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BCSE308P: Computer Networks Lab

Slot: L25+L26

Date: 20-07-2023

Faculty in Charge: Prakash G


RegNo: 21BCE2670


Implement the Congestion Control using Leaky

Bucket Algorithm.

import time

class LeakyBucket:
def __init__(self, bucket_size, output_rate):
self.bucket_size = bucket_size
self.output_rate = output_rate
self.bucket_content = 0
self.last_time = time.time()

def get_tokens(self):
now = time.time()
elapsed_time = now - self.last_time
tokens_to_add = elapsed_time *
self.bucket_content = max(0,
self.bucket_content - tokens_to_add)
self.last_time = now

def accept_packet(self, packet_size):

if packet_size <= self.bucket_content +
self.bucket_content += packet_size
return True
return False

# Example usage for congestion control

if __name__ == "__main__":
bucket = LeakyBucket(bucket_size=100,
output_rate=10) # Bucket size of 100 tokens, output
rate of 10 tokens per second

# Simulate packet arrivals with different sizes

packet_sizes = [30, 20, 15, 10, 25, 50, 40, 5]

for packet_size in packet_sizes:

if bucket.accept_packet(packet_size):
print(f"Packet of size {packet_size} accepted
and sent.")
print(f"Packet of size {packet_size} dropped
due to congestion.")


Algorithm for the Leaky Bucket Algorithm:

1. Class Definition:
 Create a class called LeakyBucket for the
Leaky Bucket Algorithm implementation.
 Initialize the class with two parameters:

bucket_size (maximum number of tokens the

bucket can hold) and output_rate (tokens
removed per second).
 Set the initial bucket content to 0.

 Set the last update time to the current time.

2. get_tokens Method:
 Get the current time.

 Calculate the elapsed time since the last

 Calculate the number of tokens to remove

from the bucket based on the output rate

multiplied by the elapsed time.
 Update the number of tokens in the bucket

after removing the tokens, ensuring it does not

go below 0.
 Update the last update time to the current

3. accept_packet Method:
 Call the get_tokens method to update the

number of tokens in the bucket.

 If the packet size is less than or equal to the

available tokens in the bucket plus the output

rate (effective capacity), then:
 Add the packet size to the bucket content.

 Return True to indicate that the packet is

accepted and sent.

 If the packet size exceeds the effective
capacity (available tokens + output rate),
 The packet cannot be accommodated, so

return False to indicate that the packet is

dropped due to congestion.
4. Example Usage:
 Create an instance of the LeakyBucket class

with a bucket size of 100 tokens and an output

rate of 10 tokens per second.
 Simulate packet arrivals with different sizes.

 For each packet size, use the accept_packet

method to check if the packet can be accepted

or dropped based on the Leaky Bucket
Algorithm's constraints.

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