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Sohar University

Faculty of Engineering
Physical and surface chemistry
Acids and bases(principles):
Avoid falling in a lake of acid

Students Name: Mzna ALzeedi.

Find out whether a strong basic or acid has a high pH
Recognize the logarithmic nature of the pH scale

Acids and bases vary chemically in that bases take in hydrogen ions while
acids create them. A base is something that balances acids. Bases break
when introduced to water, creating hydroxide ions, abbreviated as OH-.
An alkaline solution is what we refer to when a base has been added to
water, A pH meter calculates a solution's acidity or basicity. A pH meter
gives us a number between 0 and 14 when we test a sample. It is possible
to compare substances using this pH scale. The fact that this scale is
logarithmic must be understood. This indicates that a pH scale change
from 1 to lower can lead to a ten-fold rise in the concentration of
Acids have a pH lower than 7. The acidity and pH will .hydrogen ions
decrease as there are more H+ ions present. Bases have a pH greater than
7. When a pH value of 7 is considered neutral, the H+ and OH- ions are
in balance. Occasionally, the pH level might be larger than 14 for very
strong bases and less than 0 for very strong acids.
Chemicals that create hydrogen ions in solution are known as acid
Bases are things that cause hydroxide ions to form in solution
1-The importance of it is that, Because most enzymes can only function at
a specific amount of acidity, acids and bases are crucial to the existence
of living things. To keep the pH level where enzymes can function
properly, cells release bases and acids. For instance, your digestive tract
uses acids and bases whenever you digest food.
2-Protective clothes should be used when handling corrosive chemicals
since they can damage human skin tissue and steel. Any operation that
could result in an explosion or chemical splashes ought to be done so
under a fume hood.
3-Strong acids completely dissociate in water and donate all of their
protons, in contrast to weak acids, which only partially do so. The acid's
potency is approximated by the dissociation constant, Ka. There is no
connection between the solution's concentration or dilution and the
strength or weakness of an acid. A strong acid, like sulfuric acid, wouldn't
just become weaker by being diluted.
4- In a strong base, all base molecules receive assigned protons. In a weak
base, only some molecules can accept protons.
Strong Acid:𝐻𝐴 → 𝐴 − + 𝐻 +
Weak Acid:𝐻𝐴 ↔ 𝐴 − + 𝐻 +
Strong Base:𝐵(𝑂𝐻) → 𝐵 − + 𝑂𝐻+
weak Base:𝐵 + 𝐻2𝑂 ↔ 𝐵𝐻+ + 𝑂𝐻−
5- The pH scale may be calculated using the hydrogen ion concentration .
p𝐻 = −𝑙𝑜𝑔 [𝐻+]
The concentration of the acid or base can be used to directly calculate
[H+] for powerful acids and bases. The [H+] for weak acids and bases
must be determined using the Ka
k𝑎 = ([𝐻+][𝐴 ]) / [𝐻𝐴]
6- An amphoteric chemical species can act as an acid or a base if another
acid or base is present. Water is an amphoteric species. Water molecules
release protons when a base and water are mixed, much like an acid
would. Water functions as a base when mixed with an acid. Other
amphoteric substances include ammonia and the hydroxides of zinc,
.aluminium, chromium, lead, and tin.

Equipment Used:
- Lake Liquid
- Rubber gloves
- Empty bottle
- Beaker
- Safety goggles
1.To collect a sample from the lake, click on the empty bottle and use it .
2.Put on some acid-resistant gloves .
3.Get a pair of safety glasses .
4.Use gloves to protect your hands from dangerous and toxic substances .
5.Choose one of the beakers in the row on your right .
6.Set the beaker on the pH meter .
7Pour some of the solution into the beaker on the pH meter using one of .
the bottles to your left
8.Compare the lake liquid to other samples using the pH meter

Result and Discussion:

Each step up the pH scale causes [H+] to increase by a factor of 10 times.
Plotting the pH against the log of the H+ concentration yields a straight
line. If we plot the concentration of OH- on this graph, it will look like
this. At pH 7, the amounts of H+ and OH- are equivalen.

In summary Acids and bases play a significant role in both our daily lives
and the environment, with bases having a pH greater than 7.5 and acids
having a pH lower than 7.0. Acids taste sour and can be hazardous,
whereas bases can burn or irritate the skin

(Agnew., Sep 16, 2022)
Agnew., M. A.-A. (Sep 16, 2022). Strong and Weak Acids and Bases.

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