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Evaluation of the project

Based on your peer feedback does your presentation video clearly convey relevant information?

after reviewing the peer feedback, I can see that the quality and engagement has improved,
however, the clarity of information was slightly lacking, if I had added some text or used the original
slides at times people said that that would have made it easier for them to understand and retain
the information.

Has the editing process improved the quality of your presentation? Explain
I do believe that the editing proves improved the quality of the presentation because I made it much
easier to understand what was being said by increasing the volume of the dialog and tweaking audio
levels to make it sound smooth, and the addition of clips which were added and trimmed down to
match with the audio helps to capture the attention of the audience and making them enjoy the
presentation much more overall.

Which skills have learnt / improved during this project?

I improved on editing audio and making it much nicer to listen to using audio pre-sets and reducing
rumble, using tools such as the razor tool and using markers to cut out irrelevant parts of the audio
and videos. I also improved at trimming down and lining up audio to videos which made the
presentation much smoother.
I learnt how to add clips, remaster audio and cut out parts of videos using premier pro.

What primary and secondary research did you use for this project?
the primary research that was used for this project was the peer feedback sheet and questionnaire
which helped to give me an idea of what people liked and disliked and what I could improve about
the presentation. And the secondary research we used was information gathered online which we
used to create our presentation.

What would you change / improve if you were to repeat the project?
during the editing process I could have added some background music to help keep the attention of
the viewers whilst they are watching.
I could have also added transitions to the clips to make the video flow smoother and look nicer.
I could have also added popups/text during the presentation which would help make the
information much more digestible and understandable.

In conclusion
The project overall was a success, however I believe that if we had more time to prepare at the
beginning then the original presentation could have been greatly improved, which would have made
the editing side of the project go much smoother since I might have not had to edit out and rerecord
audio and other parts of the presentation which would have saved me time and I could have spent
that time improving the final edited version even more by including transitions and adding
background audio.

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