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Classifications of Proper Hygiene, Sanitation, and Proper Wate Disposal

Proper Hygiene practices revolve around maintaining personal and environmental cleanliness to
prevent the spread of diseases and promote well-being. It can be categorized into:
 Hand Hygiene
Regular handwashing with soap and water is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your
family from getting sick. You may also use hand sanitizers when you can’t use soap and water.
Key times to wash your hands

How to wash your hands

How to use Hand sanitizers

 Dental Hygiene
Practice good oral hygiene. Brush teeth thoroughly twice a day and floss daily between the
teeth to remove dental plaque. Have regular dental check-ups. Do not use tobacco products.

 Bathing and Body Care

Regular bathing, using clean clothes, and maintaining hair hygiene.
o Hair and Scalp hygiene
Use shampoo/soap and clean, running water to remove dirt, oil, and unwanted residue
from your head. Proper hair and scalp hygiene helps control scalp conditions and
infections like
o Nail Hygiene
Appropriate hand hygiene includes diligently cleaning and trimming fingernails, which
may harbor dirt and germs and can contribute to the spread of some infections, such as
pinworms. Fingernails should be kept short, and the undersides should be cleaned
frequently with soap ringworm, and head lice.
o Bathing
Not only does bathing with soap prevent the spread, removes bacteria and improve
immunity, warm bath also helps improve blood circulation.
o Foot Hygiene
Healthy foot hygiene practices prevent foot problems and infection such as Athlete’s
Foot, Fungal Nail Infections, and Hookworms to name a few. These practices do not only
include washing your feet but also clipping your toenails and wearing well-fitting,
protective footwear.
and water.

 Coughing and Sneezing

Covering coughs and sneezes and keeping hands clean can help prevent the spread of serious
respiratory illnesses like influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), whooping cough, and
COVID-19. To help stop the spread of germs and viruses:
 Cover you mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
 Throw used tissues in the trash.
 If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow, not your hands.
 Remember to wash your hands immediately after blowing your nose, coughing, or

 Food Hygiene
Proper food handling can help protect you and your loved ones from food poisoning. These four
steps can help keep you and your family safe against food-borne illnesses:
 Clean: Wash your hands and surfaces often.
 Wash your hands before, during, and after preparing food and before eating.
 Wash your utensils, cutting boards, and countertops with hot, soapy water after
preparing each food item.
 Rinse fresh fruits and vegetables under running water.
 Separate: Don’t cross-contaminate.
 When buying from the market, keep raw meat, poultry, seafood, and their juices
away from other food items.
 Use one cutting board or plate for raw meat, poultry, and seafood and a separate
cutting board or plate for produce, bread, and other foods that won’t be cooked.
 Keep raw or marinating meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs separate from all other
foods in the refrigerator. Store raw meat, poultry, and seafood in sealed containers
or wrap them securely so the juices don’t leak onto other foods.
 Cook to the right temperature.
 Food is safely cooked when the internal temperature gets high enough to kill germs
that can make you sick.
 Chill: Refrigerate promptly.
 Bacteria can multiply rapidly if left at room temperature.
 Never leave perishable food out for more than 2 hours.
 Package warm or hot food into several clean, shallow containers and then

Sanitation practices focus on creating and maintaining clean and safe living conditions. It can be
divided into several areas:
 Water Sanitation
 Safe Drinking Water
Ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water sources.
 Wastewater Treatment
Proper treatment of sewage and wastewater before disposal.

 Toilet and Sanitation Facilities

 Access to Toilets
Providing adequate toilet facilities to prevent open defecation.
 Proper Disposal
Implementing safe and sanitary methods for human waste disposal.

 Solid Waste Management

 Waste Collection
Regular collection of household and industrial waste.
 Waste Segregation
Separating recyclable, organic, and non-recyclable waste.
 Recycling and Composting
Reusing materials and turning organic waste into compost.
 Vector Control
Mosquito Control: Preventing the breeding of disease-carrying mosquitoes through
measures like proper drainage and insecticide use.
 Rodent Control
Preventing rodent infestations through sanitation and waste management.


Proper waste disposal methods aim to minimize environmental impact and health risks associated
with waste. This can be divided into:
 Recycle and Reuse
Collecting and processing materials like paper, plastic, glass, and metal for reuse.
 Reuse Initiatives
Encouraging the reuse of items to reduce waste generation.
 Organic Waste Composting
Converting kitchen and yard waste into nutrient-rich compost for soil improvement.
 Landfill Management
Safe disposal of non-recyclable and non-compostable waste in controlled landfill sites.
 Incineration
Controlled burning of waste to reduce volume and prevent pollution.
 Hazardous Waste Management
Ensuring safe storage, transportation, and disposal of hazardous materials.
 Specialized Facilities
Using specialized facilities for treating and disposing of hazardous waste.

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