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Maturaarbeit; project concept by Mutasem, 3i

Project title: "Mathematical Modeling in Football Management: An Analysis of Decision-

Making Strategies"
Introduction: The modern game of football is a complex and dynamic sport that involves a
multitude of variables, including player performance, tactical strategies, and opposition
teams. Football managers are responsible for making a wide range of decisions, from
selecting players and tactics to devising game plans and making in-game adjustments.
Objectives: The goal of this project is to explore how the application of mathematical
modeling techniques can aid in the decision-making process of a football manager. The
specific objectives of the project include:
 Reviewing the current state of knowledge on the use of mathematical modeling in
football management, including studies on playe r performance analysis and tactical
 Developing and implementing mathematical models to analyze player performance and
team dynamics in various football scenarios.
 Evaluating the effectiveness of the mathematical models in aiding the decision-making
process of a football manager through case studies and simulations.
 Investigating the potential benefits and limitations of using mathematical modeling
techniques in football management, and making recommendations for future research
in this area
The following methods would be used for this project:
 Literature review: A comprehensive review of the existing literature on the use of
mathematical modeling in football management, including studies on player
performance analysis, tactical decision-making, and the application of mathematical
models in real-life scenarios.
 Model development: The development of mathematical models to analyze player
performance and team dynamics in various football scenarios. These models could
include, for example, models for predicting player performance, tactical decision-making
models, and game simulation models.
 Case studies and simulations: The implementation of the mathematical models through
case studies and simulations to evaluate their effectiveness in aiding the decision-
making process of a football manager.
 Data analysis: The analysis of the results from the case studies and simulations to
evaluate the effectiveness of the mathematical models in aiding the decision-making
process of a football manager.
 Conclusions and recommendations: The drawing of conclusions based on the results of
the case studies and simulations, and the making of recommendations for future
research in this area.
The following resources could be used for this project:
 Academic journals and books: Relevant articles and books on the use of mathematical
modeling in football management, player performance analysis, and tactical decision-
 Online databases: Online databases, such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, and IEEE Xplore, to
search for relevant literature on the subject.
 Football data and statistics: Data on player performance and team dynamics, which
could be obtained from websites such as Whoscored, Fbref, or official league websites.
 Software tools: Mathematical modeling software, such as MATLAB, R, or Python, to
develop and implement the mathematical models.
 Expert opinions: Input from experts in the field of football management, player
performance analysis, and mathematical modeling, to validate the findings and
conclusions of the project.
Reason for choosing this topic:
Pesonally, since last winter, I started watching football matches on the weekend with
members of my family, which made me realize that football can be an interesting topic for
my Maturaarbeit along with my desire to do a mathematical project.

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