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Power Query:


Power Query is an ETL Software in Power BI.

Power Query can extract the data from any kind of Data Source. Transform the data as per the reporting
needs And Loads data into power Pivot.

Power Query User Interface (UI) / Power Query Editor User Interface(UI) :

1. Queries Pane:
Queries pane will contains list of tables we brought into Power Query
Database - Tables
Power Query - Queries

2. Data Pane:
Data Pane will selected table data
Data Pane will also called as Result Pane.

3. Ribbion :
Ribbion will contains multiple tabs and each tab will contains multiple GUI Options. Which we used to
transform the data.

4. Query Settings:
I) Properties :

Which hold the information about current table.

A. Enable Load to Refresh
B. Include In Report Refresh

II) Applied Steps:

Applied steps will contains all the ETL Steps performed on Selected Table.

III) When you bring Tables into Power Query you will get ETL Steps Automatically.
Source : It Tell us Source Path
Navigation : It Tell Us Wich Sheet / Table Data
Promoted Headers : By Reading The Column Data PowerBi will Identifiy Headers.
Changed Type : By Reading The Column data Power Bi Identifiy And Assigne
the Right Data Type.

Above Steps Are changed Based on the Data Source If > Excel: 4 Steps
> SQL Server / Server Databases: 2 Steps ( Source,Navigation)
IV) Formula Bar: By default, formula bar will not show in power query UI.
View Tab >> Check on formula bar.
Formula bar will select All ETL Steps M Language Code (MaShap)

V) Advanced Editor: Advanced editor will show all the ETL steps M Language code for a selected table.

How ETL activities will be performed in power query? How data will be processed in power Query?

 When we bring any table from any source to power query, we will get table first 1000 rows.
 when we do transformations in power query it will perform on first 1000 rows initially.
 when will click on Close & Apply it will perform transformation on complete data.

Data Types:

Data Type represents types of data stored in the columns.

Number: Number Datatypes allows only Numeric information.

Text: Text datatype can allow all text, Number, Special Characters & combination of text, number,
Special characters.
Date: Date datatypes can allow only date information.

How to change Manually data type change Single column -- On Column Header Can Change
How to change Manually Data Types All Columns single go -- Detect Data Type

Filters are used to show subset of data from complete data.
When my data source contains complete data and if I need to Load subset data into power pivot I need to
use filters in power query.
Using Filters in Power Query It saves space in Power Pivot & Improves the visual performance.

In power query we can filter the data in 2 ways.

1. Basic Filter
2. Advanced Filter

Based on datatype of the column the advanced filtering options will change.
Sometime to achive the requirement we need to filter the data on number columns (OR) text columns
(OR) Date column.

> Text Filter in power query is case Sensitive.

Q) Load the employees where Dept no =10 OR job=salesman

InBuilt Column & Row Transformations:

Inbuilt Column Transformations:
Remove Columns / Remove Other Columns
Choose Columns, Go to Columns
Name / Rename Columns
Reorder Columns or Sort columns – Number of Days
Column From Examples
Order date (Year)
Customer ID (Textbefore)
Customer Name (First 5 Char)
(GUI Options, Column from Examples, Custom Column)
Add Column / Custom Column
Duplicate Column

 When you want Output in same column use any Options in Transform Tab.
 When you want Output in the New Column use the Options in Add Column tab

Split Columns – Mostly we need to split the columns based on the delimiter Or Based
on Number of Characters.
Merge Columns
Pivot – Rows to Columns – Table format data to pivot Format – Number of rows will
Be reduced.
UnPivot – Columns to Rows – If you want to convert pivot format data to table format
- Number of Rows will be increase.
Transopse – Rows to Columns & Columns to Rows

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