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AfL: Rogers Communications Case Study

Anastasiia Melnyk

BBB4M e1+

November 7, 2022

1. How important is a vision in business? Explain the role of vision in the case of

Rogers Communication.

The vision is essential for business and its development. The company must have a clear

understanding of its tactics, further steps, target goals and clients. Only in this way can the

business be successful by focusing on vital aspects, rather than intake unnecessary actions. In

terms of Rogers’s Communication, it can be said that the vision of the company played a

crucial role. From the beginning of the company’s development, Mr. Rogers, Sr, the pioneer

of some tech innovations and business founder had a precise dream and purpose in what he

was doing: “He envisioned radio as an electric pipeline, reaching into people’s homes to

entertain, inform, and educate.” This vision for the good of consumers and vital contribution

to the development of the masses leads to the prosperity of Rogers Communications. This

clear idea and insight were passed through the decades and Roger’s generation.

2. Using examples from the case study, describe how Rogers Communication has

remained current and up-to-date with the latest technology.

Rogers Communications still preserves the market because it always goes in step with the

times: “Rogers specializes in identifying technologies that he can develop and popularize

through technological innovation and marketing techniques”. The company creates and

implements something new, contemporary technologies and trends to catch the demand.

3. Research the background to “the most expensive mistake” Rogers ever made.

Provide a brief (1-2 paragraph) description of the details of that business


Comma placement created the argument between Rogers Communications and Bell Aliant

worth over500$.

That is the text of the agreement:

“Subject to the termination provisions of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be

effective from the date it is made and shall continue in force for a period of five

(5) years from the date it is made, and thereafter for successive five (5) year

terms, unless and until terminated by one year prior notice in writing by either


The issue is in the comma before “unless”. Bell Aliant took it to mean that the clause

about terminating the contract applied to the initial five-year period. But Rogers

Communications argued it only applied if the contract was renewed after this initial period.

Finally, the parties resolved the issue by checking the French version of the contract because

it was without comma typos at all.1

4. What’s a hostile takeover? Which factors determine why and how a hostile

takeover is an appropriate strategy for business growth?

A hostile takeover is a process in business while one huge corporation buys a less

successful company without the wishes of the latter. This strategy is appropriate in case the

business has stable power and achievements in the market field and feels that it has enough

money and is forced to take over another company and maintain it. About Rogers

Communication, the hostile takeover succeeded for the company and became the largest

takeover in Canadian communications industry history up to that point.

“5 Expensive Comma Typos from History,” Proofed, September 3, 2020,

5. Rogers has, for the most part, remained a Canadian company. Based on

research, explain why you think it has chosen to maintain a more national

presence and not expand into the international market.

Rogers Communications Inc. is a Canadian communications and media

company operating primarily in the fields of wireless communications, cable

television, telephony and Internet.2 I think Rogers is not going to expand globally in another

country because it is a successful company in Canada and occupies its niche in wireless

communication in Canada. It is on top of the competitiveness in this sphere in Canada, and it

is no need to expand. Moreover, the company has a good reputation in its native country, and

consumers rely on this organization.

6. Rogers Communication is a domestic company. Sometimes in this global world,

we think domestic companies are less successful, ingenious, or exciting than

multinationals are. Has this case study of Rogers Communication changed your

opinion of that widely held perception?

Yes, undoubtedly, the story of Rogers Communication's successes impressed me a lot, and

I changed all my prejudice against domestic companies. I have another point of view and

think that the local companies can be great and have good profit if only they have a straight

vision, find the appropriate niche and target audience, and create a good strategy. Moreover, it

is not important for the wealth of a business, whether it is a domestic or multinational


“Rogers Communications,” Wikipedia (Wikimedia Foundation, November 4, 2022),

7. Based on the history of the company and the content you have reviewed so far in

this course about the future of technological trends and the economy, which areas

or industries do you think Rogers will expand into next to stay relevant and

competitive? What would you recommend to the leaders of this organization to

consider for future business operations and expansion?

Based on the history of the Rogers company, it always implements new technologies and

innovations. Therefore, I predict that the next plans for the future of this company will be

followed by the trends in the wireless industry. For example, I would recommend considering

a 5G network, Millimeter waves, Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN), Software

Defined Radio, etc.



“5 Expensive Comma Typos from History.” Proofed, September 3, 2020.

“Rogers Communications.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, November 4, 2022.

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