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Tata is a new member of Teratai English Club. She introduced herself

Tata : Ladies and gentlemen..................
a. Allow me to introduce myself.
b. I am happy to meet you.
c. Let me introduce you to the audiences.
d. May I introduce you to the audiences.
Today is July, 17, 2023. It is the first time of the first grade attend to school.
They are new students at Junior High School 4 Surabaya.
The teacher asks the students one by one to introduce him/herself in front of
the class. One of them is Yusuf. Yusuf introduce himself.
Yusuf : Hi... guys. Let me introduce my self. I am Yusuf Firmansyah.
You can call me Yusuf. I was born at January 2, 2010.
I live on Jl. Blauran 23 Surabaya. My house is about half kilometer from this
school. I go to school at 06.10. I need ten minutes to arrive at school.
My hobby is cycling. My favorite color are red and white.

A. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d. ( Pilih jawaban yang benar a, b, c, atau d )

1. Where does the activity take place?
a. At school
b. in classroom
c. in teacher’s room
d. at the yard
2. Today is Monday. What is Tomorrow?
a. Tuesday
c. Wenesday
d. Thursday
e. Friday
3. How old is Yusuf
a. Thirty three
b. Thirty
c. Thirteen
d. Three
4. How far is Yusuf’s house to school?
a. 5 meters
b. 30 meters
c. 50 meters
d. 500 meters
5. Today is July, 17, 2023. What date was yesterday?
a. 18
b. 17
c. 16
d. 15

B. Choose the correct point, a, b, c, or d. The answer is more than one.

( Pilih jawaban a, b, c, atau d. Jawaban bisa lebih dari satu)

6. Why does the teacher ask the students to introduce theirself? Because...
a. They are new students.
b. They come to this school for the first time.
c. The students and the teacher do not know each other yet.
d. They are classmate.
7. What will Yusuf probable say to begin his introducing?
a. Hi... guys. Let me introduce my self.
b. Hi ... guys. Allow me to introduce my self.
c. Hi.. I will introduce my self.
d. Hi.. guys. He is Yusuf.
8. How will Yusuf probable go to school?
a. On foot
b. By bike
c. By cycle
d. By train
9. What time does Yusuf come to school?
a. At ten minutes past six
b. At six o’clock
c. At twenty minutes past six
d. At six twenty
10. What class is Yusuf? He is ..
a. At the second years
b. At the second grade
c. At the first grade
d. At the first year

C. Match the word in column A with in the column B, that has the clossest meaning. Based
on the text.
Today is July, 17, 2023. It is the first time of the first grade attend to school. They are
new students at Junior High School 4 Surabaya. The teacher asks the students one by
one to introduce him/herself in front of the class. One of them is Yusuf. Yusuf
introduce hisself.
Yusuf : Hi... guys. Let me introduce my self. I am Yusuf Firmansyah. You can call
me Yusuf. I was born at January 2, 2010. I live on Jl. Blauran 23 Surabaya. My house
is about half kilometer from this school. I go to school at 06.10. I need ten minutes to
arrive at school. My hobby is cycling. My favorite color are red and white.
attend present
introduce Nick name
Call me level
grade come

D. For number 12 to 15. Read the dialog carefully! And State the statement below True
( T ) or False ( F )

Anto is waiting for Budi and Yani, his new colleague at the airport.
He goes from his house Jl. Demak Surabaya.
Budi : Excuse me. Are you Anto?
Anto : Yes. I’m Anto Susanto.
Budi : How do you do, Anto? I’m Budi from University of Jakarta.
Anto : How do you do, Budi. Nice to see you.
Budi : Nice to meet you, too. Did you have a good journey?
Anto : Yes. It was fine, thanks.
Budi : Let me help you to bring your suitcase.
Anto : That’s very kind of you.
Budi : Not at all. Let me introduce you to my friend
Yani this is Anto. Anto this is Yani.
Yani : Hello, Anto. Nice to meet you.
Anto : Pleased to meet you, too. How’s the trip?
Yani : Well, It’s nice and exciting.
Anto : Great, then. You must be tired. I’ll take you to the Hotel first.
Budi : OK. Thanks, Anto

State True ( T ) or False ( F )

12. Anto does not meet Budi before.

13. Budi does not know Yani yet.
14. Budi Introduce Yani to Anto
15. Yani is Budi’s friend

E. For number 16 to 20. Read the dialog carefully! And Answer the questions correctly!

Rouf is waiting for Budi and Yani, his new colleague at the airport.
He goes from his house Jl. Demak Surabaya.
Budi : Excuse me. Are you Mr.Rouf?
Rouf : Yes. I’m Rouf .
Budi : How do you do, Rouf? I’m Budi from University of Jakarta.
Rouf : How do you do, Budi. Nice to see you.
Budi : Nice to meet you, too. Did you have a good journey?
Rouf : Yes. It was fine, thanks.
Budi : Let me help you to bring your suitcase.
Rouf : That’s very kind of you.
Budi : Not at all. Let me introduce you to my friend
Yani this is Rouf. Rouf this is Yani.
Yani : Hello, Rouf. Nice to meet you.
Rouf : Pleased to meet you, too. How’s the trip?
Yani : Well, It’s nice and exciting.
Rouf : Great, then. You must be tired. I’ll take you to the Hotel first.
Budi : OK. Thanks, Rouf.

16. How do Budi and Yani go to Surabaya? By plane

17. Why does Budi say “ How do you do” to Rouf?
18. What is the name of the airport?
19. Why must Rouf drive Budi and Yani to Hotel?
20. Where are Budi and Yani from?

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