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Class 2 Elementary School Children's Behavior

School/Class : Bogor Raya School/ 2B

The number of students : 16 students
Observer : Mellisa Shovelin Sahetapy
Time : Swimming lesson session and PKN (10.00-11.55 PM)

Observational Purpose
Seeing the behavior of class 2B students.

Observation Method
- Event dan time sampling
- Participant observation: Observer makes observations during class hours.

Recording will be carried out based on the appearance of behavior, namely; frequency, interval,
duration and intensity of occurrence of the behavior.
Observations were made by the observer for 1 hour 50 minutes in the swimming pool and in the

General description of the class

- The total number of students is 16
- Student seating is arranged in groups (3 chairs and 3 tables or 2 chairs and 2 tables
facing each other or sideways with other students)
- Male and female students sit together

By the time swimming lessons were about to start, all the students lined up. There was 1
student who had a stomach ache so he didn't take part in swimming lessons and there were 2
students who didn't bring swimming goggles so they couldn't take part in the lesson. There is 1
male teacher, 1 female teacher and 1 male teacher as lifeguards. Before the students were
asked to line up, there was 1 male student who stomped his feet on the seat until the counselor
reprimanded him. The student's name is Dexter. During the rows, the teacher asked everyone to
warm up first and was led by 1 female student.
During the warm-up, Dexter didn't follow well and talked to other students. During swimming
lessons, all the children were very enthusiastic because they all went straight into the pool. All
students seem to hear and follow the directions of 2 swimming teachers and the teacher tries to
guide students one by one to learn the proper swimming style.
After the swimming lesson, all children take a shower and return to class to follow the next
lesson. When the students finished bathing, some students returned to the seats near the
swimming pool and played with 3 students who did not swim. There was a male student who
had finished showering and came to his friends who were playing on the seats near the
swimming pool. The student looked at his friends with squinting eyes and eyeballs glancing right
and left and the head slightly tilted.
All students returned to class to follow the lesson and 1 student who had a special look at his
friends, sat in front of the right side of the class and by himself. When the teacher gave 5
minutes of time for all the students to prepare themselves before the lesson, the students
looked intensely to the right and to the left with a special look. Shaking his head several times,
shaking his body and raising one of his legs to the chair. A friend came and pulled the student's
pencil but immediately returned it. The student laughed and took back the pencil that had been
put back on the table.
When the lesson is given, the student does not look at the teacher but looks up and to the right
and left with a distinctive look.
In class 2B, the observer found 1 student who had a quite distinctive gaze and different
repetitions of shaking his head and body. Therefore to analyze this behavior further
observations are needed.

Intensity: 1 = Very Low; 2 = Low; 3 = Moderate; 4 = Height; 5 = Very High. Duration : ' = minutes; “ = seconds
No. Behavior Interval and Duration Frequency Intensity
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 (Total)
- Looking at friends with a special 5” 10” 7” 3” 2” 10” 6 >5
- Shake his head 2” 2” 3” 3” 3” 5 5
- Raising the other leg on the chair 7” 9” 15” 3 3
- Shaking the body 2” 3” 2 2

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