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Status : Swasta Terakreditasi : B
NSS : 204051310039 NDS : E 17122001 NIS : 20 088 0 NPSN :
Jl. Harinjing No. 10 Kepung, Telp. ( 0354 ) 326564


Mata Ujian : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ………………….........
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Brawijaya Kepung
Kelas : 8 ( Delapan)
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 08 Desember 2021
Waktu : 07.00 – 08.30 WIB No. Ujian : ……………………

I. Fiil in the blank with the correct answer!

1. The crocodile … hungry
2. He … the gold in the box
3. “my dress is beautiful”, she …
4. My father … to his office this morning
5. They … to my party last Sunday
6. My young brother felt happy when he … in the beach Did
7. The queen … in the jungle
8. … you watch the show yesterday?
9. Sarah … do her homework because she was lazy

10. I really the concert … last night

Answer for number 1-10

Went said Lived found Did not was did Came

Swam Enjoyed
11. Make a sentence about invitation.............................................
12. Make a sentence about permission...........................................
13. Make a sentence about instruction.............................................
14. My sister says that she ....................... ( will/ would) loan me ashirt.
15. My teacher told us that she...................... ( will/would) give a test
16. You................................. (have to/ must) check your task
17. I .................................. (can’t, should) go to your house because i have to go to
18. You................................... ( have to/ don’t) have wait for help
19. I .............. ( live, live in) jl. Arjuna
20. You .................................. (am,is,are) buying a new bag.

II. Read the text and answer the following questions !

One day I flew from Denpasar to Makasar. I went with Kevin and Kathrin. Kevin is
the Project Manager for Cool Radio English and Kathrin is the Program Officer for

The pilot said something over the intercom in Bahasa Indonesia. I did not understand
him. I asked someone sitting near me for a clue. I looked out the window and could
see the tires on my side of the plane lowering. I felt a little weak in the knees. I
realized I had been holding my breath for a quite a while

1. From where the writer flew?

2. Who is Kevin?
3. Who is Kathrin?
4. Did the writer understand with Bahasa Indonesia?
5. What is the writer feeling when he looked out the window?

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