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CLASSIFICATION (chapter 18) - 7 questions scientific name hierarchical list of groups Linnaeus Be able to make and use a dichotomous key. binomial nomenclature phylogeny biosystematics Name the 6 kingdoms, give an example of each, and list each kingdoms characteristics. Name the evidence used in classification. EVOLUTION (chapters 14, 15, 16) - 11 questions Know the difference between Lamarcks and Darwins ideas. What is the advantage of sexual reproduction in terms of evolution. natural selection radioactive isotopes adaptive radiation fossil record homologous structures analogous structures geographic isolation punctuated equilibrium species genetic drift immigration emigration disruptive selection reproductive isolation convergent evolution divergent evolution co-evolution vestigial competition half-life speciation

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BACTERIA AND VIRUSES (chapters 24 and 25) - 11 questions structure of bacteria gram-positive and gram-negative shapes reproduction prokaryotes vrs. eukaryotes archeabacteria eubacteria methanogens thermoacidophiles cyanobactera heterocysts chemoautotrophs obligate and facultative how antibiotics work endotoxins and exotoxins Know the types of diseases that bacteria may cause. structure of viruses how viruses get into cells how viruses cause disease lytic cycle lysogenic cycles reverse transcriptase Know the types of diseases that viruses may cause. GENETICS (chapters 9, 12) - 26 questions Be able to do the following types of crosses. Figure the phenotypic and genotypic ratio. 1 trait autosomal 1 trait sex-linked 1 trait co-dominance 2 traits autosomal 2 traits (1 autosomal, 1 sex-linked) 2 traits (1 autosomal, 1 co-dominance) 2 traits (1 sex-linked, 1 co-dominance) 2 traits (1 sex-linked, 1 multiple alleles) 2 traits (1 autosomal, 1 multiple alleles) Do a pedigree that shows a recessive trait, one with a dominant trait, one with a sex-linked trait, one with multiple alleles, and one with co-dominance. Do a hospital baby mix-up problem. Do a Hardy-Weinberg problem. Go over the probably worksheet--coins, dice, cards, sex-ratios. Pascals triangle Review the rules of probability. SYSTEMS (chapters 47, 49, 50) 25 questions total digestion 6 questions circulation 6 questions respiration 2 questions excretory 7 questions
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Review all of the notes for each system. Know the details. ECOLOGY (chapters 19, 20, 21, 22) - 29 questions Since we just completed this section, a quick review should be all that is needed.

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