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Indeed leisure was part of life in ATS; there was no separation of leisure from work as shown below.

Africans spent leisure time while hunting meat for food meaning that as they were enjoying the activity
of hunting, they were benefiting from it by getting meat for survival.

They spent their time storytelling which was basically done by the elders to the young ones and it

helped them to know the different aspects of life like listening to elders, obedience, and good eating

behavior so as to overcome challenges in life. They spent leisure time attending social ceremonies like
wedding parties which helped to promote social relationships and ensure unity in the society.

Leisure was spent while singing traditional songs and dancing traditional dances which helped them

to develop their cultural values and heritage.

They spent leisure time performing initiation ceremonies to introduce young ones into adulthood for

example Among the Bagisu, circumcision of the boys was done in order to initiate them into the

adulthood stage. They used to pray to their gods during leisure time which helped them to develop
spiritually and to get blessings. For example the hunters in Buganda used to pray to Jjajja Ddungu before
hunting in order to be blessed with meat.

They spent their leisure time weaving mats and baskets which helped them to develop their skills

and at the same time they would use the different items in their daily lives.

They spent leisure time visiting friends and relatives which promoted good relationships and unity

in the society. They spent leisure time participating in beer parties which brought a lot of fun among
Africans and at the same time helped them to relax after work in order gain the lost energy.

Wrestling was carried as part leisure time between different villages, clans and among individuals.

This was to prove strength among the people within village and clans in form of competition
entertainment and joy. Omweso among the Baganda also known as board game was a common leisure
activity carried out mainly by grown up ranging from youth up to the old men which induced logical
thinking and giving way to knowledge of counting.

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