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MKT 6113

In-Class Assignment #1- Marketing Research

List Team Members who participated in class and C#:

Athulnath Kumbola – C0879733

Sai Alekhya Kakarla – C0874665
Yash Hardiya – C0877966

 This assignment is worth 2.5% of your grade
 It is to be completed in the same groups as your Honeylu Coffee Video Case
 Consider the challenge you were presented with to create a new signature coffee that
appeals to the Honeylu target customer, fits the Honeylu brand and supports the
Honeylu values.
 Your team is now tasked with gathering primary data about your new signature coffee
idea by designing a simple SURVEY.
 This is not a taste test survey. You will be able to describe verbally your coffee, and
can even include an image if you like. You can ask questions about taste preferences,
but you cannot ask whether the customer “likes it” as you do not have a prototype yet.
You are in the “concept testing” stage prior to creating the actual drink for customers to
 The information you gather will help inform you about whether your signature coffee idea
is the optimal one for Honeylus.

Exemplary Advanced Proficient Developing Unsatisfactory Not submitted
5 pts. 4 pts. 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pts. 0 pts.
Competence exc Competence Competence mo Competence Competence not Assignment not
eeded. Work is demonstrated. stly partially demonstrated. I submitted
accurate, fully Work is accurate demonstrated. demonstrated. nsufficient effort before deadline.
completed and and completed Work is somewh Work is somewh displayed,
exceeds in full. at accurate, at accurate, but work is incompl
expectations. Demonstrates completed in incomplete or ete and mostly
Demonstrates knowledge of full. Demonstrat lacking in areas. inaccurate. Does
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Questions to Answer:

1. Formulate a clear and concise research question.

Do Vegan Coffee be impactful as a signature coffee in a Honeylu café?

2. Specify what information the survey will be designed to collect in order to address your
research question (minimum 4 elements).

1) Percentage of People who are vegan

2) Price range
3) Most preffered Vegan Milk
4) Contribution towards animal welfare

3. Identify and describe who should take the survey (what target segment) and why you have
chosen them.

Daily customers who visit honeylu Café like Married Women, Doctor, Lawyers, Businessman,
and remote workers.

Why – easily accessible to conduct the survey and to understand the taste preference of the
regular customers

4. Develop a 5-question survey and be certain to revisit your text Chapter 2 in order to avoid
poorly designed survey questions. Survey must have:

- 5 questions at a minimum
- do not include demographic questions (age, gender etc.) you can assume these will
be added separately.
- RULES for your survey must:
 Contain a minimum of 5 questions with the answer options (if not open ended)
 Follow proper sequencing rules from general to more specific questions
 Include a least one:
o Scaled question (with scaling options included)
o Open-ended question
o Close-ended question
- Be sure to include issues such as Honeylu’s values, branding, pricing, sizing, and any
other issues you identified in Question 2 as being important to developing this new
signature coffee drink

1. Are you a Vegan?

a) Yes
b) No

2. On the scale of 1 to 10, How much would you rate to replace your preferred coffee with
Vegan Coffee?

3. What Price Range would you be comfortable to buy a vegan Coffee?

4. From the list below, what type of milk would you prefer as your base for vegan Coffee?
a) Oat Milk
b) Almond Milk
c) Coconut Milk
d) Vegan Milk of your choice (___________)

5. Are you happy towards Contributing to animal Welfare as part of your Vegan Coffee
a) Yes
b) no

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