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1. Name the three hierarchical levels of strategy of a firm. Draw the model to illustrate
the three hierarchical levels.

2. Name and discuss the types of strategic activities that are involved in each hierarchy

3. Critically explain the key issues of a business-level strategy.

4. Critically discuss the intentions or purposes of business-level strategies. List and

discuss five types of business –level strategies which determine the firm positioning.

5. Describe the 5 business level strategies using examples


Select any journal article based business level strategies from the Online databases available in
the digital library link from the FNU Website and provide the following details of the article.
You can do this in groups if you wish to do so.

1. Research Area- Business level Strategie

2. Topic - Corporate-Level Strategy, Business-Level Strategy, and Firm Performance

3. Objectives

4. Literature Review sub-topics

5. Methodology used

6. Findings

7. Conclusion

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