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Artist Biography

I am YYY, where I was born and where I studied, what I did and achieved, it was
important at that exact moment... and my story is a harmonious composition of
those pasts that made me awaken to create what the sound of wisdom transmitted
to my heart to who sings the art of a Creator God, to the master of imagination.

I could write ten pages or more and tell you beautiful success and failure stories
about me, you still can't know who I am now.

Everything will be little; it would be a golden grain of dust within an infinite Universe
of imagination... Now I am One, all the paintings, paintings of ideas that I leave here
are a gift from God for all humanity.

So, I was able to find a simple yet complex form that would completely encompass
everything about my artistic experience, that would correctly explain who I am,
what I've done, and what my purpose is;
I kept all the lessons that Life gave me, through learning and trials that I have already lived,

I write the lessons in my heart with a golden pen, and I said to my heart:

Now, sing in harmony the SOUND of WISDOM to the master of IMAGINATION because I am
now, a God Creator.

And so, you already know how my past was, and you know what governs my
future, this is the story of my life, all of it is the life of an artist, this is the play of my
main character.

Eu Sou aqui, Eu Sou ali,

Eu Sou por todo lado e

todo lado está em mim

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