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Швидкий перегляд тексту:
1 переглянути заголовок(-ки), перший та останній
обзаци, перші речення кожного абзацу.

Аналіз запитань та варіянтів відповіді:

2 виділення ключових слів та інформації,
яку варто знайти.

Досить часто на ЗНО слова у тексті та у запитаннях не
співпадають: використовуються схожі за сенсом ідіоми,
синоніми, антоніми. Шукайте за змістом - не за написанням!

3 Сканування:
пошук відповідної інформації в тексті

4 Вибір правильної відповіді

Мета цього завдання - перевірка не вашого уміння читати, а
аналізувати. Тому не покладайтесь на зміст абзацу - аналізуйте його!
Read the texts. Match choices (A-G) to texts (1-5).
There are two choices you do not need to use.

Which of the opinions on social media talks about?

A. the danger of social media use becoming a habit

B. reporting online abuse
C. the importance of quality over quantity
D. the positive aspects of social media
E. the importance of face-to-face contact
F. negative feelings associated with social media
G.meeting your online friends for a coffee

Social networks
Social networking websites are growing and changing all the
time. Although younger users might not stay with one site for
long, they still enjoy the concept, and a lot of their daily
communication with friends takes place on social media sites.
They post photos, exchange news, post where they are having
coffee with their friends, and share their favourite music and
videos. It’s enjoyable, and it makes people feel good.

Hanna Krasnova, an author of a study on social networking from
Berlin’s Humboldt University says, ‘We were surprised by how
many people have a negative experience from social networking,
with envy leaving them feeling lonely, frustrated or angry. If you
spend too much time looking at friends’ posts and pictures — with
their happy graduations, wonderful holidays abroad and perfect
parties — you may start to wonder what's wrong with you.

Envy of others’ perfect lives isn’t the only negative aspect. Bullying, other
people sharing your deepest secrets, and general embarrassment at seeing
the worst photo ever of yourself posted for all the world to see, can all be
negative side effects of using social media. There is also the issue of online
addiction, which leaves many people unable to switch off their devices for
more than a few minutes without suffering from intense anxiety.
What can you do to make sure social media remains a positive
experience? Probably the most important thing is not to spend too
much time on your digital life. ‘At the end of the day, nothing can
replace face-to-face conversation and interactions, says one writer.
‘It’s better to get together with friends, go out for a meal, or sit and
chat in person. When you're with a real person, it’s much easier to
understand what's going on and what your friendship really means.

Another point to keep in mind is that your friends on social
media should be real friends, not just acquaintances. You
should only ‘friend’ people you respect and get on well with.
In the end, just like in real life, the number of friends you
have doesn’t matter. It’s the quality of the people close to
you — even on social media — that is really important.

Read the text and match the correct heading (A-F) with
each paragraph (1-4). There are two extra headings that
you do not need to use.

Are you one of THEM?

Read onto find out

1 __________
Imagine the situation. You're walking down the crowded high street and
suddenly a complete stranger stops you and says, 'Hi! You were on the
beach in the south of Spain six years ago. How Are you doing?' This
stranger isn't necessarily mad. He or she might be a 'super recogniser'.
These are people who have the unusual ability to recognise people they
have seen only once — a long time ago,maybe in a crowd.

2 __________
It doesn't matter what the person looks like now. People change, get
different hairstyles, dye their hair or go grey. Wrinkles, new scars and
tattoos give them new appearance, butthe 'superrecognisers' can
stillrecognise them.
3 __________
Although scientists have known for a long time that about 2% of people
suffer from face-blindness, which means that they have huge problems
recognising faces, they are only now realising that some people are the
complete opposite. Tests have shown that a ‘super-recogniser’ can
identify people that they only saw for a brief moment — and this is not an
ability that we can acquire, it’s something we are born with.

4 __________
The police are starting to use 'superrecognisers'to spot criminalfaces in
videos of crowds. They look for people with a specific build and
facialfeatures like beards and moustaches butthey can even recognise
quite nondescript people, with no distinguishing features at all. As well as
surprising our holidaymakerin Spain six years later, this ability can be used
for a very practical purpose indeed.

A. A Great help
B. An inborn skill
C. Arare experience
D. Whatever the differences in appearances
E. Fear of upsetting criminals
F. A common skill

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