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7/22/22, 2:29 PM Force


20 Questions

1. Name the missing force...

A buoyant force B weight force

C frictional force D thrust

2. Name the missing force...

A applied force B drag

C tension force D weight force

3. Name the missing force...

A gravitational force B normal force

C tension force D applied force

4. Name the missing force...

A weight force B normal force

C frictional force D applied force 1/4
7/22/22, 2:29 PM Force

5. What is force?

A A push or pull exerted on an object B A pull exerted on an object

C Nothing D A push exerted on an object

6. The force that pulls things toward earth.

A Speed B Gravity

7. Force depends on

A acceleration B Force

C mass D mass and acceleration

8. The SI Unit of force is

A Newton B Pascal

C kg D Meter/second

9. A box slides across a perfectly smooth floor at a constant velocity. (The phrase "perfectly smooth"
suggests that there is NO friction). What forces act on the box?

A tension, gravity, normal force, friction B tension, gravity

C tension, gravity, normal force D gravity, normal force, friction

10. 8 N to the left , and 4 N to the right. Find the net force. Is this balanced?

A 12 N Right; No B 4 N Left; No

C 12 N Right; Yes D 4 N Left; Yes 2/4
7/22/22, 2:29 PM Force

11. Which one is balanced?

A both B neither

C top D bottom

12. Which force produces a change in motion?

A frictional force B gravitational force

C unbalanced force D balanced force

13. If there are two forces going in the same direction how would you find the net force?

A Neither B Add

C Multiply D Subtract

14. Find the net force: 15 N to the right, and another 15 N to the right.

A 30 N Left B 30 N Right

C 0 N Left D 0 N Right

15. You and your friend are playing tug of war. Your friend pulls with a force of 55 N to the right. You pull
with a force of 65 N to the left. What is the net force on the rope?

A 10 N left B 20 N

C 10 N left D 10 N right

16. What is the net force?

A 4000 N left B 5000 N right

C 4000 N right D 40 N left 3/4
7/22/22, 2:29 PM Force

17. What is the net force?

A 17 N Left B 3 N Left

C 17 N Right D 3 N Right

18. What is the formula for work?



19. How do you calculate Net Force if the forces are going different directions?

A you don't B subtract them

C using pi D add them together

20. How do you know if and object has balanced force?

A It has equal forces on all sides B It only has one force

C it's staying still D it's moving 4/4

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