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‘124122, 795 PM MAA. in Applied English Studies Arnouncement os ase LNG GEN Q samme Home AboutUs ¥ Department ~ Course - Research & Development ¥ TETET E-Learing ForLeamers v ForStaff » Cont: M.A. in Applied English Studies Introduction MA Pomme Tie Line peeve re EES SIOEIeC Rar (emesis « cchne Sa sud Pane Craton rgeremess Ties Cammualon «Scopes ct Apied Engh States Resetch cartes Estimated Expenses ‘Scholarship & Financial support ‘Admission Ce ee ered MA in AppliogEnlch Studi hasbeen developed from our wellestablishod Masts Degroes in English Language Teschng and Professional erdintemationel Communication. combine the etranghs of he two founde:prosramnes allowing pareipans te develop her professional and academic ski er for language education professions or other communication carers or academia Degree offeredby ‘eee of Libra Arts King Monghut University of Tetnotogy Thonbur ‘This MA programme suitable or people who ae interested in becoming English teaches and/or communication experts wth profound knowledee kil and atudes concerning pedagogy, language and ‘communiation thoes, edueaton and communication technology and research abies. Candidates can choose to sty in the Engh Language Teaching Tack (EL) or the Professional Communication Track PC) otal eleeive courses from bth racks to sult your interest. ‘Both racks ar offeres both weekdys and Weskends, The programme aims to produce graduates wit + Effective English sils and knowledge ofthe principles of Applied Enalsh + Profesionlizmin English language contents + Aily to conduct pled English research “+ Litelongleaming skis anda sense af soci esponatity hitps:sola.prkmutac.thihomesolaindex phplma_aes-2022/ 12

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