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Session 2 Pre-class

Course/Module: Principles of Management

Student Name: Methode

Instructor’s Name: Claire

Date: 24/January/2023

Ethical and best practices in Management Pre-class

Question 1

Ethics is a set of moral guidelines that directs an individual or a group of people to take
on particular activities (Tunaja, 2022).

Question 2

According to (metricstream, 2022), management practices are tactics or strategies that a manager
must employ in order to increase the capacity and effectiveness of his employees' management.

Question 3

Based on (Tunaja, 2022), Ethical behavior in management are the methods for being sincere,
equitable, and sufficient as well as the ability to apply those many ethical concepts in business.
This is the capacity to assess what should be accepted into the firm and what should be rejected
as being harmful.

Question 4

According to Carroll (2020), there are three primary categories of business ethics:

 Moral management. This type of management emphasizes and applies moral behaviour to
generate revenue for the company.
 Immoral management: This style of management demonstrates a manager's lack of
ethical behaviour.
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Session 2 Pre-class

 Amoral management: In this type of management, managers merely participate when it is


Question 5

Advantages and disadvantages of ethics in management

Let's start with the benefits of management ethics:

 Attract numerous investors to the firm;

 Make the customers feel more like family;
 Aid the business in keeping their employees.

Additionally, there are limitations that adhering to managerial ethics.

 It takes a lot of time and effort to run a business at its optimum profit potential
 Finding a manager with those moral qualities is challenging

Question 6

According to Tanuja (2022), The use of ethics in business has a variety of benefits.

 It supports better business decision-making,

 Enhances a company's standing in the community
 Preserves a positive working relationship between employees and managers.
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Session 2 Pre-class


Metricstream. (2022). 5 Best Practices for a Successful Ethics and Corporate Compliance

Program. MetricStream:


Tunaja, A. (2022). Management Ethics: Meaning, Need and Importance.


Carroll, A. B. (2020, November 16). Ethics in Management. Making Business Matter:

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