được việc bán hàng của mình.

Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 231


6. Chúng tôi thấy rằng100 túi cà phê xuất khẩu bằng tàu Catrine bán cho
chúng tôilà loại cà phê Santos, New York loại 2, chứa một lượng lớn hạt
còn non, còn vỏ, hạt bể, bị mọt ăn và hạt hỏng và loại cà fê Santos này
tương ứng với loại ¾.




7. Mặt hàng vải dường như được dệt không cẩn thận và có khuynh hướng
biến dạng. Chúng tôi đã gửi bằng thư riêng cho công ty của quý công ty một
mẫu vải đã được cắt từ lô hàng trước đó để quý công ty có thể so sánh hai
mẫu và thấy sự khác biệt trong kết cấu.




8. Lô hàng theo đơn đặt hàng số 1527 của chúng tôi do tàu Sông Hương vận
chuyển đã đến cảng ngày hôm nay. Sau khi kiểm tra cẩn thận, chúng tôi đã
phát hiện rằng lô hàng chứa chỉ 23.460 hộp thay vì 24.000 hộp sữa đặc đã
được đặt hàng và xuất hóa đơn.




9. Vì chúng tôi đang rất cần mặt hàng này, nên chúng tôi đã mua từ Thái
Lan; Do đó, chúng tôi yêu cầu quý công ty bồi thường khoảng tiền chênh
lệch 1.000 đô la Mỹ giữa giá của quý công ty và gía của nhà cung cấp mới
và chúng tôi muốn quý công ty lưu tâm hơn đến các chuyến hàng còn lại.


232 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims



10. Chúng tôi lấy làm tiếc về sự chậm trễ này nhưng quý ngài sẽ nhận thấy
rằng đây là do những tình huống nằm ngoài khả năng của chúng tôi.


11. Chúng tôi đã chuyển những mẫu vải sang cho nhà máy để lấy ý kiến và
đã nói với họ về việc chúng tôi rất quan tâm đến nỗi thất vọng của công ty
ngài về chất lượng sản phẩm và rằng công ty ngài đã cung cấp vải cho các
khách hàng mới.




12. Họ đã rất lấy làm tiếc, và đã sắp xếp với chúng tôi để gửi hàng thay thế
ngay lập tức cho quý công ty. Hơn nữa, họ cũng đảm bảo về chất lượng của
mặt hàng được gửi đi lần này.



13. Nếu quý công ty đồng ý bán mặt hàng vải với chất lượng kém hơn trong
đợt giao hàng vừa rồi với mức giá tương thích, chúng tôi sẽ gửi cho quý
công ty một phiếu ghi có về chênh lệch giá trị của hai loại vải sau khi chúng
tôi nghe tin từ quý công ty.




Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 233

14. Từ các chứng từ kèm theo và danh sách đóng gói, quý công ty sẽ thấy
rằng số thùng và số hộp sữa trùng khớp với con số được ghi trên hóa đơn
của chúng tôi.




15. Do đó, chúng tôi tư vấn cho quý công ty gửi đơn khiếu nại đến công ty
bảo hiểm vì theo quan điểm của chúng tôi, đây là một trường hợp mất cắp.



16. Chúng tôi hy vọng quý công ty sẽ được bồi thường đầy đủ từ công ty
bảo hiểm một cách nhanh chóng, và chúng tôi cũng tin tưởng là vấn đề sẽ
được giải quyết thoả đáng.




17. Một lần nữa, chúng tôi thành thực xin lỗi về những phiền hà đã gây ra
cho quý ngài và sẽ thực hiện mọi biện pháp để đảm bảo rằng sơ xuất kiểu
này sẽ không tái diễn.




18. Chúng tôi sẽ làm tất cả những gì có thể được để ngăn chặn tình trạng
này tái diễn và sẽ gửi các đơn hàng sau này của quý ngài theo đúng yêu cầu
của quý ngài.



19. Tôi xin gửi kèm biên bản giám định do Vinacontrol cấp để chứng thực

234 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

rằng thiệt hại được phát hiện khi hàng được dỡ tại cảng.


20. Đồng thời, chúng tôi xin giữ lại thùng hàng nói trên tùy quý ngài định
đoạt, xin hãy cho chúng tôi biết quý ngài muốn chúng tôi làm gì để xử lí lô
hàng này.



III. Letter writing

Letter 1
Sáng hôm qua đại diện Hải Phòng đã báo bằng điện thoại cho đồng chí biết
chuyến hàng đồ dùng bằng điện thuộc đơn đặt hàng số 2072 đã về đến Hải
Phòng nhưng bị tổn thất.
Đơn đặt hàng nói trên của đồng chí đặt mua hàng của một hãng Nhật Bản
ngày 10-8-20… theo điều kiện CIF Hải Phòng.
Tàu chở hàng là tàu Carl Maxstart của Cộng Hòa Liên Bang Đức cập cảng
Hải Phòng ngày 19 tháng 11, 20…
Toàn bộ đơn đặt hàng nói trên gồm 200 chiếc tủ lạnh kiểu M2024, 100 chiếc
máy giặt cỡ lớn kiểu 4488 và 500 chiếc TV màu 19 in kiểu 5033.
Khi phát hiện có tổn thất đại diện Hải Phòng đã mời cán bộ của VinaControl
Hải Phòng đến giám định lô hàng. Và biên bản giám định họ lập có những
chi tiết sau:
a. Chuyến hàng thực chất có:
1. Tủ lạnh: 190 chiếc
2. TV: 440 chiếc màu, 60 chiếc đen trắng
3. Máy giặt: 100 chiếc
b. Tình trạng hàng hóa:
1. Tủ lạnh thiếu 100 chiếc

Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 235

2. TV màu thiếu 60 chiếc
3. TV trắng đen (60 chiếc) không nằm trong đơn đặt hàng.
4. Hai máy giặt bị vỡ hòm và máy cũng hỏng không thể sửa chữa được.
Anh/ chị hãy điện dự kháng cho phía Nhật biết và viết thư xác nhận điện
này cùng với chi tiết như đã nêu trên và khiếu nại đòi bồi thường theo
hướng sau:
1. Đối với tủ lạnh chưa giao ta sẽ mua ở Thái Lan, Nhật phải chịu mọi
chi phí vì ta đang cần gấp.
2. Đối với TV, yêu cầu Nhật phải gửi càng nhanh càng tốt 60 chiếc TV
màu và đề nghị Nhật cho hướng giải quyết 60 chiếc TV trắng đen theo
+ Giảm giá 30%
+ Ta bán hộ với giá cao nhất có thể được
+ Cho người đến mang đi.















236 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims



























Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 237

Letter 2
Công ty xuất nhập khẩu tạp phẩm (TOCONTAP), 39 Nguyễn Huệ, Quận 1,
TP. HCM, điện thoại và fax: 84-8-8214356 mới nhập một lô hàng gồm 150
chiếc bình nước nóng (water heater) kiểu Heaterman 191VA theo đơn hàng
số 2315TL của công ty TNHH M.D EDWARD, Finwell House, số 26
Finsbury Square, London, EC2, Vương quốc Anh về đến cảng Sài Gòn ngày
25/6/20-. Tuy nhiên số hàng này được báo có tổn thất.
Theo biên bản giám định của SGS, chuyến hàng chỉ có 136 chiếc. Và cụ thể
hàng hóa trong tình trạng như sau:
1. Khi tàu về đến cảng, cụ thể là khi hàng được dỡ lên cầu cảng, lô hàng đã
được phát hiện thấy thiếu 7 kiện, mỗi kiện đựng 2 bình, mang số từ 08 đến
15, thiếu tổng số 14 chiếc.
2. Trong 136 chiếc đã giao có:
- 4 chiếc không phải là bình kiểu Heaterman 191VA mà là kiểu
191WH, không nằm trong đơn hàng.
- 2 chiếc bị vỡ không sửa chữa được.
3. Chuyến hàng cũng có 4 chiếc lò sưởi (heater) kiểu 191VL không thuộc
đơn hàng này.
Hãy viết thư khiếu nại để bà Vân Anh, trưởng phòng nhập khẩu của
TOCONTAP ký, theo những hướng giải quyết như sau:
a. Đề nghị người bán gửi ngay 14 chiếc chưa giao, và hàng thay thế cho 4
chiếc bình kiểu 191WH không đặt mua và 2 chiếc bị hỏng không sửa được,
tổng cộng là 20 chiếc.
b. Nếu trong vòng 45 ngày kể từ ngày ghi trên thư này, số hàng nói trên
không về đến Việt Nam, TOCONTAP sẽ mua hàng của nhà cung cấp khác
mà công ty M.D EDWARD phải chịu mọi tổn thất phát sinh từ việc này.
c. Đối với 4 chiếc lò sưởi 191VL, TOCONTAP sẵn sàng bán hộ với giá cao
nhất có thể được và do đó đề nghị người bán báo giá; hoặc giả nếu M.D
EDWARD không đồng ý với phương án này, thì cho biết ý kiến xử lý càng
sớm càng tốt.
Lưu ý:
• Biên bản Giám Định của SGS số 215/VCL

238 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

• Tàu chở hàng là tàu Hậu Giang
• Anh/ Chị cần bổ sung những chi tiết cần thiết để bức thư khiếu nại
đầy đủ và thuyết phục hơn.

























Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 239

















Letter 3
Công ty TNHH Triệu Vinh (TRIEU VINH CO., LTD), 39 Sư Vạn Hạnh,
Quận 10, TP. HCM, điện thoại và fax: 84-8-8214356; Giám đốc là ông Lưu
Văn Dũng; ngày 15/03/20--; ký hợp đồng số No. TL.; mua một
máy bơm bê tông mới chưa sử dụng (concrete bump B3500 HDR-20) với
công ty DIENHELM & CO. LTD. ENGINEERING, trụ sở tại 1696, New
Petchburi Road, Bangkok 10320, Thái Lan. Tổng giá trị chiếc máy bơm này
là USD200.000, với điều kiện giao hàng đến cảng Sài Gòn vào hoặc trước
ngày 15/04/20-- là ngày mà TRIEU VINH Co., LTD thanh toán trước 20%
tổng giá trị hợp đồng, phần còn lại 80% thanh toán bằng điện hối khi người
mua nhận được hàng.
Trong trường hợp nói trên có nêu rõ việc chậm giao hàng là 2% cho trọn
mỗi tuần, là tiền bồi thường thiệt hại ước tính.

240 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

Hôm nay là ngày 07/05/20--, TRIEU VINH Co., LTD vẫn chưa nhận được
máy cũng như thông báo gì của người bán về chuyến hàng nói trên.
Hãy viết một thư khiếu nại, gửi cho DIENHELM & CO., LTD.
ENGINEERING để Giám đốc Lưu Văn Dũng ký với những ý sau:
- Khi thương lượng hợp đồng cũng như các thư tín trước đó về việc
mua chiếc máy này, TRIEU VINH Co., LTD đã nói rõ rằng đây là
máy mà TRIEU VINH Co., LTD nhập ủy thác cho một công ty xây
dựng ở TP. HCM để họ sửa chữa và mở rộng một bệnh viện phụ sản
tại huyện Hóc Môn, công trình này dự tính khởi công vào đầu tháng
05/20--. Việc thiếu máy này khiến cho họ không thể tiến hành thi công
- Trong hợp đồng riêng giữa TRIEU VINH Co., LTD và công ty xây
dựng nói trên có ghi rõ TRIEU VINH Co., LTD sẽ thuê máy để đảm
bảo tiến độ thi công của họ nếu thực tế xảy ra việc chậm giao. Vì vậy,
ngày 29/04/20--, công ty đã phải thuê máy bơm với một doanh nghiệp
khác với chi phí 200 đô la một ngày trong hai tuần. Thiệt hại trong
việc này lên tới 2400 đô la.
- TRIEU VINH Co., LTD gửi kèm 02 hợp đồng nói trên và yêu cầu
DIENHELM & CO., LTD. ENGINEERING bồi thường trước bằng
điện hối vào tài khoản của công ty tại ngân hàng Vietcombank, TP.
- Đề nghị DIENHELM & CO., LTD. ENGINEERING cho biết càng
sớm càng tốt khi nào hàng sẽ về đến cảng Sài Gòn.
- Do việc chậm giao nói trên, TRIEU VINH sẽ buộc phải khấu trừ vào
giá hợp đồng theo tỉ lệ phạt trên căn cứ vào thời hạn chậm giao thực
tế. Tuy nhiên, nếu hàng không về được Việt Nam trước ngày
30/05/20--, căn cứ vào điều khoản “chấm dứt hợp đồng do chậm giao
hàng” trong hợp đồng 2 bên ký, TRIEU VINH sẽ buộc phải chấm dứt
hợp đồng này và DIENHELM phải hoàn trả lại số tiền trả trước cùng
với mọi tổn phí phát sinh khác.
- Yêu cầu DIENHELM sớm cho biết ý kiến vì TRIEU VINH cho rằng
DIENHELM cũng không muốn để vấn đề diễn biến đến mức như vậy.



Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 241




























242 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

Letter 4
Công ty TNHH Thành Công đặt mua 3.000 bếp ga hiệu ZM 304 và 2.000
chiếc hiệu ZM 340 của công ty SANKEY, Nhật Bản, theo đơn hàng số
TTN/012, do con tàu Orient chuyên chở, cập cảng Sài Gòn ngày hôm qua.
Tuy nhiên khi làm thủ tục thông quan tại cảng, công ty đã phát hiện chỉ có
1.500 bộ bếp ga ZM 340 được giao, thiếu 500 bộ. Trong 3.000 bếp ga hiệu
ZM 304 nhận được, có 200 bộ bị hư hỏng nặng không thể sửa chữa được.
Anh/ Chị hãy viết một thư khiếu nại, giúp Giám đốc công ty Thành Công,
ông Lê Hải, với nội dung trên và đưa ra giải pháp thích hợp cho lô hàng
trên. Chú ý một số điểm sau:
1. Khi phát hiện hàng thiếu, ta đã mời đại diện của VINACONTROl
Tp.HCM để giám định và lập biên bản lô hàng trên. Nguyên nhân hàng
thiếu và bị hư hỏng đuợc kết luận là do sơ suất của người bán trong quá
trình xếp hàng vào công ten nơ tại kho.
2. Đề nghị phía SANKEY gởi gấp số tiền là 120.000 USD bằng điện chuyển
tiền vào tài khoản của công ty Thành Công tại ngân hàng Ngoại thương Việt
Nam, chi nhánh tại Tp.HCM, coi như đây là số tiền bồi thường cho việc
giao hàng thiếu với mọi chi phí do người bán chịu.
Anh/ chị có thể thêm các chi tiết cần thiết khác để đảm bảo về văn phong và
nội dung của một thư khiếu nại.Bắt đầu thư bằng Dear Mr. Suzuki











Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 243




























244 Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims

Letter 5
Hãy viết 1 thư khiếu nại gửi công ty SEUNGWOO, Hàn Quốc do hàng
thiếu sử dụng những thông tin gợi ý sau:
-Đơn hàng số 777 hỏi mua 200 tấn xi măng trắng
-Công ty anh/chị đã nhận telex ngày 27 tháng 5 về ngày tàu đến
-Khi công ty kiểm tra hàng hóa, phát hiện 70 bao bị bung và phần hàng bên
trong ước tính 700 kg đã bị thất thoát không thể phục hồi cho mục đích sử
dụng ban đầu.
-Tiến hành khảo sát phát hiện thất thoát là do bao bì không đủ chuẩn
-Anh/ Chị viết thư khiếu nại đòi bồi thường cho phần hàng bị thiếu và phí
giám định liên quan; không chấp nhận gởi hàng thay thế.
-Gửi kèm biên bản giám định No 77AA để chứng minh
Anh/ chị có thể thêm các chi tiết cần thiết khác để đảm bảo về văn phong và
nội dung của một thư khiếu nại.














Chapter 8 – Complaints and Claims 245

In this chapter, you can learn:
1. Types of vessels
2. Shipping Organizations
3. Shipping documentation
4. Shipping liabilities
5. Forwarding agents
1. Request for Freight Rates and Sailings
2. Reply to Request for Freight Rates and Sailings
3. Instruction to a Forwarding Agent
4. Forwarding Agent's Enquiry for Freight Rates
5. Shipping company's Reply
1a. Request for Delivery by Air
1b. Quotation for Delivery by Air
2a. Enquiry sent to Air-Line
2b. Reply
3a. Enquiry through forwarding agent
3b. Reply
4a. Enquiry for airfreight rates (through agent)
4b. Forwarding agent's reply

I. Gap filling
1. Advice of shipment to Importer's forwarding agent
2. Agent's advice to supplier
3. Agent's instruction to shipping company
246 Chapter 9 – Transportation
4. Advice of Shipment to Importer
5. Advice of shipment to forwarding agent in buyer's country
II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - English
III. Letter writing
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3
Letter 4
Letter 5 ð

Chapter 9 – Transportation 247

1. Purpose: Transport the goods
2. Time of delivery
3. Consignment:
- Commodity
- Package
- Weight and size
4. Asking for information of transport
- Kind of ship
- Destination
- Time of delivery
- Freight rates

1. Thank you.
2. Information on the means of transport:
- Means of transport
- Departure port / Destination
- Departure time / Estimated arrival time
3. Freight rate (…./ ton / kg/ cubic metre)
4. Enclosure
- Shipping form
- B/L
5. Requirement (Return of documents…)

Among the main features in the recent development of shipping are the
1. The increase in the size and speed of ships
2. The change over from coal-fired to oil-fired ships

248 Chapter 9 – Transportation

3. The tendency to build ships to carry particular types of such bulk
cargoes as oil, mineral ores, meat, fruit and vegetables.
4. The greatly increased use of the container.
1. Types of vessels
There are a variety of vessels available for exporters to use when
shipping such as:
Passenger liners are ships that follow scheduled routes and concentrate
passenger services, but also carry cargoes.
Passenger cargo vessels concentrate on cargoes, offer more facilities
loading and unloading, but carry few passengers.
Tramps travel anywhere in the world on unscheduled routes, picking up
cargo and delivering it.
Tankers are usually oil carriers, and are like bulk carrier which
transport consignments such as grain, wheat, and ores.
Container vessels offer facilities to move containers from one country
to another, and have special lifting gear and storage space for the huge
boxes they transport.
Roll-on-roll-off ferries are vessels which allow cars and trucks to drive
on at one port and off at another without having to load and upload their
There are also barges, large flat-bottomed boats, which transport goods
inland along canals and waterways, and lighters which may do 'the same
work as a barge, or are used for taking goods from a port out to a ship, or
vice versa.
Note that before the name of the ship, which is usually underlined in
correspondence, the letters SS are used. These stand for Steam Ship and
show it is a British Merchant vessel. MV (Motor Vessel), and MS (Motor
Ship) are also used.
2. Shipping Organizations
The exporter also has a choice as to whether he uses a company which is
a member of the Shipping Conference group, or one that is listed on the
Baltic Exchange.
The Shipping Conferenceisan international organization of ship owners
who have agreed to fix prices for transporting goods or passengers. They
Chapter 9 – Transportation 249
meet periodically to set costs for hiring their vessels. The advantage for their
customers is that the costs of shipment are steady, i.e. do not fluctuate over a
short period, and universal, i.e. the same price is quoted by all members.
They can also claim rebates (discounts) by shipping in bulk. A similar body
to the Shipping Conference can be found in airlines - IATA, International
Air Transport association.
The Baltic Exchangehasa number of functions, but its freight market
offers facilities to exporters to charter (hire) ships and planes through
brokers, who work on a commission and are specialists with the knowledge
of the movement of ships and the most competitive rates available at any
one time.
3. Shipping documentation
We have seen that there are a number of documents used in overseas
trade. Now we can look at the main documents used in shipping.
A freight account is an invoice sent by the shipping company to the
exporter stating their charges. Once the goods are received on the dock, a
shipping note, with a receipt, is handed to the Superintendent of the docks,
advising him that the goods are to be shipped. A dock receipt, (sometimes
called a wharf-finger's receipt) will be returned to the consignor confirming
that the goods are stored and awaiting shipment. Once the goods are on
board the ship, a mate's receipt may be sent, acknowledging that the goods
have been loaded. The Mate’s Receipt is often sent when the consignment is
loaded directly, and serves as a document of tile until the bill of lading is
The bill of lading (B/L or blading) is the most important document in
shipping as it is a document of title, i.e.. gives ownership ofthe goods to the
person named on it. If the words "to order" are written on it, it means that it
is a negotiable document and can be traded. In this case it will be endorsed
on the back (the exporter will sign it), and if the endorsement is blank, there
will be no restriction on ownership. In an L/c transaction the confirming
bank will usually ask for the B/L to be made out to them when they pay the
exporter, then transfer it to the customer.
A shipped bill of lading means that the goods have been loaded on to the
ship. Sometimes the words "shipped on board" are used to mean the same
thing. In c.i.f. and c&ftransaction the words "freight prepaid" are used to

250 Chapter 9 – Transportation

signify that the costs of shipment have been paid. Bills are also marked "clean"
to indicate that the goods were taken on board in good condition, or "dirty/
claused" to indicate that on inspection there was found to be something wrong
with the consignment, e.g.. packing, or the goods were damaged. This
statement protects the shipping company from claims that they were
responsible for, the damage or bad condition of the consignment.
Usually two copies of the B/L are sent to the buyer or his bank, by air
and sea for security.
4. Shipping liabilities
The Hague Rules signed at the Brussels Convention in 1924 govern
liability for loss or damage to cargo carried by sea under a bill of lading, and
state that the carrier will not be responsible under the following conditions:
Acts of war, riots, civil disturbances; Force Majeure, i.e. exceptional
dangers such as storms, abnormal disturbances, or unusual hazards;
Negligence, i.e. when the goods have not been properly packed, or were
in a bad condition when packed;
Inherent vice, i.e.. when goods are subject to deterioration because of
their content or nature. For example, fish can go bad, wood can carry
insects, metal can oxidize.
The Hamburg Rules of 1978 have extended the shipping companies
liability for damage or delay to "goods in their charge" unless they can
prove they took all measures to avoid problems.
To be safe, most companies insure their consignment under all risk
cover, which protects them against most contingencies, but special "war
insurance" is necessary for particularly dangerous zones.
5. Forwarding agents
Forwarding agents are used by exporters to arrange both import and
export shipment. In the case of the former, their services include collecting
the consignment, arranging shipment, and if required, packing and handling
all documentation, including making out the bill of lading, obtaining
insurance, sending commercial invoices and paying the shipping company
for their clients. They also inform the importer's forwarding agent that the
shipment is on its way by sending an advice note, and he, in turn, will
inform his client, send the goods on to him, or arrange for them to be stored

Chapter 9 – Transportation 251

until collected. Many forwarding agents in importing countries also act as
clearing agents, ensuring that the goods are cleared through the customs and
are sent to the importer.
Because forwarding agents handle many shipments they can collect
consignments for the same destination and get competitive "groupage rates"
for sending a lot of consignments in one shipment. However, many
exporters find it more convenient to deal direct with the forwarding agents
in the importer's country, and some importers prefer to deal with their
supplier's forwarding agent.

1. Request for Freight Rates and Sailings
Sample 1.
Lee Boat Builders Ltd.
Dock 23, Mainway, Hong Kong
Telephone: 385162 Telex: 34512 Fax: 662553 Cable: LEBATS
Far Eastern Shipping Lines
31 - 4 Park Road
Hong Kong 21 April 20--
Dear Sirs
We intend to ship a consignment of dinghies and their equipment to London
at the beginning of next month. The consignment consists of ten boats which
have been packed into wooden crates marked 1-10, each measuring 4 x 2 x
2,5 metres and weighing 90 kilos.
Could you inform us which vessels are available to reach London before the
end of next month, and let us know your freight rates?
Yours faithfully
J. Lee
1. dinghy thuyền cao su bơm hơi
2. wooden crate thùng gỗ thưa
252 Chapter 9 – Transportation
3. measure có kích cỡ
4. weigh trọng lượng
5. vessel tàu lớn, thuyền lớn
6. freight rate cước phí vận chuyển

2. Reply to Request for Freight Rates and Sailings

Sample 2.
Dear Mr. Lee
Thank you for your enquiry of 21 April. Enclosed you will find details of our
sailings for the end of this month and the beginning of next, from Hong
Kong to Tilbury.
You will see that the first available vessel we have will be the SS. Orient
which will accept cargo from 3 May to 7 May, when she sails. She is due in
Tilbury on 3 June.
Our freight rate for crated consignment is £31.00 per ton, and I have
attached our Shipping Instructions to the enclosed itinerary.
Yours sincerely
M. Whang (Mrs.)
Enc. (2)
1. sailings lịch trình tàu chạy
2. vessel tàu lớn, thuyền lớn
3. SS. tàu thủy chạy bằng hơi nước
4. sail (tàu) chạy
5. cargo hàng hóa (vận chuyển bằng tàu hoặc máy bay)
6. due đến nơi
7. freight rate cước phí vận chuyển
8. crated consignment lô hàng đóng bằng thùng thưa
9. Shipping Instructions hướng dẫn gửi hàng
10. itinerary lịch tàu

Chapter 9 – Transportation 253

3. Instruction to a Forwarding Agent
Sample 3.
Dear Mr ....
Could you please pick up a consignment of 200 C20 computers and make
the necessary arrangements for them to be shipped to Mr. M. Tanner, N.Z.
Business Machines Pty., 100 South Street, Wellington, New Zealand?
Would you please handle all the shipping formalities and insurance, and
send us seven copies of the bill of lading, five copies of the commercial
invoice, and the insurance certificate? We will advise our customers of
shipment ourselves, and would appreciate it if you could treat the matter as
urgent. Your charges may be sent to us in the usual way.
Yours sincerely
1. pick up bốc
2. handle xử lý
3. shipping formalities thủ tục vận chuyển
4. insurance certificate giấy chứng nhận bảo hiểm
5. urgent cấp bách

4. Forwarding Agent's Enquiry for Freight Rates

Sample 4.
Dear Sirs
We have packed and made ready for shipment 20 C2000 computers which
our clients, Delta Computers, Welling-borough, want us to forward to
Wellington, New Zealand.
The consignment consists of 4 wooden crates, each containing 5 machines
and their cases. The weight of each crate is 210 kilos and measures 94 x
136 x 82 cm.
Would you let us know by return of post the earliest vessel leaving London
for New Zealand, and let us have your charges and the relevant documents?
Yours faithfully

254 Chapter 9 – Transportation

1. forward chuyển đến
2. case thùng kín
3. by return of post bằng thư về
4. charge chi phí

5. Shipping company's Reply

Sample 5.
Dear Mr ....
In reply to your letter of May 12, the earliest vessel due out of London for
New Zealand is the SS Northern Gross which is at present loading at No. 3
Dock, Tilbury, and will accept cargo until May 18 when she sails. She is due
in Wellington on June 25, and the freight rate for cased cargo is £112.00
per ton or 10 cubic metres.
I have enclosed our shipping form and bill of lading for you to complete and
return to us.
Yours sincerely,
Enc. (2)
1. due đúng hạn
2. load bốc hàng
3. cubic metre mét khối


Bills of Lading, used for consignments by sea, are not used for
consignment by air because the goods usually reach their destination before
a bill of lading could be prepared. Instead the consignor is required to
prepare an Air Waybill (formerly known as an air consignment note) giving
particulars of the consignment. The waybill normally consists of twelve
copies, three of which are treated as originals - one for the issuing air
carrier, one for the consignee and one for the consignor. The remaining
copies serve for other possible carriers and customers and record purposes.
Responsibility for preparing the waybill is that of the consignor himself, but
Chapter 9 – Transportation 255
it is common practice for the air line or its agent to prepare it from details
supplied by the consignor on a special form: an Instructions For
Despatch-Of-Goods Form; provided by the air line or by the forwarding

1a. Request for Delivery by Air

Sample 6.
Dear Sir
We would like to send from Heathrow to Riyard, Saudi Arabia, twelve boxes
of assorted glassware, to be delivered within the next fortnight.
Each box weights 40 kilos, and measures 0,51 cubic metres. Could you
please quote charges for shipment and insurance?
Yours faithfully
1. assorted nhiều loại
2. glassware hàng thủy tinh
3. measure có kích cỡ
4. quote báo chi phí/ cước/ giá

1b. Quotation for Delivery by Air

Sample 7.
Dear Mr ....
Thank you for your enquiry of 15 June.
We will be able to send your consignment to Riyadh within two days of your
delivering it at Heathrow. The cost of freight Heathrow/ Riyadh is £3.60 per
kilo, plus £1.50 air waybill, and £14.00 customs clearance and handling
charges. But you will have to arrange your own insurance.
There are three flights a week from London to Saudi Arabia, Monday,
Wednesday, and Saturday.
Please fill in the enclosed Despatch Form and return it to us with the
consignment and commercial invoices, one of which should be included in
the parcel for customs inspection.
Yours sincerely

256 Chapter 9 – Transportation

1. air waybill vận đơn đường không
2. customs clearance thông qua
3. Despatch Form phiếu gửi hàng
4. parcel gói hàng
5. customs inspection kiểm định hải quan

2a. Enquiry sent to Air-Line

Sample 8.
Dear Sir
We shall shortly have a consignment of watches ready to send to Cuba.
Because of their fragile nature we wish to send them by air from Hanoi and
should be glad if you would send us particulars of your rate for freight and
other charges, including insurance.
Yours faithfully
1. fragile dễ vỡ
2. nature bản chất
3. particulars chi tiết

2b. Reply
Sample 9.
Dear Sir
Thank you for your enquiry of 18th June. We shall be pleased to accept the
consignment you mentioned. Details of our charges are as follows:
- Air freight: Minimum £15
- Under 45 kg: £1.59 per kg
- Over 45 kg: £1.19 per kg
- Air waybill fee: 50p
- Insurance 15% of declared value.
Transport to Noi Bai International Airport should be at your expense and
from there on to Havana by Vietnam Airline. Flights are made weekly on
Tuesday and your parcel should reach its destination in not more than three

Chapter 9 – Transportation 257

days, if it is with us on Monday.
We enclose a copy of our Instructions for Despatch-of-Goods Form. This
should be completed, signed and handed in with the parcel, together with
the signed commercial invoices, one of which must be included in tire
parcel, and a certificate of origin.
Yours faithfully
1. Despatch-of-Goods Form phiếu gửi hàng
2. hand in gửi trả lại

3a. Enquiry through forwarding agent

Sample 10.
Dear Sirs
We shall shortly have a consignment of electrical shavers weighting about
forty pounds, for a customer in Viet Nam, which we wish to send by air from
We should be glad if you would handle the consignment for us, but first send
us details of the cost and of any formalities to be observed. The invoice
value of the consignment is £920 and we should require insurance cover for
this amount plus the cost of sending the consignment.
Yours faithfully
1. shaver dao cạo
2. formalities thủ tục
3. observe thực hiện, tuân thủ
4. cover chi phí

258 Chapter 9 – Transportation

3b. Reply
Sample 11.
Dear Sirs
As soon as we received your letter of 13th October, we made inquiries of the
airline and can now give you the information asked for concerning your
consignment to Vietnam.
Freight charge £3.90 per kg
(for consignment weighting less than 45kg)
Air Waybill fee 50p
Insurance 15% of invoiced CIF value
Our own charges 2% of invoiced value
(for preparing documents and arranging
Yours faithfully,

4a. Enquiry for airfreight rates (through agent)

Sample 12.
Dear Sir
We shall shortly have a consignment of electric shavers, weighing about 20
kg, for a customer in Damascus, which we wish to send by air from London.
Please send us details of the cost and any formalities to be observed. The
invoice value of the consignment is £91,136 and we should require
insurance cover for this amount plus the costs of sending the consignment.
Yours faithfully

4b. Forwarding agent's reply

Sample 13.
Dear Sirs
Thank you for your enquiry regarding your consignment to Damascus. All
our charges, including freight, airway bill fee, insurance and our own
commission, are shown on the attached schedule.
To enable us to prepare your airway bill we shall need the information

Chapter 9 – Transportation 259

requested in the enclosed form. Three copies of a certified commercial
invoice and a certificate of origin will also be necessary.
Your consignment should be in our hands by 10 am on the morning of
departure day. Please telephone me when you are ready to deliver the
consignment to our officer at the airport; we can then prepare to receive it
and deal with it promptly. Alternatively, we can make arrangements to
collect the goods.
We hope to receive instructions from you soon.
Yours faithfully


I. Gap filling

1. Advice of shipment to Importer's forwarding agent

Dear Mr ....
The following consignment will arrive (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the SS America
(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is due in Liverpool on 27 April.
20 'Lightning' 1000cc motorcycles.
Packing 1 machine (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wooden crate
Weight 1.28 tons (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6' x 3' x 2'
Markings Cases numbered 1-20 HM
Value £4,800 (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Insurance Chicago-Nottingham England (A. R,)
Invoiced (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £96,000
Could you please arrange (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the consignment to be
delivered to your (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Glough & Book Ltd., Nottingham?
(10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . there are any problems, please contact us
Yours truly

260 Chapter 9 – Transportation

Agent issues forwarding instructions
2. Agent's advice to supplier
Dear Sirs
Thank you for (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . us that the items ordered on 16 June are
now (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for collection.
Please (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to send the consignment by road to Liverpool to
be (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by SS Merchant Prince, due to sail for Alexandria
on 25 July and to (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at number 5 dock from 20 to 24 July
Inclusive. All cases should (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clearly marked and
numbered as (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in our official order. Invoices, (8) . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . triplicate, and your account (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transport
charges, should be sent to us.
(10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the necessary arrangements have been made with the
shipping company.
Yours faithfully

3. Agent's instruction to shipping company

Dear Sirs
We (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . today arranged for H J Cooper & Co. Ltd,
Manchester, to (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to you (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . road, the
following cases to be shipped to Alexandria (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS
Merchant Prince on 28 July.
4 cases of crockery, (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JR numbers 1-4
The completed shipping (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is enclosed, together (7)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 copies of the (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of lading. Please sign
and (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 copies of the bill and charge the amount to our
(10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yours faithfully

4. Advice of Shipment to Importer

Dear Mr ....
Order No. 8901/6
The above order was shipped on 17 April 20-- on the SS America (1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is due in Liverpool on 27 April.

Chapter 9 – Transportation 261

We have (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . your agents, Eddis Jones, who will (3)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arrangements for the consignment to be sent to you, (4)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you requested.
Our bank's agents, Westmorland Bank Ltd., High Street, Nottingham, will
hand (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the documents which (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of a
shipped clean bill of lading (No. 517302), invoice (No. EH3314), and
insurance certificate (AR 118 4531), (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you have
accepted our bill.
We are sure you will be delighted when you see the machines, and that they
will find a ready (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in your country. Meanwhile we are
(9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a catalogue of our new models and believe you will be
very interested in the machines, illustrated on pp. 103-110. We look forward
to hearing from you again in due (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yours truly

5. Advice of shipment to forwarding agent in buyer's country

Dear Sirs
Please note that we have shipped the following goods to you by 88
Merchant Prince, which (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liverpool yesterday and is (2)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to arrive at Alexandria (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 August.
Mark and Goods Gross (4) Value
Numbers ..................
JR 1--4 4 cases crockery 280 kg £43,280
Insurance (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the sum of £2,200 is provided as far as
Alexandria only.
A copy of the bill of lading and the invoice are (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please
arrange to (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the consignment and deliver it to Messrs
Jean Riachi & Co, Mansura, who will be (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for all
The consignment is urgently required, so your (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
attention will be appreciated.
Yours (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

262 Chapter 9 – Transportation

II. Translation

English - Vietnamese
1. Our freight rate for crated consignment is $31.00 per ton, and I have
attached our Shipping Instructions to the enclosed itinerary.


2. The SS Princess Victoria will be loading at number 2 dock from 8 to 13 July



3. Could you please make the necessary arrangements for consignment of 200
C20 computers to be shipped to Messirs…?


4. The completed shipping form is enclosed, together with 4 copies of the bill
of lading. Please sign and return 3 copies of the bill and charge the amount to
our account.



5. As you know from previous experience of shipping with us, our line keeps to
schedules and this incident was an unfortunate exception.


6. Would you let us know by return of post the earliest vessel leaving London
for New Zealand, and let us have your charges and the relevant documents?


Chapter 9 – Transportation 263


7. In reply to your letter of May 12, the earliest vessel due out of London for
New Zealand is the SS Northern Gross which is at present loading at No. 3
Dock, Tilbury, and will accept cargo until May 18 when she sails.



8. Enclosed you will find the completed shipping form and bill of lading, (10
copies), eight copies of which should be signed and returned to us. I have also
attached a cheque in payment of your freight account.



9. We shall be glad to book your four cases for either of these vessels and
enclose our shipping form. Please complete it and return it as soon as possible.



10. Would you please handle all the shipping formalities and insurance, and
send us seven copies of the bill of lading, five copies of the commercial
invoice, and the insurance certificate.



11. The vessel was carrying a consignment of computers for our clients
shipped B/L 6715, and they want to know why the ship has been delayed. A
prompt reply would be appreciated.


264 Chapter 9 – Transportation


12. I am sure that your customers will now have been able to collect their
consignment and apologize for the delay. As you know from previous
experience of shipping with us, our line keeps to schedules and this incident
was an unfortunate exception.




13. This letter is to confirm our telex to you this morning in which we asked if
you could find a ship of six to seven thousand tons which we could charter for
six months to take shipments of grain from Baltimore, in North America, to
various ports along the South American coast.




14. Our contract states that we have to take delivery between 1st and 5th
August, so we will need a ship that will be able to load during those dates.
Please advise us if you can get a vessel and let us know the terms.



15. You should have already received our fax in which we said that we had an
option on a vessel, the MS Sheraton, which is docked in Melbourne at present.
She has a cargo capacity of 7,000 tons and although she is larger than you
wanted, her owners are willing to offer a part charter of her.



Chapter 9 – Transportation 265


16. The use of containers provides a highly efficient form of transport by road,
rail, and air, though its fullest benefits are felt in shipping where costs may be
reduced by as much as one half. Containers are constructed in metal and are of
standard lengths ranging from ten to forty feet.




17. They have quoted £2.30 per ton which is a very competitive rate
considering you will be sharing the cost. Please will you fax your decision as
soon as possible?



18. Mechanical handling enables cargoes to be loaded in a matter of hours

rather than days, thus reducing the time ships spend in port and greatly
increasing the number of sailings.



19. We shall shortly have a consignment of watches ready to send to Cuba.

Because of their fragile nature we wish to send them by air from Hanoi and
should be glad if you would send us particulars of your rate for freight and
other charges, including insurance.




266 Chapter 9 – Transportation

20. Please fill in the enclosed Despatch Form and return it to us with the
consignment and commercial invoices, one of which should be included in the
parcel for customs inspection.



Vietnamese – English
1. Đề nghị quý ngài thực hiện các thủ tục gửi hàng, mua bảo hiểm, và gửi cho
chúng tôi 3 bản sao vận đơn, 3 bản sao hoá đơn thương mại và giấy chứng
nhận bảo hiểm.



2. Xin quý ngài hãy cho chúng tôi biết bằng thư về chuyến tàu sớm nhất rời Sài
Gòn đi New Zealand, và gửi cho chúng tôi bảng cước phí cùng với những
chứng từ liên quan.



3. Trọng lượng của mỗi kiện là 210 kg và có kích cỡ 94 x 136 x 82 cm.



4. Tôi cũng đã gửi kèm theo đây một tờ ngân phiếu để chi trả cho khoản cước
phí của quý ngài.


5. Hoá đơn cần được làm thành 3 bản và gửi cho chúng tôi vào hoặc trước

Chapter 9 – Transportation 267



6. Chúng tôi sẽ thông báo cho quý ngài sớm ngay khi hàng hoá được giao.


7. Chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng hết sức để giao hàng càng sớm càng tốt và chúng tôi
chắc chắn rằng chuyến hàng sẽ làm quý ngài hài lòng về mọi mặt.


8. Chúng tôi sẽ hết sức nỗ lực để nhanh chóng giao hàng nhằm thoả mãn yêu
cầu của quý ngài đúng hạn.


9. Chúng tôi có thể lưu khoang trên tàu “Hậu Giang” trước ngày 1 tháng 5.


10. Chúng tôi vui mừng thông báo cho quý ngài biết rằng chuyến hàng trên tàu
“White Queen” đã lên đường và hy vọng sẽ đến cảng trong điều kiện hoàn hảo.



11. Chúng tôi đã sắp xếp cho giao hàng và tiền cước sẽ được thu tại cảng đến,
trả trước tại cảng đi.


12. Không có gì nghi ngờ rằng hàng hoá sẽ đến với các ngài đúng thời hạn và
trong tình trạng tốt.

268 Chapter 9 – Transportation


13. Mặc dù chuyến hàng đã sẵn sàng từ tháng trước song cho đến nay chúng tôi
mới được sắp xếp chỗ gửi trên tàu “Shang Maru”, đi từ đây vào đầu tháng tới.



14. Chúng tôi lấy làm tiếc rằng việc chậm giao là do trục trặc về máy móc, nằm
ngoài khả năng của chúng tôi.


15. Tôi chắc chắn rằng khách hàng của quý ngài hiện nay đã có thể nhận hàng
và thành thực xin lỗi về sự chậm trễ này.


16. Chúng tôi cần một con tàu có khả năng chạy quay đầu nhanh và có khả
năng chạy ít nhất 10 chuyến trong thời hạn này.


17. Con tàu này có trọng tải 7000 tấn, là loại tàu chở hàng rời, có tốc độ 24 hải


18. Quý Ngài sẽ nhận thấy qua bảng giá rằng cước phí được tính trên mét khối
và chúng tôi sẽ hoàn các khoản tiền cần thiết đối với các chuyến hàng thường



19. Hãy cho chúng tôi biết chi tiết của chuyến tàu và cước phí vận chuyển, và
Chapter 9 – Transportation 269
chúng tôi hứa với ngài sẽ gửi hàng thường xuyên nếu ngài báo mức giá cạnh
tranh phù hợp.



20. Chuyến hàng này được yêu cầu khẩn cấp, vì thế chúng tôi coi trọng sự lưu
ý kịp thời của ngài.


III. Letter writing

Letter 1
Văn Phòng đại diện Công ty Giao nhận quốc tế Bikart Vietnam (BIKART
VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL FORWARDERS, địa chỉ tại 123 Lê Lợi, lầu 4,
quận 1, TP. Hồ Chí Minh, điện thoại và fax:… nhận được thư có số tham chiếu
là NT/01 đề ngày 10/7/20--, của ông Nguyễn Thanh, giám đốc công ty xuất
khẩu Trilimex, 247 đường Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa, quận 3, TP.Hồ ChíMinh, hỏi
về mức cước phí từ thành phố Hồ Chí Minh đi Singapore.
Anh/ Chị hãy viết 1 thư trả lời để trưởng văn phòng đại diện của anh/ chị là ông
Marco Wampach ký với nội dung gợi ý như sau:
- BIKART bày tỏ sự cảm ơn đối với thư yêu cầu nói trên.
- BIKART xin gửi kèm thư này bảng giá cước, mà Trilimex yêu cầu,
cùng với những tài liệu quảng cáo của BIKART để Trilimex tham khảo.
- BIKART cũng gửi kèm thư này phiếu mẫu gửi hàng để tiện cho
Trilimex khai báo trong trường hợp Trilimex muốn gửi hàng ngay.
- Anh/ Chị hãy tranh thủ dịp này để quảng cáo về dịch vụ giao nhận của
công ty mình cho Trilimex.
- Cuối thư, bày tỏ sự hy vọng sớm nhận được thư trả lời của khách và hy
vọng giao dịch lần đầu tiên này sẽ dẫn tới mối quan hệ tốt đẹp và lâu dài
giữa hai công ty trong tương lai.
Lưu ý:
- Ngày ký thư: 14/7/20--
- Anh chị hãy trình bày thư theo hình thức một bức thư thương mại và thêm
những chi tiết cần thiết để bức thư hoàn chỉnh và thuyết phục.
270 Chapter 9 – Transportation


























Chapter 9 – Transportation 271

Letter 2
Bạn làm ở một công ty XNK. Hãy viết thư gửi một hãng tàu với nội dung
như sau:
• Bạn muốn gửi một lô hàng máy móc và linh kiện sang đến Mỹ trong
vòng 2 tháng tới.
• Lô hàng có trọng lượng 14 tấn và được đóng trong 4 thùng gỗ.
• Đề nghị họ đến lấy hàng tại nhà máy của bạn, và chuyển sang Mỹ
vào cuối tháng 3.
• Yêu cầu họ cho biết chi tiết lịch trình của tàu và giá cước.



















272 Chapter 9 – Transportation

Letter 3
Write to a firm of shipping agents asking them to arrange for a consignment
to be collected and make all arrangements for transportation to the United
Kingdom. Include imaginary particulars as to the nature of the consignment,
names and addresses of and consignee, and say who will take delivery of the
consignment upon arrival.






















Chapter 9 – Transportation 273

Letter 4
Write a letter asking shipping brokers to charter a vessel for shipping a load
of fertilizers from Japan to Viet Nam. Include such particulars as you think























274 Chapter 9 – Transportation

Letter 5
You wish to send a package containing jewelry by air from Noi Bai
International Airport to England. The jewelry is valued at £11,760. You
have not previously sent goods by air. Write to your airline asking them for
particulars of cost and documents required.






















Chapter 9 – Transportation 275


In this chapter, you can learn:


1. Application letter in reponse to an advertisement
2. Application for post of Sales Manager
3. Application using an introduction
4. An unsolicited application
5. A Resume by a student

I. Gap filling
1. CV 1
2. CV 2
3. CV 3
4. CV 4
5. CV 5
II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
Vietnamese - English
III. Letter writing
Letter 1
Letter 2
Letter 3 ð

276 Chapter 10 – Job application

An application letter should include the following details:
1. Mention the post and how you heard of it.
2. Enclose your curriculum vitae (CV) and briefly discuss your working
3. Mention why you are interested in the post
4. Refer to referees (if any)
5. Suitable close
A CV should be enclosed with an application letter. The information as
follows should be included in your CV:
1. Personal details
2. Your objective
3. Education
4. Working experience
5. Hobbies, interests or any relevant information
6. Referees

For more details

A letter of application for a job is essentially a sales letter. In such a
letter, you are trying to sell yourself – your qualifications and your experience.
Therefore, your letter must capture attention by using good writing style,
arouse interest in your qualifications, convince the prospective employer by
your past record and testimonials, and bring about the action that you want the
employer to take – to grant an interview and eventually give you the job.
Unless an advertisement specifies that you must apply in your own
handwriting, your application should be typed. A well-displayed, easy – to –
read letter will attract attention at once and create a favourable first impression.
Some applicants write a long letter with lots of information about
education, qualifications and experience. This is not advisable as it can sound
rather boastful. Preferably you should write a short letter applying for the post
and stating that your curriculum vitae (CV) is enclosed.
Sometimes, your application is in response to an advertisement in a
newspaper or journal, or it results from an introduction by a friend or
colleague, or it is only an unsolicited application since there is no

Chapter 10 – Job application 277

advertisement or introduction to tell you anything about the work or indeed
whether there is a vacancy. In such a situation, you must try to find out
something about the company’s activities and then show how your
qualifications and experience could be used. You will find below examples of
Your CV should set out all your personal details, together with your
education, qualifications and working experience. It should be displayed
attractively so that all the information can be seen at a glance. It should not
extend to more than two pages. Wherever possible, the information should be
categorized under the headings and columns.
Below are the required parts of a CV or a cover letter.
² CV
Personal details
Full Name (Jane M. Applicant or Jane Applicant)
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Email Address (don’t use your work email)
Telephone Number (make sure you have a professional voicemail
message for missed calls)
Profile or Objective
Adding a profile or an objective to your resume gives the employer a
brief overview of your qualifications. This is an optional component of a
resume. If you include it, focus on what prospective employers are seeking
rather than what you want in your next job. Hiring managers want to know
what you have to offer.
Summary of Qualifications
A summary of qualifications is another optional section of a resume. It’s
a statement that includes your skills, abilities, experience, and what qualifies
you for the position.
Your work history is the most important component of your resume.
Employers will want know where you have worked, when you worked there,
and what responsibilities you held in each role you have had. They will be
looking to see how your experience lines up with what they are looking for in
prospective employees.
- List the jobs and internships you have held in reverse chronological
order, with the most recent positions first.

278 Chapter 10 – Job application

- For each position, include: job title, company, location, dates of
employment, and a bulleted list of the strongest accomplishments for each job.
- Verb tense should be present tense for your current job if you are
employed, and past tense for prior employment.
It is important to be accurate because employers do conduct background
Volunteer Work
If you have volunteer experience that’s related to the jobs you’re
applying for, or if you have volunteered to avoid an employment gap, list
volunteering as you would the jobs you have held.
The education section generally comes next. You need only to list
degrees earned, with the highest first, when you have been out of school for a
few years.
If you’re a student or recent graduate, the education section of your
resume can be listed above your employment history. If you have work
experience, list it below that section. Education should be listed in reverse
chronological order, with the most recent and advanced education first. Include
the name of the school, the degree earned, and the date you graduated.
Whether you include your GPA on your resume depends on how long
ago you graduated and how high your GPA is.
The next section of your resume includes any certifications you have.
Awards and Accomplishments
Do not be shy about mentioning awards and achievements you have
earned. They show the employer that you are a well-credentialed candidate
who has been recognized for your accomplishments.
This section of a resume includes the skills you have that are directly
related to the job for which you’re applying. Employers typically list required
or preferred skills in job listings when itemizing the qualifications for the
position. List your most closely related abilities here, using a bulleted list

Chapter 10 – Job application 279

Personal Interests
If you have personal interests that are strongly related to the position
you’re applying for, list them here. This can be helpful if you’re applying for
jobs where you don’t have a lot of related work experience, but you do have
expertise achieved in other ways.
Useful strategies to write a strong letter:
Get off to a direct start: In your first paragraph, explain simply why
you are writing. Mention the job title and company name, and also where you
came across the job listing. While you can also briefly mention why you are a
strong candidate, this section should generally be short and to-the-point.
Offer something different than what is in your resume: It's rare to
send an application letter without also sending a resume. Your application
letter, therefore, doesn't have to duplicate your resume. Your language can be a
bit more personal than in resume bullet points — you can tell a narrative about
your work experience and career.
Make a good case. Your first goal with this letter is to move on to the
next step: an interview. Your overarching goal, of course, is to get a job offer.
Use your application letter to further both of these causes. Offer details about
your experience and background that show why you are a good candidate. How
have other jobs prepared you for the position? What would you bring to the
position, and to the company? Use this space to emphasize your strengths.
Close with all the important details. Include a thank you at the end of
your letter. You can also share your contact information. If you'd like, mention
how you will follow up.

Hints for writing an application letter

1. Opening
- I would like to apply for the position of … advertised in this month’s edition
of Computer Technics.
- I am writing to you concerning your advertisement on… in The Guardian for
a … to work in your export department.
- I am answering your advertisement for the post of … which appeared in
yesterday’s Times.
- I am replying to the advertisement of 18 June for a … which you placed in the
Export Journal.

280 Chapter 10 – Job application

- I have read with interest your advertisement in…and wish to apply for the
post of…
- I am very interested in the vacancy you are now advertising in the…for a…
and would like to apply for the post.
- I was recommended by… who is currently working in…/ who has had a long
association with your firm/ who is one of your suppliers, to write to you
concerning a possible post in your department.
- I understand from Mr…, one of your suppliers, that there is an opening in
your office for…
- I am writing to enquire whether you have a vacancy in your organization that
I might usefully fill.
2. Summary of details
- You will see that I graduated from (college) where I got a (degree/ diploma/
certificate). I then began work with (name of company) as (job title), where I
was trained as (title) and was involved with (description of duties)
- I left (name of company) as (new employer) offered me a chance to use my
(skills or specialized knowledge, e.g. languages, computering etc.).
- In 20-- I was offered a chance to join (name of company) where there was an
opportunity for me to gain more experience in…
- I was offered promotion by (name of company) in (date) and therefore left
(company) as this meant I could…
3. Explanation of previous experience
- While I was at… I took responsible for … and this meant I (description);
within (period of time) the firm/ department was able to… (description of
- During my time at… I worked on several schemes which were very successful
as they meant (description)
- At…, my duties included… This gave me more experience in… which was
very valuable when I moved to…
- (Name of company) encouraged day release at (name of college) where I
studied (subject) and took a (degree/ diploma/ certificate) in (date). After two
more years of management experience I joined (name of company).

Chapter 10 – Job application 281

4. Reasons you are applying for the post
- I am particularly interested in the position you offer as I know my previous
experience and academic background would be valuable in this area of
(engineering, teaching, accountancy etc.).
- I am sure I would be successful in this post as I have now gained the
experience and skills that are required.
- As (title of post) I know my background in (area of work) would prove
valuable to you, especially as I have been dealing with …
- This post would require someone who has had extensive experience of (area
of work) which I gained both academically and commercially at (college and
5. Closing
- I look forward to hearing from you. However, if there is any further
information you require in the meantime, please contact me.
- Please let me know if there are any other details you need. Meanwhile, I look
forward to hearing from you soon.
- I hope to hear from you in due course. Please let me know if you would like
further information about me.
- I will be able to give you more detailed information at an interview and I look
forward to seeing you.
- I could come for an interview at any time and enclose a card addressed to
myself and hope you will use it to say when I may come.
- I should appreciate an interview and the opportunity to give you more
information about myself.
- I trust you will consider my application favourably and grant me an

1. Application letter in reponse to an advertisement
Sample 1(a).
26 Windsor Road

282 Chapter 10 – Job application

15 May 200-
Mrs W R Jenkinson
Personnel Manager
Leyland & Bailey Ltd
Nelson Works
Dear Mrs Jenkinson
Re: Private secretary to managing director
I was interested to see your advertisement in today’s Daily Telegraph and
would like to be considered for this post.
I am presently working as Private Secretary to General Manager at a
manufacturing company and have a wide range of responsibilities. These
include attending and taking minutes of meetings and interviews, dealing with
callers and correspondence in my employer’s absence, and supervising junior
staff, as well as the usual secretarial duties.
The kind of work your company is engaged particularly interested me, and I
would welcome the opportunity it would afford to use my language abilities
which are not utilised in my present post.
A copy of my curriculum vitae is enclosed with copies of previous
I hope to hear from you soon and to be given an opportunity to present myself
at an interview.
Yours sincerely
Jean Carson (Miss)


NAME: Jean Carson
ADDRESS: 26 Windsor Road
Essex CH4 6PY

Chapter 10 – Job application 283

TELEPHONE: 020 8529 3456
DATE OF BIRTH 26 May 1965
19- to 19- Woodford High School
19- to 19- Bedford Secretarial College
RSA Silver medal for shorthand 140 wpm
Governor’s prize for first place in college examinations
April 20-- to present Secretary to General Manager
Reliance Cables
Vicarage Road, London E10 5RG

Sept 19-- to March 19-- Shorthand Typist

Bains, Hoyle & Co
60 Kingsway
London WC2B 6AB
Music, Languages, Hockey, Golf, Swimming
1. Ms W Harris
Bains, Hoyle & Co
60 Kingsway
London WC2B 6AB
2. Mr W J Godfrey OBE
Managing Director
Reliance Cables
Vicarage Road, London E10 5RG

284 Chapter 10 – Job application

1. testimonials giấy chứng nhận năng lực chuyên môn
2. Résumé Sơ yếu lý lịch
3. referee người viết thư tham khảo
4. shorthand tốc ký
5. minute of meeting biên bản họp
6. secretarial duties những công việc thư ký

2. Application for post of Sales Manager

Sample 2.
Dear Sir
I was very interested to see your advertisement for a Sales Manager in
yesterday’s Daily Telegraph and would like to be considered for this post.
My full particulars are shown on my enclosed curriculum vitae, from which
you will see that I have had 10 years’ experience in the sales department of two
well-known companies. My special duties at Oral Plastics Ltd include the
training of sales personnel, dealing with the company’s correspondence and
organizing market research and sales promotion programs. I thoroughly enjoy
my work and I am very happy here but I feel that the time has come when my
experience in marketing has prepared me for the responsibility of full sales
Mr James Watkinson, my Managing Director, and Ms Harriet Webb, Sales
Manager of my former company, have both agreed to provide references for
me: their details can be found on my CV.
I shall be pleased to provide any further information you may need and hope I
may be given the opportunity for an interview.
Yours faithfully
1. sales personnel nhân viên kinh doanh
2. sales promotion programs các chương trình khuyến mại
3. references các thư tham khảo
4. particulars thông tin chi tiết
5. correspondence thư tín
Chapter 10 – Job application 285
3. Application using an introduction
Sample 3.
Dear Mr Barker
Mrs Phyllis Naish, your Personnel Officer, has told me that you have a vacancy
for a Marketing Assistant. I would like to be considered for this post.
As you will see from my enclosed CV I have several A levels as well as
secretarial qualifications gained during an intensive one-year course at
Walthhamstow College of Commerce.
I have been a Shorthand Typist in the Marketing Department of Enterprise
Cables Ltd for 2 years and have been very happy there, gaining a lot of
valuable experience. However, the office is quite small and I now wish to
widen my experience and hopefully improve my prospects.
My former headmistress has written the enclosed testimonial and has kindly
agreed to give further details should they be needed. If you are interested in my
application my present employer has agreed to provide further information.
I am able to attend an interview at any time and hope to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely
1. secretarial qualifications những bằng cấp về nghiệp vụ thư ký
2. intensive course khóa học cấp tốc
3. prospects những triển vọng
4. headmistress nữ hiệu trưởng
5. shorthand typist nhân viên đánh máy tốc ký

4. An unsolicited application
Sample 4.
Dear Sir
For the past 8 years I have been a Statistician in the Research Unit of Baron
& Smallwood Ltd, Glasgow. I am now looking for a chance of employment
which would widen my experience and at the same time improve my
prospects. It has occurred to me that a large and well-known organization
such as yours might be able to use my services.
I am 31 years old and in excellent health. At the University of London I

286 Chapter 10 – Job application

specialized in merchandising and advertising, and was awarded a PhD
degree for my thesis on ‘Statistical Investigation in Research’. I thoroughly
enjoy working on investigations, particularly where the work involves
Although I have had no experience in consumer research, I am familiar with
the methods employed and fully understand their importance in the
recording of buying habits and trends. I should like to feel that there is an
opportunity to use my services in this type of research and that you will
invite me to attend an interview. I could then give you further information
and bring testimonials.
I am unmarried and would be willing to undertake the training courses away
from home to which you refer in your advertisement.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully
1. statistician nhân viên làm thống kê
2. Research Unit Ban/phòng Nghiên Cứu
3. investigations điều tra khảo sát
4. recording lưu hồ sơ
5. buying habits thói quen mua sắm
6. undertake cam kết tham gia
7. unsolicited không được mời

5. A Resume by a student
Sample 5.
Full name: Nguyen Ha Linh
Date of birth: 5th July, 19-- Sex: Female
Permanent residence: 5B Dong Tam, Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi
ID card No.: 011831218
Place of issue: Hanoi Date of issue: 13 April, 19--
Present address: 5B Dong Tam, Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi

Chapter 10 – Job application 287

Cell phone: 0126 789 750 Email:
OBJECTIVE: To obtain an MBA at Hope International
19-- to 19-- Pupil in Hanoi
19-- to 20-- Hanoi University of Business and Technology
Major: Business Management
20-- to 20-- International Secretarial Training course
20-- Business Correspondence and International
Business course
Summer 20-- Young Teachers Training Course at HUBT
Jan. – Jul., 20-- English course, Vietnam-US Cooperation
Education Program
OTHER SKILLS: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Internet
Office Management
Multimedia Equipment for classroom and office
Jan., 19-- Oct., 19-- Work part-time at Short-term Training Faculty,
Nov., 19-- Jan., 2001 Work part-time as Assistant at Business English
teaching and examination Center (BETEC),
Feb., 20-- to 20-- Assistant Director of BETEC
20-- up to now Assistant Director of the Vietnam – US
Cooperation Education Program, HUBT
HOBBIES: Cooking, swimming, traveling, Saxophone,
Reading books.
REFERENCES: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Trong Dan, Director of BETEC,
Dr. Le Van Chau, Dean, Faculty of English,
288 Chapter 10 – Job application
1. permanent residence địa chỉ thường trú
2. present address địa chỉ hiện tại
3. objectives mục tiêu
4. place of issue nơi cấp
5. major chuyên ngành

I. Gap filling
assistant department internship reference
bachelor director joint stock self-motivated
background estimate meditation specializing
critical executive purchase warehouse
cumulative humour recruit


D.O.B: May 11, 1989
Cell phone : 0166 666 666
Email :

TYPICAL § Friendly, 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
§ Having a good sense of 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and
getting on easily with people
§ Good 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thinking

HOBBIES § 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
§ Swimming, dancing
§ Shopping


5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of External Economics
7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GPA 7.9

Chapter 10 – Job application 289

FOREIGN English: TOEIC 815
LANGUAGE Certification of International Business English Contracts
Certification of Business English Translation and
Speaking: good

Writing: good
Reading: excellent

Listening: good
MS Word, Excel, MS Power Point: good

WORK EXPERIENCE From June 2013 to June 2015

Taking the Master course in International Commerce in
Foreign Trade University

From June 2012 to June 2013

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in supplying of equipment and
machineries and spare parts and doing technical services for
Heavy Industry in Vietnam
Work as a Sales Manager 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• 10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . staff for Sales Department
• Contact both domestic & foreign suppliers, make
inquiries, 11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orders & Contracts,
and 12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the price of the goods.
• Supervise & make payment for POs and contracts
• Prepare Bidding Documents, make weekly reports about
the implementation of the Bids

From April 2012 to June 2012

Multinational Cooperation, specializing in home-
shopping 13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Logistics 14) . . . . . . .
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Work as an assistant in Samples 15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

290 Chapter 10 – Job application

• Check line sheet of the shipment everyday and announce
the quantity to Buyer Manager
• Enter and deal with data of the shipment received daily
into the system of the company – Dropbox, and inform
the items with defects
• After having the label for items, write reports for all the
samples WH received

July 2010
ANIMEX SAIGON 16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
COMPANY, specializing in export & import
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Internship in Sales Department
• Check and review documents in exporting & importing
the goods
• Support the employee guiding me
• Carry out an assignment on “Arranging and Performing
the import contract for agricultural goods “Wheat” at
Animex Saigon Joint Stock Company”

2009, 2010
• Teach Mathematics & English for the student, 7 grade to
earn extra income
ACTIVITIES Taking part in the exam “KHOI NGUON Y TUONG” – The
orientation for business plan, with the role - a leader
Being a leader in designing the camp of class in FTU’s
festival in 2010
Participating in “Green summer campaign 2009”
§ hold performances for handicapped children
§ teach English
Joining “Chay Viet Da 2010”, Gaining certificate “ Thanh
nien khoe”
Participating into activities of Social Work Club of Foreign
Trade University
§ visiting and taking care of children in orphanage
§ taking courses held by Social Work Club
17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ms. Pham Thi Phuong Loan - Sales Assistant in Sales
Department at Animex Saigon Co.

Chapter 10 – Job application 291

Phone: +84 909777 777 777
Mr. Trinh Nguyen Dinh Lam – Operation 18) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . in Rocket Internet Vietnam – Zalora
Email :
Phone: +84 0909 333 333
Mr. An – 19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Thanh An company.
Email :
Phone : 0905 444 444

absence Degree false present
absent Diploma first name qualifications
address dismissal history reason(s)
approach duties home referees
assessment education illness suitability
attended email information surname
college employer leaving title
contact employment offer training
dates examinations postcode university

Application for (1) employment as: Telesales Manager

(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Sheppard
(3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (s): EricJohn
(4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 136 Wrenhouse Street, Endham, Berkshire.
(5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : RG87 6GH

(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . details
(7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . telephone: 01988 879910
(8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

292 Chapter 10 – Job application

(9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Last school (11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Briarwood Secondary, Endham
(12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or (13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : North London University,
Holloway Road, London. Central Business School, Addingsbury

(14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and (15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:

A-Levels: Economics, History, Geography
BA (16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Business Administration (Upper second with
RSA (17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Business IT.

Employment (18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
(19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . employer: Safenet Insurance, Unit 7b Millsfarm
Estate, Tottenham, London N178YT
(20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of employment: 2002 - Present.
Job (21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Assistant telesales manager and coordinator.
(22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Cold-calling potential clients for Insurance scheme.
Monitoring other telesales operatives as part of quality control.

(23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for (24) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: I would like to develop

my potential in sales and marketing, and have more responsibility.

(25) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Please give the names of two people who can give an (26) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
of your (27) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for this job (one of whom should be your
present (28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .):
1. Mr Boyd Walton (Manager), Safenet Insurance (Address above)
2. Alice Waugh (Ex-colleague), Burrett and Dowling Insurance 15A Searle
Street Rigdenbury HB2 9TY

No (29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . will be made to your present employer before an

(30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of employment is made to you.

Chapter 10 – Job application 293

If you have had an (31) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in the last two years which has
caused you (32) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from work, please give details with the
number of days you were (33) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I confirm that the above (34) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is correct to the best of my

knowledge. I accept that deliberately providing (35) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
information could result in my (36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Achievements Executive Objectives Responsibilities
Background Furnished Place of birth Updated
Date of birth Literacy References Working

Current address: 414/2 Chu Van An, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam
Mobile: 0909090909 Email:
1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: March 10th, 1919 Gender: male
2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Long An Province, Vietnam
Character: Enthusiastic, responsible, fast-learning, self-motivated, logical
Soft–skills: Leadership, communication, teamwork
Foreign Language: English (Intermediate)
Computer 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Skilful in Microsoft Word, Excel and
Power Point

CURRENT 4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
▪ Experiencing and learning from a challenging position concerning Finance
and Investment Management or General Administration, with my greatest
▪ Taking opportunities for higher education on Risk Management as well as
CFA Level 1

EDUCATION 5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2010 – present: Foreign Trade University (FTU), HCMC campus
▪ 4th-year student of Banking and Finance, majored in International Finance
▪ GPA (Sept, 2010 –Sept, 2013 ): 8.24 out of 10

294 Chapter 10 – Job application

2007 – 2010: Luong The Vinh High School for the gifted, Dong Nai
▪ Specialized in Physics

March, 2011 – Jan, 2012: Content 6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of “Marketing
Challenging Contest 2011” online newspaper
▪ The reality contest on YouTube including 4 rounds, a marketing-specialized
training course in Viet Nam and Singapore, and a team-building day.
▪ 7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:
+ Created and developed the content
+ In charged of the project, as in Authority affairs, Content,
▪ Achievements: Successfully organized the city-scale contest with over 2000
candidates, more than 400 million VND sponsored and much high of 10

Sept, 2011 – Feb, 2012: Finance Executive Manager of Project “Do you
really know how to speak?”
Action Club
▪ Responsibilities:
+ Acquired sponsorship
+ Managed cash flow of Project.

Jun, 2010 – Jun, 2011: Member of Finance Department

Action Club, Foreign Trade University
▪ With the mission of “developing people and establishing the entrepreneur
basis”, Action Club mainly focuses on providing students with soft-skills,
career guidance and work opportunities.
▪ Responsibilities:
+ In charged of external relation
+ Built up and strengthened relationship with Corporations
sponsored for Club’s projects
▪ 8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:
+ Action Club was nominated by FTU’s Youth Union as
“the most efficient organization in orienting and supporting students” for the
national reward, in 2010 – 2011 academic year.
+ Finance Dept. was highly appreciated as “the most
efficient department” by BOD

Chapter 10 – Job application 295

9). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXPERIENCE
Mar, 2014 – present: Intern at Custody and Clearing, HSBC Securities
Services, HCMC
▪ Responsibilities:
+ Handled daily supporting task to Custody and Clearing
+ Prepared and translated meeting/postal ballot content,
resolution of AGMs.
+ Attended issuing companies' AGMs on client's behalf.

Jun, 2013 – August, 2013: Intern Personal Finance Consultant at Asia

Commercial Bank, HCMC
▪ Responsibilities:
+ Acquired qualified credit contracts from customers
+ Checked customers’ credit worthiness under the seniors'
▪ Achievements: Acquired a 400 million VND Credit deal

Feb, 2011 – Jan, 2012: Part-time Business Executive at online

newspaper, HCMC
▪ Responsibilities:
+ Established relationship with soft-skill clubs of
Universities around HCMC
+ Negotiated agreements of media sponsor for events and

10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . upon request
This résumé to be 12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on May 6th, 2014

Adaptable GPA Maritime Scholarship
Customs Hamlet Merchandiser Willing-to-learn
Diploma Honor Nationality
Fluent Institute Problem
Gender Intern References

Bachelor, International Business Economics

296 Chapter 10 – Job application

Foreign Trade University of Vietnam
D.O.B: 03 Dec., 1990
Phone: 0988 888 888
Full name: Vo Thi Ha Nhi
1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Female
ID number: 0248888888
Issued date: 28/01/2005; Issued by HCMC police
Home town: Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam
Current address: 10, 6 2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., Dong village, Cu Chi district,
HCMC, Viet Nam
3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: Vietnamese


· Responsible
· Friendly and getting on easily with people
· Hard-working and 4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
· Self-motivating and 5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
·Experiencing special dishes, 6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
·Travelling and making friends
·Reading and studying languages

Intern, 7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . department
· Seeking potential products and submitting promotion to the
chief MD

Chapter 10 – Job application 297

· Contacting suppliers and making arrangement for meetings,
taking part in the dealing process with the mentor
· Updating product information from competitors’ and sharing to
the MD’s internal network
· Checking contracts and making product statements before


8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., Import and Export Department
· Checking and reviewing documents in exporting & importing
the goods
· Keeping on tract with forwarding service of the export team
· Joining and supporting the team work by checking procedure
of customs declaration and documents with documentation
staff; procedure of receiving goods at the ICDs with site staff
· After the internship period, do research “ Export procedure by
sea transport at the Evergood Consultant And Logistics
Corporation ”
· Teaching English for kids
· Organizing games at speaking club
+ Tutor in English and Mathematics for elementary students for extra
2011-2012: VIETNAM LOGISTICS 9). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIATA 10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In International Freight Management

298 Chapter 10 – Job application

Major modules:
1. Freight Forwarding
2. Logistics
3. 11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transport
4. Air Transport
5. Multimodal Transport
6. Safety, Security and DG
Bachelor of External Economics
Graduated EXCELLENT grade, 12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6/4
Major subjects:
1. Insurance in International Trade
2. Negotiation in International Trade
3. Law in International Trade
4. International Payment
5. Customs and Taxation
6. Business English in Correspondence, Trade Contract
January, 2011: Working Professional and Communication Skills,
Towers Watson training center HCMC
April, 2010: Critical Thinking Skills, University of Economics Ho Chi
Minh City
13). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AND AWARD
· FIATA 14). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1250 for Diploma in Freight
Management course, 2011
· Awarded honorable mention in the Amcham Scholarship 2010
(American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam)
· Gaining “SV 3 tot” in 2009 and “SV 5 tot” in 2010

Chapter 10 – Job application 299

· Semester scholarship at Foreign Trade University in the year
2008, 2009
Being the team leader at the university group work for 4 years
Being the member of organizing team for the Charity event 2011,2012 held
by Amcham Scholars Alumni
Being a member of event team for the Amcham Scholarship 2011
Participating in the ASIA PACIFIC YOUTH FORUM 2011, the Green
Summer Campaign 2009, the University Social Work Club’s event and
Joining “Chay Viet Da 2010”, gaining “ Thanh nien khoe” certificate
Being the team leader at “KHOI NGUON Y TUONG 2010” contest held
by Foreign Trade University
English – 15). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOEIC score 840; C National Certificate
Korean – Moderate
Ms Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook – Good Internet using –
Communication – Good
Team work – Good
Time management – Good
16). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . solving – Good
17). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mr. Tam Nguyen
AmCham Scholars Alumni Founder GE Aviation Field Service

300 Chapter 10 – Job application

Representative E-mail: Mobile: 0909 111 111

(Signed) Vo Thi Ha Nhi

Accolades Bachelor Extracurricular Linguistic
Achievements Executive GMAT Master
Artworks Experience Internship Technologies

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Cell (+84) 999 999 999


1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Commerce, Jun 2016 • GPA: 7.66/10

2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in International Business Economics, Oct 2012 •
GPA: 7.98/10

Brand crisis which is dispensed by public communication and social
media – the cases of Malaysia Airlines and Tan Hiep Phat (2015-2016)
Master Dissertation, University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

A comparison between two financial systems: America and Vietnam

(2015) Master Project, University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

A research on Export Competitiveness of Vietnam in Textile and

Garment industry after joining WTO (2015) Master Project, University

Chapter 10 – Job application 301

of Economics, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Impact of Exchange rate on Trade balance of Vietnam in 2000-2010

(2011-2012) Bachelor Dissertation, University of Foreign Trade, Ho Chi
Minh, Vietnam

PROFESSIONAL 3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2014 - present


Australian-based English center recruiting over 250 teachers to Vietnam

each year

Assistant 4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manager Vietnam (2014 – present)

· Managed application process of Vietnam Teaching Internship

program by receiving new applications and communicating with
applicants on a daily basis about application procedure, legal status and
other information relating to the program

· Researched potential placement partners in all parts of Vietnam

for business development

· Established relationship and communication channels with key

liaison person in each placement partners

· Implemented marketing events (1-week orientation in Hanoi,

excursions and Facebook engagement and management)

· Managed intern base by communicating and trouble-shooting

with interns at all placements


· Successfully placed over 200 interns on many placement

schools across Vietnam each year

· Successfully managed a 1-week orientation even for over 120

interns per semester in Hanoi

302 Chapter 10 – Job application

Apr 2013-Jun 2013

DONG GIAO SERVICES Co. Ltd., Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

8-year-experienced service company specializing in marketing and

advertising national wide

Marketing 5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Apr 2013 – Jun 2013)

· Managed marketing resources for main customers such as

Mobifone and Nestle.

· Prepared marketing proposal for new customers.

· Designed marketing and advertising ideas for new campaigns.

6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

·Implemented 2 marketing campaigns for Mobifone

7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACTIVITIES
Jul 2016



· Attended to the first TEDx Talks in Ho Chi Minh city and led a team of
10 members discussing Human Age topic. Our team brought up and
discussed an idea about "Startup Bubble" - a scenario when the number of
startups is growing uncontrollably.

Aug 2015

WEB SUMMIT, RISE Conf., Hongkong

Investor Team Volunteer

RISE CONFERENCE is the biggest tech startup event in Asia •

Chapter 10 – Job application 303

· Successfully helped Declan Kelly (Head of Investors) organize and

arrange over 1000 meetings to connect startups in Asia and global investors.


8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

· Award for Impressive Design (2015) UNIVERSITY OF

FOREIGN TRADE, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

· 1st Prize for Excellence in Math for continuous years (2005-

2008) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, Binh Phuoc Province,

9). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Competence: Advanced in English

· 10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 710 (07.02.2017)

· IETLS: 8.0 (29.10.2016)
· TOEFL iBT: 102 (28.04.2012)
11). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: SPSS, Advanced MS Excel, MS PowerPoint,

Interests: Travelling, Reading books and Doing hand-made 12). . . . . . . . . . . . .

II. Translation
English - Vietnamese
1. I am interested in applying for the marketing internship position that was
listed through the Career Services Office of Foreign Trade University.


2. I believe that I would be an asset to your company. This internship would

provide me with the ideal opportunity to assist your organization and to expand
my business skills.

304 Chapter 10 – Job application



3. I am currently employed at Khanh Minh Company as the Development

Manager of Website Enterprises, a position with scope and responsibilities
very similar to the position you have advertised.



4. In my tenure at Khanh Minh, I have worked to successfully implement a

number of strategic eCommerce initiatives.


5. One of my primary responsibilities is the development and management of

corporate strategic eCommerce technology.


6. Of equal importance to the position you've advertised, I have focused on

developing best practices and core competencies for company’s eCommerce



7. I wish to apply for the role of Sales Executive, currently being advertised on
www.khanhminh.hea.par. Please find enclosed my CV for your consideration.


8. I am very interested in the open marketing position with Khanh Minh

Marketing Group.


Chapter 10 – Job application 305

9. I believe that my education and employment experience make me an ideal
candidate for the position.


10. During my tenure at Foreign Trade Univesity, I developed a passion for

marketing and public relations.


11. I have sought out multiple opportunities to develop my marketing skills.

For example, last summer, I interned at the Khanh Minh Marketing Group, a
well-known agency for different FMCGs companies such as P&G, Unilever
and Chi Hieu Food & Beverages.




12. As you can see from my attached CV, I have over three years’ experience
in the Advertising Industry, and I believe the knowledge and skills built up
during this time make me the perfect candidate for the role.



13. In my current role as Senior Marketing Executive at Khanh Minh

Marketing Group, I have been responsible for increasing incoming client
enquiries for our B2B product lines by 156% in under 12 months, which helped
the business increase its revenue by 55% year-on-year.




306 Chapter 10 – Job application

14. As an assistant at Foreign Trade Univesity’s Career services office, I am
responsible for updating information on alumni, career advisors, and
companies who publicize internships with our office.



15. This involves heavy calling during my shifts at the office, in addition to
emailing clientele. This calls for me to employ interpersonal skills to
communicate with clients effectively.



16. I believe that my experience in marketing and my interpersonal skills make

me a prime candidate for this position.


17. I am a diligent worker, and passionate about my work.



18. I will be a valuable asset to your company and will use this as an
opportunity to grow and further the development of my marketing skill set.


19. I am confident that I can bring this level of success with me to your
company and help Khanh Minh Marketing Group build upon its reputation as
one of the Vietnam’s fastest-growing marketing groups.



Chapter 10 – Job application 307

20. With my previous experience and expertise, I believe I can start actively
contributing to the business as soon as possible.



Vietnamese – English
1. Khi thấy mẫu quảng cáo tuyển dụng của quý ngài trên tờ Daily Telegraph
hôm nay, tôi đã thấy rất quan tâm và muốn được nộp đơn ứng tuyển cho vị trí



2. Tôi hiện đang đảm trách nhiều công việc khác nhau với vai trò là Thư kí cá
nhân cho Tổng giám đốc tại một công sản xuất.


3. Những công tác đó bao gồm dự họp, ghi chép biên bản cuộc họp và biên bản
phỏng vấn, nhận cuộc gọi đến và trả lời thư từ thay Tổng Giám Đốc lúc vắng
mặt, giám sát nhân viên mới, và các công việc thư kí thông thường khác.



4. Tôi rất hứng thú với lĩnh vực mà quý công ty đang tham gia hoạt động, và
tôi mong chờ cơ hội được sử dụng khả năng ngôn ngữ của mình vốn rất ít được
dùng đến ở vị trí hiện tại của tôi.



5. Đính kèm theo thư này là sơ yếu lý lịch cùng với bản sao các loại giấy giới
thiệu năng lực chuyên môn trước đây.

308 Chapter 10 – Job application



6. Tôi mong sớm nhận được hồi âm từ quý ngài và nhận được cơ hội thể hiện
mình tại buổi phỏng vấn.


7. Bà Phyllis Naish, Nhân viên phòng nhân sự, đã thông báo cho tôi biết về vị
trí Trợ lý marketing hiện đang trống và tôi mong muốn được ứng tuyển cho vị
trí nói trên.



8. Như quý ngài có thể thấy trong sơ yếu lý lịch đính kèm theo thư này, tôi đã
đạt được nhiều điểm A cũng như các chứng chỉ trợ lý có liên quan trong suốt
khóa học cấp tốc kéo dài một năm tại trường Đại học Thương Mại




9. Tôi hiện là Thư kí tốc kí của bộ phận Marketing của công ty Enterprise
Cables Ltd được hai năm. Tôi cảm thấy rất hạnh phúc với vị trí hiện tại của
mình và cũng đã tích lũy được nhiều kinh nghiệm quý báu.




10. Tuy nhiên, công ty của tôi lại là một công ty nhỏ và hiện tại tôi mong muốn
được mở rộng kinh nghiệm của mình và từ đó có được triển vọng nghề nghiệp
tốt hơn.

Chapter 10 – Job application 309



11. Hiệu trưởng cũ của tôi đã viết một thư giới thiệu (đính kèm) và sẵn lòng
cung cấp thêm thông tin chi tiết nếu cần thiết.


12. Cấp trên hiện tại của tôi đã đồng ý cung thêm thông tin trong trường hợp
quý ngài quan tâm đến hồ sơ xin việc của tôi.


13. Tôi có thể tham dự phỏng vấn vào bất kì thời gian nào và mong sớm nhận
được hồi âm từ quý ngài.


14. Tôi viết thư này để nộp đơn vào vị trí Giám đốc bán hàng khu vực của công
ty North-western, được đăng tuyển trên trang web của quý công ty.


15. Như quý ngài có thể thấy trong sơ yếu lý lịch đính kèm, tôi năm nay 28, tốt
nghiệp ngành Kinh doanh và Marketing từ Trường đại học Hamburg, và có
năm năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực bán hàng và marketing ở công ty Audi
AGF đặt tại Bremen.




16. Vị trí hiện tại của tôi là Phó giám đốc bán hàng cho khu vực Bremen và


310 Chapter 10 – Job application

17. Sau khi tốt nghiệp, bên cạnh những kinh nghiệm thực tế có được từ những
vị trí mà mình đã đảm nhiệm, tôi cũng đã tham gia nhiều khóa học khác nhau
tại các lớp học buổi tối và các khóa học ngắn hạn về Kĩ năng thuyết trình,
Quản lý nhân sự và Marketing.




18. Tôi cũng đã tham gia nhiều khóa đào tạo về những lĩnh vực tương tự trong
nội bộ công ty nơi tôi làm việc.


19. Tôi rất quan tâm đến vị trí được đăng tuyển vì đây dường như là cơ hội mà
tôi đang tìm kiếm để chuyển sang làm việc tại một công ty sản xuất hàng tiêu
dùng quốc tế và trở thành Giám đốc bán hàng khu vực.



20. Tôi hi vọng thư xin việc và sơ yếu lý lịch của mình sẽ thu hút sự quan tâm
của quý ngài. Tôi có thể tham dự phỏng vấn vào bất kì thời điểm nào, và cấp
trên hiện tại của tôi cũng sẵn lòng cung cấp thêm thông tin giới thiệu khi cần.



III. Job Application writing

Letter 1
Write a cover letter with the following features:
- Job advertised: Communications Director
- Current position of the writer: Communications Director for XYZ Copany,

Chapter 10 – Job application 311

in charge of:
× Writing articles for website
× Managing guest author submissons,
× Writing and sending email newsletter to subscribers on a weekly basis.
- Previous position of the writer: Assistant Communications Director for
Assemblyperson Susan Smith, in charge of:
× Researching, drafting and amending legislation
× Writing press releases,
× In charge of office communications and correspondence.
- Wide experience writing on a freelance basis: labor issues.
- Articles for review at:
- Attachment
You should add other necessary details for a complete letter.













312 Chapter 10 – Job application



























Chapter 10 – Job application 313

Letter 2
1. You are John Donaldson with the following personal information.
8 Sue Circle
Smithtown, CA 08067
2. The recipient of your job application letter is George Gilhooley with the
following personal information.
XYZ Company
87 Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA 08065
3. Position advertised in the Times Union: programmer
4. Showing your interest in the position and the eligibility of doing the job:
- Your experience
- Your education
- Your strengths, for example:
× Design, develop, and support live use applications
× Strive for continued excellence
× Provide best service for all customers.
- Degree: BS degree in Computer Programming
5. Attachment
6. You should add other necessary details for a complete letter.









314 Chapter 10 – Job application



























Chapter 10 – Job application 315

Instruction 3
Use your imagination to write a CV with the following headings:
















316 Chapter 10 – Job application


























Chapter 10 – Job application 317


I. Fill in the numbered blanks with the most appropriate words, ONE
word for each space (2 marks)
Dear Mr Kim Tan
Please find enclosed an order (R1432) from our principals, MacKenzie Bros
Ltd., 1-S Whale Drive, Dawson, Ontario, Canada. They have asked us to (1)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you that the 60 sets of crockery ordered should be packed
in six crates, ten sets (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . crate, (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each
piece individually wrapped, and the crates (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clearly with
their name, the words 'fragile', 'crockery', and numbered 1-6.
They have agree to pay by letter of credit, which we discussed on the phone
last week, and they would like delivery before the end of this month, which
should be easily (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as there are regular (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
from Liverpool. If the colors they have chosen are not in (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
they will accept an (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . provided the designs are those (9)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on the order.

Please send any further correspondence relating to shipment or payment

directly to MacKenzie Bros. and let us have a copy of the commercial
invoice when it is (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up.
Yours sincerely

II. Translate the following into English. (3 marks)

1. Xét đến nhu cầu cao đối với mặt hàng này, chúng tôi khuyên quý ngài đặt
hàng ngay.
2. Do nhu cầu đối với mặt hàng này trên thị trường thế giới vượt quá mạnh
so với mức cung, chúng tôi sẽ không thể bán hàng cho quý ngài được nữa.
3. Chúng tôi đã sẵn sàng giao mọi mặt hàng, trừ mặt hàng số A 17 trong ca-
ta-lô, là loại chúng tôi chỉ có màu xanh da trời..
4. Quý ngài có thể xác nhận với chúng tôi về việc chuyển khoản ngay khi
ngân hàng thông báo với quý ngài được không?

318 Appendix – Sample Tests

5. Ngân hàng thông báo với chúng tôi là họ đã có bộ chứng từ vận tải và sẽ
chuyển tiền thanh toán theo L/C vào tài khoản quý ngài.
6. Ngân hàng đã thông báo với chúng tôi là quý ngài đã chấp nhận hối phiếu
và đã chuyển bộ chứng từ cho quý ngài. Cảm ơn quý ngài đã ủng hộ chúng
tôi và hi vọng quý ngài sẽ liên hệ lại với chúng tôi.

III. Letter-writing (5 marks)

Sau khi nhận được thư chào hàng đề ngày 18/12 của công ty Hellene ở
Malaysia, công ty TNHH Thuận Phát nhận thấy có thể mua hàng với những
điều khoản và điều kiện sau đây:
1. Tên hàng: Máy xén cỏ (grass-cutter)
2. Quy cách phẩm chất: Theo như catalog đính kèm số XY77.
3. Số lượng: 200 chiếc.
4. Đơn giá: 2000 USD/ chiếc CIF cảng Sài Gòn, không kể chi phí đóng gói
bao bì.
5. Đóng gói: theo tiêu chuẩn vận tải quốc tế qui định cho ngành điện tử
6. Thanh toán: bằng L/C có xác nhận, trả tiền ngay như thường lệ.
Cuối thư, anh/ chị hãy bày tỏ mong muốn sớm nhận hàng và nói thêm về uy
tín của công ty trong việc thực hiện thanh toán đúng hạn cho nhà cung cấp
và tiềm năng thị trường tại Việt Nam.
Anh/ chị có thể thêm các thông tin cần thiết khác để thư có hình thức và nội
dung hoàn chỉnh. Thư bắt đầu bằng “Dear Sirs”.

I. Fill in the numbered gaps with the most appropriate words in the
following letter.
Dear Mr. Chan
We thank you for your letter of 25 June, and are glad to inform you that all
the items listed in your enquiry are in (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We are enclosing a pro-forma invoice for the aluminums fittings you are
interested in. If you wish to place a firm order, will you please arrange for
(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the invoice by draft through your bank, and advise
us at the same time.

Appendix – Sample Tests 319

We can guarantee (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in Melbourne within 3 weeks upon
(4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of your instructions. If you require the items (5) . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . ., we will arrange for them to be sent by air, but this will, of course,
entail higher (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . charges.
We are enclosing (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of our terms of payment, and would
be happy to discuss (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with you if you would let us know
how large your orders are likely to be.
We are also enclosing a copy of the report, which (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
the March issue of The Metal Worker, on our ALUMOY fitting.
We are looking forward to hearing from you, and assure you that your
orders will (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . our immediate attention.
Yours sincerely

II. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Khi chúng tôi đặt đơn hàng này với quý ngài, chúng tôi đã nhấn mạnh
rằng việc giao hàng đúng hạn là rất quan trọng. Do vậy, chúng tôi rất tiếc
phải nói rằng trừ khi chúng tôi nhận được tin của quý ngài trong thư về
rằng quý ngài đang sắp xếp để giao hàng, chúng tôi buộc phải hủy bỏ đơn
hàng này.
2. Xét thấy quý ngài đã ủng hộ chúng tôi trong thời gian qua, chúng tôi đồng
ý cho quý ngài hưởng mức chiết khấu thương mại 15% tính trên giá
thuần. Tuy nhiên chúng tôi muốn nhấn mạnh rằng thanh toán bằng L/C
không hủy ngang trả chậm 60 ngày mở tại một ngân hàng có uy tín quốc
tế trong vòng 7 ngày sau khi ký kết hợp đồng.
3. Để tỏ thiện chí, chúng tôi sẽ gửi đến quý ngài tờ ngân phiếu trị giá 1.000
đô la Mỹ để giải quyết dứt điểm khiếu nại của quý ngài.
4. Chúng tôi muốn nhân dịp này giới thiệu đến quý ngài loại gạo A1 có chất
lượng tương tự mà quý ngài có thể quan tâm. Chúng tôi đã nhận được rất
nhiều đơn hàng nhắc lại đối với mặt hàng này. Điều này chứng tỏ sản
phẩm này rất được ưa chuộng trên thị trường thế giới. Có thể nói, chất
lượng của nó không thua kém loại gạo nào cả.
5. Hàng sẽ được đóng trong bao đay hai lớp, trọng lượng tịnh mỗi bao là 50
kg, khâu miệng bằng dây đay, thích hợp với việc bốc vác và vận tải bằng
đường biển.

320 Appendix – Sample Tests

6. Quý ngài hiểu rằng nếu tình hình này còn tái diễn thì chắn chắn khách
hàng sẽ đặt hàng ở chỗ khác, và đây là điều rủi ro mà chúng tôi không
muốn gánh chịu. Do vậy, chúng tôi lưu ý tới hạn giao hàng đối với các
đơn hàng sau.

III. Letter-writing
Công ty ABC ký một hợp đồng với công ty Nhật mua 100 chiếc tủ lạnh
(refrigerator) kiểu M2024 và 200 chiếc tivi màu kiểu TV5033 theo điều kiện
CIF cảng Hải Phòng. Ngày 20 tháng 11, chuyến hàng đã về đến cảng Hải
Phòng trên con tàu Carl Maxstart.
Khi kiểm tra, công ty phát hiện thấy tổn thất và đã mời cán bộ của
Vinacontrol đến giám định lô hàng và biên bản ghi như sau:
- Tủ lạnh: 90 chiếc
- Tivi: 140 chiếc (thiếu 60 chiếc), 60 chiếc trắng đen (không nằm trong đơn
hàng này)
- 20 tivi bị hỏng nặng và không thể sửa chữa được, ước tính thiệt hại là 500
USD. Kết quả giám định nguyên nhân của tổn thất là do khâu đóng gói
không đạt tiêu chuẩn, chứ không phải do bốc dỡ hàng.
Anh/chị hãy giúp ông Bảo Hòa, giám đốc kinh doanh của công ty ABC thảo
một thư khiếu nại với những nội dung cần thiết và giải quyết theo hướng
- Đối với tủ lạnh giao thiếu, công ty ABC sẽ mua ở Thái Lan, phía Nhật
phải chịu mọi chi phí vì công ty đang cần gấp.
- Đối với tivi, yêu cầu phía Nhật gửi càng nhanh càng tốt 60 chiếc tivi màu
còn thiếu và thay thế 20 chiếc bị hỏng nhưng chậm nhất là 20/12. Nếu quá
thời gian này, phía Nhật phải bồi thường thiệt hại ước tính cho công ty số
tiền 15,000 USD
- Đề nghị hướng giải quyết 60 chiếc trắng đen theo cách hoặc ta bán hộ hoặc
cho người đến mang đi.
Anh/chị có thể thêm các chi tiết khác để phù hợp về nội dung và văn phong
của một thư trả lời.
Bắt đầu thư bằng Dear Sirs

Appendix – Sample Tests 321


Section 1: Fill ONE WORD in each blank (2PTS)

Dear Mr Smith,
Thank you for being so (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in sending the documents for
our last order No. 14463. We have (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the sight draft, and
the bank should be sending you an advice shortly.
We have been dealing with you on a cash against documents (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
for over a year and would like to change to payment by 40-day bill of
exchange, documents (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . acceptance.
When we first (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you last February, you told us that you
would be (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to reconsider terms of payment once we had
established (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . association. We think that sufficient time
has (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for us to be allowed the terms we have asked for. If
you need references, we will be glad to supply them.
As we will be sending another order within the month, could you please
confirm that you agree to these new terms of payment?
Yours sincerely,

Section 2: Translate into English (3PTS)

1. Hàng hóa phải được bảo hiểm theo điều khoản “Bảo hiểm tất cả” từ nhà
kho tại Việt Nam đến nhà kho ở Hamburg. Việc bảo hiểm phải được thực
hiện với 1 công ty bảo hiểm hàng đầu Việt Nam hoặc 1 công ty bảo hiểm
nước ngoài.
2. Khi điều tra, chúng tôi biết được thực ra lỗi này được gây ra trong khâu
thiết kế do sự nhầm lẫn về kích thước, và chúng tôi đã thu xếp gửi hàng thay
thế đến cho quí ngài một cách nhanh chóng nhất.
3. Như được hướng dẫn trong thư quí ngày đề ngày 27 tháng 7, ngân hàng
chúng tôi thông qua tài khoản quý ngài để thanh toán hiếu phiếu trị giá
100.000 USD do ngân hàng ABC ký phát đòi tiền cho lô hàng đầu tiên với
30 tấn gạo vận chuyển đến quí ngài trên con tàu SS XYZ. Chúng tôi đã khấu
trừ vào tài khoản của quí ngài các loại phí với giá trị lên đến 100 USD.

322 Appendix – Sample Tests

Section 3: Letter writing (5PTS)
Hãy viết 1 thư khiếu nại gửi công ty SEUNGWOO, Hàn Quốc do hàng
thiếu sử dụng những thông tin gợi ý sau:
-Đơn hàng số 777 hỏi mua 200 tấn xi măng trắng
-Công ty anh/chị đã nhận telex ngày 27 tháng 5 về ngày tàu đến
-Khi công ty kiểm tra hàng hóa, phát hiện 70 bao bị bung và phần hàng bên
trong ước tính 700 kg đã bị thất thoát không thể phục hồi cho mục đích sử
dụng ban đầu.
-Tiến hành khảo sát phát hiện thất thoát là do bao bì không đủ chuẩn
-Anh/chị viết thư khiếu nại đòi bồi thường cho phần hàng bị thiếu và phí
giám định liên quan; không chấp nhận gởi hàng thay thế.
-Gửi kèm biên bản giám định No 77AA để chứng minh
Anh / chị có thể thêm các chi tiết cần thiết khác để đảm bảo về văn phong
và nội dung của một thư khiếu nại.

I. Fill in the numbered blanks with the most appropriate words, ONE
word for each space (02 points)
Dear Sir/Madam
It is very difficult to understand (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we have not heard
from you in reply to our two letters of 18 February and 2 March about the
sum of £105.67 (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on our December statement. We had
hoped that you would at least (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . why the account
continues to (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unpaid.
I am sure you will agree that we have shown every (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
the circumstances. However, (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . any reply to our earlier
requests for payment. I am afraid we shall have no choice but to take other
steps to (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the amount due.
We are most anxious to avoid doing anything through which your (8) . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . and reputation might suffer, and even at this late stage are
prepared to give you a further opportunity to put matters right. Therefore,
we propose to give you until the end of this month to clear your account.
Yours faithfully

Appendix – Sample Tests 323

II. Translate the following into English (03 points)
1. Chúng tôi lấy làm tiếc rằng hầu hết các thùng hàng trong chuyến trước bị
vỡ khi tới nơi dẫn đến chất lượng kém. Do vậy, đối với chuyến hàng lần
này, chúng tôi đề nghị quý ngài gia cố cho chắc hơn.
2. Để tiết kiệm cước phí, đề nghị đóng hàng trong các thùng thưa có gia cố,
toàn bộ số hàng được bọc trong giấy gói không thấm nước. Một thùng kín
bằng kim loại như quý ngài đề nghị sẽ không tiết kiệm.
3. Chúng tôi cho rằng đã nói lên được hết mọi thứ quý ngài yêu cầu. Nếu
chưa đủ, xin đừng ngần ngại viết thư lại cho chúng tôi. Chúng tôi sẽ hân
hạnh trả lời quý ngài ngay.

II. Letter-writing (05 points)

Công ty anh/chị đặt mua 3.000 bếp ga hiệu ZM 304 và 2.000 chiếc hiệu ZM
340 của công ty Nhật Bản, theo đơn hàng số TTN /012, cập cảng Sài Gòn
ngày hôm qua. Tuy nhiên khi làm thủ tục thông quan tại cảng, anh/chị đã
phát hiện chỉ có 1.500 bộ bếp ga ZM 340 được giao, thiếu 500 bộ. Trong
3.000 bếp ga hiệu ZM 304 nhận được, có 200 bộ bị hư hỏng nặng không thể
sửa chữa được. Anh/Chị hãy viết một thư khiếu nại, để ông Lê Hải, giám
đốc kinh doanh ký, với nội dung trên và đưa ra giải pháp thích hợp cho lô
hàng trên. Chú ý một số điềm sau:
1. Khi phát hiện hàng thiếu, ta đã mời đại diện của SGS đến giám định và
lập biên bản lô hàng trên. Nguyên nhân hàng thiếu và bị hư hỏng đuợc kết
luận là do sơ suất của người bán trong quá trình xếp hàng vào công ten nơ
tại kho.
2. Đề nghị phía người bán gởi gấp số tiền là 12.000 USD bằng điện chuyển
tiền vào tài khoản của Anh/chị tại ngân hàng Ngoại thương Việt Nam, chi
coi như đây là số tiền bồi thường cho việc giao hàng thiếu với mọi chi phí
do người bán chịu.
Anh / chị có thể thêm các chi tiết cần thiết khác để đảm bảo về văn phong
và nội dung của một thư khiếu nại. Bắt đầu thư bằng “Dear Mr. Suzuki”

324 Appendix – Sample Tests


I. Fill in each gap with ONE most suitable word (02 points)

Dear Sirs,
Your (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . was at last (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from the
airfreight terminal yesterday. The (3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of cases checked
with your advice (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . but we were surprised to (5) . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . that their contents corresponded to item FFT of your catalogue and
(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the &FT’s we ordered . The mix-up is likely (7) . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . to misreading our order sheet. We are (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the
FFT’s at your disposal but must urgently (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . that you let
us have the items we did order without (10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yours faithfully

II. Translate the following into English (03 points)

1. Chúng tôi xin nói rõ để quý ngày biết rằng những thay đổi gần đây đối
với hạn nghạch nhập khẩu đã gây không ít khó khăn cho chúng tôi trong
việc thực hiện hợp đồng và do vậy không thể tránh được trường hợp chậm
giao hàng.
2. Vì hiện nay chúng tôi đang gặp một số khó khăn với nhà sản xuất, chúng
tôi không thể thực hiện đơn hàng của quý ngài để giao vào ngày quý ngài
yêu cầu được. Do vậy, chúng tôi rất tiếc phải từ chối đơn hàng này.
3. Bức thư này là để thông báo với các ngài rằng chúng tôi không nhận được
tin gì của các ngài về chuyến hàng theo đơn đặt hàng nói trên, chuyến hàng
này lẽ ra phải đến chỗ chúng tôi cách đây một tuần rồi.

II. Letter-writing (05 points)

Anh/ chị hãy viết một đơn đặt hàng sau khi nhận được báo giá của công ty
đối tác, hỏi mua chất phụ gia thực phẩm (food additives) theo những gợi ý
chính như sau:
-Tên hàng: chất phụ gia các loại với đặc tính kỹ thuật được nêu trong phụ
lục 0123

Appendix – Sample Tests 325

- Giá cả: Theo giá 2 bên đã thỏa thuận trong biên bản ghi nhớ đề ngày 20
tháng 5, 20.....
- Giao hàng: chậm nhất 15 tháng 10 năm 2014, tại cảng SG
- Thanh toán: bằng tín dụng thư không thể hủy ngang có xác nhận, được mở
tại ngân hàng ngoại thương thành phố HCM, 30 ngày trước khi giao hàng,
có giá trị hiệu lực 45 ngày cho người bán hưởng sau khi đã xuất trình những
chứng từ như: Vận đơn, hóa đơn thương mại, phiếu đóng gói, chứng nhận
chất lượng….)
Lưu ý: - Anh/ chị hãy thêm những chi tiết cần thiết để đặt hàng đầy đủ.
- Bắt đầu thư từ ‘Dear Sir”


326 Appendix – Sample Tests


1. Ashley, A., 2003. The Handbook of Commercial Correspondence,

Oxford University Press.
Ashley, A., 2003. Commercial Workbook, Oxford University Press.

2. Gartside, L. & Taylor, S. 2003. Complete Book of Modern Business

Letters, Longman Press.

3. Naterop, B., J. & Weis, E. 2007. Business Letters for All, Oxford
University Press.

4. Đan Nguyen Trong, 2010. International Business Correspondence in

English, Labour Publishing House.


























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