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Group dialogue

Presented by: Anderson Cuero Angulo - Juan Camilo Henao Monsalve - Aitana
Ruth Orobio Castro

Aitana Orobio Castro: Hi, Anderson, I haven't seen you in a long time.
Anderson Cuero Angulo: Hi Aitana i wasn`t in the city
Juan Camilo Henao Monsalve: Hello Anderson, what city were you in?
Anderson Cuero Angulo: I was in Medellin
Aitana Orobio Castro: Oh wonderful! How was your daily routine in medellin?
Anderson Cuero Angulo: i get up at 7:00 am, i brush my teeth get a shower
after that i went for a walk in the city until i felt tired, well i ate my breakfast and
took a nap until noon, i ate my lunch and went exercise in the night i ate my
dinner watched tv and go to bed
Anderson Cuero Angulo: And you Juan camilo? Your daily routine still the
Juan Camilo Henao Monsalve: Yes Anderson, it is the same! In the morning, I
eat breakfast and take a shower at 8:30 a.m, Then at noon, I work in a family
bakery at 2:00 p.m and finally, I Usually Watch el desafío with my family at
8:00p.m and take a shower before going to sleep.
Now, you can share your daily routine Aitana
Aitana Orobio Castro: Of course, I can, In the morning I get up at six o'clock,
first I brush my teeth and take a shower. I prepare my breakfast at five to seven,
and I study English at seven o'clock, then at noon I prepare my lunch, in the
afternoon I go to the gym at half past three, I do my homework and take a nap at
half past five . At night I prepare my dinner, watch TV at 8 o'clock, take a shower
and brush my teeth again and finally go to bed at eleven or eleven thirty.
Juan Camilo Henao Monsalve: Excellent Aitana, I recommend you to go to bed
earlier, around at nine o’clock.
Aitana Orobio Castro: Thanks for your recommendation Camilo, but I can't
sleep earlier because I watch my series at half past ten. Anyway, How about we
go swimming?
Anderson Cuero: i can't go swimming but I can play basketball
Juan Camilo Henao Monsalve: I can't go swimming either, but I can cook
something delicious
Aitana Orobio Castro: Oh it's a shame because I can't eat cookies, but it will be
another time, see you later, bye.

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