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1. Eight times nine equal . . . . Seventy two

2. Thirteen times seven equal . . . . one hundred and five
3. One hundred device four equal . . . . sixty
4. Today is Monday. The day before yesterday is . . . . Saturday
5. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is . . . . Thursday
6. When does celebrate of the Kartini’s day? April 21st
7. When does celebrate of the National Education? May 2 nd
8. When does celebrate of the birthday Pancasila? A. June 1st
9. Someone works in the court is . . . . A judge
10.Someone works in the Hospital is . . . . A Doctor/nurse
11.Someone works in the Head quarter is . . . . A Soldier
12.Who is the sixth president of Indonesia. Sosilo Bambang Yudoyono
13.Cut Nyak Dien is Indonesian hero from . . . . Aceh
14.Imam Bonjol is Indonesian hero from . . . . West Sumatra
15.Sultan Hasanudin is Indonesian hero from . . . . South Sulawesi
16.Who is the government of south Kalimantan? Sahbirin Noor

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