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SUBTE A line
The Subte A line is the oldest line in Buenos Aires´ underground train network and
opened in 1913. With its brand new trains, the passengers enjoy a comfortable
journey. But they may feel a little nervous if the lights stop working between the
stations of Pasco and Alberti. Legend says that this sometimes happens, and if you look
out of the window when the lights go out, you might see something very strange.
Suddenly an abandoned station appears through the darkness with two men sitting on
the platform, watching you. But how can we explain this? They can´t be passengers!
Many believe that the two men are Italian workers who died in an accident during the
construction of the station. The Subte A may be modernized, but it can´t escape its
history! You may already know this story. You might have read it on the internet, or
someone might have sent it to you in an email. It´s an example of an urban legend – a
humorous or shocking story that is passed from person to person. Urban legends may
sometimes seem true, but no one has ever proved them. They exist in many versions
but the details often change. But one thing stays the same – they´re always fun to read!
1. What is an urban legend? …It´s a story that sometimes is scary or shocking and it is
passed from person to person …………………………………………….………
2. When did the Subte A line open? ………It opened in 1913.……………….………..
3. Why can the trains sometimes become dark between Pasco and Alberti? ……Because
paranormal events take place there.……………………………………………
4. Why can't passengers use the station that appears? ………Because it´s a ghost
station /because it doesn´t exist.…………………………………………….
5. Who do they see at the station? ………Two Italian workers that died while the line
was being constructed.………………………………………….


1. a story coming down from the past; especially one popularly regarded as historical
although not verifiable URBAN LEGEND
2. extremely startling, distressing, or offensive SHOCKING
3. an account or description from a particular point of view especially as contrasted
with another account VERSION
4. an interconnected or interrelated chain, group, or system NETWORK
5.happening or coming unexpectedly SUDDENLY

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