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Jha: May I have your attention please! Our program will start in about a minute, please find yourself a
comfortable seat to settle down. Thank You.


Jha: According to Pablo Picasso, “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we
must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act”.

To our highly respected Director, Engr Jaime B. Bea , to our enthusiastic and & ever supportive
Section chiefs/heads, to our versatile Immediate Supervisors, colleagues, participants, my warm morning
greetings to each & everyone. I am Janine together with Jecel your emcee’s for today’s SPMS TARGET

Jecel: After all the hindrances, conflict of schedules and busy days at work, finally today we managed to
conduct this seminar workshop possible.

Jha: To formally start this program, I invite everyone to stand for the invocation and please remain standing
for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and Marina hymn

Jecel: You may now take your sit.

To kick-off this morning’s program, we are pleased to have with us our Supervising MIDS of MRO V to
deliver his welcome message. Engr. Jose B. Buban. A big round of applause please.

Jha: Thank you so much Sir Jo for that warm and wonderful remarks.
Before we proceed to our next item on our program, May we ask everyone to join us here infront for a
photo opportunity.


Jha: And just like that, I know that you are all prepared to listen to different presentations of each Services,
so without a further a do, may we introduce you the first presenter from _______ to discuss the MRO V
Physical Targets and Accomplishments as of 15 November 2022.

Jecel: Thank you, Mr./Ms. ________.

We may proceed to our next presenter from ______.

Jha: Thank you for the well-informative discussion for the Physical targets & Accomplishments from different
Now to continue our program, May I call on Ms. Nida A. Ricafort from MFAS to discuss the Reports of
Revenue and Status of Funds as of Novermber 15, 2022 including the National Expenditure Program for 2022,
followed by Ms . Irene Cargullo ( account) to discuss the NEP for 2023.

Jecel: Thank you very much Mam, Next for our presenter, May we call on Ms. Ivanna Janaire D. Roy to
discuss the MRO V Accomplished Plans and Programs. A round of applause.

Jecel: Ladies and gentlemen, you heard Ms. Roy who featured the accomplishments of MRO V, Thank you
very much.


Jha: For our next agenda,

***** Any

Jha: As we are about to end today’s event, We would like to ask anyone if you have any questions,
clarifications or recommendations to the presented data?


Jecel: To formally end this program, to deliver his solidarity message, May I call on our Regional Director of
MRO V, Engr. Jaime B. Bea. A big round of applause.

Jecel: Thank You RD, we highly appreciated the support you’ve given us and to all the MRO V Services.

Jha: Thank you all. Ladies and Gentlemen, we hope you’ve found this seminar workshop informative and
useful. Thank you for spending your Friday with us. Have a safe journey home, God bless

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