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Informal letter

Task: You have recently started working for a new company. Write the letter to your friend Oscar. Sign
your letter as Tom. In your letter:
 Explain the reasons why you changed jobs
 Describe your new job
 Tell him your other news.
You should write at least 80 words. Please count the number of words and write the word count below
the letter.
Dear Oscar,

I hope you’re well. I’m writing to tell you about exciting new job I started a few weeks ago.

I’d become bored with being a receptionist at the medical centre and was desperate for a new challenge.
Being stuck at a desk all day was also getting me down, although I did enjoy helping people so wasn’t
looking for a change there.

Anyway, I heard that the estate agency down the road was looking for a new negotiator and put in an
application. I didn’t imagine I’d have much chance of success as I’ve no experience in house sales. But,
would you believe it, I got the job. I just love it! I’m in my element doing house tours and love helping
people to find a new home. It’s so rewarding!

I do have to work some weekends but still have time to fit in my rowing. We ended the regatta season well
with a second place in the county championships. I was so proud to be picked for the crew and delighted
with the result.

Hope to hear from you soon.

All the best,


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