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C1 Listening worksheet 4 (plus)

Lifestyle and livelihood

1 Work in small groups. Discuss the questions.
1 Would you like to start a family business? If so,
what would it be?
2 What do you think a ‘life coach’ does? What
qualities should a good life coach have?
3 Have you ever used a fitness tracker? What can
they tell you about your health and fitness?

1 Match the words in bold in the sentences (1–11) to the definitions (a–l).

1 All staff members must ensure they are

conversant with the health and safety laws.
2 An excellent command of English is a
pre-requisite for working here.
3 Mia had no business acumen, so her first a an inability to sleep
business venture failed. b familiar with / have some knowledge of
4 Sometimes childhood friendships fizzle out as c relax
people get older and drift apart. d which can be touched or experienced
5 Business theories abound about how to best e skill in making judgements
start a new company. f annoying, disturbing
6 My boss always praises me, but sometimes I’d g hard, boring work
like a more tangible reward – like a pay rise.
h requirement before you can do something
7 We started the project with a lot of enthusiasm,
i a new activity that involves risk
but it was difficult to keep the momentum going.
j exist in large numbers
8 John hated the drudgery of housework so he
employed a cleaner to do it instead. k the quality that keeps something moving
or progressing
9 If you suffer from insomnia, avoid tea and coffee
after 6pm and keep your bedroom cool. l end gradually in a weak way
10 The press can be quite intrusive when it comes
to the lives of celebrities.
11 I don’t want to do anything this weekend – just
kick back and enjoy some me-time.

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C1 Listening worksheet 4 (plus)
Lifestyle and livelihood
1 01 Look at question 1, the extract from the audioscript and the student’s notes. Listen to the
first part of the extract one, answer the student’s questions and then choose the correct option.
Extract One: You hear a chef called Freddy being questioned about starting a restaurant.
1 What does Freddy say about his experience of working in his parents’ restaurant?
A It taught him the value of hard work.
B He felt he was obligated to work there. If something has ‘a thousand moving
C He learnt about the complexity of the trade. parts’ is it simple or complicated?

Well, I was fortunate in a way as I grew up having a go at every conceivable role in my parents’
restaurant. I understood from an early age that a restaurant has a thousand moving parts and
the owner needs to be conversant with all of them. When I first went off to university, I couldn’t wait
to do something different and took a degree in IT with a view to getting into video game design,
but to my surprise, I missed the hustle and bustle of the restaurant trade

This proves he worked hard but did

it teach him the value of hard work?
Does it say he had to work there?

All three options will be mentioned in some way in the audio or they are logical possible answers,
but only one is correct and the other two answers are distractors. Make sure you listen to the end of
the section, as the speaker may change what they first said or could add another more important
reason, cause, effect etc., which will affect the answer. Also, watch out for answers which are only
partially correct.

2 02Read question 2. Listen to and read the second part of extract 1 and choose the correct
option. Highlight in the extract where the correct answer is found and any parts which relate to the
2 According to Freddy, what is a common problem among aspiring restaurant owners?
A A lack of drive and knowledge.
B An incomplete skill set.
C Failure to analyse the market.

When I meet people interested in starting a restaurant, they're almost always passionate about food
and cooking, which is clearly a prerequisite. They have often thought about what type of cuisine
would work in their area, the décor and potential clientele. Very few, though, have given much
consideration to writing a business plan or how they will finance the venture. Even experienced
chefs at the top of their game don’t necessarily have the business acumen needed so they should
either acquire it in some way or find a mentor to counsel them.

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C1 Listening worksheet 4 (plus)
Lifestyle and livelihood
3 03 Listen to extracts 2 and 3 and answer questions 3 to 6.
Extract 2: You hear a life coach talking about what her job involves.
3 According to the speaker, the purpose of a life coach is to
A help people come to terms with their failures.
B solve money and family-related problems.
C motivate and encourage people to succeed.
4 What sort of people does the speaker mostly help as a life coach?
A Mothers who are not coping well with parenthood.
B Those struggling with conflicting demands on their time.
C Professional people who are lacking in self-confidence.
Extract 3: You hear a woman talking about the effects of using a fitness tracker.
5 What changes in her life does the speaker attribute to the fitness tracker?
A Enjoying exercise and not falling sick.
B Feeling more positive about life in general.
C Becoming a more competitive person.
6 What does the speaker say about the team tracking function?
A It helped her reach her fitness goals.
B She disliked the lack of privacy.
C It prevented her missing workouts.

1 Work in pairs. You are going to speak for two minutes on a question related to the topic. You can
use the bullet points if you wish but you don’t have to.
Student A
What are the best ways of maintaining a healthy lifestyle?
• Exercise and fitness
• Avoidance of stress
• Diet and sleep
Student B
How do people decide what career path to follow?
• Natural abilities and preferences
• Potential to make money
• Availability of opportunities

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C1 Listening worksheet 4 (plus)
Teacher’s notes
Aims Answers
This worksheet aims to teach the skills needed 1 b ​2 h ​3 e; i ​4 l ​5 j ​6 d ​7 k ​8 g ​
for C1 Advanced Listening part 1, particularly 9 a ​10 f ​11 c
understanding distraction and paraphrase.
However the language level here is C1 / C2. Listening
• It starts by raising interest in the topic of lifestyle 1 This exercise and the subsequent one introduce
and livelihood and pre-teaches vocabulary from students to the idea of distractors. If necessary,
the text. explain the format of the task (candidates hear
• It provides controlled practice of Listening three extracts and have to answer two questions on
part 1, by focusing on one of the three extracts each. The audios for each extract are played twice
that form this task. Students look at distraction before moving onto the next extract). Explain that
(how typically all the multiple choice options they are going to focus on one extract for practice
relate in some way to what is said in the extract) before doing extracts 2 and 3 under more exam-like
and paraphrase (how the correct answers are conditions. Direct them to the Tip box and ask them
expressed in different words or expressions from to read it. Explain they are now going to see this
those used in the actual audio). principle in action. Ask them to read question 1, the
• It then gives students the opportunity to practise audioscript and student’s notes on the highlighted
Listening part 1 task for the remaining two parts and then play the audio once. Elicit the
extracts. answers to the questions raised by the student.
• Finally, students are provided with a Speaking Play the audio again and elicit the correct answer to
part 3 practice activity from the C2 Proficiency question 1.
exam to do in pairs.
Warmer Something with ‘a thousand moving parts’ is
1 In part 1 of the listening test, the three extracts
are unrelated. In this practice activity, they are It doesn’t say that working in his parents’
loosely related through the theme of lifestyle and restaurant taught him the value of hard work,
livelihood. The three photos and questions in the and it doesn’t say he had to work there.
warmer relate to each of the extracts. Point this out Correct answer: C
to students.
Students discuss the questions in groups. If 01

they have not heard of a life coach, allow them Extract 1, Part 1
to speculate. The answer will be revealed in the
Narrator: You will hear a restaurant owner talking
second extract.
about their business.
Answers Female 1: So, Freddy, can you tell us how you got into
Students’ own answers the restaurant business?
Male 1: Well, I was fortunate in a way as I grew up
Vocabulary having a go at every conceivable role in my
parents’ restaurant. I understood from an
1 This exercise provides practice in working out early age that a restaurant has a thousand
the meaning of unknown words from context. moving parts and the owner needs to be
Encourage students to study the words in bold and conversant with all of them. When I first
think what they might mean before looking at the went off to university, I couldn’t wait to do
list of definitions. They work individually before something different and took a degree in
comparing their answers with a partner. If they IT with a view to getting into video game
disagree, encourage them to explain their choices design, but to my surprise, I missed the
and to reach agreement. hustle and bustle of the restaurant trade.

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C1 Listening worksheet 4 (plus)
Teacher’s notes
2 Tell students that question 2 relates to the second 3 Students now attempt the rest of the exam task.
part of the same audio extract. Students read the Give them some time to read through the questions
question and options. Ask them to cover the extract and options. Remind them that in the exam they
text and solely focus on the questions and answers. hear each extract twice so you may wish to pause
Then in groups they compare their answers. Do after the first playing and then play each extract for
not reveal the correct answer at this stage. Play a second time. Check answers as a class. You may
the recording again and ask students to follow the wish to photocopy the audioscripts for students
extract this time. Give them some time to highlight to read through and highlight where the correct
or underline the sentence where the correct answers are, as they did in Exercise 2.
answer is found and any sentences which refer to
the distractors in another colour, if possible. Then Answers
check both the correct answer and discuss why the 3 C (‘Life coaching developed as a way to
other answers are incorrect. facilitate personal and professional growth,
put simply, to give people the push they need to
Answers achieve’)
A A lack of drive and knowledge. Incorrect (‘they 4 B (‘My own practice has evolved into one
are almost always passionate about food and focused on facilitating that balancing act
cooking’) between work, home, family, hobbies and so
B An incomplete skill set. Correct (‘Even on.’)
experienced chefs at the top of their game 5 A (‘From being a drudgery, exercising has
don’t necessarily have the business acumen become more like a game; physical activity
needed’) boosts your immune system and I’m living
C Failure to analyse the market. Incorrect (‘They proof of that. Since upping my exercise, I’m
have often thought about what type of cuisine more resistant to illness- I haven’t had so much
would work in their area’) as a sniffle this year.’)
6 B (‘After a while, though, it started to feel too
intrusive with others knowing exactly how
Extract 1, Part 2 much I’d done.’)
Female 1: What advice do you have for anyone trying
to start up their own restaurant?
Male 1: When I meet people interested in starting Extract 2
a restaurant, they're almost always Narrator: Extract 2: You hear a life coach talking about
passionate about food and cooking, which what her job involves.
is clearly a pre-requisite. They have often Female 2: Most people are familiar with the concept
thought about what type of cuisine would of having a dream which fizzles out as life
work in their area, the décor and potential takes over. Lack of self-belief, financial
clientele. Very few, though, have given much obstacles, objections from family and all
consideration to writing a business plan kinds of other barriers may contribute to
or how they will finance the venture. Even people failing to reach their full potential.
experienced chefs at the top of their game Life coaching developed as a way to
don’t necessarily have the business acumen facilitate personal and professional growth,
needed so should either acquire it in some put simply, to give people the push they
way or find a mentor to counsel them. need to achieve. Misconceptions abound
when it comes to life coaching. We are not
there to fix something that is wrong. We
ask the questions that help individuals pin
down their goals and make them tangible.
We are accountability partners who ensure
our clients don’t lose momentum as can

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C1 Listening worksheet 4 (plus)
Teacher’s notes
often happen when you’re occupied with Speaking
everyday life. My own practice has evolved
into one focused on facilitating that 1 Explain to students that they are going to do a
balancing act between work, home, family, C2 Proficiency Speaking part 3 task. If you are
hobbies and so on. Working parents, in unfamiliar with the C2 Proficiency Speaking Test,
particular, are surviving day to day rather and need more information on the mechanics of
than flourishing and are plagued by feelings this task, you can download the C2 Proficiency
of inadequacy. I help people understand handbook from the website
that their own dreams don’t need to be put for free, which provides full explanations for how
on hold during the process of child-rearing, the exam tasks work.
earning a living or whatever is dominating Tell them that they will be given a question to
your everyday life. Ultimately, my role is answer and some bullet points that they can use
about promoting fulfilment, whatever that if they wish but don’t have to. Put students into
means to the individual. pairs in which one is A and the other B. They take it
Extract 3 in turns to do their long turns, their partner timing
Narrator: You hear a woman talking about the effects them. If possible, they use their phones to record
of using a fitness tracker. themselves. Encourage peer evaluation of each
Female 3: I don’t really know where to start when other’s turns.
talking about my fitness tracker and how
transformational it has been to my life. From
being a drudgery, exercising has become Students’ own answers
more like a game in which I’m competing
against myself. I can see my progress on
the screen each day and feel motivated
to do better than yesterday. They say that
physical activity boosts your immune
system and I’m living proof of that. Since
upping my exercise, I’m more resistant to
illness- I haven’t had so much as a sniffle
this year and my resting pulse has been
lowered. I used to suffer from insomnia but
the increased activity has helped me get
over that. I joined a running group recently
and started team tracking where you can set
group goals and compare your progress with
others. I thought this was a brilliant idea and
couldn’t wait to get started. After a while,
though, it started to feel too intrusive with
others knowing exactly how much I’d done.
We all need to kick back sometimes and
take a day off. That part of fitness tracking
wasn’t for me but it’s still one of the best
life-style changes I’ve made.

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