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Create Your Own Species Project

Ryan O’Neill
● Lightweight Wings
My species has adapted this trait because it will stay flying for a long time so the lightweight
wings are extremely important. The wings are important for my species because it enables them
to fly efficiently and maneuver effectively. My species hunts by stalking its prey in the sky for a
long time until it finds the right time to strike. This adaptation allows my species to achieve
sustained flight which is critical for survival and successful hunting.
● Good sense of hearing
My species have a remarkably developed sense of hearing, which is crucial for their survival.
Here are a few reasons why my species have a good sense of hearing:
1. Detection of distant sounds: My species inhabit large areas and their excellent hearing
enables them to detect sounds from significant distances. They can pick up on the sounds
of water or vegetation movement, helping them navigate their environment and find
essential resources.
2. Environmental safety: The enhanced hearing helps them stay alert and aware of their
surroundings. They can detect the sound of prey which is critical in hunting.
● Eyesight and infrared sight
The eyes involved with the infrared eyesight is an essential part of my species survival.
1. Detection of prey: My species has good eyesight so it can effectively spot and stalk
potential prey in their environment. This ability allows them to identify food sources and
respond quickly to changing circumstances.
2. Detection of heat signatures at night: Infrared sight allows my species to detect and
perceive heat signatures emitted by objects and living organisms. By having the ability to
see animals at night it gives my species the advantage to hunt during the day and night.
● Webbed Feet
Webbed Feet are beneficial for my species because it allows them to maneuver quickly and
efficiently in water. My species hunts in the water so the ability to operate in the water is
essential. The webbing creates a larger surface area, which enhances propulsion and allows for
efficient swimming. The webbed feet act like paddles, providing more power and speed in water.
● Tentacles
My species are predators, and their tentacles are key in capturing their prey. The suckers located
along the length of their tentacles enable them to grasp and immobilize their prey effectively.

The habitat that my species lives in is the coastal biome. A coastal biome is a dynamic region
where the land meets the sea. It has diverse habitats such as sandy beaches, rocky shores, and
cliffs. These areas are characterized by high biodiversity, with a wide range of species adapted to
the challenging coastal conditions. My species is able to survive in these wide varieties of
conditions through its adaptations and skill set. My species lives on the sides of cliffs which
gives it the advantage of protection from weather and threats on land, protected nesting places,
access to food, and environmental stability.

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