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Business plan chapter I:


First page

Title page and table of contents

- Name (Premium poseidons café)

- Logo (if its connected with our business)
- Address (business address) (social media pages specifically tiktok Instagram facebook)
- Names of the founders (group members)
- Contant Information’s (social media to contact telephone number mobile number emails)

Executive summary

- Business model narrative already been done just put it into compressed and brief discussion
- Qualifications of the founders and key employees (skills)
o Skills who to pick the specs (GPU, ram, storage)
o What to buy the spare parts (keyboard, earphone, cpu, monitors)
- key financial highlights not necessary needed

Vision statement (future oriented things that we cannot achieve today but for the future purposes)

o vision affects everybody

o one of the big impacts inside the paper
- Whatever we believe in
- Direction of the company
- When we craft our vision we craft our vision to smart matrix
- Sustainable measurable attainable relevant time bound
o Quality of graduates if facilities are good or inline with the standard of caap and ched
o Professors’ lineups are good and experts
o Relevant (vision is international or global)
o Time bound ba ang aisat? NO it is open ended statements
o AISAT vision is SMAR not SMART
- Determines decision
- Motivates people
- Allows perseverance amidst adversity
- Company ABC wants to provide a high quality products outside davao city
- Poseidons hub wants to be a sponspor busy gaming hub

Stakeholders (tanan sa business)

- Suppliers
- Security
- Students
- Teachers
- Employees

Mission (affective side of the business) (benefits sa iyahang kasing kasing(

- Discusses the purpose of the company

o Quality of the products
o Satisfaction of the sevices
o Generate new job opportunities for persons with disabilities
- Can also add CORE values (one paragpraph)
o Carrying the core values of aisat

Company history (optional page)

- How to come up with the idea of our business

- How did you come up with this idea

Business and industry profile (discuss global, national then local) (FIND CITATIONS)

- Overview of the market segment

o Bench mark from international to local
o Cashless country one progressive factors
o Conduct visibility study to copy the business of the international sectors before settling
up the local businesses

Industry profile

- Doesn’t need to be specific for the competition matches

o In davao city theres a three projected high end internet cafes
- Global perspective to local
o International hub cafes how do they operate (global)
o Narrow it down to national inside the Philippines
- Profile of our industry
o How does the business works and operates

Business strategy

- Goal is patterned after your vision

o Example: vision is to graduate next year
 Set goals and plans
 Pass the subjects (goal statements)
 In order to accomplish your vision we need to pass all the subjects
o Detailed objectives (in order to graduate)
o Study
o Passed requirements
o Do not absent



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