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Hi, I'm anwar

I share my learning on SEO and marke4ng

while building SEO Tools to help indiehackers increase their
traffic with topical map and content cluster

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By leveraging the assistance of ChatGPT, you can significantly reduce the :me and energy
spent on rou:ne SEO tasks. Below are prompts you can use to make your SEO task easier

No Prompts For Keyword Research

1 Provide a list of top-performing keywords for the travel industry
2 Generate a list of long-tail keywords for the travel niche
3 Generate a list of keywords related to the latest technology trends
4 Provide a list of keywords that are commonly searched for in the fashion industry
5 Generate a list of keywords for the real estate market in [city/region]
6 Provide a list of keywords for the e-commerce industry, specifically related to home goods
7 Generate a list of keywords related to the beauty and skincare industry
8 Provide a list of keywords that are commonly searched for in the automotive industry
9 Generate a list of keywords related to the food and beverage industry
10 Provide a list of keywords that are commonly searched for in the education industry

Generate a list of keywords related to personal finance and investing for businesses, students and freelancers.
12 Provide a list of keywords that are commonly searched for in the fitness and wellness industry
13 Generate a list of keywords related to the job search and career development
14 Provide a list of keywords that are commonly searched for in the entertainment industry
15 Generate a list of keywords related to the home improvement and DIY industry
16 Provide a list of keywords that are commonly searched for in the pet care industry
17 Generate a list of keywords related to the gaming industry
18 Provide a list of keywords that are commonly searched for in the outdoor and recreational industry
19 Generate a list of keywords related to the renewable energy industry
20 Provide a list of keywords that are 6 words long on the [topic].

Clasify Keyword Intent

1 Classify the search intent (commercial, transactional or informational) for the following keywords in a table:

Summarizing Content
1 Summarize the following content in 3 bullet points: [your long content]

Persuade CTA
1 Write a short paragraph that persuades [audience] to buy [product] and include the CTA: [CTA]

Prompts To Write Meta Descriptions

1 Write a meta description that accurately describes the content of our website and includes relevant keywords
2 Create a compelling meta description that entices users to click on our website in search results
3 Generate a meta description that accurately summarizes the main topic of our webpage
4 Craft a meta description that effectively communicates the unique value proposition of our website
5 Generate a meta description that includes the main keyword for the webpage and its synonyms
6 Write a meta description that not only includes the main keyword for the webpage but also a call to action

Create a meta description that not only accurately summarizes the webpage but also stands out in search results
8 Write a meta description that effectively communicates the main benefit of our website to the users
9 Generate a meta description that effectively communicates the USP of our product or service
10 Create a meta description that effectively communicates the main goal of our website to the users

SEO Content Ideas Prompts For ChatGPT

1 Generate a list of keywords related to [topic]
2 Research and provide a summary of the top 10 trending articles on [topic] in the past month
3 Write a list of frequently asked questions about [topic]
4 Provide a list of industry influencers and thought leaders in the field of [topic]
5 Write a list of statistics and data related to [topic]
6 Research and provide a comparison of the top 3 competitors in [industry] and their SEO strategies
7 Give a list of the top 10 blogs that rank well for the keyword [keyword]
8 Research and provide a list of potential link building opportunities for a website in [industry]
9 Write a list of long-tail keywords related to [topic]
10 Research and provide a list of potential guest post opportunities for a website in [industry]

Prompts To Get Topic Ideas

1 Generate 5 blog post ideas for improving local SEO for small businesses.
2 Come up with 7 ways to optimize a blog post for voice search.
3 Create a list of 10 long-tail keywords for a fashion and beauty blog.
4 Generate a list of topic ideas for creating a series of blog posts on sustainable living.
5 Generate a list of 5 blog post ideas for a B2B SaaS company’s blog.
6 Create a list of 7 blog post titles for a real estate website’s blog on home buying and selling tips.
7 Generate a list of 10 blog post ideas for a personal finance blog.
8 Create a list of 5 blog post ideas for a food blog on plant-based recipes and nutrition.
9 Suggest blog topic ideas for 'AI Copywriting' that can rank on Google

Prompts To Create Awesome Blog Outlines

1 Write a detailed blog outline with H2, H3, subheadings, and bullet points about the topic [TOPIC]
2 Create an outline for a blog post on the topic of ‘The benefits of incorporating AI in SEO’
3 Outline a blog post on ‘The future of SEO: How voice search and virtual assistants are changing the game’
4 Generate an outline for a blog post on ‘The impact of social media on SEO and how to leverage it’
5 Develop an outline for a blog post on ‘Keyword research: The foundation of a strong SEO strategy’
6 Create an outline for a blog post on ‘The importance of local SEO for small businesses’
7 Outline a blog post on ‘The role of backlinks in SEO and how to acquire them’
8 Generate an outline for a blog post on ‘The impact of technical SEO on website ranking’
9 Develop an outline for a blog post on ‘The benefits of long-tail keywords for SEO’
10 Create an outline for a blog post on ‘The future of SEO: The rise of visual search’
11 Outline a blog post on ‘The importance of mobile optimization in SEO’

ChatGPT Prompts To Understand Search Intent In SEO

1 Give 10 long-tail keywords that have to do with TOPIC. Match each keyword with one of the four search intents like
navigational, informational, transactional, commercial

2 Provide 10 long tail keywords related to ‘solar panel installation’ and match each keyword with the appropriate
search intent
3 Create a list of 10 long tail keywords related to ‘organic skincare’ and classify each keyword by search intent
4 Generate a list of 10 long tail keywords for [TOPIC]

Prompts To Paraphrase
1 Please rephrase this paragraph using the following text: insert text
2 Reword this sentence in your own words
3 Summarize this paragraph in a single sentence
4 Change the wording of this phrase while keeping the same meaning
5 Rewrite this text to make it more SEO-friendly
6 Paraphrase this text while keeping the main idea intact
7 Put this information into your own words
8 Rewrite this sentence to make it more engaging
9 Make this text more readable by paraphrasing it

SEO Prompts To Create a Backlink Strategy

1 Generate a list of high-authority websites in my industry that accept guest posts
2 Create a pitch for a guest post on a popular industry website
3 Write a list of broken backlinks on my website and suggest ways to replace them
4 Research and provide a list of relevant forums in my industry to participate in and build backlinks
5 Write an outreach email template to send to websites to request a backlink
6 Create a list of keywords that I should include in my backlink anchor text
7 Generate ideas for creating shareable infographics to attract backlinks
8 Research and suggest websites that are popular within my industry but I haven’t yet built a relationship with
9 Generate a list of strategies to encourage others to link to my content
10 Write a list of competitors’ backlinks and find opportunities to replicate their success

Prompts TO Create Guest Post Pitches

1 Write a compelling guest post pitch on the topic of ‘Why SEO is essential for small businesses
2 Create an email template for reaching out to website owners for guest posting opportunities
3 Generate a list of potential websites to reach out to for guest posting
4 Write an introduction for a guest post on ‘The Role of AI in Modern SEO'
5 Create a list of keywords related to guest posting for SEO
6 Write a persuasive guest post on ‘How guest posting can increase website traffic'
7 Generate a list of tips for successful guest post outreach and pitching
Prompts To Create a Multilingual Website
1 Generate a list of keywords in Spanish for a travel website
2 Translate the following sentence into French: ‘The best Italian food in town'
3 Create a German-language blog post on the benefits of eco-tourism
4 Write a Chinese-language product description for a luxury watch brand

Prompts To Create Important Pages On a Website

1 Generate an introduction for a ‘Contact Us’ page
2 Create a list of frequently asked questions for a ‘FAQ’ page for service 'social media management'
3 Write a compelling ‘About Us’ page that tells the story of our company
4 Create a ‘Services’ page that highlights [your offerings and benefits]
5 Generate a ‘Testimonials’ page featuring customer reviews and success stories
6 Write a ‘Careers’ page that outlines job opportunities and the company culture
7 Create a ‘Blog’ page featuring latest articles on industry trends and news
8 Generate a ‘Terms and Conditions’ page outlining the legal terms of using the website
9 Write a ‘Privacy Policy’ page outlining how we collect, use, and protect user data
10 Create a ‘Guarantee’ page that explains our refund and return policy

Prompt To Create Content Improvement

1 Rewrite [text] and use headings and subheadings to break up the content and make it easier to read using the keyword

2 Improve this [text] by adding a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage readers to take a specific action, such as signing up for a
newsletter or purchasing a product.
3 Improve this [text] and consider using humor, if appropriate, to make the content more enjoyable to read
4 Rewrite this [text] by making sure the content is easy to scan using bullet points, numbered lists, and bold or italicized text
5 Rewrite the text below using [keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3] as SEO keywords

Prompt for Technical SEO

1 Create the FAQs Page Schema markup for the following questions and answers:…
2 Create a no-follow and canonical for [URL
3 Write a code example for adding an hreflang attribute to a page.
4 Specify the hreflang attribute for the following languages and regions [languages and regions]
5 Create a valid XML sitemap that includes the following URLs: [your url]
6 Generate rules for your robots.txt

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