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Review of General Psychology Copyright 1998 by the Educational Publishing Foundation

1998.%!. 2, No. 4, 347-365 1089-2680/98/$3.00

A Balance Theory of Wisdom

Robert J. Sternberg
Yale University

The author presents a balance theory of wisdom. First, some alternative approaches to
wisdom are reviewed, including philosophical, implicit theoretical, and explicit theoreti-
cal ones. Second, the concept of tacit knowledge and its role in wisdom are discussed.
Third, a balance theory of wisdom is presented, according to which wisdom is defined
as the application of tacit knowledge as mediated by values toward the achievement of a
common good through a balance among multiple (a) intrapersonal, (b) interpersonal,
and (c) extrapersonal interests in order to achieve a balance among (a) adaptation to
existing environments, (b) shaping of existing environments, and (c) selection of new
environments. This theory is compared to some other theories, and wisdom as a
construct is compared to some other constructs. Measurement issues are also discussed.
It is concluded that it might be worthwhile for American society to emphasize
development of wisdom in schooling more than it has in the past.

Wisdom can be defined as the "power of Major Approaches

judging rightly and following the soundest to Understanding Wisdom
course of action, based on knowledge, experi-
ence, understanding, etc." (Webster'sNew World A number of scholars have attempted to
College Dictionary, 1997, p. 1533). Such a understand wisdom in different ways. The
power would seem to be of vast importance in a approaches underlying some of these attempts
world that at times seems bent on destroying are summarized in Sternberg (1990a). The
itself. My goal in this article is to provide the approaches might be classified as philosophical,
beginnings of a psychological theory of wisdom implicit theoretical, and explicit theoretical
and to relate it to other psychological constructs. approaches.
I will first review some major attempts to
understand wisdom, then describe the proposed
approach to wisdom, and finally suggest how Philosophical Approaches
wisdom might be measured and developed.
Other more comprehensive reviews can be Philosophical approaches have been reviewed
found elsewhere (Baltes, in press; Sternberg, by Robinson (1990; see also Robinson, 1989,
1990b). with regard to the Aristotelian approach in
particular, and Labouvie-Vief, 1990, for further
review). Robinson noted that the study of
wisdom has a history that long antedates
Preparation of this article was supported by a government psychological study, with the Platonic dialogues
grant under the Javits Act Program (Grant No. R206R5000I)
as administered by the Office of Educational Research and offering the first intensive Western analysis of
Improvement, U. S. Department of Education. Grantees the concept of wisdom. Robinson pointed out
undertaking such projects are encouraged to express freely that, in these dialogues, there are three different
their professional judgment. This article, therefore, does not senses of wisdom: wisdom as (a) sophia, which
necessarily represent the positions or the policies of the U.S.
government, and no official endorsement should be inferred. is found in those who seek a contemplative life
I thank Elena Grigorenko and Paul Baltes for comments in search of truth; (b) phronesis, which is the
on an earlier version of this article. kind of practical wisdom shown by statesmen
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- and legislators; and (c) episteme, which is found
dressed to Robert J. Sternberg, Department of Psychology, in those who understand things from a scientific
Yale University, P.O. Box 208205, New Haven, Connecticut
06520-8205. Electronic mail may be sent to robert. point of view. Aristotle distinguished between phronesis,


the kind of practical wisdom mentioned above, investigators were interested in determining
and theoretikes, or theoretical knowledge de- whether the concept of wisdom could be
voted to truth. Robinson noted that, according to understood as a prototype (Rosch, 1975), or
Aristotle, a wise individual knows more than the central concept. Principal-components analysis
material, efficient, or formal causes behind of one of their studies revealed five underlying
events. This individual also knows the final factors: Exceptional Understanding, Judgment
cause, or that for the sake of which the other and Communication Skills, General Compe-
kinds of causes apply. tence, Interpersonal Skills, and Social
Other philosophical conceptions of wisdom Unobtrusiveness.
have followed up on the early Greek ones. Of Sternberg (1985b) has reported a series of
course, it is not possible to review all of these studies investigating implicit theories of wis-
conceptions here. But as an example, an early dom. In one study (Sternberg, 1985b), 200
Christian view emphasized the importance of a professors each of art, business, philosophy, and
life lived in pursuit of divine and absolute truth. physics were asked to rate the characteristicness
To this day, most religions aim for wisdom of each of the behaviors obtained in a prestudy
through an understanding not just of the material from the corresponding population with respect
world, but also of the spiritual world and its to the professors' ideal conception of each of an
relationship to the material world. ideally wise, intelligent, or creative individual in
their occupation. Laypersons were also asked to
provide these ratings but for a hypothetical ideal
Implicit Theoretical Approaches individual without regard to occupation. Corre-
Implicit theoretical approaches to wisdom lations were computed across the three ratings.
have in common the search for an understanding In each group except philosophy, the highest
of people's folk conceptions of what wisdom is. correlation was between wisdom and intelli-
Thus, the goal is not to provide a "psychologi- gence; in philosophy, the highest correlation
cally true" account of wisdom, but rather an was between intelligence and creativity. The
account that is true with respect to people's correlations between wisdom and intelligence
beliefs, whether these beliefs are right or wrong. ratings ranged from .42 to .78, with a median of
.68. For all groups, the lowest correlation was
Some of the earliest work of this kind was
between wisdom and creativity. Correlations
done by Clayton (1975, 1976, 1982; Clayton &
between wisdom and creativity ratings ranged
Birren, 1980), who multidimensionally scaled
from — .24 to .48, with a median of .27. The only
ratings of pairs of words potentially related to
negative correlation (—.24) was for ratings of
wisdom for three samples of adults differing in
professors of business.
age (younger, middle aged, older). In her earliest
study (Clayton, 1975), the terms scaled were In a second study (Sternberg, 1985b), 40
ones such as experienced, pragmatic, under- college students were asked to sort three sets of
standing, and knowledgeable. In each study, 40 behaviors each into as many or as few piles
participants were asked to rate similarities on the basis of similarity as they wished. The 40
between all possible pairs of words. Two behaviors in each set were the top-rated wisdom,
consistent dimensions of wisdom, which Clay- intelligence, and creativity behaviors from the
ton referred to as an affective dimension and a previous study. The sortings were then each
reflective dimension, emerged from the results subjected to nonmetric multidimensional scal-
of the scalings among age cohorts. There was ing. For wisdom, six components emerged:
also a suggestion of a dimension relating to age. Reasoning Ability, Sagacity, Learning From
The greatest difference among the age cohorts Ideas and Environment, ludgment, Expeditious
was that mental representations of wisdom Use of Information, and Perspicacity.
seemed to become more differentiated (i.e., to Examples of behaviors showing high load-
increase in dimensionality) with increases in the ings under reasoning ability were, "has the
ages of the participants. unique ability to look at a problem or situation
Holliday and Chandler (1986) also used an and solve it," "has good problem-solving
implicit-theories approach to understanding ability," and "has a logical mind." Participants
wisdom. Approximately 500 participants were characterized sagacity by identifying behaviors
studied across a series of experiments. The such as "displays concern for others," "consid-

ers advice," and "understands people through what should one, consider and do?" and "A
dealing with a variety of people." They fifteen-year-old girl wants to marry soon. What
characterized learning from ideas and environ- should she, what should one, consider and do?"
ment with such qualities as "attaches impor- Baltes and Smith tested a five-component model
tance to ideas," "is perceptive," and "learns on participants' protocols in answering these
from other people's mistakes." "Acts within and other questions, based on a notion of
own physical and intellectual limitations," "is wisdom as expert knowledge about fundamental
sensible," and "has good judgment at all times" life matters (Smith & Baltes, 1990) or of
showed high loadings for judgment. The quali- wisdom as good judgment and advice in
ties "is experienced," "seeks out information, important but uncertain matters of life (Baltes &
especially details," and "has age, maturity, or Staudinger, 1993).
long experience" were key for expeditious use
A model of wisdom emerged from the work
of information. "Has intuition," "can offer
of Baltes and his colleagues (Baltes, in press):
solutions that are on the side of right and truth,"
Three kinds of factors—general person factors,
and "is able to see through things—read
between the lines" showed high loadings for expertise-specific factors, and facilitative experi-
perspicacity. ential contexts—facilitate wise judgments. These
factors are used in life planning, management,
In this same study, components for intelli- and review. Wisdom is in turn then reflected in
gence were Practical Problem-Solving Ability, five components: (a) rich factual knowledge
Verbal Ability, Intellectual Balance and Integra- (general and specific knowledge about the
tion, Goal Orientation and Attainment, Contex- conditions of life and its variations); (b) rich
tual Intelligence, and Fluid Thought. Compo-
procedural knowledge (general and specific
nents for creativity were Nonentrenchment,
knowledge about strategies of judgment and
Integration and Intellectuality, Aesthetic Taste
advice concerning matters of life); (c) life-span
and Imagination, Decisional Skill and Flexibil-
ity, Perspicacity, Drive for Accomplishment and contextualism (knowledge about the contexts of
Recognition, Inquisitiveness, and Intuition. life and their temporal [developmental] relation-
ships); (d) relativism (knowledge about differ-
In a third study (Sternberg, 1985b), 50 adults ences in values, goals, and priorities); and (e)
were asked to rate descriptions of hypothetical
uncertainty (knowledge about the relative inde-
individuals for intelligence, creativity, and
terminacy and unpredictability of life and ways
wisdom. Correlations were computed between
to manage). An expert answer should reflect
pairs of ratings of the hypothetical individuals'
levels of the three traits. Correlations between more of these components whereas a novice
the ratings were .94 for wisdom and intelli- answer should reflect fewer of them. The data
gence, .62 for wisdom and creativity, and .69 for that Baltes has collected to date generally have
intelligence and creativity, again suggesting that been supportive of the model.
wisdom and intelligence are highly correlated in Over time, Baltes and his colleagues (e.g.,
people's implicit theories. Baltes, Smith, & Staudinger, 1992; Baltes &
Staudinger, 1993) have collected a wide range
Explicit Theoretical Approaches of data showing the empirical usefulness of the
proposed theoretical and measurement ap-
Explicit theories are constructions of (suppos- proaches to wisdom. For example, Staudinger,
edly) expert theorists and researchers rather than Lopez, and Baltes (1997) found that measures of
of laypeople. In the study of wisdom, most intelligence and personality as well as their
explicit-theoretical approaches are based on interface overlap with but are not identical to
constructs from the psychology of human measures of wisdom in terms of constructs
development. measured. Also, Staudinger, Smith, and Baltes
The most extensive program of research in (1992) showed that human-services profession-
this area has been that conducted by Baltes and als outperformed a control group on wisdom-
his colleagues. For example, Baltes and Smith related tasks. They also showed that older adults
(1987, 1990) gave adult participants life- performed as well on such tasks as did younger
management problems, such as, "A fourteen- adults and that older adults did better on such
year-old girls is pregnant. What should she, tasks if there was a match between their age

and the age of the fictitious characters about ener & Brenner, 1990; Kitchener & Kitchener,
whom they made judgments. Baltes, Staudinger, 1981; Labouvie-Vief, 1980,1982,1990; Pascual-
Maercker, and Smith (1995) found that older Leone, 1990; Riegel, 1973). Consider a very
individuals nominated for their wisdom per- brief review of some specific dialectical
formed as well as did clinical psychologists on approaches.
wisdom-related tasks. They also showed that up Kitchener and Brenner (1990) suggested that
to the age of 80, older adults performed as well wisdom requires a synthesis of knowledge from
on such tasks as younger adults. In another set of opposing points of view. Similarly, Labouvie-
studies, Staudinger and Baltes (1996) found that Vief (1990) emphasized the importance of a
performance settings that were ecologically smooth and balanced dialogue between logical
relevant to the lives of their participants and that forms of processing and more subjective forms
provided for actual or "virtual" interaction of of processing. Pascual-Leone (1990) argued for
minds substantially increased wisdom-related the importance of the dialectical integration of
performance. all aspects of a person's affect, cognition,
Sternberg (1990b) also proposed an explicit conation (motivation), and life experience.
theory, suggesting that the development of Similarly, Orwoll and Perlmutter (1990) empha-
wisdom can be traced to six antecedent compo- sized the importance of an integration of
nents: (a) knowledge, including an understand- cognition with affect to wisdom. Kramer (1990)
ing of its presuppositions and meaning as well suggested the importance of the integration of
as its limitations; (b) processes, including an relativistic and dialectical modes of thinking,
understanding of what problems should be affect, and reflection. And Birren and Fisher
solved automatically and what problems should (1990), putting together a number of views of
not be so solved; (c) a judicial thinking style, wisdom, also suggested the importance of the
characterized by the desire to judge and evaluate integration of cognitive, conative, and affective
things in an in-depth way; (d) personality, aspects of human abilities.
including tolerance of ambiguity and of the role Other theorists have suggested the impor-
of obstacles in life; (e) motivation, especially the tance of knowing the limits of one's own extant
motivation to understand what is known and knowledge and of then trying to go beyond it.
what it means; and (0 environmental context, For example, Meacham (1990) suggested that
involving an appreciation of the contextual an important aspect of wisdom is an awareness
factors in the environment that lead to various of one's own fallibility and a knowledge of what
kinds of thoughts and actions. Whereas my one does and does not know. Kitchener and
(Sternberg, 1990b) theory specified a set of Brenner (1990) also emphasized the importance
antecedents of wisdom, the balance theory I of knowing the limitations of one's own
propose here specifies the processes (balancing knowledge. Arlin (1990) linked wisdom to
of interests and of responses to environmental problem finding, the first step of which is the
contexts) in relation to the goal of wisdom recognition that how one currently defines a
(achievement of a common good). My earlier problem may be inadequate. Arlin views prob-
theory is incorporated into the balance theory as lem finding as a possible stage of post-formal-
specifying antecedent sources of developmental operational thinking. Such a view is not
and individual differences, as discussed later. necessarily inconsistent with the view of dialec-
Some theorists have viewed wisdom in terms tical thinking as such a post-form al-operational
of post-formal-operational thinking, thereby stage. Dialectical thinking and problem finding
viewing wisdom as extending beyond the could represent distinct post-formal-operational
Piagetian stages of intelligence (Piaget, 1972). stages or two manifestations of the same
Wisdom thus might be a stage of thought post-form al-operational stage.
beyond Piagetian formal operations. For ex- Although most developmental approaches to
ample, some authors have argued that wise wisdom are ontogenetic, Csikszentmihalyi and
individuals are those who can think reflectively Rathunde (1990) have taken a philogenetic or
or dialectically, in the latter case with the evolutionary approach, arguing that constructs
individuals' realizing that truth is not always such as wisdom must have been selected for
absolute but rather evolves in a historical over time, at least in a cultural sense (see also
context of theses, antitheses, and syntheses (e.g., Csikszentmihalyi, 1988). In other words, wise
Basseches, 1984; Kitchener, 1983, 1986; Kitch- ideas should survive better over time than

unwise ideas in a culture. The theorists define order to achieve success in life, however they
wisdom as having three basic dimensions of may define success. Abstract academic knowl-
meaning: (a) that of a cognitive process, or a edge about procedures for solving problems
particular way of obtaining and processing with no relevance to life would not be viewed, in
information; (b) that of a virtue, or socially this perspective, as constituting tacit knowledge.
valued pattern of behavior; and (c) that of a Finally, tacit knowledge typically is acquired
good, or personally desirable state or condition. without direct help from others. At best, others
can guide one to acquire this knowledge. Often,
environmental support for the acquisition of this
Tacit Knowledge as the Core of Wisdom knowledge is minimal, and sometimes organiza-
tions actually suppress the acquisition of tacit
The Nature of Tacit Knowledge knowledge. For example, an organization might
not want its employees to know how personnel
The view of wisdom proposed here has at its decisions are really made, as opposed to how
core the notion of tacit knowledge (Polanyi, they are supposed to be made. From a
1976) about oneself, others, and situational developmental standpoint, this view suggests
contexts. Tacit knowledge is action oriented, that wisdom is not taught so much as indirectly
typically acquired without direct help from acquired. One can provide the circumstances for
others, and allows individuals to achieve goals the development of wisdom and case studies to
they personally value (Sternberg, Wagner, Wil- help students develop wisdom, but one cannot
liams, & Horvath, 1995). Tacit knowledge thus teach particular courses of action that would be
has three main features: (a) it is procedural; (b) it considered wise, regardless of circumstances.
is relevant to the attainment of goals people Indeed, tacit knowledge is wedded to contexts,
value; and (c) it typically is acquired with little so that the tacit knowledge that would apply in
help from others. Tacit knowledge is an one context would not necessarily apply in
important part of practical intelligence, and another context. To help someone develop tacit
indeed, the particular notion of tacit knowledge knowledge, one would provide mediated learn-
used here derives from my triarchic theory of ing experiences rather than direct instruction as
intelligence (Sternberg, 1985a, 1997a). An to what to do, when.
advantage of the proposed theory is that it draws
on a theory of intelligence (the triarchic one) at
the same time that it makes explicit how wisdom
is different from the various aspects of intelli- Measurement of Tacit Knowledge
gence as they are typically encountered.
In a series of studies (summarized in Stem-
When people refer to tacit knowledge as berg, Wagner, & Okagaki, 1993; Sternberg et al.,
being procedural and as intimately related to 1995), my colleagues and I have sought to
action, they are viewing it as a form of develop assessments of tacit knowledge in
"knowing how" rather than of "knowing that" real-world pursuits. The methodology for con-
(Ryle, 1949). In our work (Sternberg et al., structing assessments is rather complex (Hor-
1995), we view condition-action sequences vath et al., 1996), but it involves interviewing
(production systems) as a useful formalism for individuals for how they have handled critical
understanding the mental representation of tacit situations on their jobs. We then extract the tacit
knowledge (see also Horvath et al., 1996). For knowledge implicit in these interviews. Assess-
example, if one needs to deliver bad news to ments then are constructed that ask people to
one's boss, and it is Monday morning, and the solve the kinds of problems they find in
boss's golf game was rained out the day before, managing themselves, others, and tasks on the
and the boss's staff seems to be "walking on job. Examples of two tacit-knowledge prob-
eggshells," then it is better to wait until later to lems, one for an academic psychologist and one
deliver the news. Note that tacit knowledge is for a business manager, are shown in the
always wedded to particular uses in particular Appendix of Sternberg et al. (1995). Each of
situations or classes of situations. these problems typically presents a scenario
Tacit knowledge also is practically useful. It about a job-related problem along with possible
is instrumental to the attainment of goals that options for dealing with that problem. For
people value. Thus people use this knowledge in example, an academic psychologist might be

asked to solve a problem in which a psychology intelligence. In a study at the Center for Creative
professor has too much to do in the time Leadership (described in Sternberg et al., 1993),
available to do it. The participant (an academic my colleagues and I found that tacit knowledge
psychologist) would be given statements suggest- for management was the best single predictor of
ing how the hypothetical professor might performance on two managerial simulations and
allocate his or her time, and would be asked to that even after entering (conventional) cognitive
rate the goodness of each of the options on a 1- abilities, personality-scale measures, styles, and
to 9-point Likert scale. The response profile for interpersonal orientation into a hierarchical
all items then is typically scored against the
regression equation predicting performance on
averaged profile of a nominated expert group.
the simulations, tacit knowledge still contrib-
uted significantly and substantially to prediction
of performance on the simulations. This is true
Tacit Knowledge as an Aspect of Practical within a fairly broad range of academic abilities
Intelligence (Eddy, 1988). But the prediction is not always
My colleagues and I argued that tacit independent. In one study among Kenyan
knowledge is a key aspect of practical intelli- school children, we actually found a significant
gence (Sternberg, 1985b, 1997b; Sternberg & negative correlation between tacit knowledge
Wagner, 1993; Sternberg et al., 1993; Sternberg relevant to environmental adaptation (knowl-
et al., 1995), or the ability to apply various kinds edge of natural herbal medicines believed to
of information-processing components of intelli- fight infections) and performance on measures
gence to experience for the purposes of of crystallized abilities (see Sternberg & Grig-
adaptation to, shaping of, and selection of orenko, 1997a).
environments. Practical intelligence requires Why should tacit knowledge be relatively
adaptation, shaping, and selection, in that independent of academic abilities or even, in
different kinds of environments and environmen- some cases, inversely related to them? Along
tal situations require different kinds of re- with Neisser (1979), we believe it is in part
sponses. It has been distinguished conceptually because the characteristics of academic and
and statistically in research from analytical and practical problems differ. In particular, academic
creative aspects of intelligence (Sternberg, problems tend to be (a) formulated by others; (b)
1985a; Sternberg, Ferrari, Clinkenbeard, &
intrinsically uninteresting for the most part; (c)
Grigorenko, 1996; Sternberg, Grigorenko, Fer-
rari, & Clinkenbeard, in press). self-contained, in that all needed information is
available from the beginning; (d) disembedded
In a series of studies (see review in Sternberg from an individual's ordinary experience; (e)
et al., 1995), my colleagues and I showed that well denned; (f) characterized by a "correct"
tacit knowledge tends to increase with experi- answer; and (g) characterized by a single
ence on a job, but it is what one learns from the method of obtaining the correct answer. In
experience rather than the experience itself that contrast, practical problems tend to be (a)
seems to matter. Measures of tacit knowledge
unformulated or in need of reformulation; (b)
tend to be correlated with each other, both
within and across measures for different occupa- personally interesting; (c) lacking information
tions. For example, Wagner (1987) found a necessary for solution; (d) related to everyday
correlation at the .6 level between scores on experience; (e) poorly defined; (f) characterized
tacit-knowledge measures for academic psychol- by multiple correct or at least "acceptable"
ogy and management with undergraduates as solutions, each with liabilities as well as assets;
participants. Our measures of tacit knowledge and (g) characterized by multiple methods for
also predict actual performance in jobs such as picking a problem solution (Sternberg et al.,
sales, management, and college teaching. Not 1995).
only is this prediction statistically significant Practical intelligence and the role of tacit
and fairly substantial in magnitude (with correla- knowledge in it provide an entree for understand-
tions typically at about the .3 level), but this ing wisdom, but they do not provide a complete
prediction is largely independent of the predic- basis for its understanding. Consider the balance
tion provided by conventional tests of academic theory of wisdom in more detail.

Sketch of a Balance Theory of Wisdom defined as the application of tacit knowledge as

mediated by values toward the goal of achieving
Balance is a crucial construct in the theory a common good (a) through a balance among
proposed here. Several of the theories described multiple intrapersonal, interpersonal, and ex-
above also emphasize the importance of various trapersonal interests and (b) in order to achieve a
kinds of integrations or balances in wisdom. At balance among responses to environmental con-
least three major kinds of balances have been texts: adaptation to existing environmental contexts,
proposed: balance among various kinds of
shaping of existing environmental contexts, and
thinking (e.g., Labouvie-Vief, 1990); among
selection of new environmental contexts.
various self systems, such as the cognitive,
conative, and affective (e.g., Kramer, 1990); and In its application to wisdom, the features of
among various points of view (e.g., Kitchener & tacit knowledge take on a special cast. Wisdom
Brenner, 1990). The view presented here is procedural knowledge; it is about what to do
expands on but also differs from these kinds of in usually difficult and complex circumstances.
notions in providing for particular kinds of Wisdom is also relevant to the attainment of
balance in wisdom. particular goals people value, although not just
The balance theory views wisdom as inherent any goals, but rather, a balance of responses to
in the interaction between an individual and a the environment—adaptation, shaping, and selec-
situational context, much as intelligence (Stem- tion—so as to achieve a common good for all
berg, 1997a; Valsiner & Leung, 1994) involves a relevant stakeholders. Finally, wisdom is typi-
person-context interaction, as does creativity cally acquired with little direct help from others.
(Csikszentmihalyi, 1996; Sternberg & Lubart, One typically learns it from experience, not
1995). For this reason, the balances proposed by from formal instruction. Formal instruction
the theory are in the interaction between a might give one contexts in which to develop
person and his or her context, rather than, say, in wisdom, but one cannot impart wisdom the way,
internal systems of functioning (such as cogni- say, multiplication facts can be imparted.
tive, conative, and affective). On the current Wisdom is probably best developed through
view, someone could be balanced in terms of the role modeling and through the incorporation of
internal systems by which they process informa- dialectical thinking into one's processing of
tion but not in the products that result from these problems (Basseches, 1984; Labouvie-Vief,
processes. Because wisdom is in the interaction
1990; Pascual-Leone, 1990; Riegel, 1973; Stern-
of person and situation, information processing
in and of itself is not wise or unwise. Its degree berg, 1998, in press). Thinking can be dialectical
of wisdom depends on the fit of a wise solution either with respect to time or with respect to
to its context. place. When it is with respect to time, it involves
the recognition that ideas evolve over time
On this view, the same balance of cognitive, through an ongoing, unending process of thesis,
conative, and affective processes that in one followed by antithesis followed by synthesis,
situational context might result in a wise with the synthesis in turn becoming the next
solution in another context might not. This result
thesis (Hegel, 1807/1931). When dialectical
might derive, for example, from a lack of tacit
thinking occurs with respect to place (or space),
knowledge or incorrect tacit knowledge about
one situation but not another. Judgments in any it involves the recognition that at a given point
domain require a substantial tacit-knowledge in time, people may have diverging viewpoints
base in order consistently to be wise. on problems that seem uniquely valid or at least
reasonable to them.
Thus, wisdom is related to practical intelli-
Wisdom as Tacit Knowledge Used for gence in that it draws on tacit knowledge about
Balancing Interests oneself, others, and situational contexts, but it is
only a refined subset of the tacit knowledge
The definition of wisdom proposed here (see involved in practical intelligence. Practical
Figure 1) draws both on the notion of tacit intelligence has been defined in terms of
knowledge, as described above, and on the maximizing practical outcomes. The practical
notion of balance. In particular, wisdom is outcomes may be for any one or more particular



Balance of Responses to
Environmental Context

Shaping Selection


Balance of Interests

Intrapersonal Interpersonal

Tacit Knowledge Underlying

Practical Intelligence

Figure 1. A balance theory of wisdom. Tacit knowledge underlying practical intelligence is

applied to balance intrapersonal, interpersonal, and extrapersonal interests to achieve a balance
of the responses to the environmental context of adaptation to, shaping of, and selection of
environments in order to achieve a common good. Values mediate how people use their tacit
knowledge in balancing interests and responses.

individuals, but usually these outcomes are the else's self-interest, but rather a balance of
outcomes of an individual and most typically of various self-interests (intrapersonal) with the
oneself. For example, when one manages interests of others (interpersonal) and of other
oneself, others, or tasks (Wagner, 1987; Wagner aspects of the context in which one lives
& Sternberg, 1985), one's ultimate goal often is (extrapersonal), such as one's city or country or
to maximize one's self-interest. Wisdom is environment or even God.
involved when practical intelligence is applied Thus, whereas practical intelligence can be
to maximizing not just one's own or someone applied toward the maximization of any set of

interests—whether of an individual or a collec- feature of many theories of wisdom (as re-

tive—wisdom is practical intelligence applied in viewed in Sternberg, 1990a). Diverse interests
particular to a balance of intrapersonal, interper- encompass multiple points of view and thus the
sonal, and extrapersonal interests. It is a very use of the term interests is intended to include
special case of practical intelligence, one that points of view. Interests go beyond points of
requires balancing of multiple and often compet- view, however, in that they include not only
ing interests. Practical intelligence may or may cognitive aspects of divergences but affective
not involve a balancing of interests, but wisdom and motivational divergences also. Sometimes
must. Its output is typically in the form of differences in points of view derive not so much
advice, usually to another person, but sometimes from differences in cognitions as from differ-
for oneself. ences in motivations. For example, executives in
An implication of this view is that when one the tobacco industry for many years have
applies practical intelligence, one deliberately defended their products. Their point of view
may seek outcomes that are good for oneself or may be divergent from those of many others, but
one's family and friends but bad for the common the motivation of maintaining a multimillion
good. For example, despots typically are practi- dollar business may have more to do with the
cally intelligent, managing to control an entire divergences in points of view than do any kinds
country largely for their own benefit. Despots of cognitive analysis. Economic interests no
such as Hitler or Stalin even may have balanced doubt motivate these executives to adopt a point
factors in their judgments, but not for the of view favorable to the continued use in society
common good. Or one may apply practical of tobacco products. In order to be wise,
intelligence to maximize someone else's benefit, therefore, one must understand not only peo-
as does a lawyer. In the subset of practical ple's cognitions, but also their motivations and
intelligence that is wisdom, one certainly may even their affects. Such understanding may
seek good ends for oneself (intrapersonal involve applying one's own cognitions, motiva-
interests), but one also seeks to balance them tions, and affects to the understanding of other
with good outcomes for others (interpersonal people's. Wisdom involves, then, understanding
interests) and with the contextual factors (ex- people's cognitions, motivations, and affects.
trapersonal interests) involved. The balance is Problems requiring wisdom always involve at
then used to adapt to, shape, and select least some element of each of intrapersonal,
environments. For example, after hearing about interpersonal, and extrapersonal interests, al-
as many relevant factors as possible, one might though the weights may be different in different
advise a college student to stay with his or her instances, just as they may be different for
major but to work harder (adapt), to stay with adaptation, shaping, and selection. For example,
the major but try to obtain waiver of a certain one might decide mat it is wise to go to college,
requirement or set of requirements (shape), or to a problem that seemingly involves only one
find another major (select). person. But many people are typically affected
If one's motivations are to maximize certain by an individual's decision to go to college—
people's interests and minimize other people's, parents, friends, significant others, children, and
wisdom is not involved. In wisdom, one seeks a the like. And the decision always has to be made
common good, realizing that this common good in the context of the whole range of available
may be better for some than for others. A person options. In making the decision, one selects a
who uses his mental powers to become an evil future environment and, in doing so, adapts to
genius may be academically or practically and shapes one's current environment, as well as
intelligent, but the person cannot be wise. I do the environments of others. Similarly, a decision
not attempt here a disquisition on what consti- about whether to have an abortion requires
tutes "good" and "evil," believing such ques- wisdom because it involves not only oneself, but
tions to be better dealt with by moral philosophy the baby who would be born; others to whom
and religion. one is close, such as the father; and the rules and
I refer here to interests, which, together with customs of the society. One also simultaneously
the perceived facts of a situation, are the content is profoundly adapting to, shaping, and selecting
to which wisdom is applied. Interests are related the environment, both for oneself and for a
to the multiple points of view that are a common potential infant.

The Role of Values Underlying wisdom in action is a series of

processes executed in a manner that is typically
It is impossible to speak of wisdom outside cyclical and variable with respect to order of
the context of a set of values, which in process execution. Among these processes are
combination may lead one to a moral stance or, what I have referred to as metacomponents of
in Kohlberg's (1969,1983) view, a stage. Values thought (Sternberg, 1985a), which include (a)
mediate how one balances interests and re- recognizing the existence of a problem, (b)
sponses and collectively contribute even to how defining the nature of the problem, (c) represent-
one defines a common good. I do not believe it is ing information about the problem, (d) formulat-
the mission of psychology, as a discipline, to ing a strategy for solving the problem, (e)
specify what the common good is or what values allocating resources to the solution of a problem,
should be brought to bear in what proportion (f) monitoring one's solution of the problem,
toward its attainment. Such specifications are and (g) evaluating feedback regarding that
perhaps more the job of religion or moral solution. In deciding about college, for example,
philosophy. 1, at least, would be skeptical of any one first has to see both going to college and not
psychologist who claims to specify what people going as viable options (problem recognition);
should think rather than how or why they think then figure out exactly what going or not going
or should think. But I believe the intersection of to college would mean for oneself (defining the
wisdom with the moral domain can be seen by problem); then consider the costs and benefits to
there being some overlap in the notion of oneself and others of going or not going to
wisdom presented here and the notion of moral college (representing information about the
reasoning as it applies in the two highest stages problem); and so forth. In wisdom, these
(4 and 5) of Kohlberg's (1969) theory. At the processes are applied to balancing off the
same time, wisdom is broader than moral various interests of parties about which one
reasoning. It applies to any human problem needs to make a judgment or series of
involving a balance of intrapersonal, interper- judgments.
sonal, and extrapersonal interests, regardless of
whether moral issues are at stake. The balance theory suggests that wisdom is at
least partially domain specific, in that tacit
knowledge is acquired within a given context or
Mental Processes Underlying Wisdom set of contexts. It typically is acquired by
selectively encoding new information that is
As is true with all aspects of practical relevant for one's purposes in learning about
intelligence (Sternberg, 1985a, 1997a), wisdom that context, selectively comparing this informa-
involves a balancing not only of the three kinds tion to old information in order to see how the
of interests, but also of three possible courses of new fits with the old, and selectively combining
action in response to the balancing of interests: pieces of information in order to make them fit
adaptation of oneself or others to existing together into an orderly whole (Sternberg et al.,
environments, shaping of environments in order 1993). These processes are referred to as
to render them more compatible with oneself or knowledge-acquisition components in the triar-
others, and selection of new environments. In chic theory of intelligence (Sternberg, 1985a).
adaptation, the individual tries to find ways to The use of metacomponents and knowledge
conform to the existing environment that forms acquisition in wisdom or any other kind of
his or her context. Sometimes adaptation is the practical intelligence points out a key relation-
best course of action under a given set of ship between wisdom and intelligence (as
circumstances. But typically one seeks a balance conceptualized by the triarchic theory). All
between adaptation and shaping, realizing that aspects of intelligence—analytical, creative, and
fit to an environment requires not only changing practical—involve use of metacomponents for
oneself, but changing the environment also. executive processing and of knowledge-
When an individual finds it impossible or at acquisition components for learning. What
least implausible to attain such a fit, he or she differs is the kind of context in which they are
may decide to select a new environment applied. Analytic intelligence is called on for
altogether, leaving, for example, a job, a relatively familiar, decontextualized, abstract,
community, a marriage, or whatever. and often academic kinds of situations. Creative

intelligence is called on for relatively unfamil- personal, interpersonal, and extrapersonal inter-
iar, novel kinds of situations. Practical intelli- actions take place.
gence is called on for highly contextualized The much greater importance for wisdom of
situations encountered in the normal course of the field than of the domain helps to clarify why,
one's daily life. in the balance theory, tacit, informal knowledge
People who acquire wisdom in one context rather than explicit formal knowledge is the
may be those who would be well able to develop basis of wisdom. Formal knowledge about the
it in another context, but the tacit knowledge subject matter of a discipline is certainly
needed to be wise in different contexts may essential to expertise in that discipline (Chi,
itself differ. For example, the wise individual in Glaser, & Farr, 1988; Hoffman, 1992), but
one society may be able to give useful advice in domain-based expertise is neither necessary nor
the context of that society. But the same advice sufficient for wisdom. Most people know
might be suicidal in another society (e.g., to domain-based experts who seem pretty near the
criticize a governmental policy as it applies to a bottom of any scale when it comes to wisdom.
particular individual). Thus the ability to be wise At least some people also know very wise
individuals who have little formal education.
may transfer, but the actual content of wise
Their education is in the "school of life," which
advice may vary. A wise person will therefore
is in the acquisition of tacit (informal)
know not only when to give advice, but when
not to (see Meacham, 1990) because the
individual will know the limitations of his or her
own tacit knowledge. Sources of Developmental and Individual
As noted above, however, research has found Differences in Wisdom
significant correlations on scores of tacit knowl-
edge across domains. For example, my col- The balance theory suggests a number of
leagues and I found that scores on tests of tacit sources of developmental and individual differ-
knowledge for academic psychology and man- ences in wisdom. In particular, there are two
kinds of sources, those directly affecting the
agement correlate significantly (Wagner &
balance processes and those that are antecedent.
Sternberg, 1985), as do scores on tests of tacit
knowledge for management and military leader- Individual and developmental differences
directly affecting the balance processes. There
ship (Forsythe et al., 1998). Thus, although
are five such sources:
one's development of wisdom might be domain
1. Goals: People may differ in terms of the
specific, the tacit knowledge one learns in one
extent to which they seek a common good and
domain can extend to other domains.
thus in the extent to which they aim for the
Although tacit knowledge is acquired within a essential goal of wisdom.
domain, it more typically applies to a field, 2. Balancing of responses to environmental
following a distinction made by Csikszentmi- contexts: People may differ in their balance of
halyi (1988, 1996). Csikszentmihalyi refers to responses to environmental contexts. Responses
the domain as the formal knowledge of a always reflect an interaction of the individual
socially defined field. So, for example, knowing making the judgment and the environmental
how to construct, conduct, or analyze the results context, and people can interact with contexts in
of experiments would be knowledge important myriad ways.
to the domain of experimental psychology. But 3. Balancing of interests: People may balance
knowing how to speak about the results interests in different ways.
persuasively, how to get the results published, or 4. Practical intelligence manifested as tacit
knowing how to turn the results into the next knowledge: People bring different kinds and
grant proposal would constitute knowledge of levels of tacit knowledge to judgmental situa-
the field. Thus, academic intelligence seems to tions, which are likely to affect their responses.
apply primarily in the domain, whereas practical 5. Values: People have different values
intelligence in general and wisdom in particular mediating their utilization of tacit knowledge in
seem to apply primarily in the field. Because the the balancing of interests and responses.
field represents the social organization of the These sources of differences produce varia-
domain, it is primarily in the field that intra- tion in how wise people are and in how well they

can apply their wisdom in different kinds of way one understands a concept or object). As
situations. The way in which wisdom typically another example, Sternberg and Frensch (1989)
is associated with greater intellectual and even proposed a balance-level theory of intelligent
physical maturity presumably is based on the thinking involving a balance between coping
development of tacit knowledge and of values. with novelty and proceduralization. These kinds
Wisdom is something that unfolds over the of balance, too, are not directly relevant to the
course of the life span and not just during theory proposed in this article.
childhood or even in early years of adulthood. The notion of balance also has played an
The above sources of individual differences important role in theories of wisdom. Philosophi-
pertain to the balancing processes. Other sources cal conceptions of wisdom (reviewed in Baltes,
are antecedent to these processes. in press; see especially Hartshorne, 1987) and
Developmental and individual differences in especially Chinese conceptions (reviewed in
antecedent variables. Antecedent variables Yang, 1998) note the importance of balance, as
leading to developmental and individual differ- do psychological theories such as the ontoge-
ences are those specified by my earlier theory netic theory of wisdom proposed by Baltes and
(Sternberg, 1990b). They include (a) knowl- his colleagues (see Baltes, 1993; Staudinger &
edge, (b) analytical and creative as well as Baltes, 1994; Staudinger et al., 1997).
practical thinking (Sternberg, 1997a), (c) a Staudinger and Baltes (1996) specified a
judicial thinking style (Sternberg, 1997b), (d) family of five criteria, mentioned above, that
personality variables, (e) motivation to think characterize wisdom and wisdom-related perfor-
wisely, and (f) environmental variables. mance. In contrast, the theory proposed here
views wisdom as inherent in the extent to which
Relation of the Proposed Balance Theory a task requires a person to balance the interests
to Other Balance Theories in Psychology of him or herself, others, and the context for a
common good, such that the decision making
The idea of balance in psychological theories leads to adaptation to, shaping of, and selection
is certainly not new. For example, Heider (1958) of environments. Although the basic claim is
proposed a balance theory of interpersonal simple, the actual balancing is extremely
attraction, although the balance to which he complex, and it is unlikely that any theory of
referred was among polarities (positive or wisdom can provide a normative "formula" to
negative) in the interpersonal relationships be used to achieve this balance.
between all three pairings of the triad among What is new in the balance theory is not the
three persons (i.e., the A to B, A to C, and B to C concept of balance, per se, but the proposed
relationships linking A, B, and C). The triad was specification of the particular conjunction of
said to be balanced when there was an even elements that are balanced (intrapersonal, inter-
number of negatives (e.g., A and B both feel personal, and extrapersonal interests balanced to
negatively toward C and vice versa, but A and B achieve a common good through a balance
both feel positively toward each other). An odd among adaptation to, shaping of, and selection
number of negatives resulted in an unbalanced, of environments). Also new is the proposed
unstable triad (e.g., A and B feel positively specification of the relation between wisdom
toward C, and vice versa, but negatively toward and practical intelligence, in particular, and
each other). These balances are not relevant to intelligence, more generally.
the present theory of wisdom, however. The balance theory is further related to other
In the cognitive and developmental litera- theories of wisdom in a variety of ways.
tures, balance has been suggested as important Consider some of the main theories and the
in some theories of intelligence. For example, relation to the balance theory proposed here.
Piaget (1972) proposed that the development of Wisdom requires an individual to see the
intelligence involves an equilibration, or bal- other's point of view, a skill emphasized in
ance, between assimilation (modification of the Kitchener's (1986) model of reflective judg-
way one understands an object or concept in ment. But wisdom requires not only the ability
order to fit it into existing cognitive schemas) to see each point of view, but further requires the
and accommodation (modification of one's ability to formulate a solution that takes into
existing cognitive schemas in order to fit the account these points of view and that also will

be acceptable to all parties to a negotiation. might be viewed as practically intelligent, but on

Thus, one needs not only understand each the view proposed here, they would not be
party's perspective, but also to understand how viewed as wise.
to craft a solution, given these points of view- It Consider a concrete example where practical
further requires one to recognize the interests intelb'gence and wisdom are not the same. In a
underlying the points of view, as mentioned negotiation between management and a union,
earlier. Wisdom in the balance theory is also negotiators are often chosen for their practical
directed toward a good, as in Csikszentmihalyi intelligence—their ability maximally to advance
and Rathunde's (1990) theory. the interests of their respective parties. But
The nature of balance in the theory proposed negotiations in which the two sides seek only to
here is somewhat different from the nature of advance their own interests typically go no-
balance in some of the other models (e.g., where. If the two parties do not have the wisdom
Kramer, 1990), which are intrapersonal balances to reach an agreement, sometimes a third party
of cognitive, conative, and affective systems. In is brought in who, it is hoped, will have the
the present model, the individual can use wisdom to help the negotiating parties reach a
whatever internal systems he or she wants in settlement. Such an individual must take into
making judgments. But the individual must account his or her own (intrapersonal) role, as
understand how these systems work in him or well as the interpersonal and extrapersonal
herself and in others. Intrapersonal balance factors involved in the negotiation. Similarly, in
refers not to a balance of such systems, but of international relations, if the parties to a dispute
the various kinds of interests one has oneself. cannot reach an agreement, a mediating party
For example, wisdom from an intrapersonal (such as the United Nations) is hoped to have the
standpoint might balance one's own short- and wisdom to help the disputants reach some kind
long-term interests, or one's desire to engage in of settlement.
an activity that one enjoys with the recognition Wisdom seems to bear at least some relation
that the activity one enjoys poses substantial to constructs such as social intelligence (Cantor
risks. & Kihlstrom, 1987; Sternberg & Smith, 1985),
emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1995; Mayer
Relation of Wisdom to Other Constructs & Salovey, 1993; Salovey & Mayer, 1990), and
interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences
According to the balance view, wisdom is (Gardner, 1983). There are also differences,
related to practical intelligence, a point also however. Social intelligence can be applied to
made in the extensive work of Baltes and his understanding and getting along with others, to
colleagues (e.g., Baltes & Smith, 1990), but the any ends, for any purposes. Wisdom seeks out a
two constructs are not the same. In practical good through a balancing of interests. Thus, a
intelligence in general, tacit knowledge typi- salesperson who figures out how to sell a
cally is used in a way that does not balance worthless product to a customer might do so
interests to achieve a common good. The subset through using social intelligence to understand
of practical intelligence that is wisdom applies the customer's wants, but has not applied
when the tacit knowledge is used maximally to wisdom in the process. Emotional intelligence
advance the balanced joint interests of oneself, involves understanding, judging, and regulating
others, and the context for a common good to emotions. These skills are an important part of
adapt to, shape, and select environments. One wisdom. But making wise judgments requires
may actually take a loss for oneself in advancing going beyond the understanding, regulation, or
the joint benefit. On this view, wisdom and judgment of emotions. It requires processing the
egocentricity are incompatible. People who are information to achieve a balance of interests and
practically intelligent but not wise, however, can formulating a judgment that makes effective use
be quite egocentric. Some of the most successful of the information to achieve a common good.
individuals, at least by the conventional stan- Moreover, wisdom may require a balance of
dards of society, seem to be people who have interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences,
gotten where they are by not taking other but it also requires an understanding of extraper-
people's interests into account or even by sonal factors and a balance of these three factors
actively thwarting the interests of others. They to attain a common good. Thus wisdom seems to

go somewhat beyond these two theoretically 1987; Sternberg & Soriano, 1984). For example,
distinct kinds of intelligences also. Perhaps the one might be asked to resolve a conflict between
most salient difference among constructs is that a couple over whether the husband's mother
wisdom is applied toward the achievement of should be allowed to come to live with the
ends that are perceived as yielding a common couple. Given the relevance of such problems, it
good, whereas the various kinds of intelligences makes sense that Baltes and his colleagues
may be applied deliberately toward achieving (Smith, Staudinger, & Baltes, 1994) would have
either good ends or bad ones, at least for some of found that clinical psychologists would do
the parties involved. Interestingly, the concep- particularly well on wisdom-related tasks. An-
tion of wisdom proposed here is substantially other group who might be expected to do well
closer to Chinese conceptions of intelligence would be experienced foreign-service officers
than to many European and American concep- and other negotiators who have helped nations
tions of intelligence (Yang & Sternberg, 1997a, in conflict reach resolutions of their
1997b). Indeed, one of the words used in disagreements.
Chinese to characterize intelligence is the same
as the word used to characterize wisdom. Part of wisdom is deciding not only what
course of action best balances off various
interests, but whose interests are at stake and
Problems Measuring what the contextual factors are under which one
(and Not Measuring) Wisdom is operating. A high-level display of wisdom
requires identification of all relevant stake
If one looks at the kinds of problems that have holders. Thus some wisdom might be involved
been used to measure wisdom in empirical in resolving a conflict between management and
work, notably of Baltes and his colleagues, one a trade union in a way that provides equitable
can evaluate the degree to which they measure benefits to both. But a higher level of wisdom
wisdom, at least according to this balance might be needed to take into account as well that
theory. A life-planning task (Baltes, Staudinger, other stake holders' interests are involved,
Maercker, & Smith, 1995) would be an excellent including share holders, customers, people who
task for measuring wisdom because it involves live near to the organization, and perhaps others
one's own interests, but may and usually will also.
take into account the interests of others about
whom one cares deeply as well as the context in The tacit-knowledge approach to measure-
which one lives and may live in the future. A ment described above might present a useful
task in which one must decide what to do when a way of measuring wisdom. The exact problems
good friend calls and says he or she wants to would differ, however, from those we have used
commit suicide (Staudinger & Baltes, 1996) to measure practical intelligence. In particular,
would also involve the interests of the other, the problems would involve solutions that
one's own interest in getting involved and maximize not just one's own self-interest, but a
possibly failing to convince the person not to variety of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and
commit suicide, and also the difficulty of acting extrapersonal interests. The stakes, therefore,
in the context of an unexpected telephone call. would be higher and more complex, because so
Similarly, counseling a 14-year-old girl who is many different interests would be involved. In
pregnant or a 16-year-old boy who wants to our current work, my colleagues and I are using
marry soon (Baltes & Smith, 1990) both involve tacit-knowledge problems of these kinds to assess
balancing of the interests of the individuals to be wisdom and its relation to other constructs.
counseled, the other people in their lives, and In contrast to problems such as the ones
the costs of giving the wrong advice. suggested above or the ones Baltes (in press)
Perhaps the ideal problems for measuring and his colleagues have used, typical problems
wisdom, in light of the balance theory proposed found on conventional tests of intelligence, such
here, are complex conflict-resolution problems as the Stanford-Binet (Thorndike, Hagen, &
involving the formation of judgments, given Sattler, 1986) or the Wechsler (Wechsler, 1991),
multiple competing interests and no clear measure wisdom minimally or not at all,
resolution of how these interests can be according to the balance theory. There is no
reconciled (see, e.g., Sternberg & Dobson, obvious similarity between these problems and

the kinds of problems described above that never sufficient for the development of wisdom.
would measure wisdom. Even when they (Indeed, the same argument could be made for
measure thinking in a variety of domains, they any ability, as abilities always manifest them-
typically do not involve balancing judgments selves in an environmental context.) Far more
about intrapersonal, interpersonal, and extraper- important, it seems, would be the kinds of
sonal interests for purposes of adapting to, experiences one has and what one learns from
shaping, and selecting environments. Similarly, them. The development and display of wisdom
there is little apparent similarity between also would seem to be partly attitudinal,
problems measuring wisdom and those measur- involving a decision that one wishes to use one's
ing creativity, whether from a psychometric tacit knowledge for the balanced benefit of
point of view (e.g., Torrance, 1974) or from a others and the environment, not just for the
systems point of view (e.g., Sternberg & Lubart, benefit of oneself.
1995). For example, wisdom-related problems There is one source of evidence that suggests
seem remote either from finding unusual uses of that, as individual-difference variables, wisdom
a paper clip or from writing creative short and intelligence might be rather different
stories, drawing creative pictures, or devising "kettles of fish." Researchers have shown that
creative scientific experiments or explanations. IQs have been rising substantially over the past
Although wisdom problems seem remote several generations (Rynn, 1987; Neisser, 1998).
from problems found on conventional intelli- The gains have been experienced both for fluid
gence tests, people's implicit theories of wisdom and for crystallized abilities, although the gains
are rather close to their implicit theories of are substantially greater for fluid than for
intelligence and people expect, to a large degree, crystallized abilities. Yet it is difficult for some
that people high in wisdom will be high in to discern any increase in the wisdom of the
intelligence. The same relation holds true, but to peoples of the world. Of course tests adminis-
a lesser extent, for creativity (see Sternberg, tered over time might have revealed otherwise.
1985b). Scores on wisdom-related tasks also But the levels of conflict in the world show no
overlap with scores on tasks measuring intelli- sign of deescalating, and conflicts recently have
gence and other abilities as well as tasks intensified in many parts of the world where
measuring personality and thinking styles formerly they lay dormant (as in the former
(Staudinger et al., 1997). For example, the Yugoslavia). So maybe it is time that psycholo-
groups of participants that Baltes and his gists, as a profession, take much more seriously
colleagues have tested and identified as high in the measurement of wisdom and the formulation
wisdom, such as expert clinical psychologists, of theories and theory-based measures of
could be expected to be high in IQ. But the wisdom. Although there has been work in the
evidence is not clear that other groups as high or area, the amount of work is dwarfed by work on
higher in IQ (e.g., expert physicists or mathema- intelligence. And perhaps psychologists even
ticians) necessarily would be as wise (and of need to be concerned about how they might
course they might be wiser—no one knows at create experiences that would guide people to
this point). The evidence that old adults perform develop wisdom as much as psychologists have
about as well as young adults on wisdom-related been concerned in some quarters about guiding
tasks (e.g., Staudinger et al., 1992) suggests that, people to develop their intelligence (see, e.g.,
to the extent that wisdom covaries with Perkins & Grotzer, 1997).
intelligence, it covaries more with crystallized
From a theoretical standpoint, wisdom is
than with fluid abilities (Cattell, 1971).
quite distinct both from intelligence as tradition-
Much is still to be learned about how wisdom ally defined and from creativity. In terms of the
functions as an individual-differences variable. triarchic theory (Sternberg, 1985a), wisdom
It is plausible to speculate that the potential for derives primarily from practical intelligence,
wisdom may be in part genetic, given that other traditional intelligence primarily from analytical
kinds of potentials seem to be at least in part intelligence, and creativity primarily from cre-
genetic (see Sternberg & Grigorenko, 1997b). ative intelligence. The three aspects of intelli-
But the tacit knowledge necessary for wisdom gence are statistically quite distinct (Sternberg,
must be environmentally acquired, so that 1997a). In terms of the theory of mental
genetic factors could only be necessary but self-government (Sternberg, 1997b), wisdom

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Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers

We thank the following individuals who assisted in the review process for Volume 2.
The numbers in parentheses denote the number of reviews done.
Robert Abelson Matthew Erdelyi Robert Melton
Craig Anderson G. William Farthing Myriam Mongrain
John Antrobus Martin Ford Michael Nash
Hal Arkes Nathan Fox Astrid Nehlig
Mark Ashcraft Howard Gardner Keith Oatley
Paul Baltes Kenneth Gergen James Pennebaker
Michael Barnes Thomas Gilovich Robert Perloff
Roy Baumeister Randall Gordon Lawrence Pervin
Steven Beach (2) Donald Green Michael Ross
Daryl Bern Gary Greenberg Theodore Sarbin
Ludy Benjamin Todd Heatherton Zindel Segal
Sidney Blatt Daniel Shachter
George Bonanno Dean Simonton (2)
Jonathon Brown Sandra Jacobson Jefferson Singer (3)
Ross Buck (2) Ronnie Janoff-Bulman Jerome Singer
Etzel Cardena Neal Johnson Nancy Snidman
Alice Carter John Jost Norman Spear
Franz Caspar Catherine Kessel Robert Sternberg
Irvin Child William Kessen Roth Striegel-Moore
Marvin Chun Gregory Kimble Wolfgang Stroebe
Roy D' Andrade Laura King William Swann
Donald Dewsbury Randy Larsen(2) Robert Thayer
Edward Diener Leonard Martin Harry Triandis
Roy Eidelson John Mayer (3) Robin Vallacher
J. Richard Eiser Richard Mayer Mark Whisman
Norman Endler James Mazur

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