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I. Answer the following questions.

1. What did Javier Solana say about a border agreement in Riga? Did Russia confirm its readiness to sign
the agreement?

2. What questions were discussed at the three-party talks?

3. What need do Pakistan and India recognize?

4. How did the UN Secretary-General assess the situation in the Middle East? What international
organization is expected to deal with the situation in the Middle East? What did the UN Secretary-
General call for?

5. How was the British Prime-Minister welcomed in Russia?

How did he assess his visit to Moscow? What statement did Russia’s leadership reiterate at the end of
the visit?

6. What issues did the Russian and Finnish leaders discuss during the non-official meeting in
St.Petersburg? What international problems did they touch upon in the course of the meeting?

7. How have the relations between Great Britain and France been developing lately? What’s the
undeclared aim of Britain’s policy towards France?

8. Why were peace talks between Israel and Syria suspended 6 months ago? What steps have been
taken by the US State Secretary in a bid to help resume them?

9. How do the Russian leaders assess the British Premier’s visit to Russia? What did the negotiations in
Moscow reveal?

10. Why is the USA interested in restarting suspended peace negotiations between Syria and Israel?
What is the primary goal of the US State Secretary’s official trip to the Middle East?

11. Why has the visit of the South African Foreign Minister to Iran raised concern in the West? What is
South Africa’s response to

Washington’s attempts to influence its relation ship with Iran?

12. Why did the Greek Prime-Minister hold urgent meetings with his senior ministers? What has brought
about the sudden rapprochement of the two countries?

1. Javier Solana stated that a border agreement between Russia and Latvia is a step towards stability in
the region. Russia confirmed its readiness to sign the agreement.
2. The three-party talks discussed questions related to the Syrian crisis, including ceasing hostilities,
providing humanitarian assistance, and promoting a political solution.

3. Pakistan and India recognize the need to resolve their differences through peaceful dialogue instead
of confrontations and tension.

4. The UN Secretary-General assessed the situation in the Middle East as alarming, with the violence
intensifying and spreading beyond the borders of Syria. The UN is expected to take the lead in dealing
with the situation. The UN Secretary-General called for all parties to respect international human rights
law and humanitarian law and for political solutions to be pursued.

5. The British Prime-Minister was welcomed warmly in Russia. He assessed his visit to Moscow as
positive. Russia’s leadership reiterated their stance that cooperation between Russia and the UK should
be based on mutual respect.

6. The Russian and Finnish leaders discussed issues related to bilateral trade and economic relations, as
well as touch upon the situation in Ukraine and Syria.

7. The relations between Great Britain and France have been developing positively lately. The
undeclared aim of Britain's policy towards France is to create a counterbalance to Germany's growing
influence in Europe.

8. Peace talks between Israel and Syria were suspended 6 months ago due to the Syrian conflict. The US
State Secretary has taken steps to help resume the peace talks, including meeting with both sides
separately to discuss the conditions for the resumption of negotiations.

9. The Russian leaders assessed the British Premier’s visit to Russia positively and viewed it as a step
towards improving bilateral relations between the two countries. The negotiations in Moscow revealed
the shared interests of Russia and the UK in various international issues.

10. The USA is interested in restarting peace negotiations between Syria and Israel to resolve the Syrian
crisis. The primary goal of the US State Secretary’s official trip to the Middle East is to facilitate peace
talks and promote a political solution to the Syrian crisis.

11. The visit of the South African Foreign Minister to Iran raised concern in the West due to Iran's
alleged support of terrorism. South Africa's response to Washington's attempts to influence its
relationship with Iran is that it will continue to pursue an independent foreign policy based on its
national interests.

12. The Greek Prime-Minister held urgent meetings with his senior ministers due to the sudden
rapprochement of Greece and Turkey. The two countries have been in conflict for many years over
territorial disputes and have recently resumed talks to resolve their differences.

II. Read the following international words and compare them with the Ukrainian/Russian equivalents.

Dialogue, consultation, atmosphere, initiative, impulse, position, result, identity, normalize, confidential.

Dialogue (діалог/диалог)

Consultation (консультація/консультация)

Atmosphere (атмосфера/атмосфера)
Initiative (ініціатива/инициатива)

Impulse (імпульс/импульс)

Position (позиція/позиция)

Result (результат/результат)

Identity (ідентичність/идентичность)

Normalize (нормалізувати/нормализовать)

Confidential (конфіденційний/конфиденциальный)

III. Give synonyms to the following world and expression.

1. according to

2. to arrive at a conclusion

3. to draw up

4. to face a question

5. to hold a conference

6. talks

7. to interrupt talks

8. top-level talks

9. to take part in

10. to advance a proposal

11. to settle a problem

1. as per, in accordance with

2. to come to a decision, to reach a verdict

3. to formulate, to create, to compose

4. to confront a query, to deal with a problem

5. to conduct a meeting, to convene

6. negotiations, discussions, dialogues

7. to disrupt talks, to break off

8. high-level talks, summit

9. to participate, to engage in

10. to suggest a plan, to propose an idea

11. to resolve an issue, to find a solution, to fix a matter

IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions.

1. … conformity … the draft resolution this form of cooperation is based on a government agreement.

2. We have a lot of questions of utmost importance … the agenda.

3. The agreement … mutual cooperation will be signed … next month.

4. The Minister of Foreign Affairs will take part … the bilateral talks at the end of April.

5. The heads of the governments came … the conclusion that the plenary meeting would take place in
the Hague.

1. In conformity with the draft resolution, this form of cooperation is based on a government

2. We have a lot of questions of utmost importance on the agenda.

3. The agreement for mutual cooperation will be signed next month.

4. The Minister of Foreign Affairs will take part in the bilateral talks at the end of April.

5. The heads of the governments came to the conclusion that the plenary meeting would take place in
the Hague.

V. Give Ukrainian/ Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

Resumption of the Geneva talks, dangerous hotbeds of tension, express confidence, an important stage
in the development of relations, to deal with the Middle East problem, establishment of trade relations,
efforts to overcome antagonism, to exchange views on topical problems, to pursue a policy, the British
leader was given a warm welcome, to give assessment to, to solve disputable questions

through negotiations, to give an impetus, to reveal deep differences on arms control, to prevent nuclear
war, to achieve disarmament,

call on smb for smth, to promote smth., to tackle differences, to express concern, to suspend talks.

VI. Give English equivalents for the following word combinations.

Призывать к возобновлению переговоров, переговоры по Ближнему Востоку,

предстоящая сессия Генеральной

Ассамблеи ООН, очаги напряженности, развитие отношений между двумя странами, торговля
между нашими странами растет, установления дружеских отношений, улучшить международный
климат, обмeняться мнением по различным вопросам, проводить политику, нанести краткий
визит, главы государств были удовлетворены результатами переговоров, углублять
сотрудничество, в ходе встречи, укреплять доверие,
обнаружить несовпадение мнений, достичь прогресса, актуальные проблемы, оказывать влияние
на, отклонить предложение, помешать кому-либо, быть преданным курсу, вывод войск,
переговоры были приостановлены, решать спорные

вопросы путем переговоров.

VII. Translate into Ukrainian /Russian using the model.

1. It was the USA that, (which) violated the SALT treaty.

Именно США нарушили договор об ОСВ.

2. It is at such crucial moments of history that (when) a new mentality is needed.

Kак paз в такие серьезные моменты истории и требуется новое


1. It was Russia that made the first step towards the establishment of confidence among nations.

2. It is in Kyiv that (where) the workers of literature and art got together to discuss peace problems.

3. It is for this reason that the conference is considered necessary and timely.

4. It was after Israel began building a Jewish settlement in east Jerusalem that (when) the peace talks
were suspended.

5. The USA realizes that it is peace with Syria that (which) is key to a comprehensive settlement in the
Middle East.

6. It is the third world countries that press for a new economic order which would take into account the
interests of all nations.

VIII. Translate into Ukrainian/ Russian.

1. The US state secretary will pay an official visit to Ukraine which is in return for the visit of the
Ukrainian Foreign Minister to the USA

1. Держсекретар США відвідає Україну з офіційним візитом у відповідь на візит міністра

закордонних справ України до США.

2. The German delegation headed by the Head of State arrived in Kyiv on an official visit in order to sign
a treaty of friendship with Ukraine.

2. Німецька делегація на чолі з Главою держави прибула до Києва з офіційним візитом для
підписання договору про дружбу з Україною.

3. A guard of honour was lined up at the Brussels airport to meet the British Prime-Minister who was
coming to Belgium for top-level talks.

3. Зустрічати британського прем'єра, який прибув до Бельгії для переговорів на вищому рівні, в
аеропорту Брюсселя була вишикувана почесна варта.

4. The resumption of the Geneva Peace Conference on the Middle East with the participation of all
parties concerned, including representatives of the Palestine Liberation Organization will provide for the
settlement of the Middle East crisis.
4. Відновлення Женевської мирної конференції з Близького Сходу за участю всіх зацікавлених
сторін, включаючи представників Організації визволення Палестини, забезпечить врегулювання
близькосхідної кризи.

5. Russia and Sweden assess the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe as an event of
tremendous (огромный) importance.

5. Росія і Швеція оцінюють Нараду з безпеки і співробітництва в Європі як подію величезного

(великого) значення.

6. The talks between the Russian and Swedish Prime Ministers were held in a business-like and friendly
atmosphere and in a spirit of mutual respect. They discussed a wide range of problems concerning
Russian-Swedish relations and their further development as well as the current international situation.

6. Переговори російського і шведського прем'єр-міністрів пройшли в діловій і дружній атмосфері і

в дусі взаємної поваги. Було обговорено широке коло проблем російсько-шведських відносин та їх
подальшого розвитку, а також поточну міжнародну ситуацію.

7. The Chinese President expressed satisfaction that Ukrainian Chinese relations were improving despite
(несмотря на)

differences of approach (подход) on some issues. “Political contacts are being formed and their level
(уровень) is gradually rising”, said the paper.Talks and consultations on various aspects of state-to-state
relations are becoming standard practice.

7. Голова КНР висловив задоволення тим, що українсько-китайські відносини покращуються,

незважаючи на (не дивлячись на) відмінності в підходах з деяких питань. «Політичні контакти
формуються, і їх рівень поступово підвищується», — зазначає видання. Переговори та консультації
з різних аспектів міждержавних відносин стають стандартною практикою.

8. The German Chancellor arrived in Moscow yesterday on a six day official visit and went straight into
talks with the Russian President. In the course of the talks they will deal with arms control issues and
strengthening bilateral relations.

8. Канцлер Німеччини вчора прибула до Москви з шестиденним офіційним візитом і відразу

почала переговори з президентом Росії. Під час переговорів обговорюватимуться питання
контролю над озброєннями та зміцнення двосторонніх відносин.

9. A new round of UN-sponsored talks between Afghanistan and Pakistan began in Geneva yesterday.
The talks are expected to last 3 days during which all the disputable questions will be discussed.

9. Вчора в Женеві під егідою ООН розпочався новий раунд переговорів між Афганістаном і
Пакистаном. Очікується, що переговори триватимуть 3 дні, протягом яких будуть обговорені всі
спірні питання.

10. Tension over NATO’s expansion revealed deep differences in approach to the problem between
Russia’s Foreign Minister and NATO General Secretary.

10. Напруга навколо розширення НАТО виявила глибокі розбіжності у підходах до проблеми між
міністром закордонних справ Росії та генеральним секретарем НАТО.

11. The European Union’s special envoy to the Middle East said that Syria expressed willingness to find a
formula to renew (to resume) the Israeli-Syrian peace process which has been frozen (suspended) since
March 1996.
11.Спеціальний представник Європейського Союзу на Близькому Сході заявив, що Сирія висловила
готовність знайти формулу відновлення (відновлення) ізраїльсько-сирійського мирного процесу,
який був заморожений (призупинений) з березня 1996 року.

12. The US Vice-President yesterday said his talks In Beijing were aimed at setting the stage for a
presidential summit later this


12. Віце-президент США вчора заявив, що його переговори в Пекіні були спрямовані на те, щоб
підготувати основу для президентського саміту пізніше цього року.

13. The collapse of the former Soviet Union, which left the US as the sole superpower, has pushed
Russia and China closer.

Russia is looking for strong new partners to maintain a balance of power in the world. Now it is focusing
its foreign policy on Asia to have room for manoeuvre.

13. Розпад колишнього Радянського Союзу, який залишив США як єдину наддержаву, підштовхнув
Росію та Китай до зближення. Росія шукає нових сильних партнерів для підтримки балансу сил у
світі. Зараз вона зосереджує свою зовнішню політику на Азії, щоб мати простір для маневру.

14. The three - point plan calls on both sides to avoid unilateral acts, a clear reference to the Israelis’
plans to expand or build new settlements on the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

14. План із трьох пунктів закликає обидві сторони уникати односторонніх дій, чітко посилаючись на
плани Ізраїлю розширити або побудувати нові поселення на Західному березі річки Йордан і в
секторі Газа.

15. The Ukrainian Prime-Minister is coming to Britain next month for a three - day visit that is expected
to cement London’s ties with Kyiv. During the talks the Ukrainian Premier is to focus on the trade

15. Український прем'єр-міністр прибуде до Британії наступного місяця з триденним візитом, який,
як очікується, зміцнить зв'язки Лондона з Києвом. Під час переговорів український прем'єр
зосередиться на торговельних відносинах.

16. The right - wing Israeli Prime-Minister and the leader of the Palestinian Authority last night restored
confidence in the Middle East peace process with a firm handshake and commitment to negotiations.

16. Правий прем’єр-міністр Ізраїлю та лідер Палестинської автономії вчора ввечері відновили
довіру до мирного процесу на Близькому Сході міцним рукостисканням і зобов’язанням вести

IX. Translate into English.

1. 25 июня из Москвы отбыла делегация Национального Конгресса Боливии. Она находилась в

нашей стране с официальным визитом по приглашению правительства России.

1. On June 25, a delegation of the National Congress of Bolivia left Moscow. She was in our country on
an official visit at the invitation of the Russian government.

2. Во время визита главы государств провели переговоры, в ходе которых они затронули вопросы,
представляющие взаимный интерес.
2. During the visit, the heads of state held talks during which they touched upon issues of mutual

3. Российский премьер-министр выразил удовлетворение развитием российско-индийских

отношений, углублением сотрудничества между ними.

3. The Russian Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the development of Russian-Indian relations
and the deepening of cooperation between them.

4. В ходе беседы Болгарский и Китайский лидеры проинформировали друг друга о положении в

своих странах и высказались за развитие взаимных связей, расширение взаимного обмена опытом
в экономическом строительстве.

4. During the conversation, the Bulgarian and Chinese leaders informed each other about the situation
in their countries and spoke in favor of developing mutual ties, expanding the mutual exchange of
experience in economic construction.

5. По сообщениям прессы, в ходе заключительной встречи председателя Государственного Совета

КНР с президентом Пакистана стороны подтвердили желание укреплять двусторонние отношения
во всех областях.

5. According to press reports, during the final meeting of the President of the State Council of the
People's Republic of China with the President of Pakistan, the parties reaffirmed their desire to
strengthen bilateral relations in all areas.

6. “Мы удовлетворены результатами бесед с российскими руководителями” - заявил глава

делегации на пресс-конференции. “Состоялся широкий обмен мнениями по aктуальным вопросам
современности. Обе стороны подтвердили свое желание развивать двусторонние отношения и

6. “We are satisfied with the results of our conversations with Russian leaders,” the head of the
delegation said at a press conference. “There was a wide exchange of views on topical issues of our
time. Both sides reaffirmed their desire to develop bilateral relations and cooperation.”

7. Генеральный секретарь ООН прибыл в Тегеран. В тегеранском аэропорту он заявил, что он хочет
найти пути справедливого урегулирования (решения) конфликта между Ираном и Ираком.

7. The UN Secretary General arrived in Tehran. At the Tehran airport, he stated that he wants to find
ways of a just settlement (solution) of the conflict between Iran and Iraq.

8. Германия и Албания достигли соглашения об установлении дипломатических отношений. Об

этом сообщил на пресс- конференции представитель (spokesman)

Министерства иностранных дел Германии.

8. Germany and Albania reached an agreement to establish diplomatic relations. This was announced at
a press conference by a spokesman of the German Foreign Ministry.

9. Руководители делегаций подтвердили желание укрепить отношения дружбы и

взаимопонимания между двумя странами и народами, подчеркивается в совместном коммюнике
по итогам визита.

9. The heads of the delegations confirmed their desire to strengthen the relations of friendship and
mutual understanding between the two countries and peoples, the joint communiqué on the results of
the visit emphasizes.
10. Как сообщает пресса, в ходе беседы стороны обсудили перспективы (prospects) развития
двусторонних отношений. Касаясь международной обстановки, они подчеркнули важность
решения спорных вопросов путем переговоров.

10. According to the press, during the conversation, the parties discussed the prospects for the
development of bilateral relations. Touching upon the international situation, they stressed the
importance of resolving disputed issues through negotiations.

11. Возобновление контактов между парламентами России и Швеции будет способствовать

дальнейшему укреплению

взаимопонимания и доверия, развитию связей между двумя странами.

11. The resumption of contacts between the parliaments of Russia and Sweden will further strengthen
mutual understanding and trust, and develop ties between the two countries.

12. Король Иордании встретился в Каире с президентом Египта, чтобы обсудить вопрос
урегулирования ближне-восточного кризиса. Обе стороны приветствовали идею международной
конференции по Ближнему Востоку.

12. The King of Jordan met in Cairo with the President of Egypt to discuss the settlement of the Middle
East crisis. Both sides welcomed the idea of an international conference on the Middle East.

13. Россия твердо стоит (привержена) на позициях договоренностей, достигнутых в ходе встречи
на высшем уровне в Рейкьявике. Она открыла историческую возможность перспективу
радикального решения вопросов войны и мира.

13. Russia firmly stands (committed) to the positions of the agreements reached during the summit
meeting in Reykjavik. It opened up a historic opportunity, the prospect of a radical solution to the
questions of war and peace.

14. Греческий парламент ратифицировал соглашение о развитии экономического и

промышленного сотрудничества

между Россией и Грецией, которое было подписано в Афинах в декабре 2001 года. Это придаст
новый импульс развитию и углублению торговых связей между Грецией и Россией.

14. The Greek Parliament ratified the agreement on the development of economic and industrial
cooperation between Russia and Greece, which was signed in Athens in December 2001. This will give a
new impetus to the development and deepening of trade relations between Greece and Russia.

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