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(CELE MAI BUNE PRACTICI PENTRU ARHIVELE MODERNE: PREZERVAREA MATERIALELOR DE ARHIVA SI DIGITALIZAREA COMPLEXA A COLECTIILOR Sabina ISPAS!, Monica SIMILEANU®, Cristina NEAMU’, Lucian RATOIU?, Laurengiu ANGHELUTA? Institutul de Etnografie si Folclor ,C. Brailoiu” al Academie’ Romane Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare in Optoelectronied INOE 2000 MODERN ARCHIVE BEST PRACTICE: PRESERVATION OF THE ARCHIVAL MATE! & MULTIFACETED DIGITIZATION OF ‘COLLECTIONS Sabina ISPAS', Monica SIMILEANU®, Cristina Lucian RATOIU?, Laurenfiu ANGHEL ‘stitute of Ethnography and Folklore “C. Briloiu' Romanian Aa National Institute of Research and Developm ‘Optoelectronics INO Rezumat: Fiecare arkivd este complexa si unici. Prin urmare, pentru a dezvolta 0 arhioi moderna, este necesar sit infelegem nevoile particulare ale colectilor, starea si spectrul materialelor, historia si midicinile intelectuale ale arhivei, spatiul de lucru {fizie, precum si flucul de tucru al resurselor umane. Misiunea Folkmedia este concentrata asupra satoiri unei colecfifolclorice tunice, prin aplicarea unei abordir inovative pentru decontaminare i prezervare, precum si educafia pentru cercetare si colectarea informatiilor. Colectile de arhiod ale Institutului de Etnografie si Folclor .C. Briiloiu” au fost evaluate, si pe baza valorilor pieselor, precum sia stiri lor de prezervare, au fost dezvoltate proceduri de conservare a ciror implementare este in curs in acest moment. In timp, colecfiile aw fost stocate in dliferite condifit necorespunzittoare, prin urmare acum - cind 0 noud locafie prinde form conform Standardelor europene, prim pas a fost econtaminarea. Metoda de decontaminare aleasi a fost anoxia = 0 metod simplautilizaté de majoritatea arhivelor si muzeelor internationale, Colecta de cilindri de cear a fost primul set de ese care au trecut prin procedura de conseroare, urmati de documentele pe hrtie ce contin informatile scrise, precum si de cele din colecta de benzi magnetice. Digitalizarea este mai mult decit simpla prezervare ce reiduce uzura originalelor pentru referint si reproducere. Ofer cercetitorilor acces in timp real, online, la inregistii, ceea ce ar fide neconceput intr- arhivi traditional, ficica, crescénd modul de infelegere al utilizatorior asupra autenticitatii si contextului arhivei, precum si introducind in mediul online principalacolectie ‘multimedia de folctor national, ca parte a tezaurului european multicultural ersonalizarea distincti efectuatt asupra acestei arhive digitale moderne const in informatiile suplimentare colectate (acolo unde a fost cazul) prin metode fotonice avansate de investigare, cum este imagistica multispectral (UV, VIS, NIR) si microscopia digitala. Baza de date digitald are o natura dual, tuna cu caracteristci de interes general care va fi publicata online, si una mai specializatd, proiectatt pentru a rispunde nevoilor cercettoritor de flctor. Abstract: Each archive is complex and unique. Ther order to develop a modern archive, we need to unde particular needs ofthe collections, the condition and o¥ the materials, the history. intellectual roots ofthe ard physical workspace, as well asthe human resource wor Folkmedia mission is focused on safeguarding an unig collection by applying innovative approaches for decons and preseroation, as well as murturing. the information-gathering. ‘The archival collections ofthe Institute of Ethno Folklore “C. Briiloiu” were assessed, and based on the items, as well as their preservation status, consereuton pa ‘were developed and their implementation is running atts During the time, the collections have been I various improper conditions, therefore now -tohen a ne is shaped up accordingly to the European Standards, he was decontamination. The method of decontamination ‘anoria -a simple method used by most international arc ‘museums. The Wax Cylinders Collection woas the ist st that underwent the conseroation procedure, followed by documents that contain their writen information, aswel one from Magnetic Bands Collection. Digitization is more than plain preseroation tha ‘wear and tear on the originals for reference and reprodua provides researchers real time, online access to records ti be unthinkable ina traditional, physical archive, ena understanding on authenticity and archival context, a introducing in the online environment the main national ‘multimedia collection, as part of the multicultural treasure. The distinctive customization operated on this digital archive consists in the additional information g (wherever needed) through advanced photonic investigation, such as multispectral imaging (UV, VIS, NI digital microscopy. The digital data base has dual welding ‘one with features of general interest that will be publish ‘and one more specialized, designed to inner needs of te researchers, Scurt istoric Folcloristica, etnomuzicologia si etnocoreologia, prin specialistii care activeaza in aceste domenii, au avut, de-a lungul timpului si continua si aibi, astizi chiar cu responsabilitate sporitd, sarcini privind culegerea si cercetarea creafiei folclorice, precum si conservarea acesteia si valorificarea stiinffic’. Aceste sarcini au atras atensia ‘oamenilor de cultura si specialistilor inca din secolul al XIX- lea, Alcituind si adoptand 0 metodologie adecvata noilor sarcini stiinfifice care se ridicau in fafa specialistilor Ja inceputul secolului trecut, in 1927 ia fiingd, pe lang’ Ministerul Cultelor gi Artelor, 0 Arhiva fonogramica al Short historic Folkloristics, Ethnomusicology and Ethnecha gy, through the specialists that activate in these throughout the time, and continues to have nowada with even more responsibility, the task of gathering searching folk creation, but also to conserve and s valorize it. These tasks attracted the attention of df scholars and specialists since the 19th century. Developing and adopting an _appry ‘methodology for the new scientific tasks that were at the beginning of the last century, in 1927 is fou under the direction of Ministry of Cults and Phonogram Archive coordinated by the profes ator a fost profesorul si esteticianul George Lamai pusin de un an, in 1928, va lua fing Arhiva Societitii Compozitorilor Romani sub directa resi Indrumare a profesorului Constantin Brailoiu, pe drept,intemeietorul etnomuzicologiei romanesti, Prin Decretul din 5 aprilie 1949 se intemeiazs de Folelor, in cadrul caruia se reunesc cele athive nationale, din 1927 gi 1928. In 1963 instituia Institut de Etnografie si Folclor al Academici De atunc si pang astazi, chiar in acest prim an al ial treilea, athiva de folclor a Roméniei, arhiva nventionals, manuscrisa, sonora si de imagine, prin lista céror valoare reala o va certifica, i, viitorul, sa diversificat, i-au fost imbogatite sa creat 0 metodologie stiinjfica de culegere, siindexare, aceasta a devenit una dintre cele te surse documentare, de acest tip, din centrul gi ful Europe, Ahivele neconvenjionale, cum sunt cele de au ca sarcind prioritara culegerea si inmagazinarea discurilor, mai recent, al CD-urilor si, ca te deosebite, cu valoare special cilindrii de fonogral, in perioada prime’ jumatai a secolului al XX-lea, cir in sisteme specifice limbajelor muzica, literar, ic fotografi, cu valoroasele variante vechi ale cliseelor li, diapozitive,schife, filme documentare (pe 16 mm ‘sete video), casete audio, CD-uri si CD-ROM-uri culegeri si studii ale diferitelor domeniilor etnologice, documente i dincolectiiparticulare ete Digitizarea fondurilor Reprezentand unul din aspectele cheie, digitizarea in sens general, procesul prin care informafia panalog este transformata ininformafie digital8. In acest documentele istorice si alte tipuri de arhive, lucrari de sunt conservate de la degradari inevitabile cauzate de rea prelungita. Procesul de digitizare este, mai de orice, parte a unei strategii de acces ce nu trebuie asc documentele originale si, in acelagi timp, nu ie s4 incalce in vreun fel drepturile intelectuale de te a persoanelor sau institufilor aflate in posesie. acest motiv un aspect critic 0 reprezinta constientizarea sunei arhive cao tranzifie de laexpresia intangibila al cultural digital, si nu doar o unealt& modern patrimor te produce surogate ale documentelor originale. Programul complex de digitizare, dezvoltat in cadra lui Folkmedia [1], este conceput nu numai pentru a 2 in modul digital documentele istorice ale arhivei, di si pentru a produce informagie asociat’, evidentiata forma unot investigatii preliminare de tipul analizei multispectral sau a altor tehnici cu caracter aziv, tehnici disponibile in cadrul departamentului -CERTO- INOE [2]. Astfel este subliniata complementaritatea a aceste tehnici ce poate fi asociata cu alte direcfii de 2 axate pe studiul microclimatului si calitatiiaerului, decontaminarea si conservarea pe termen lung al athivei, in digitizarea transcrierilor din arhiva IEF (transcrieri benzi de magnetophon sau fonograme) este de fapt conservat tn patrimoniu intangibil, al cArui valoare de rememorare pisteaz’ in constiinja colectiva a prezentului unele dintr cele mai autentice urme ale traditiei roménesti. philosopher (Aesthetics) George Breazu. In less than a year in 1928, is formed the Folklore Archive of the Society of Romanian Composers. The manager of this institution was Constantin Brailoiu, rightly called the founder of Romanian Ethnomusicology. ‘The decree signed on 5* of April 1949 foresees the founding of the Folklore Institute, where the two national archives were reunited. In 1963 the institution will become the Institute of Ethnography and Folklore of the Romanian Academy. From then until today, the Romanian folklore archive, a nonconventional archive, handwritten, with a huge collection of images and audio, through the efforts of specialists of certain value, had become one of the richest sources of documentation of this type, from the center and south-east of Europe. The future of this archive has diversified and enlarged, but also has allowed to develop a scientific methodology of collection, classification and indexing. . ‘The nonconventional archives, as the folklore ones, have the main purpose of collecting and storing audio documents on different media type, like: magnetic tapes, vinyl records, CD-s more recently, and as a special category phonograph cylinders that were recorded during the first half of the 20% century. These collections are joined by complex systems of standardized data sheets, information, transcriptions in dedicated systems of musical notation, literary, choreic, photographs with valuable old clichés on glass, slides, sketches, documentary films (on 16 mm. film or on video tapes), audio cassettes, CD-s and CD- ROMs, manuscripts that contain collections and studies of different personalities from ethnographic fields, documents regarding particular collections ete. Digitization Representing one of the key issues, digitization designates, in the general meaning, the process through which analog information is converted into digital information. Thus, historical documents and other type of archives, artworks are preserved from further deterioration, and losses caused by repeated handling. The digitization’ process is, above all, part of an access strategy that must not replace original documents, and at the same time, ‘must not infringe in to the intellectual property rights of persons or institutions. For this reason a critically aspect is represented by the awareness that digitization of an archive is a transition from the intangible expression to the digital cultural heritage, and not just a modern mean to produce surrogates of the original documents. ‘The complex digitization program, developed in the Folkmedia project [1], is designed not only to digital record the historical documents of the archive, but also to produce associated information, highlighted through preliminary investigations, like the type of multispectral imaging or other non-invasive techniques, which are available in the INOE~CERTO laboratory (2). Thus is underlined the specific complementarity of this technique that can be asociated with other research directions, based on microclimate and. air quality study, decontamination and long time conservation of the archive. By digitasing the transcriptions of the IEF archive (transcription of magnetophon. or phonogram records) is in fact preserved an intangible heritage, who's value of remembrance mantains in the collective memory of the present some of the most authentic traces of romanian traditions. Baza de date A fost creati o bazi de date specifica cerinfelor ie Etnogratie si Folclor, interfata grafica a bazei de date fiind din trei pagini: General, Cercetare si Telnic. La fel ca in cazul formularelor celorlalte fonduri, prima pagina conjine date generale despre originea si Clasificarea acestei fige. A doua pagina confine informafii legate de partea de cercetare efectuata asupra fise: listele de informatori, culegatori, transcrierile literare cu hyperlink- uri catre pdf-urile respective, comentarii, abservafii etc. A treia pagina confine informafii tehnice despre fis si este completata de un tehnician. Documentatie complexdt ~ analize multispectrale Analiza imagisticd multispectrala_reprezinta © tehnicd non-invaziva si non-contact, ce inregistreazi informafii specifice la diferite frecvenfe ale spectrului electromagnetic. in domeniul patrimoniului cultural, aceasta tehnic’ este utilizata in documentarea, investigarea si diagnosticarea preliminar’. Caracteristicile fiecarei regiuni spectrale indica zona , fint” de unde informatia va fiextrasa. Cazuistica a cuprins suprapuneri de scris, documente patate cu diverse tipuri de tus, manuscrise realizate cu creion chimic si care au devenit ilizibile, documente ale caror texte nu mai pot fcitite datorita petelor de foxing, transcrieri caracterizate de o stare de degradare avansata etc.[3] Decontaminare prin anoxie Anoxia - reducerea concentratiei_de oxigen - ofera 0 alternativa necostisitoare la variantele de decontaminare ce pot induce modificari ireversibile asupra obiectelor, ce polueaz microclimatul sau chiar pot dauna sanatafii utilizatorilor. Metoda consta in incapsularea obiectelor intr-o folie de plastic special ce nu permite transferul oxigenului (prezent in aer in procent de ~21%) si inlocuirea acestuia cu un gaz inert (azot, argon sau heli). Este o metoda simpla ce poate fi aplicata cu suring in situ, versatila pentru o gama larga de obiecte de diferite dimensiuni, fiind posibila aplicarea foliei speciale chiar pe parfi integrante ale unor structuri, fara a implica detasarea acestora (ex: iconostase biserici, piloni sustinere lemn, coloane decorative, statui ete) Dupa ce aul fost introduse in folia de plastic sigilata, obiectele vor fi ramane timp de 21-35 de zile in mediul anoxic, astfel inca si objinem o decontaminare eficienta. Este foarte important ca dupai ce au fost decontaminate, obiectele si fie plasate intr-un mediu curat, in condifi optime de prezervare. Coneluzii {in cazul_unei arhive neconvenfionale ca cea prezentatd, procesul de conservare are caracter bivalent: conservarea fizicd a obiectelor - implicand metode avansate de conservare si prezervare [4], dar si actualizarea si punerea in circulafie a pieselor reprezentative in vederea conservarii vii si durabile. Pentru armonizarea celor dou’ procedee, digitalizarea tuturor documentelor de pe toate tipurile de suporfi urmeaza a fi valorificata prin punerea in circulafie stiinfficd pentru studiu si analiza a documentelor in format digital, selectiv. Originalele supuse proceselor de decontaminare si conservare vor constitui fondul tezaur al Data base ‘Adata base specific to the demands of the Ethnography and Folklore Archive was created, its graphic interac comprises three pages: General, Resenrch and Technical ‘The same as the forms belonging to the other funds. the first page contains general data about the origin and the classification of the chart. The second page contairs formation about the research connected to the chart: the formers’ lists, collectors, literary transcripts linked to the original digitized document, comments, observations et ‘The third page contains technical information about the chart and itis filled out by a technician. Complex documentation ~ multispectral analyses Multispectral analysis represents a non-invasive and non-contact technique that records specific informatica at different frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum In the cultural heritage field, this techniques is used documentation purposes, aswell as. preliminary investigation and documentation, The characteristics d each spectral region indicate the “target” area from whid the information will be extracted ‘The casuistic correlated to the Ethnography and Folklore Archive consists in overlapped writing, document stained with different types of ink, handwritten materialsin crayon that were beyond reading, documents that cannotle. red because of foxing stains and transcriptions that are ina advanced degradation state [3]. Decontamination using anoxia Oxygen reduction is increasingly regarded as ¢ recommendable alternative to insecticides and. pesticides which are harmful to human health (cancer hazard), pollu the indoor environment of conservation institutes, and may even produce reactions with the objects in the collection The method consists of placing the items in sealed envelopes ‘made with a gas barrier plastic film in which oxygep (which is present in the air to ~ 21%) is replaced with inert gases nitrogen, argon or helium, The method is quite simple, applicable in sity versatile for a large area of objects of different dimensions making possible even the plastic film clothing of part of unbroken structures, without the need of detaching them (ex: church iconostases, wooden pillars, decorative columns, statues etc.) After the objects were introduced in the sealel plastic film, they will be kept in anoxic environment for 2 35 days, in order to get an efficient decontamination. Alle the decontamination 4 it is of outmost importance that the objects shall be placed in a clean environment, in prope conservation conditions. Conclusions In the case of an unconventional archive, as is th case here, the conservation process has a dual character the physical conservation of the objects - involving advanced preservation and conservation methods [4 but also updating and flowing the representative pieces for an animate and long-lasting preservation. In order to harmonize the two mentioned above, the digitization of al documents, on all types of materials will be capitalized by introducing in the circuit of scientific research and analysis of the documents in a selective digital format. The original, that underwent decontamination and conservation intangibil al Romani, procedures will form the treasure fund of the Romanian intangible Cultural Heritage. ast proiect a fost realizat prin programul Parteneriate This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian rire ~ PN Il, derulat cu sprijinul ANCS,CNDI National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI-UEFISCDI, proict nr. PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-0363. PNcII-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-0363 Pe srafie/ References: FOLKMEDIA: http:/ / Simileanu, W. Maracineanu,J.Striber etal, Advanced research technology for art and archaeology - ART4ART mobile ory, J Optoelectron. Adv. Mat, 10(2), 2008, pp. 470-473. Ratoiu, C. Neamu, Preliminary Documentation and Investigation of the Archives ofthe ,C. BRAILOIU” Institute Ethnography and Folklore by Means of Multispectral Imaging, Journal of Ethnography and Folklore, 1-2, 2014, pp: e189 Ridvan, M. Simileanu, Conservation of Material Support for Inmaterial Heritage, Journal of Ethnography and Folk- Tore, 1-2, 2013, pp: 143-158. Fi - agin 1 haze de date - Fond Audio / Figura2- pagina 2 boze de date -Fondul Audio / Frgue- page 1 of the data base ~Aulio Fund, Figure 2 page 2 of the database -Audio Fund , Figura 4 ~ digitizarea fondu trmg/ Figure 4 digitization of tang fan 3- pina a baze de date - Fondul Audio / Figure 3 - page 3 of fall the data base ~Audio Fund 93

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