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I'm sorry, but there seems to be a misunderstanding in your question.

Gravitational force is not

measured in kilograms (kg); it is measured in newtons (N). The kilogram (kg) is a unit of mass, while the
newton (N) is a unit of force.

If you have the mass of an object (in kilograms) and you want to calculate the gravitational force acting
on it, you need to multiply the mass by the acceleration due to gravity. On the surface of the Earth, the
average acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 meters per second squared (m/s²).

So, to calculate the gravitational force, you would use the formula:

Force = mass × acceleration due to gravity

If we assume a mass of 30 kilograms:

Force = 30 kg × 9.8 m/s²

Calculating this, we get:

Force = 294 N

Therefore, the gravitational force acting on a 30-kilogram object on the surface of the Earth would be
approximately 294 newtons.

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